Hello and welcome to number 97! This week I am joined by Julia Masselos who is also known as Jetsetter Julia on social media. Julia has been a full time traveller for years now and we discuss this in depth with the highs, the lows, tips on how to do it, how she made the leap, current state of society, the digital nomad community and so much more! Originally Julia reached out to me as she was travelling in Indonesia at the time and I wanted a perspective of not just Bali. Based on that, we discuss Java and Bali and there is some candid chat in there. There is so much content in this episode and it was a pleasure to chat with Julia. She is currently hitchhiking in Argentina and you will some stories from Greece, Serbia, Scotland and Australia. Please check out her social media channels below and also her podcast which right now, she is revamping. Be inspired!
Jetsetter Julia's Instagram -
https://www.instagram.com/jetsetterjulia/Jetsetter Julia's TikTok -
https://www.tiktok.com/@jetsetterjuliaJetsetter Julia's Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/3uODv6HLHEavydT3GjfIPF?si=b2827b0f1af14ca0
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