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Ep. 95: Dr. Alan Desmond - Part 1 - Top 10 Prescriptions for Better Health
Episode 958th July 2021 • PLANTSTRONG Podcast • Rip Esselstyn
00:00:00 01:17:15

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If all health begins in the gut, then the United States needs a major overhaul.

One in three adults under the age of 50 have diverticular disease, colorectal cancer will affect more than one in 20 adults in their lifetimes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is off the charts, and millions of others suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other inflammatory complications in our gut.

These are sobering facts, BUT you can do something about it and, today, along with Gastroenterologist Dr. Alan Desmond, we open up the prescription pad and give you real Doctor's orders - The Top 10 Prescriptions for Better Health - from Dr. Desmond's book, "The Plant-Based Diet Revolution: 28 Days to a Happier Gut and a Healthier You."

But, unlike most prescriptions that simply treat the problem, these prescriptions will get to the root and help you solve these major issues. The best part? They don’t involve taking more pills - just beautiful, nutritious, whole plant-based foods, the optimal diet for health and longevity.

  1. 28:50 - Eat a diversity of plants

  2. 30:25 - Ditch the Junk - ultra-processed food

  3. 34:40 - Eat whole grains every day

  4. 39:30 - Embrace whole carbohydrates - fiber, fuel and nutrients
  5. 43:23 - Choose your protein wisely - yes, you will get enough protein

  6. 49:20 - Take a B12 supplement - 25 mg per day
  7. 50:28 - Cut out the sweet stuff

  8. 57:46 - Remember, milk is for babies
  9. 1:01:00 - Get your sunshine, Vitamin D

  10. 1:02:37 - Get help if you need it

We're so thrilled to have you along for this Plant-Based Diet Revolution!

About Dr. Desmond

Doctor Alan Desmond is a Consultant Gastroenterologist who is dedicated to educating the public on the health benefits of a whole-food plant-based diet.  His best-selling book, ‘The Plant-Based Diet Revolution: 28 days to a happier gut and a healthier you’, is available wherever books are sold. Doctor Alan has made evidence-based dietary advice an essential part of his practice as a doctor specializing in gut health problems. He has presented at numerous international medical conferences on the benefits of this approach to food, alongside other renowned advocates including Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dietician Brenda Davis, Dr. Kim Williams, and Dr. Neal Barnard.  He is an Ambassador for Plant-Based Health Professionals UK, a not-for-profit group that educates members of the public, health professionals, and policymakers on the incredible health benefits of a plant-based diet.  

Certified in both Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine, Doctor Alan completed his medical training in Ireland and Oxford. He has a specialist interest in the role of diet in the prevention and treatment of Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. A fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, he has published several influential research papers in the field of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and is a dedicated advocate for the gut health benefits, and overall health benefits, of a whole-food plant-based approach to nutrition.  He lives in South Devon with his wife and three children.

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