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How to Attract the RIGHT Clients Using Quizzes with Catharine O'Leary
Episode 26118th August 2022 • The Scalable Expert • Tara Bryan
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Catharine has spent the last 25 years crafting market research and consumer insights for Fortune 100 companies across the globe including Apple, Adobe, and Pepsi. Companies that are essentially doing the exact same thing we all are – finding more clients and building relationships with them to increase client lifetime value.

Now Catharine has turned her attention helping entrepreneurs explode their subscriber lists and engage clients to be life long clients and raving fans. As a fellow entrepreneur she knows how hard it is to grab the attention of the ideal customer, engage and get to know them. By combining market research techniques with quiz funnel strategies the art and science of asking the right questions results in attracting the best clients in just one click!

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the Course Building Secrets® Podcast. Whether you're

Tara Bryan:

a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

Tara Bryan:

on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

Tara Bryan:

them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

Tara Bryan:

you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

Tara Bryan:

your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

Tara Bryan:

Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

Tara Bryan:

without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

Tara Bryan:

looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

Tara Bryan:

use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.

Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, it's Tara Bryan. And I am joined today with

Tara Bryan:

Catherine O'Leary. And she is going to talk to you about how

Tara Bryan:

to create a quiz to bring in the right people and dive them into

Tara Bryan:

your your program, your course your product, your service,

Tara Bryan:

whatever it is that you do. And so Welcome, Catherine, I'm so

Tara Bryan:

happy to have you today on the show. Tell us a little bit about

Tara Bryan:

yourself, your background and what you're up to.

Catharine O'Leary:

Yeah, thank thank you for having me, Tara,

Catharine O'Leary:

it's great to see you. And yeah, I have, I I'm known as the quiz

Catharine O'Leary:

queen, I did not grow up being the quiz queen, I wanted to be

Catharine O'Leary:

the Wolf of Wall Street. So I went through school for business

Catharine O'Leary:

and went into corporate, and actually did a lot of market

Catharine O'Leary:

research and consumer insights. And it's just a fancy way of

Catharine O'Leary:

saying that I was a translator between corporations and

Catharine O'Leary:

consumers, asking consumers what they wanted and needed and kind

Catharine O'Leary:

of what they you know, were challenged with. And taking that

Catharine O'Leary:

information and translating it for corporations into you know,

Catharine O'Leary:

what products that they should be coming up with services, you

Catharine O'Leary:

know, what their marketing messages might be, as well as

Catharine O'Leary:

their sales messages. So a little bit of a translation gig

Catharine O'Leary:

almost did that for 25 years, did it with Apple and Adobe and

Catharine O'Leary:

Pepsi. And decided that, you know, enough was enough, three

Catharine O'Leary:

hours of commuting enough of the, you know, kind of the C

Catharine O'Leary:

suite politics and nonsense and went out on my own and kind of

Catharine O'Leary:

found a way to utilize that kind of a unique skill set of asking

Catharine O'Leary:

questions and asking good questions, to help people with

Catharine O'Leary:

lead generation and really kind of that attract the best and

Catharine O'Leary:

release the rest. I mean, I don't know about you, Tara. But

Catharine O'Leary:

I had a hard time at the beginning with kind of

Catharine O'Leary:

attracting everybody. And their brother and I spent a lot of

Catharine O'Leary:

time and a lot of wasted effort on you know, on phone calls that

Catharine O'Leary:

weren't really good, you know, quality conversations on I was

Catharine O'Leary:

spending a lot of time with convincing, cajoling and, and

Catharine O'Leary:

crying almost. And, and, you know, that's just not, it's not

Catharine O'Leary:

good for anyone, it's not good for your prospects. It's not

Catharine O'Leary:

good for your clients. It's not good for you. So my analytical

Catharine O'Leary:

brain kind of kicked in, and I decided to find another way.

