In this installment of Savage to Sage, host Daniel Fuller is joined by guest Zech Dahms, co-founder of Achieve Engagement, to navigate the complexities of marrying employee engagement with concrete business outcomes.
They dissect the struggle business leaders face when attempting to quantify the qualitative aspects of employee satisfaction and its direct impact on performance metrics such as sales and customer retention. Tune in to discover how to transform the often nebulous concept of workplace engagement into strategic business advancements on Savage to Sage.
Key Topics
00:00 Passion for organizational culture and workplace improvement.
06:03 Reflecting on the challenging yet invigorating past.
09:22 Building a supportive community is crucial for success.
13:43 Focusing on human experience in business context.
16:30 Belonging and purpose are keys to engagement.
20:36 Measuring metrics for revenue, retention, and engagement.
23:27 Focusing on business outcomes and employee engagement.
27:12 Need to develop diverse skills for business success.
30:14 Guide to identify necessary skills for growth.
Guest Bio
Zech Dahms is a dedicated Culture Strategist committed to helping organizations craft more engaged and productive employee experiences and workplace cultures. With a profound passion for nurturing culture, Zech excels in organizing and motivating teams to achieve exceptional results. As a skilled Group Facilitator and Organizer, he guides groups toward common goals, and as a Project Leader and Visionary, Zech is adept at turning initial visions into successful outcomes. Connect with Zech on LinkedIn to explore how he can help you create a culture of engagement and excellence within your organization.
Connect With Daniel Fuller, Kyle Maloney, and Fullstack PEO
A turnkey HR for emerging companies, FullStack PEO removes the human resource, compliance, and payroll headaches from a company’s to-do list.
FullStack also produces the Savage to Sage podcast, co-hosted by Partner and VP of Business Development, Daniel Fuller and Senior Account Executive, Kyle Maloney.
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