Hello, Earnest Mann here on another riveting Friday! Today, I delve into the deeply troubling incident of Dexter Reed's tragic demise at the hands of the Chicago Police Department on March 21st. This was not just a fatal shooting; it was, by all means, a stark act of murder. With a bewildering 96 rounds fired in merely 41 seconds, including a reload, the intent was clear: this was not about incapacitation—it was about killing.
Though Dexter Reed was armed and had previous gun violations, none of these factors justify the excessive force used. It's essential to acknowledge that sometimes, especially in tough environments like Chicago, carrying protection can seem like a necessity, not a choice. However, the major lapse in judgment was the lack of cooperation with the police, which tragically escalated the situation.
The officers involved, referred to as "hillbillies" intent on lethal force, must face the consequences. The need for accountability in law enforcement is paramount. They should not only lose their jobs but also face legal repercussions to ensure justice for Reed and a message of deterrence to prevent future misuse of power.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:10 hello everybody it's Friday we made it through another week and I want to talk to you about um the story that has been in all the news practically everywhere and of course I'm talking about the uh murder of Dexter Reed by the Chicago Police Department of March 21st of this year and right off the bat I wanted to say it is definitely a murder because when you take about 96 rounds and you uh shoot at someone with uh you know 41 seconds and reloading that is definitely not meant to incapacitate that's murder pure and
01:11 simple and so this particular in my opinion this particular group of um of um Killers with badges um I call them I call them Hillbillies myself and uh these Hillbillies were uh hell intent on on um killing this young man but you know me I do like to give all the different angles um because this is the kind of [ __ ] that happens when you got stupid uh all the way around and so I'm just asking you to hear me out because um there were definitely some uh stupid ass [ __ ] going on with Mr Reed however he did not uh deserve to
02:18 die so um according to the story so far um they pulled him over for you know a minor traffic uh violation driving without a seat Bel okay but uh this young guy is driving around with a gun okay okay he's also got some kind of gun violations that he was supposed to uh be going to court for anyway so now in all fairness you know you can kick out say well yeah that was dumb that was a dumb thing to do well there were there were there were two a there were a few really dumb things that happened here and um so
03:12 I'll just break it down um yeah now you could argue to a certain extent that driving around with a gun if it's not registered and you know that ain't smart you're you're you're asking for you're ask asking for trouble but on the other hand um this is Chicago um you know this ain't whitebred Suburbia so you know sometimes sometimes you sometimes news flash here sometimes you have to break the law to protect yourself you know so that that is that is a fact of life I don't give a damn
03:59 what the media tells you or the police tell you at all you know that's why laws to a certain extent laws are not large they're not [ __ ] holy RIT that came down from Moses off the [ __ ] from the Bible okay it's just a practical set of guides that they're kind of sort of asking people to cooperate with but it's not holy RIT okay so just bear that in mind so as far as that's concerned uh that was you know that was kind of a stupid thing to do but the main stupid thing the absolute stupid thing is
04:42 especially if you're surrounded by cops especially by hillbilly cops and they were Hillbillies and they are Hillbillies and they'll go to their [ __ ] grave Hillbillies but you know it's a really dumb move to not fully cooperate and especially don't shoot come on now I know only one cop was minorly injured and you know as it turns around then what happens is is uh you know they're going to go hillbillies are going to go all hillbilly on you and so his ass died because they emptied 96 bullets into his ass or as many as they
05:25 possibly could because they're Hillbillies the this is what Hillbillies do and he should have known that and the other thing is they're going to say yeah well he was young and stupid well he wasn't that young you know we have to stop that's the other thing of you know about personal responsibility now if he was 16 17 18 okay I'll even push it and say 20 but 26 you know that's you're not a kid anymore you're not a kid anymore so you know there there is that just I'm just wanting to say what I feel needs to be
06:11 said as far as being stupid and he was stupid that was a stupid thing to do now I don't know his mental state I don't know if he had mental illness I don't know uh if he had mental illness that was exacerbated by drugs I don't know any of these things but regardless of the cause doing that he he was inviting death he was inviting death to prematurely come to him and you know you would think you know now come on if you're if you are a black person you should know to antagonize Hillbillies with
07:01 guns uh-uh nope that's a bad idea you should know that he should have known that now having said that okay those people who murdered him and they murdered him I don't give a damn what they're going to try to backpedal and this that they murdered him so exactly they should get EX exactly what the what the family is asking of this the Justice they want they want them police involved to never they couldn't they want to make themel they not their career is gone it's gone their whole damn career is
07:49 gone they wouldn't be able to get a job as a dog catcher okay that's the way I see it um but on top of that we're talking a lot a lot worse uh so not only are they of course fired and they have lost their careers their ass definitely needs some jail time okay okay if you don't have this there is going to be a bigger problem and uh I you know I'm I'm I'm just going to I think it's important that it just tie in with the mayor on this um you know the the mayor may he made some statements and some of them are
08:43 good some of them you know to uh to be they're to be expected you know and he was talking about uh you know he cuz he's a mouthpiece he has to say these things that um uh of course shooting a police Poli officer can never be condoned um but he said the officers also have to be held to the highest standards as agents of the law well um yeah that's tough to do sir when you keep insisting on hiring gun happppppy Hillbillies now um but what I thought from um I think you know from Johnson what I thought was a very stupid
09:35 statement to make now maybe he had to say this but for him to say um he's urging you know the city to remain peaceful and not lead our city down a path of division but instead towards healing and transformation okay every time this kind of thing happens every single time they start with that new Agy [ __ ] okay here are the facts sir you already a state of division already occurs so for you to say oh don't let this lead me into the let's not have this happen oh yes regardless of what takes place let's all just you
10:24 know kumbayah and all that horeshit with each other and hugg guggy and kiss and forget and forgive uh-uh no that is the problem that is the problem that is part a big part of the problem when you're slighted when you have been slighted when you have been hurt okay now maybe they go this with the the whole religious [ __ ] Doctrine I don't believe that when the bully bullies you you bully the bully back he punches you you punch him twice as hard and then he begins he begins to believe you know hey I shouldn't I shouldn't mess with this
11:12 guy so for him to just say all this Kumba ya moment is just that is the problem somebody needs to understand there is going to be a price that's paid and I'm not just I'm not just talking about all the legal ramifications and and all that there's definitely going to be that there that that's obvious that that's going to happen I'm talking about that you put the city and you put the state in this position through your policies you have to pay there has to be retribution so if he thinks for a
11:54 minutes he's going to stand around like this and he's going to say well oh yes uh well let's all be good citizens nothing to see here I'm sure it was all an accident oh let's just hug each other and yeah we can it's going to be fine cuz we all love each other and hor [ __ ] if you believe that you're wrong I would not be surprised if the people throughout all the cities everywhere you know burn the infrastructure do something to the ground I am not inciting this I am saying I would not be surprised at
12:40 all because you insist on telling the people these people it's not just just the people of Chicago this is a terrible thing this is a horrible thing but it's not just the people of Chicago it's the people everywhere and then [ __ ] like this happens and then you turn around and then you want to say oh well let's let's just come by uh we don't want any divisions we already have divisions let's work on addressing those until next Monday or Friday this is Ernest wishing you peace and good
13:24 things