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Promoting Acceptance: An Allyship Guide for 2024
Episode 1132nd January 2024 • Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen • Heather Hester
00:00:00 00:19:41

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Let's kick off 2024 by committing to be better allies to the LGBTQ+ community. Guaranteeing an enriching conversation, I will delve into what it means to be an ally and how we can actively show our solidarity. I share personal narratives and discuss strategies for asserting your truth and creating safe, inclusive spaces. Educate yourself about LGBTQ+ issues, challenge biases, and amplifyqueer voices. By exploring literature, watching relevant films, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations, we can broaden our understanding and contribute to a more inclusive society.

Addressing intersectionality within the community, I shed light on the significance of solidarity, advocating for rights, and promoting representation in media. Learn how to be part of the change, from using inclusive language and providing financial support to celebrating queer stories and achievements. We, as allies, have a crucial role in challenging discrimination in ways that the LGBTQ+ community cannot.

Consider this episode your call to action. Let's recommit ourselves to true allyship and work towards a society that champions acceptance and equality, standing strong for those who need us the most.

This 2024, let equality and acceptance be our resolution!

Connect with Heather:

Grab your copy of Heather's new book, Parenting with Pride. Available Now!

Get Your Ally Toolkit (including a free primer!)

Learn powerful ways to get involved:

Work with Heather one-on-one: Lots of coaching options!

Bring Heather into your Organization to speak or run a workshop

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Heather Hester:

Welcome to Just Breathe: Parenting your LGBTQ Teen the podcast, transforming the conversation around loving and raising an LGBTQ child and empowering all LGBTQ people. My name is Heather Hester and I am so grateful you are here. I want to welcome you to the chrysalis world, and encourage you to take a deep breath. For it is here that you will find unique solutions for parents, families and friends, for organizations, and for global outreach. Whether today's show is an amazing guest, or me sharing stories, resources, strategies, or lessons I've learned along the journey, I want you to feel like we are just hanging out at a coffee shop having a cozy chat. Most of all, I want you to remember that wherever you are on this journey, right now, in this moment in time, you are not alone.

Heather Hester:

Despite progress in recent years, there are still very significant barriers to overcome. Discrimination and Employment, housing, health care, and education still persist. And this affects the daily lives of LGBTQ plus individuals and their families. Transgender and non binary individuals in particular face high rates of violence and discrimination. So what can we do? What can we do as allies? Well, first, we can expand our knowledge and be open to knowledge. To be an effective LGBTQ plus ally, it is essential to educate yourself about the experiences, the history, and the struggles of the community. Take some time to explore LGBTQ plus literature, or films or documentaries, whatever appeals to you. And what seems like an interesting way for you to learn and seek out resources that provide insights into the communities diverse identities and lived experiences. The resource page on my website is actually a really great place to start because I have I have lots of options when it comes to articles, websites, podcast, documentaries, movies, all of the things. So start there and then move on from there. You can also engage in conversations with LGBTQ plus individuals. You can attend workshops, and you can participate in ally ship training programs, all of these, all of these will deepen your understanding.

Heather Hester:

Next, we can challenge our biases. Recognize that everyone has biases and being aware of them is the first step towards challenging and overcoming them. Reflect on your own beliefs and assumptions about gender and sexuality questions, societal norms and stereotypes and actively work to dismantle harmful attitudes or prejudices within yourself. And then, within those around you, I know this can be uncomfortable. But remember, it is something we all need to do. This isn't a matter of pointing fingers or judging. We all have biases that we need to unlearn.

Heather Hester:

Third, we can use inclusive language. Language plays a crucial role in creating an inclusive environment. Use gender neutral language whenever possible, and respect individual's chosen pronouns. Avoid making assumptions about someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. If you are unsure, it is appropriate to ask respectfully ensuring that you do not put the burden of education solely on the LGBTQ plus individual. With that said, my ally toolkit gives you access to the language of LGBTQIA plus ebook which is 50 plus pages of education, on sexual orientation and gender identity, on gender neutral language, on pronouns, and all of these things that you are potentially unsure about. So take advantage of this resource that I have for you that I've put together for you. It is a really, really great way to understand words and topics that may not be native to your way of speaking or understanding.

