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The Connection between Body, Mind, and Healing with Sarah Lascano
Episode 187th March 2023 • The Connectedness Podcast with Rev Karen Cleveland • Rev Karen Cleveland
00:00:00 00:29:40

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What if we ignore our emotions, is there any harm to that? It’s easy just to eat those icky feelings away, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s super easy and it’s also a bad idea – on so many levels. Today i’ll talk with my guest Sarah about the connection between body, mind, emotions, and ways you can keep your body healthy by living through your emotions. She explains it not just chronic illnesses that can result from our emotional or mental state, but even acute injuries such as a sprained ankle.

And be sure to check out her free mini-energy session on her website!

  About Sarah

 Sarah Lascano is the founder of RayZen Energy, creator of the RayZen Lightwork Technique and Master Biofield Therapy Practitioner. She is an Internationally Recognized Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Energy Medicine Practitioner.  

Sarah is known for revolutionizing health care because she helps her clients and audiences learn an integrative and innovative approach to healing that can treat resistant chronic illness. She has been featured in media outlets, including magazines and television. Whether Sarah is speaking to a group of 20 or hundreds, her audiences love her ability to bridge the gap between eastern and western medicine. 

 Sarah utilizes her diverse background that merges her engineering training with her practical spiritual wisdom. Sarah is known for her down-to-earth, heart-centered speaking style because it includes science-based solutions, authentic delivery, and content-rich strategies. 

Sarah’s website & social media links: 

You might also like Episode 7   Connection in Real Life Series: The Body Connection with Lola Bryan S1 Ep7 Series 1 of 3 – Spiritual Healing

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Rev Karen:

frustration is different from anger, which is different from resentment,

Rev Karen:

which is different from indignation.

Rev Karen:

So, you know, we start to learn the nuances of these emotions

Rev Karen:

and we can find them in the body.

Rev Karen:

Welcome to the Connectedness Podcast.

Rev Karen:

Just as you might have guessed, I talk about connection in this

Rev Karen:

podcast, our connection with everything in the world around us.

Rev Karen:

We're connected, whether we see it or not.

Rev Karen:

Whether it's your connection with your dog and your.

Rev Karen:

Or your connection with your God.

Rev Karen:

Also, I talk about things that are more abstract, like your connections with your

Rev Karen:

career or your land, your community, your family, your emotions, your body Life

Rev Karen:

is truly all about connections, and the sooner we recognize this, the sooner we

Rev Karen:

get to have an easier, more enjoyable.

Rev Karen:

I am gonna talk about these connections through different lenses, but things

Rev Karen:

like synchronicities and coincidences, or everyday little bits of magic or

Rev Karen:

miracles that we tend to dismiss, it's important we pay attention to

Rev Karen:

all of this to help us, like I said, live an easier, more satisfying life.

Rev Karen:

So welcome to the show.

Rev Karen:

I'm your host, Reverend Karen in Cleveland.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Welcome back to the show, everyone.

Rev Karen:

Today I am super excited because we've talked a little bit about the body and

Rev Karen:

connection before, and I have an expert here that's that's going to actually

Rev Karen:

talk about all these connections and, and what she has learned about the body and.

Rev Karen:

All the energy around it.

Rev Karen:

And I'm not going to spill too much because, uh, just stay tuned.

Rev Karen:

It's gonna be super interesting.

Rev Karen:

I'm really excited.

Rev Karen:

So welcome to the show.

Rev Karen:

We have Sarah.

Rev Karen:

. Sarah Lascano.

Rev Karen:

Is that correct?

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

All right, thank you.

Rev Karen:

So Sarah is the founder of RayZen Energy, creator of the RayZen

Rev Karen:

Light Work Technique, master Biofeed therapy practitioner.

Rev Karen:

She's an internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker, and

Rev Karen:

energy medicine practitioner.

Rev Karen:

Sarah is known for revolutionizing healthcare because she helps

Rev Karen:

her clients and audiences.

Rev Karen:

With an integrative and innovative approach to healing that can treat chronic

Rev Karen:

illness, resistant chronic illness.

