Many entrepreneurs feel a heaviness around the topic of money that really can get in the way in business. How you feel about money impacts how you relate to it, and that relationship impacts how much money you make. But there is good news: You can change how you feel about money. You can implement an intentional approach to money by shifting your mindset. And that can result in making more money.
That’s why I’ve invited Jamie Berman, Master Certified Mindset Coach and Money Manifestation expert, to give us some powerful insights into taking control of how we think about money. So if you find yourself dreading the financial side of business, if you have a negative relationship with money, if you have anxiety around cash flow… this episode will help set you free! Jamie shares all about how we can create a light, fun and easier relationship with money, and therefore manifest more money.
“I also see a lot of ‘I’m not smart enough’, ‘I’m not the person who fits a successful CEO’... I think there are so many versions of that… where we don’t allow ourselves to step into the idea that Me, Myself, I can make money JUST AS I AM. I don’t have to change myself in order to create money.” – Jamie Berman
What You’ll Learn
- See money as a support
- Redefine loving money
- Build from abundance rather than lack
- Make money as yourself
- Continually coach yourself
- Shift your mindset
- Give yourself time
- Do values work
- Celebrate changes you’ve already made
- Don’t rush success
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
Connect with Jamie Berman
Jamie in her own words…
“What was the difference between my first $100K and my second $100K?
When I first started out as a coach, I was just like you. Coaching had made a HUGE impact in my life and I loved helping others get their own breakthroughs and transformations!
I became a certified holistic health coach, studied spiritual psychology, and then became a master certified coach with the Life Coach School. I got coached, did a ton of inner work and made huge sacrifices, even selling my car to fund my business. All this because I knew what was possible in my life and I was determined to make it happen. And I did.
After two years of making close-to-nothing in my business, I decided year three would be my
6-figure year!
But let me tell you about that first $100K…
- I hustled hard that year
- I was so driven to prove myself and my value, I was running myself ragged
- I was constantly creating content, showing up on social media and making offers
- My days were filled with marketing, consult calls, coaching, and more marketing
- At the end of it all, I hit my revenue goal but I was exhausted and burnt out.
I did not become a coach to constantly be exhausted and burnt out. So, I made a new resolution. I was going to hit that same revenue goal but with joy and fun.
Here’s what happened with my second $100K…
- I listened to my intuition and approached my business with a completely different mindset
- I integrated spiritual practices, belief work and manifestation, allowing me to coach in a way that was more aligned with who I am
- I manifested more and bigger opportunities
- I made changes in my business that allowed me to increase my impact and income while working less hours
That year, I reached my revenue goal, surpassed it, and did it in a way that felt good. Now I help coaches create more abundance and alignment in their businesses and their lives.”
Connect with Molly Claire
Molly specializes in her mom-centric coaching. She’s working on a new certification course - Advanced Certification in Motherhood and Family Life Coaching (Advanced Parenting Coach Training) - and that will be ready soon. Join the Waitlist HERE!