"Making it to Market" Podcast Trailer
Trailer18th April 2022 • MAKING IT TO MARKET - WITH DAHLIA KELADA • Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada
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"Making it to Market," is the podcast where we discuss everything about brand inception and product/service creation through to commercialization. On this podcast, we invite industry experts and business owners to share their insights and best practices related to business planning, legal and regulatory considerations, manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, merchandising, B2B buyer methodology and B2C consumer psychology.

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Host: Dahlia Kelada

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Copyright 2025 Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada


Welcome to Making it to Market, the podcast where we discuss everything about taking your product or service idea through to commercialization. I'm your host Dahlia Kelada. I come to you with more than 20 years of brand management, technical. Product development and commercialization consulting. I've supported more than 80 brands, not including my own.

pletely different business in:

My journey has not been easy. Among the hardest challenges was figuring out how to market 100% natural and plant based medicine as medicine, according to FDA. This would eventually mean that I would have to become a drug manufacturer and register my topicals with the FDA as over the counter drugs, I'll share tidbits of my journey.

On each episode, navigating the product and service development jungle means you'll be continuously challenged and taken by surprise. Some days you'll be able to close your eyes and take a deep breath in the sunshine. But most days. You'll be scraping your knees and quite literally scrubbing the dirt from under your nails.

Don't get me wrong. If the purpose of your business is to make a difference. There's joy in both of these things. I decided to create this podcast because I feel as a manufacturer, as a branding person in product creator, there were a lot of things that people don't know to navigate this process. And practical information is not really accessible.

It takes a long time to figure things out the hard way, which is what I, and maybe you have experienced on your entrepreneurial journey through this podcast. I want to make resources more accessible and bring on incredible guests with years of experience diversity and interesting perspective. That would be impactful to anyone regardless if they are just starting a business or have been in business for 30 years.

Think of these industry experts and business owners. Your personal advisors and we can learn together. The podcast will offer a holistic view. For example, I have the idea now, what, how do I develop it? What should I consider from a legal or regulatory perspective? What is the manufacturing process going to be like?

Should I do it, or should I outsource? And how does the supply chain effect. What's involved in deciding a brand and corporate story. What the heck is a brand personality I'm trying to sell a product. So how do I package it? What should or shouldn't be on the label and how, and where do I sell things?

Should I create a franchise or buy one? You see, it's all about matching. How do I know I'm making the right thing to solve the right problem for the right audience, but at the right. How do you know if your idea is a good idea that will actually work? Where are you living with your head in the clouds with some self-fulfilling prophecy, which I see a lot.

They'll also gain insight from experienced buyers and merchandising professionals to learn their methodology for how to choose vendors and select their product mix. And who does it want to learn about consumer psychology? Maybe you're a business owner, investor, product developer, or project manage. Pike, maybe you're in the lab like me or on the shop floor, managing operations.

Are you in sales, marketing, public relations, or even on the legal team, if you have any of these roles, this podcast is for you. Episodes will be coming out twice a month. You'll even get to hear some panel discussions in bonus episodes from time to time. But here's the thing I need your help. Will you help me get the.

Please subscribe to Making it to Market from your favorite podcasts app or from our website, making it to Also, thank you for sharing my episode announcements on LinkedIn. See you on the first episode, until then make decisions that make a difference.



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