Rev Karen:

She's been featured in media outlets, including magazines and television.

Rev Karen:

Whether Sarah is speaking to a group of 20 or hundreds, her audiences love her

Rev Karen:

ability to bridge the gap between Eastern and western medicine, which I love.

Rev Karen:

Side note, Sarah utilizes her diverse back.

Rev Karen:

That merges her engineering training with her practical spiritual wisdom.

Rev Karen:

Sarah is known for her down to earth heart-centered speaking style

Rev Karen:

because it includes science-based, so science-based solutions, authentic

Rev Karen:

delivery, and content-rich strategies.

Rev Karen:

So happy to have you here, Sarah, and I can't wait to dig into the everything.

Rev Karen:

Welcome to the show.

Rev Karen:

And how are you?

Rev Karen:

I'm wonderful.

Rev Karen:

Thank you so much for having me here.

Rev Karen:

I love, you know, helping empower people's health, so thank you for having me.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

And we can't wait to learn about it.

Rev Karen:

So why don't you tell me you have an engineering background, which,

Rev Karen:

um, is like 180 degrees from, uh, practical spiritual wisdom, right?

Rev Karen:

So why don't you tell me a little bit about your back.

Rev Karen:

Yeah, so I was kind of living the standard American dream of, um,

Rev Karen:

working in logistics and sales and jet setting all around, and selling

Rev Karen:

software and doing consulting.

Rev Karen:

And my health crashed during my first pregnancy and that health crash.

Rev Karen:

Um, I grew up as in a family of western medicine.

Rev Karen:

Um, you know, my dad was a, a physician.

Rev Karen:

Lots of physicians in the family, and there was always a pill to fix everything.

Rev Karen:

And when this happened, the doctors had no answers.

Rev Karen:

They told me to avoid the 90% of the foods that were causing me symptoms, and,

Rev Karen:

and that's all really they could offer.

Rev Karen:

So I set off on a journey to recover my health because I felt strongly,

Rev Karen:

something deeply within me knew there had to be a way to undo what had happened.

Rev Karen:

And that's how I discovered this entire way of being is

Rev Karen:

through my own health journey.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

That sounds like a painful way to discover it, but that's awesome.

Rev Karen:

So can you tell us a little more about, um, you know, what you discovered and,

Rev Karen:

and where you went forward from there?

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Well, I began to discover that the body actually, uh, has

Rev Karen:

an intelligence and that it.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Somehow something was blocking it, and I had always grown up thinking

Rev Karen:

that the body needed doctors to fix it, that it was broken.

Rev Karen:

And I don't believe that now.

Rev Karen:

I believe what I have learned is that the body gets derailed, it's healing

Rev Karen:

ability gets blocked, derailed, uh, clouded, however you wanna think about it.

Rev Karen:

It, it's not connecting and firing the way it.

Rev Karen:

But once we restore that, all of a sudden the body can start healing

Rev Karen:

and it can happen very, very quickly.

Rev Karen:

And I believe this is why we have cases of spontaneous healing.

Rev Karen:

You know, there's spontaneous remission of cancer, there's spontaneous healing.

Rev Karen:

Um, it's miraculous when it happens.

Rev Karen:

It's amazing.

Rev Karen:

And I think this is why it, the body somehow get.

Rev Karen:

Re it, it, it gets reconnected.

Rev Karen:

And that's what I do through my work.

Rev Karen:

So I really learned about this, this foundational principle, and then I

Rev Karen:

learned that the mind and the body are actually deeply connected and

Rev Karen:

what we, what is going on in our soul, in our mind, in our thoughts.

Rev Karen:

Deeply affects the physiology of the body.

Rev Karen:

And this has been proven through research.

Rev Karen:

Now, uh, we have research to back this up.

Rev Karen:

It's not just a woowoo idea anymore.

Rev Karen:

It's truly reality, right?

Rev Karen:

And so this, these are the principles that I'm using.

Rev Karen:

Wow , so so tell me about your process then.

