We're headed north of the border for today's podcast episode with Greg Amiel Community Engagement Coordinator for Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group. Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…I was speaking yesterday to a friend of mine from the University of Florida, sorry all you Florida State fans...cough Jake Kernen…, anyway we were discussing some of the trends he sees in his students. I like to keep up with what’s happening at the student level, the trends the pain points the problems and fears, and the best way for me to do that is to speak with students, and with professors, administrators at the college level. One of the things we discussed was online learning, something that we didn’t have as I came up in the industry. And what’s really cool about online learning, from my friends perspective, is that it opens up possibilities for so many more people to be part of the educational experience. I love that. I felt inspired after hearing that. I think about my college experience, and for me, it was never a doubt, I was going to college. That’s not to say we were rich, we weren’t at all, we were firmly middle class, but college was happening for my brother and I. I was going to pick a school, relocate and live there and be in charge of my own existence and dedication.This is not a reality for the majority of the world. College isn’t a foregone conclusion, it’s a dream, a fantasy, a concept that can’t be taken for granted. Over the multiple years since I graduated, college has become even more cost-prohibitive, which means the education gap, and in turn, the wealth gap, has increased.This is scary. We shouldn’t be a world of have’s and have nots. I’m not going to politicize this, but I do believe opportunity should be more readily available. And before some people get on me, I’m speaking of opportunity, a chance to thrive and grow. Online programs, their growth, and importance, can’t be underscored. These programs when done right, especially at some of the top level institutions who are now investing, open up doors to so many people. Those who need jobs to survive the day to day, those with physical ailments that may make a traditional campus experience difficult, those with complex lives who have uphill climbs but want to better themselves for their future. I choose people for our podcast interviews in executive roles, mid-level managers, and entry-level staff. You know the common thread for all of them -- they have a college education, many in fact have their Masters. They had the opportunity to thrive. Without getting too preachy, and I’m trying really hard to just speak honestly without trying to sermonizing, I realize more than ever I had an opportunity. I never questioned whether or not I’d go to college, I never doubted I’d get a high-level education, and play sports, and have the equipment and new cleats, and someone to drive me to and from practice. I never doubted these things. I was lucky. Not everyone is. Keep that perspective as you walk through your journey, take advantage of the opportunities you get, don’t feel any guilt about them, but you sure as hell better make the most of them. And look around, outside your comfort zone, notice not everyone has it the same way you do, pick someone else up. Help someone else out. Train someone, mentor someone, hire someone. That’s how you change the world. Today’s podcast guest is Greg Amiel, Community Engagement Coordinator for Ottawa Sports and Entertainment group -- owner of the Ottawa REDBLACKS (CFL), Ottawa 67’s (OHL)& Ottawa FURY FC (USL)...which means even just 2 years into his postgraduate sports career, Greg has a ton of experience… Let’s get into it with Greg Amiel…Questions with Greg Amiel, Ottawa Sports and Entertainment GroupFirst off I’d like to say congratulations, you are my first Canadian guest -- which is odd since our CEO and CMO are both Candian,