Tara Bryan:

Yeah. Okay, so. So I'm going to take this in two

Tara Bryan:

different directions. Okay, the first one. So one of the things

Tara Bryan:

we talk about a lot on the Course Building Secrets® Podcast

Tara Bryan:

is how do you like, package your expertise into something that

Tara Bryan:

you can turn into a business? So the very first question I have

Tara Bryan:

for you, it's fascinating to me, when I meet somebody who has an

Tara Bryan:

expertise from corporate from sort of the traditional job,

Tara Bryan:

and, and takes that and, and finds a niche, find something

Tara Bryan:

that they love to do, and turns it into a business. So I'm

Tara Bryan:

fascinated with the fact that you found this need that people

Tara Bryan:

were struggling with how to find and really filter their people,

Tara Bryan:

when they came in, from a lead gen perspective, get rid of the

Tara Bryan:

ones they didn't that they didn't fit, and then push the

Tara Bryan:

ones through who did through a quiz. And so personally, really

Tara Bryan:

personalizing the experience or you this or that or that, you

Tara Bryan:

know, I'll all the way through that. So tell us a little bit

Tara Bryan:

about like, how did you like go from corporate to I'm going to

Tara Bryan:

create, I'm going to be the quiz queen. And tell us a little bit

Tara Bryan:

about that because I just am fascinated always by that

Tara Bryan:

journey of sometimes what you do is what you end up going into

Tara Bryan:

but sometimes you take what you what your expertise is, you sort

Tara Bryan:

of flip it into something a little bit different.

Catharine O'Leary:

Yeah, it's a great question and there was a

Catharine O'Leary:

there was a step in between where, when I, when I started my

Catharine O'Leary:

online entrepreneurship and that journey, I actually started in

Catharine O'Leary:

network marketing. And I started in personal development. And it

Catharine O'Leary:

was, it was great. It was a really nice kind of business in

Catharine O'Leary:

a box idea. It didn't have to create a whole lot. But what I

Catharine O'Leary:

found was that the lead generation side of things was

Catharine O'Leary:

just so hard I was I tried everything I was throwing money

Catharine O'Leary:

at Facebook ads, and Google ads, and many ads, quite honestly, I

Catharine O'Leary:

was spending lots of time on one on one calls with people that

Catharine O'Leary:

weren't really ready for the process. And and, you know, you

Catharine O'Leary:

tried to build organically, and it was posting from night, you

Catharine O'Leary:

know, day to night, you know, dawn to dusk, and nothing seemed

Catharine O'Leary:

to be working. And like, I literally almost got to the

Catharine O'Leary:

point where I was convincing myself that three hours a day of

Catharine O'Leary:

commuting isn't that bad? You know, like, maybe I can go back

Catharine O'Leary:

to it, like, maybe it's not that bad. I'll do audiobooks, it'll

Catharine O'Leary:

be fine. And, and I just realized that there, you know,

Catharine O'Leary:

like, there had like, there were solutions. And there had to be a

Catharine O'Leary:

solution for this. And what I found was that if I really kind

Catharine O'Leary:

of sat back and listened to what I was good at, which was asking

Catharine O'Leary:

questions, and and asking good questions that people could

Catharine O'Leary:

answer that gave businesses really strong results. You know,

Catharine O'Leary:

that it was it wasn't, it wasn't the first thing I thought of

Catharine O'Leary:

doing. But as I realized that it was something that I needed in

Catharine O'Leary:

my own business, I realized that I could do I could kind of marry

Catharine O'Leary:

my expertise with this kind of a new newer twist on it, if you

Catharine O'Leary:

will, in quiz funnels, I didn't create quiz funnels, like, like,

Catharine O'Leary:

you know, they've been around for a long time. But you know,

Catharine O'Leary:

being able to really dive into that, and then help others

Catharine O'Leary:

create quizzes for their business, I kind of fell into it

Catharine O'Leary:

almost. It just became very, you know, when the when the jigsaw

Catharine O'Leary:

piece is all all started to put, you know, fall into place.

Catharine O'Leary:

That's what it felt like.

