Artwork for podcast The Lionhearted CEO Podcast: Scaling Your Online Business with Facebook & Instagram Ads
The Client Cure - Ep 1. Simplify Your Meta Ads Strategy with The Superfan System
Episode 538th July 2024 • The Lionhearted CEO Podcast: Scaling Your Online Business with Facebook & Instagram Ads • Sophie Griffiths
00:00:00 00:10:02

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Are you ready to supercharge your business with ads that actually get you clients?

Whether you're an ads newbie, you've had a go before with mixed results or you're running ads but are ready for even better results, I'm here to tell you that outrageously good results are within your reach.

To celebrate the new series of Lionhearted CEO, this is the first of a 5 part mini series called The Client Cure.

In this episode, I'm spilling the tea on how to create an ad strategy that's rooted in connection and guaranteed to attract your dream clients.

  • Discover why overcomplicating your ads is costing you clients (and cash!)
  • Learn the Superfan System that'll turn scrollers into loyal customers
  • Master the art of creating ads that connect, not just sell
  • Find out how to build a scalable ad strategy, even with a small budget

Ready to transform your business with ads that actually connect? Hit play now and let's get started on your journey to effective ads!

If you enjoyed the podcast, here are some ways you can be a part of my world:


Love Instagram? Click here to watch a video I made on the Warm audience trap (hint, it's something almost every client struggles with!)

More of a LinkedIn fan? I'm there too! Come and follow me here: Sophie Griffiths

Work together:

Ready to build an audience of superfans who are excited and ready to buy from you?

Whether you are just starting with Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads, you have dabbled but want to build your confidence with your first funnel, or you're already killing it and you're ready for fast growth - I can help! Click here to choose the best option for you

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Sophie Griffiths [:

Hello, and a big welcome to Lionhearted CEO. The podcast for unapologetically, impatiently ambitious women who know they want to stop being the bottleneck in their business and become the Lionhearted CEO they know they are meant to be. I'm Sophie Griffiths, a tea enthusiast, marketing, and Meta ad specialist, and firm believer that chocolate should never be kept in the fridge. Join me for a bold, imperfect, fun approach to marketing and scaling your business without burning out every few months. We'll dive into practical strategies and have inspirational conversations that will support you to create a thriving and sustainable business that brings you joy as well as financial freedom. Okay. Let's jump in. Hello.

Sophie Griffiths [:

Welcome to The Client Cure, 5 part miniseries to relaunch the Lionhearted CEO podcast. Across the next 5 days, I'm gonna be bringing to you 5 10 to 15 minute episodes sharing how you can use Facebook and Instagram ads, not just to grow your email list or get followers, but to actually get clients. Now before we jump into anything else, I just want to say it doesn't matter if you have never run ads, if you've tried them and had mixed results, if you've been majorly burned by ads and feel slightly sick at the idea of doing them, or if you're doing ads. You're running them. They're getting results, but you really wanna start to take it up to the next level, but you're not exactly sure how to, I want you to know you are capable of getting outrageously good results. No 1 is born knowing how to do ads. I certainly didn't go to my career adviser at school to say I wanted to do Facebook ads. The only way you can learn ads is with someone teaching you.

Sophie Griffiths [:

And often with business, I think it feels like, you know, that bake off challenge where they have all the ingredients and all the equipment. And they're given this very, very vague recipe and told to, you know, go ahead and bake the souffle. Right? Now everyone else is doing it. You're looking around, and other people seem to be getting on with it. They seem to kind of know what they're doing. And you're like, what am I not getting? Is it really obvious? And then you try and you do it, and you think, oh, okay. Well, that went well. And then you come back and you try and do it again, and it doesn't work nearly as well because you've just got no idea exactly what you're meant to be doing.

Sophie Griffiths [:

And this is so incredibly common with ads, where people try and run before they can walk. So they have all different ingredients. They're trying to run different campaigns, But they But they don't have the recipe, and they don't have the experience. Like, I would never attempt a double baked cheese souffle with my kids. I don't even know if I'd attempt it on my own. But I would attempt with them, fairy cakes. The ingredients are cheap. It's a simple recipe.

Sophie Griffiths [:

It can't really go wrong. And they're pretty delicious. It's a great first step. And then you build confidence, and maybe next time, we might take it up a level. And then over time, as you develop different skills, you become ready to almost get the the double baked cheese souffle. I don't know why I chose that as an example because I don't even know that it's something I would ever attempt. But I guess that's because it feels hard to me. It feels like that would be a really, really challenging thing to do.

Sophie Griffiths [:

And I think, but I would never just jump in and do it. I would want to build up the skills over time and a lot of practice as well. I've worked with 100 of small ambitious businesses. And what I see time and time again is that they have their marketing systems in place. You know, they've they've got Instagram, maybe Facebook, email marketing, maybe even a podcast or a Facebook group. And it's going well. And then what they do in trying to use ads is instead of using ads to amplify what they've already got, they try and do something totally separate with ads. So it might be I'm gonna try and sell, a low ticket calls.