Rev Karen:

How do you help others then reclaim health and, and their lives?

Rev Karen:

And let's say someone comes to you with, you know, a really bad backache or a

Rev Karen:

sciatica or even a chronic, just a, a, you know, chronic inflammation, maybe.

Rev Karen:

What, what's your method?

Rev Karen:

So what makes my work a little different is I tune into the body

Rev Karen:

and let it tell me what it needs.

Rev Karen:

So this is kind of, um, it's kind of a different process because

Rev Karen:

I don't intellectually know the reason for everyone's dysfunction,

Rev Karen:

because we all have unique stories.

Rev Karen:

We all have unique experiences, but your body knows the body has this amazing inte.

Rev Karen:

And so I tune in intuitively.

Rev Karen:

I use my intuitive skills that I have.

Rev Karen:

Um, nurtured and trained and practiced with, and the body, you

Rev Karen:

know, I can feel sometimes what the body is, is experiencing.

Rev Karen:

I can hear where it wants me to focus.

Rev Karen:

I can see a blockage somewhere, and I fix those problems, those blocks,

Rev Karen:

those stresses that have accumulated and, and derailed the body so that

Rev Karen:

the body can then start to get better.

Rev Karen:

So, for instance, in low back, We carry a lot of tension in our muscles

Rev Karen:

and we have a lot of imbalance in our muscles, and that creates

Rev Karen:

tightness, that messes up our posture.

Rev Karen:

It disturbs our alignment.

Rev Karen:

It creates tension in the paraform muscle and other muscles that pinch the nerves.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

and create pain.

Rev Karen:

So we have so many mechanisms that when we move this energy that is stuck.

Rev Karen:

All of a sudden the muscles can relax.

Rev Karen:

All of a sudden the posture can balance and we can get very quick relief.

Rev Karen:

Now, I can't tell every single person that has low back pain that the, the,

Rev Karen:

the paraform muscle is a problem.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

But when I tune into the body, the body can tell me, with me knowing,

Rev Karen:

you know, a, a, a little bit about the anatomy and the physiology.

Rev Karen:

it sounds incredible.

Rev Karen:

You have the RayZen technique RayZen, I don't know if I'm saying that right.

Rev Karen:

So how does that work and how do other people use it or do.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So, I have taught practitioners how to do this work.

Rev Karen:

Um, right now I'm really being led to help people do it for themselves.

Rev Karen:

So I'm really being led to provide accessible, usable tools that we can use

Rev Karen:

anytime, anywhere, even, uh, so I have some digital sessions that I'm working on.

Rev Karen:

Uh, really getting out there and making more friendly for practitioners.

Rev Karen:

So my passion is to help change medicine like that is really what I want to do.

Rev Karen:

I want to empower physicians and healthcare practitioners with

Rev Karen:

tools that can help people address these aspects in an accessible way.

Rev Karen:

So that's kind of a side note.

Rev Karen:

Um, I have trained practitioners, there are things we can do

Rev Karen:

at home to really help our.

Rev Karen:

I'm actually in the process of writing a book right now, and I hope to include a

Rev Karen:

lot of great information on, on this idea.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Uh, but simple things like working with our emotions, like trying to

Rev Karen:

stay grounded in the present moment, um, acknowledging the stresses that

Rev Karen:

we're under and how they affect our physical body and trying to lessen them.

Rev Karen:

These are all amazing ways that we can decrease the stress and noise in our

Rev Karen:

system that will help our physical health.

Rev Karen:

We don't realize that the stress that we're under, the amount that

Rev Karen:

we sleep, the food that we eat directly affects our immune system.

Rev Karen:

It directly affects our nervous system, and therefore it directly

Rev Karen:

affects our chronic health because inflammation creates.

Rev Karen:

um, it affects the blood sugar.

Rev Karen:

So you know just about everything, right?

Rev Karen:

Diabetes, yeah.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, chronic back pain.

Rev Karen:

All of these are helped when we can soothe our nervous system, decrease

Rev Karen:

stress in the system, and the immune system can get out of warrior mode.

