This week, my friend and colleague Nicole Pates Kids Physio joins us for an honest and vulnerable chat where we openly discuss the challenges around family meals, handling the transition into being a working parent, and the pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect parents.
Listen in and discover:
- Nic’s childhood mealtime experiences as a country kid
- Experiencing exposure to new foods as a teenager
- How Nic’s childhood experiences affect her current meals
- What typical family meal times look like at Nic’s house
- The type of foods Nic’s kids will not eat no matter how often it’s offered
- Dealing with challenges around meal times
- Transitioning from a stay-at-home parent to a working parent
- Working with our partners through big life transitions
Find Nicole on Instagram @nicole_kidsphysio
Become a client of Nicole’s at Western Kids Health, access the Baby Play Academy and Toddler Play Academy, and listen to Nic’s podcast Baby Banter with Nicole Pates.
Connect with Dr Kyla on Instagram and Facebook!
Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.
Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.