What's the career life of a real-life party girl? Only one lady I know can answer this question, Astin Hayes!
Astin is a Chicago-based sales and marketing specialist. Astin has worked with brands such as
VIBE Magazine, Chicago Cares, Inc, and Clear Channel Media & Entertainment. Currently, Astin is a Key Account Manager for Rémy Cointreau, executing multiple significant events such as concerts, live listener experiences, street team promotions, and parties!
To date, Astin's most significant achievement is adding app developer to her list of accomplishments as the founder and CEO of TipOff gaming app is a game of blacklisted words similar to Taboo. The inspiration for the app is to bring people together organically using culture and technology. So naturally, I asked Astin about developing her game and how she responds to those that say, "I got an idea for an app."
I think this is a fun conversation. Astin is a remarkable lady, and I hope you enjoy the conversation!
Let us know what you think!
Check out Astin's game: The Tip-Off:
Check out the Tip-Off Game on Instagram
Follow Astin on Instagram
As for me: You can find me and my work at Podcast Episodes Instagram: @stephaniegraham