Rev Karen:

Stop attacking and start calming down.

Rev Karen:

Private sessions with me.

Rev Karen:

I specifically go after that and help people lower those

Rev Karen:

things and correct them.

Rev Karen:

But we can do a lot at home with some self-help tools.

Rev Karen:

So I am in the process of trying to make more information available for folks.

Rev Karen:

That's great.

Rev Karen:

So I, I hear a lot about how our emotions are in our body

Rev Karen:

and how we need to clear those.

Rev Karen:

is this effective for things?

Rev Karen:

Say I go out and I sprained my ankle.

Rev Karen:

or is it just simply for chronic illnesses?

Rev Karen:

So that's a great question.

Rev Karen:

Um, so if we take a step back and, um, if we take a step back to the spiritual side

Rev Karen:

of things, um, why did you sprain that?

Rev Karen:

You sprained that ankle because there was a weakness in that area of the body.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

and it got injured.

Rev Karen:

What caused the weakness is the real question and that is the root cause.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So that's what I go after in all of my work.

Rev Karen:

We're looking for the root cause.

Rev Karen:

Um, the, the, so I believe that even injuries that seem

Rev Karen:

random and odd are not random.

Rev Karen:

I believe there's a reason that the body got injured in that way, in that place.

Rev Karen:

At this time, I believe injury also helps loosen energy that might be stuck in

Rev Karen:

the physiology, so we can work with it.

Rev Karen:

It gets kicked up when we.

Rev Karen:

Agitate, like, you know, maybe you step on a rock and cut the bottom of your foot.

Rev Karen:

Well, if you look where that is on the foot, you might find

Rev Karen:

there's a meridian right there.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Or, um, breaking your finger.

Rev Karen:

Like that's a, I've done that several times and it's a particular meridian that

Rev Karen:

is related to what is going on psycho spiritually in my body at that time.

Rev Karen:

So there's usually a link between the acute injuries mm-hmm.

Rev Karen:

and something that the body needs to work with that it might not know.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

I like that.

Rev Karen:

I like that term.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

That's good.

Rev Karen:

That's perfect.

Rev Karen:

So you're from this medical background with your family, a bunch of

Rev Karen:

doctors, and you were an engineer.

Rev Karen:

Had you already started on some kind of a spiritual path, or did that all

Rev Karen:

develop because of your situation and, how did that start exactly.

Rev Karen:

I mean, like, how did you.

Rev Karen:

Learn what you know.

Rev Karen:

so I was just, uh, a very analytical science-based, um, you know, left brain

Rev Karen:

person, um, until my health crashed, I, I had a belt of food poisoning one night.

Rev Karen:

The next day, I, I was violently ill for a few days while I was pregnant.

Rev Karen:

Within two weeks I had joint.

Rev Karen:

And food problems.

Rev Karen:

I start, food sensitivity started accumulating rapidly

Rev Karen:

after that food poisoning event.

Rev Karen:

Um, I thought it would all go away when, when the baby was born, but it didn't.

Rev Karen:

We both had health issues, so I launched off on a mission to like a mom

Rev Karen:

on a mission that was me, to recover my health and to recover my child.

Rev Karen:

Through that process, I started learning about tools because I was desperate.

Rev Karen:

I mean, it was desperation that led me down this path, right?

Rev Karen:

And, uh, I started learning about E F t emotional freedom technique.

Rev Karen:

I started tapping, I started learning what the, I mean, I didn't even

Rev Karen:

have any emotional intelligence.

Rev Karen:

I, I could probably barely name five emotions.

Rev Karen:

Uh, now I routinely work with a list of 250, so I started

Rev Karen:

learning a little bit more.

Rev Karen:

Yeah, there's a lot, right?

Rev Karen:

Um, frustration is different from anger, which is different from resentment,

Rev Karen:

which is different from indignation.

Rev Karen:

So, you know, we start to learn the nuances of these emotions

Rev Karen:

and we can find them in the body.

