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Earnest Mann’s Walks and Talks: When you’re young, what should matter in your life, and what shouldn’t. Podcast 354
Episode 3548th July 2024 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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How to Navigate Life's Challenges: Earnest Mann's Insights

Hello, folks, Earnest Mann here! It's Monday, and it's time to delve into some crucial life lessons. Many people find it challenging to give advice to others, especially when it comes to avoiding life's pitfalls. Whether you're someone who avoids spending time with friends and family or simply wants to improve your life, this episode is for you.

Understanding the Importance of Experience Over Competition

Today, I want to address a common misconception among younger people, particularly those aged 13 to 35. Society has relentlessly taught us to be competitive, often at the expense of valuable life lessons. Allow me to illustrate this with a humorous joke about two bulls, which underscores the importance of patience and learning from experience rather than rushing headlong into things.

Respecting the Wisdom of Older Generations

There's a wealth of knowledge that older generations, especially Boomers, possess. They understand the concept of quid pro quo—a favor for a favor. This concept has been fundamental in adult interactions for decades but seems to be lost on many younger people today. Recognizing and respecting this can significantly impact your success and relationships.

The Hypocrisy of Modern Corporate Practices

Let's talk about the double standards prevalent in today's corporate world. For example, while seat belts and other safety measures are legally enforced, the same rules do not always apply to corporations. This hypocrisy extends to many aspects of life, and understanding it is crucial for navigating modern society.

Designing Your Future: A Practical Guide

For those looking to improve their future, I offer guidance on my website under the section "Designing Your Future." It's essential to approach learning and advice with respect and understanding that older generations have much to offer. This episode is a wake-up call for young folks to recognize the value of genuine experience and wisdom.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 there are many things in life that are difficult  to do and certainly one of them is trying to help   another person by telling them what to do and what  not to do in order to avoid problems in their life   it doesn't matter if that person is a close  friend a family member assuming of course you   have a relatively normally close family people by  and large still simply don't want to be told what   to do if you don't really have any really close  friends and would rather run through a plate  

00:33 glass window than spend time with your relatives  than listen up because what I'm about to say is   definitely for you it's the kind of information  you should have been told a long time go hello   folks I'm Earnest and it's Monday time to go  make some rich folks even richer one of the many   things that many people don't understand about  life is that it doesn't have to be a battle a   lot of younger people and by younger I mean people  from their teens to say 35 simply don't understand  

01:10 this because they have been relentlessly taught  competition and they therefore don't understand   that they are missing out on a great deal of  practical information that could make their lives   much more pleasant Big Time allow me to use a  really silly old joke I learned many years ago ago   to illustrate my point don't make fun of the joke  I told you it's silly there are two Bulls standing   a top of hill overlooking a pasture that has  several cows the young excited bull says to the  

01:45 older bull hey look at all those cows down there  let's run down there and have sex with one of   them and the older bull calmly responds we should  walk down the hill and have sex with all of them   if you can appreciate brevity then hopefully the  meaning of that old silly joke did not Escape you   but another way what many people in their teens to  say 35 year age brackets simply don't understand   is that there is a wealth of information with  older folks some of which may be willing to share  

02:22 it with you if you come across the right way on  the other hand if you don't come across the right   way they're not going to do [ __ ] for you but  whether they admit it or not they often will enjoy   watching you on the sidelines waste your time  effort and energy spinning your wheels applying   maximal effort to whatever it is you set out to  do but essentially are going nowhere and why do   they do this well here's a quick analogy let's  say you bought a house so of of course you're  

03:01 going to get to know your neighbors let's say one  of those neighbors the one in the house right next   door turns out to be a [ __ ] idiot you've tried  on several occasions to be friendly and cordial   but because he's a [ __ ] idiot completely  lacking in social skills he doesn't get that   or the several occasions that you've tried to  help him with projects concerning his home So   eventually and especially after you notice that  he does absolutely nothing to reciprocate your  

03:38 kindness no quidd proquo but more on that later  after a year or two you give up on your idiot   neighbor wanting nothing more to do with him and  when the day comes that the idiot sets his house   on fire because he ignored your well-intentioned  advice on how to safely set up a barbecue a great   smile of satisfaction comes across your face  because the idiot is getting welld deserved   payback and if you've ever wondered why certain  people are indifferent to you and your personal   tragedies it's very possible it's because you  are the [ __ ] idiot so what is coming across the  

04:27 right way by respecting what successful Boomers  learned a long time ago that the truth of reality   is the [ __ ] Hammer of reality and we when it  really comes down to it are all nothing but Nails   tattoo that backwards on your ass so you can  read it in the mirror for the rest of your life   I'm absolutely amazed at the absolute lack of any  introspection appreciation or understanding of the   concept of a symbiotic relationship when younger  people come to me for advice this by and large   is not the case with people in their 40s and  older and there is a simple reason for this  

05:15 they learned and acknowledge the concept of quidd  pro quo quite simply many if not most people under   40 seem completely devoid of the concept of quid  proquo for those of unfamiliar with the term it's   Latin and basically means favor for a favor  up until about 40 years ago this is the way   the world has always worked amongst adults and  it could be applied to just about anything and   I do mean anything in life don't have any  cash that's fine there will be many other   possibilities for exchange and yes that includes  sex and there's absolutely nothing wrong wrong  

06:00 with that despite what the corporate Master's  utterly self-serving belief systems and laws   have been forcibly indoctrinated upon and into us  from the Cradle to the Grave for at least the last   40 years since that time corporations have and  continue doing whatever the hell they want all   the time but they have a huge PR Network work  to rationalize and defend anything they do yet   criminalize the very same things when you do them  that's called a double standard it's also called  

d with safety belts since the:

07:21 or even bicycle helmets whether to use them  or not should be an adult's Choice those laws   which is why I've always said laws are arbitrary  they are not Democratic but they have been forced   upon the citizens by our representatives  and that by definition is not Democratic   but tyranny pure and simple there is a much  better way of accomplishing what you want and   I'm not going to sit here and say that what I  know can be applied to everybody but it can be   applied to the vast majority which obviously  could mean you very simply put if you really  

08:09 want to know more the link to this subject is  on my website and is named designing your future   listen I do understand how you feel if you have  anger and frustration over what is essentially a   legalized ponai scheme that completely threw most  Americans overboard 50 years ago well you're in   good company but what Young Folks need to wrap  their head around if you want to get into the   Lifeboat so to speak is that the old ones the  Boomers such as myself can save you but we were   not put here on this Earth to save you understand  you were not enti to our knowledge and wisdom to  

09:02 save your ass you need to approach us hat in hand  yes we want to help you but so does a good auto   mechanic but a good auto mechanics expect and  need to be paid to borrow lyrics from the old   Judas Priest song heading out to the highway it's  frantic when your backseat driving and your hands   ain't on the wheel for any Young person out there  and if you've been listening to all this you're   ahead of the curve because that's what this is  all about listening and learning from genuine  

09:41 experience and just like actual [ __ ] there's  no app in the world that's going to replace that   ever and if you don't wise up to that fact of  life you'll just keep standing around in life   as you currently are pissing in one hand and sh  in the other and trying to figure out which ways more so dear listener do you agree do  you disagree or do you have an entirely   different take on what I'm saying you can drop  me a line subscribe or maybe even buy me a cup   of coffee all of those options are in the  descriptions below especially the um coffee  

10:30 would absolutely be appreciated until next  Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is



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