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Building an Engaged, Responsive Email List [& how to create motivational content]
2nd January 2023 • Breakthrough Marketing Secrets • Roy Furr
00:00:00 00:18:58

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🙋‍♀️ Build Your Email List for Marketing and Sales

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A new subscriber wanted to know about building an engaged, responsive email list…

And especially how to motivate readers.

Sounds like an excellent first episode of 2023!

So that’s what you get today…

Including some pretty big value bombs from Eugene Schwartz, Bill Bonner, and Ryan Levesque — all mashed up by yours truly — to help you connect with your audience and build a list of people who are happy to hear from you.

This is exactly what I’ve done since April 2014, here at Breakthrough Marketing Secrets.

And now you’ll know the secrets, too…

Building an Engaged, Responsive Email List

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr



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