Tara Bryan:

Yeah, I just I love that just gives me chills,

Tara Bryan:

because I think that that's ultimately what people want to

Tara Bryan:

do, right is they want to find that, that expertise, they want

Tara Bryan:

to find that specialty, that is their zone of genius. And due to

Tara Bryan:

your point, like so often, there's, it's like this nugget

Tara Bryan:

that's in what you're trying to do that you're like, This is the

Tara Bryan:

thing, like if I could do this all day, like, like, life would

Tara Bryan:

be great. Alright, so so I love that. So congratulations, that

Tara Bryan:

you've found that I think that that's something that's always

Tara Bryan:

really exciting when you kind of find that thing that that that

Tara Bryan:

you can create the next, the next big idea with so for our

Tara Bryan:

for my listeners, some of them are having the same challenge,

Tara Bryan:

right? Where it's like, oh, my gosh, I have all these people

Tara Bryan:

and I get them on the phone and they're not qualified or I can't

Tara Bryan:

find people or how do I? How do I stand out differently? What

Tara Bryan:

tips do you have for them in terms of how to even think about

Tara Bryan:

a quiz as a quiz funnel? Or you know how to even think about

Tara Bryan:

like, creating something like that, because the the hard part

Tara Bryan:

is, that means you actually have to one you have to know who your

Tara Bryan:

person is. And two, it can't be everybody, right? I'm sure you

Tara Bryan:

work with people who are like, my person is anybody who wants

Tara Bryan:

to come in. And and my guess is that's probably your first thing

Tara Bryan:

that you're going to say is you cannot help everybody, right?

Catharine O'Leary:

You can if you help everybody you help

Catharine O'Leary:

nobody, right. So I always say that the quiz is only going to

Catharine O'Leary:

work if you are solid in your offer, you know exactly like

Catharine O'Leary:

where you're directing them to. So you have your offer, and you

Catharine O'Leary:

have to know who your target audience is. Because you only

Catharine O'Leary:

want to talk to those people. You want to create something

Catharine O'Leary:

that's going to attract just those people, because those are

Catharine O'Leary:

the only people that really are going to, you know, convert to

Catharine O'Leary:

sales. So one of the things I know that I did back, you know,

Catharine O'Leary:

back in the day was, you know, if I just talked to enough

Catharine O'Leary:

people hope that one or two, right, and that's not that's

Catharine O'Leary:

just a way to waste a lot of time and resources and get burnt

Catharine O'Leary:

out. So if you really start to narrow down and think about who.

Catharine O'Leary:

Who do I have the most fun helping, who do I have, like who

Catharine O'Leary:

do I want as my ideal client, right? Like and be as specific

Catharine O'Leary:

as possible? Like who do you want to hang out with on the

Catharine O'Leary:

beach? You know, and and, and that's those are the people that

Catharine O'Leary:

you should be targeting with your your verbiage with the way

Catharine O'Leary:

that you put your questions together with your offer. You've

Catharine O'Leary:

already done it, you've kind of already done it with the way

Catharine O'Leary:

that you've set up your offer. So it's really just taking that

Catharine O'Leary:

offer and honing it back into that target audience. And then,

Catharine O'Leary:

you know, using their language and attracting them. Because you

Catharine O'Leary:

know, if you get nine out of 10 people on the phone and nine out

Catharine O'Leary:

of 10 by, like, how much cooler is that than one out of 10?

Catharine O'Leary:


Tara Bryan:

Okay, so give us an example of a question that we

Tara Bryan:

would ask our ideal person to find out if they're going to be

Tara Bryan:

a good fit, like, is there like a standard question that you

Tara Bryan:

usually make?