Rev Karen:

But anyway, um, experience and desperation.

Rev Karen:

And self-reflection and reasoning more.

Rev Karen:

And along the way I was led to different resources to read different um, events.

Rev Karen:

And then with the pregnancy of my second child, my forehead

Rev Karen:

started suddenly buzzing.

Rev Karen:

It was.

Rev Karen:

Somewhat startling.

Rev Karen:

I thought I was getting e m FD from my power grid.

Rev Karen:

Um, but eventually, uh, the baby was born and, and, um, I wrapped my

Rev Karen:

head in some faraday, you know, some shielding cloth and I still had it.

Rev Karen:

So that's when I realized this was not a man-made thing.

Rev Karen:

This was some kind of spiritual energy.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

And so it progressed from there.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

That sounds intense.

Rev Karen:

. Very, it was fun.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

now, I, I kind of laugh because it, it's really fun now because

Rev Karen:

I'm like, oh, spirit's with me.

Rev Karen:

I feel very connected when I feel circling in my hands or I, I still

Rev Karen:

do feel circling and buzzing on my hands, my, my healing hands.

Rev Karen:

So, um, that aspect is really fun.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

At that point, I, I for sure thought that something bad was happening for me

Rev Karen:

and the baby . Right, right, So do you, being the practitioner of these wonderful

Rev Karen:

tools, um, for other people, do you take care of yourself in the same way?

Rev Karen:

I mean, is there a, a routine that helps you stay, you know, keep your energy in,

Rev Karen:

check and keep your physical body in?

Rev Karen:

You know, I'm still working on that.

Rev Karen:

I'm a busy mom.

Rev Karen:

I have three young children.

Rev Karen:

Um, so I'm still, do, you know, trying to get that good balance.

Rev Karen:

I routinely do my detox, sauna and relax, uh, meditate when I'm in there.

Rev Karen:

Um, I try to meditate each day.

Rev Karen:

I do have a spiritual practice.

Rev Karen:

Um, I also live out in the woods.

Rev Karen:

I live on 18 acres where when I'm home, I'm away.

Rev Karen:

It's like a little retreat, which is really wonderful.

Rev Karen:

Yeah, I try to spend time out in nature and I, I stay

Rev Karen:

really grounded with my kids.

Rev Karen:

Um, they really do keep me grounded.

Rev Karen:

I do work on myself a little bit.

Rev Karen:

Uh, but normally I, I have a community of practitioners that I rely on

Rev Karen:

and we help each other, we trade.

Rev Karen:

So those are the ways that I personally strive to keep my

Rev Karen:

energy clear and grounded.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So a support group basically for you.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

That's, that's really important, isn't it, for everyone, to know that

Rev Karen:

they have the support of others.

Rev Karen:

You can also know for one of them that, that they have, you know,

Rev Karen:

the ability to heal as opposed to them knowing it for you.

Rev Karen:

So, uh, that's fantastic.

Rev Karen:

So what are some steps, some people can, people can take, you know, my

Rev Karen:

listeners can, um, if they're feeling something, what's a, some steps

Rev Karen:

they can take to help regain their.

Rev Karen:

So, um, if you, if you want easy and simple, I, I have a 10 minute

Rev Karen:

audio session that balances stress.

Rev Karen:

It's a stress less.

Rev Karen:

Mini session on my website for free.

Rev Karen:

Anytime you feel stressed, anytime you feel hyper, uh, you know, amped up,

Rev Karen:

anxious, anything like that, you can listen to this and it will balance your

Rev Karen:

nervous system, your endocrine system, and your mind to help bring calm.

Rev Karen:

So that's a real simple, do-it-yourself kind of thing.

Rev Karen:

You can use 24 7.

Rev Karen:

, one of the most important things you can do to maintain your health, because

Rev Karen:

what What we wanna do is prevent energy blocks in the first place, right?

Rev Karen:

We wanna be proactive, is to work with what comes up.

Rev Karen:

You have to get to the point where you're willing to work with your emotion, and

Rev Karen:

that means if you get angry, not flipping on your phone and distracting yourself.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

, that means feeling the anger.