Heather Hester:

For us, we can create safe spaces. One of the most significant contributions and Ally can make is to actively create safe spaces for LGBTQ plus individuals. This involves challenging discriminatory behavior or language when you witness it, and promoting an atmosphere of respect and acceptance. After actively listen to LGBTQ plus individuals experiences and concerns, and be an empathetic and supportive presence in their lives. This one is particularly important for our kids. Knowing their home is a safe space to authentically explore and express who they are, can quite literally save their lives that we can advocate for LGBTQ plus rights. Advocacy is a powerful tool for change. Use your voice and platform to advocate for LGBTQ plus rights and equality, support organizations and initiatives that work toward advancing LGBTQ plus rights and participate in marches, rallies and events that raise awareness and promote inclusivity. Contact your local representatives and urge them to support legislation that protects the rights of LGBTQ plus individuals. This one will become even more important as we approach elections within the United States later this year.

Heather Hester:

The next way that we can offer ally ship is through financial support, which is crucial for marginalized LGBTQ plus individuals who face economic disparities. If you can contribute to fundraisers, to crowdfunding campaigns and to organizations that assist LGBTQ plus individuals experiencing homelessness, homelessness, health care issues, or other financial hardships. Remember to prioritize the needs of the most marginalized members of the community such as transgender individuals, people of color, and those living in rural areas.

Heather Hester:

Number seven on the list is listening and learning. A powerful way to be an LGBTQ plus ally is to amplify voices. amplifying LGBTQ plus voices requires actively listening to and learning from these individuals within the community. Make an effort to seek out and support LGBTQ plus artists authors, activists and community leaders attend LGBTQ plus events, and conferences and workshops to gain insights and perspectives. from diverse voices. Use your platform to share their stories and experiences. Be creative as you think of ways you may implement this one. Podcasts, local publications, collaborative books, and stories shared on online sources such as medium are all great options.

Heather Hester:

Number eight is intersectionality and solidarity. Recognize the intersectionality of identities with n the LGBTQ plus community and the importance of solidarity stand in solidarity with LGBTQ plus individuals who face multiple forms of marginalization, including racism, ableism, or socio economic disparities. Advocate for inclusive policies and practices that address the unique challenges faced by individuals at these intersections. Learn as much as you can about intersectionality. Remember that being an ally means advocating for the rights of all LGBTQ plus individuals, regardless of their background.

Heather Hester:

Finally, promote LGBTQ plus representation, visibility and representation matter. Support media, entertainment and publishing industries that prioritize LGBTQ plus representation encouraged diverse and authentic portrayals of LGBTQ plus individuals in TV shows, movies, books, and other forms of media. Celebrate an uplift queer stories, experiences and achievements, ensuring that LGBTQ plus individuals feel seen and valued. The value of our kids being able to see themselves represented, cannot be overstated. Being LGBTQ plus ally is an ongoing journey of education, empathy, and action. It requires a commitment to understanding the challenges faced by the community, advocating for their rights and creating inclusive spaces. By standing in solidarity with LGBTQ plus individuals you contribute to a more accepting an equitable society. Remember, Ally ship is not just a label, but a life long commitment to supporting and uplifting the LGBTQ plus community. As we begin 2024 let's recommit ourselves to being allies in the truest sense. Let's ensure that our actions go beyond performative gestures and lead to meaningful change. Together. Together, I know we could create a world where every LGBTQ plus individual feels safe, accepted and celebrated. Until next time.

Heather Hester:

Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you feel empowered to be the next ripple. Whether that is through connection with your child, your friend, your community, or the world. I would be delighted for a rating or have you click on the link in the show notes or go to to find all of my resources, as well as to learn how you can work with me or have me speak in your organization. Please share this podcast with anyone who needs to know that they are not alone. And remember to just free until next time



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