Catharine O'Leary:

Sure. Yeah, I consider. Sorry, I consider

Catharine O'Leary:

quizzes more of a journey. So you've got your offer. And your

Catharine O'Leary:

offer solves probably a few questions. And so there's

Catharine O'Leary:

probably, you know, a quiz hook in there. Like, what's stopping

Catharine O'Leary:

you from being unstoppable? Or what's, you know, what's your

Catharine O'Leary:

online business personality type? It's a journey. It's not a

Catharine O'Leary:

yes, no question. It's, it's a little bit of a self discovery

Catharine O'Leary:

that the client can take on their own to find an answer to a

Catharine O'Leary:

question that they want solved. Right. So so it's not so much a,

Catharine O'Leary:

you know, if you think about, you know, what Disney Princess,

Catharine O'Leary:

are you? Well, you go through a couple of questions to find the

Catharine O'Leary:

Disney princess or what 80s rock band that at the end of the day,

Catharine O'Leary:

people are getting the aha moment. So they feel like

Catharine O'Leary:

they've been taken on a journey. They've been navigated the way

Catharine O'Leary:

through, and then they get the answer. They get the answer to

Catharine O'Leary:

their one question, like, what is stopping me from being

Catharine O'Leary:

unstoppable? What is stopping me from seven figures? Why am I not

Catharine O'Leary:

delegating when I should? You know, what, what is my next

Catharine O'Leary:

step? In my CEO, movement, that kind of thing. So there's a

Catharine O'Leary:

variety of questions that need to go into that. But if you

Catharine O'Leary:

think of it more like, almost like a coffee conversation, like

Catharine O'Leary:

if you sit down with somebody, and you usually ask them, you

Catharine O'Leary:

know, where are you in business? Now? You know, what's stopping

Catharine O'Leary:

you from the next step? What would your ideal situation be?

Catharine O'Leary:

And then you can give them a little bit of a, you know, wha,

Catharine O'Leary:

hey, here's a couple of answers. Here's some things you can do

Catharine O'Leary:

right now. And the key thing is really that warm handoff to your

Catharine O'Leary:

course. Right? So hey, the next step is check out my webinar,

Catharine O'Leary:

because we go way in depth in, you know, my six week course,

Catharine O'Leary:

or, you know, my coaching program, or my one on one call,

Catharine O'Leary:

or, you know, whatever that happens to be for you. So it can

Catharine O'Leary:

be very versatile.

Tara Bryan:

Yeah. So cool. That's, that's amazing. So that,

Tara Bryan:

absolutely, this is something that if you haven't looked at

Tara Bryan:

yet, as as you're kind of getting into your online course

Tara Bryan:

business, definitely think, you know, we talk a lot about having

Tara Bryan:

it be a journey. What this does is it helps tee them up to be

Tara Bryan:

ready. And then and then as Catharine said, like, it helps

Tara Bryan:

to make that sales conversation so much easier for you because

Tara Bryan:

they're already ready. When they come to you. You're not having

Tara Bryan:

to convince them or, like do any of those weird sales tactics

Tara Bryan:

that we don't like. Yeah, so awesome. All right, Catherine,

Tara Bryan:

give us a tip or resource or tool or something that you

Tara Bryan:

cannot live without in your business.

Catharine O'Leary:

Whoa, that's a good question. Um, so for

Catharine O'Leary:

anyone as you're going through and building your sales pages,

Catharine O'Leary:

landing pages, virtual thesaurus. Virtual, free free.

Catharine O'Leary:

Online thesaurus gives you a really quick, you know, like,

Catharine O'Leary:

it's not that word. It's it. You want to find the next word. I

Catharine O'Leary:

use it every day. Like I use it all the time. So yeah,

Catharine O'Leary:

definitely. That's a really, that's kind of a ninja trick for

Catharine O'Leary:


Tara Bryan:

Yeah, that's awesome. I love that. I have not

Tara Bryan:

heard that one yet. So I always love new things that people are

Tara Bryan:

saying. Awesome. So for my listeners, how do they get a

Tara Bryan:

hold of you? How do they learn more about what you have to

Tara Bryan:

offer? And how do they meet the the quiz queen, the quiz queen?

Catharine O'Leary:

Weel, you know what, you can just go to

Catharine O'Leary: and enter your information and we'll we'll set

Catharine O'Leary:

up some time to chat.

Tara Bryan:

Awesome, very cool. Well, thank you so much for

Tara Bryan:

being on our show today. It was great to meet you and thanks for

Tara Bryan:

giving such great tips to our listeners.



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