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The David Spoon Experience 8-13-24 part 1
13th August 2024 • The David Spoon Experience • The David Spoon Experience
00:00:00 00:29:57

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A) We continue from Matthew 18:28, in the middle of the parable of the unforgiving debtor. In our previous discussion, we examined the debtor’s situation. Despite his substantial debt, the king showed him compassion and mercy. In this parable, Peter inquires about the frequency of forgiveness, and Jesus contrasts the Kingdom of Heaven with the Kingdom of Men.

B) In the Kingdom of Men, the debts we absolve each other of are insignificant compared to the debts that God has forgiven us. To clarify, we incur a moral debt to God when we sin. Jesus emphasizes the disparity between the debt owed to the king and the debt between servants. It’s akin to comparing millions of dollars to thousands. The difference is stark.

C) The irony unfolds when a fellow servant is indebted to the pardoned servant. He pleads for mercy, grace, and compassion. However, the individual who has been shown kindness and freed from debt does not reciprocate. In essence, he has been absolved of a massive debt, yet he fails to forgive. The king showed him leniency, but he denies his fellow servant the same. In fact, the forgiven servant unleashes his wrath on the other servant.

D) Upon learning of this conduct, the king revokes his mercy, pity, and grace from the first servant. Moreover, the king labels the servant he had forgiven as wicked. The king’s anger flares up. Jesus cautions that if we withhold forgiveness, our Heavenly Father will discipline us. Genuine forgiveness from the heart is required when forgiving our spiritual siblings. God discerns its authenticity.



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