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Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec4 Chap12 “Charity creates 1) Peace 2) Everlasting tranquility”
Episode 416th October 2018 • Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz • Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “Charity creates 1) Peace 2) Everlasting tranquility” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 12 The prophet Yeshaya says והיה מעשה הצדקה שלום ועבודת הצדקה השקט ובטח עד עולם to explain the difference between the action & Avoda of charity & the reward of peace & everlasting tranquility the Alter Rebbe quotes a verse from Job that says עושה שלום במרומיו referring to the two angels on high Michoel & Gabriel that each represents different qualities namely Chesed (water) & Gevurah (Fire) that don’t distinguish one another as Hashem makes peace between them. When the Infinite light is revealed the opposite Midot are humbled to their source where Gevura becomes Chesed ie it is sweetened thru the Midah of Compassion which is the Midah of Tiferet which is connected to the the infinite name of Yud Heh Vov Heh. We can inspire the infinite light to create that peace by; giving charity to the needy, as well by studying torah Lishma that creates in the higher realms of the two opposing angels as well as this world where due to the primordial sin of Adam there is a mix of Good & Bad in everything. The ultimate clean up where the evil will leave this world will be when the Mesiah comes however until then during Prayer & deep meditation moments when the G-Dly light is so strong we can experience pure good we merit the clarity at times of Prayer & meditation as a result of Studying Torah Lishma & Giving Charity. There are two types of charity. 1) our natural instinct to be charitable as we are called בת כהן we stem from the kohen Chesed is Maseh. 2) our Chesed that we work on ourselves to do more than we naturally want to give ie avoda. When we give charity from our natural instinct it creates peace in high & down here However the peace is only felt during prayer & than it wears off. However when we give charity that is work more than we want we practice iskafiya than the evil leaves & goes back to its source & we experience pure good all the time. Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs:




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