Sophie Griffiths [:

I'm gonna try and get people to go straight into book a call with me or join my group program rather than integrating the ads into the ecosystem they've already built and taking all of that amazing content, marketing, podcast content, Instagram content, email marketing, and using ads to make that reach more people. And that essentially is my approach to running ads for small businesses. Okay? We need a system in place that creates a customer journey that allows clients to build trust in us, is rooted in connection, and meets the person where they're at, doesn't just try and sell to them straight away. We've got to remember with ads, often, you are meeting people for the first time. And the idea that we can get them to buy from us, especially as service providers who are often selling things that are high ticket, we need them to come into our world before we can sell to them. So in this 5 day series, I'm gonna be talking you through the different element that you need in your entire customer journey. I'm gonna be talking a lot more about funnels and customer journeys. I don't want you to get scared though.

Sophie Griffiths [:

I don't want you to think this is gonna be really overwhelming and jargony though. Okay? I'm gonna really break it down. And I want to look at the different touch points you have with a client once they come into your world and how at each 1, we can prime them towards working with us eventually. Obviously, we want to bring people onto our world, and we want them to become clients. But the approach I have is if we can create an audience of people who understand what we offer, who trust us, who know our values, who can absolutely see themselves working with us at some point, we create those super fans who are interested in the next offer we're putting out. It might not be quite right for them, but they're still gonna hang around and see what their next offer is because they absolutely want to work with you. They just wanna wait for the right time, the right offer. And they are there ready to jump in when that's there.

Sophie Griffiths [:

So we wanna create this audience of super fans, these people who are engaged and interested in what you offer. So that, actually, the sales just come naturally because people are there ready and waiting to buy from you when it's right for them and when it's right for you. That is really key is making sure that it feels good for everyone. It's the right time. It's the right offer. So I call this my super fan system, and there's 4 steps to it. The first 1 is you have to reach new people. It's not enough to rely on organic growth if you want to grow your business rapidly.

Sophie Griffiths [:

We need to be reaching new people all the time. Because if you're just selling to the same people over and over again, it's gonna get saturated at some point, and you're gonna realise that anyone who wants to buy has probably already bought. So if you want people jumping into your offers all the time, you need to have new people coming into your world all the time. So that's the first thing, and I'm gonna talk about that a lot tomorrow. The next thing is you have to optimise your social media and your systems. When someone finds you and they come over to your social media, whether that's your Instagram, your Facebook, you know, your LinkedIn, wherever you're sending them, when they come there, they have to feel like they belong. And often, it's very, very easy to end up talking to our community that are already there and not talking to new people. They don't know us yet.

Sophie Griffiths [:

They don't know who we are. They don't trust us. We need to bring them in with content that talks to them, that identifies their problem, and shows them how we can help them. And then we also need to make sure this journey feels smooth. Okay. We need to make sure that they're getting welcome emails, that they they know who we are, that everything flows together really seamlessly, and our systems are working really hard for us. I'm really, really pro automation, but only when it's rooted in this connection and that we're using the automation to bring people into our world and actually help them get to know us. The 4th step is amplify.

Sophie Griffiths [:

So there's absolutely no point in optimising our organic, making sure that we've got really great social media content out there if literally hardly any of our followers see it. Okay? We have to make sure that people are seeing our content. And we can use really low cost ads to ensure that that happens so that we don't create it and nobody sees it. So there's lots of ways we can do that, but 1 way is using ads. It's a really, really important step if we want people to buy from us, because we really need them to engage with our content and start to build that trust. And then the last step is revenue. We absolutely want to generate revenue. But there are lots of ways of doing that.

Sophie Griffiths [:

Often people will ask me, like, okay, when can I run my sales ads? Well, first of all, we need a core offer, signature, likely high ticket offer that sells organically. Okay? You need to be able to confidently sell that organically so that you know that you've got clients coming in there regularly. Okay? Especially if you've got new people coming into your world. From there, we can then start building out your offer suite. Okay? That's when we can start adding in low ticket offers, the group programs, maybe DIY courses. There's so many different ways you can add in, additional revenue. And we're gonna be talking about stacking your offer suite on Thursday's episode. But it's really important to know that it's not just about running sales ads.

Sophie Griffiths [:

It's actually much more about how can I integrate the offer, How can I identify what offer someone needs at different points in their journey with me, and how do I then put that in front of them? So those are the 4 core areas. So those are the 4 core steps in creating this super fan system that's gonna allow you to use ads to bring people into your business and actually get clients. Over the next 4 episodes, I'm gonna be breaking down 4 key elements that you really need to understand to build this kind of ecosystem that I help my clients build and that I have built for my own business. 1 that's powered by ads, but rooted in connection. Tomorrow, I'm going to be delving into lead magnets, and this might be a bit of a spoiler, but the lead magnet that got a really great response from your Instagram followers is probably not the 1 to use in ads, and I will tell you why tomorrow. Thank you so much, and I will see you then. Thank you so much for listening today. Before you go, if this episode struck a chord with you, I'd be over the moon if you could take a moment to rate, subscribe, and leave a review.

Sophie Griffiths [:

Your words not only brighten up my day, but they are also the magic that helps others discover this lion hearted community. Again thank you so much and I will see you next week.



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