Rev Karen:

Uh, expressing it in a way that is safe for you.

Rev Karen:

So that, that could be journaling, it could be praying,

Rev Karen:

it could be, um, meditating.

Rev Karen:

It could be walking out in nature.

Rev Karen:

It could be pounding a pillow, whatever it is.

Rev Karen:

Um, it doesn't mean we have to express it to people, we have

Rev Karen:

to express it out of ourself.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So working with our emotion, whether it's anger, whether it's fear,

Rev Karen:

anxiety, whatever it is, uh, is the most important step because

Rev Karen:

we are taught that we shouldn't.

Rev Karen:

That emotion is a weakness.

Rev Karen:

Showing emotion is a sign of weakness and it means you're out of control.

Rev Karen:

But that's really not true because when we control it and push it back down into

Rev Karen:

our body, we are creating an energy block.

Rev Karen:

We are creating some kind of storage of, of energy that is blocking our body.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So that is really the most important thing, is to become aware of your

Rev Karen:

emotions and be willing to work with them.

Rev Karen:

when you work with people in, individual appointments, do you

Rev Karen:

need to see them in person or do you work online with them somehow?

Rev Karen:

I do, I do a lot of remote work.

Rev Karen:

Uh, probably 80% of my work is over the phone or over Zoom.

Rev Karen:

I do work with people all over the world, and it works just as well.

Rev Karen:

I, I tell people.

Rev Karen:

, you know, it's really what you believe, but, um, it does, it

Rev Karen:

works just as well over the phone.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

And does the person, the client need to be in any particular position?

Rev Karen:

Like, do they need to be laying down?

Rev Karen:

Do they need to be sleeping?

Rev Karen:

Do they need to be awake and aware?

Rev Karen:

Um, what, what is their conscious role in.

Rev Karen:

Their conscious role is to be open to receiving healing.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

, that's really all it takes.

Rev Karen:

So the calmer and more centered and quiet the person is during the session,

Rev Karen:

the more likely they're going to feel the energy, which is always nice.

Rev Karen:

Yeah, it's always a affirming for people to connect with sensations in their

Rev Karen:

body that are happening, tingling, heat movement, um, even digestive, gurgling.

Rev Karen:

Um, all kinds of things happen during sessions when energy is moving, but,

Rev Karen:

Uh, but there is really no limitation.

Rev Karen:

I've done, I've done sessions for people when they're flying

Rev Karen:

across the world on an airplane.

Rev Karen:

I've done sessions for people when they are sleeping, you know, so

Rev Karen:

there's, there is no absolute mm-hmm.

Rev Karen:

, but I prefer to have people with me and in a quiet state, whether

Rev Karen:

that's sitting lying down.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

I've even had moms doing dishes while they're doing

Rev Karen:

sessions, but I don't advise it.

Rev Karen:

It's not my preference.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So on a little, little more personal note, how does your, um, Western family

Rev Karen:

feel about what you're doing now?

Rev Karen:

Do they think you've gone off the edge Yeah, I think they thought

Rev Karen:

I did for quite a long time.

Rev Karen:

Um, . Uh, but what happened?

Rev Karen:

It's actually a great story.

Rev Karen:

I was actually a little bit afraid to share too much

Rev Karen:

because it was kind of weird.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Um, but they were supportive.

Rev Karen:

They love me, um, but they didn't wanna know too much.

Rev Karen:

Uh, but what happened actually is my father had to have a back fusion

Rev Karen:

surgery and it was really trauma.

Rev Karen:

And he had a very difficult time recovering.

Rev Karen:

He, he was, he lost his appetite completely and as a physician, he knew

Rev Karen:

that he needed to eat to be able to heal.

Rev Karen:

So three weeks after his surgery, he still was having a terrible time

Rev Karen:

eating with his sense of taste.

Rev Karen:

Everything was revolting and I was able to fix that for him

Rev Karen:

in one session very quickly.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

And that was all it took.

Rev Karen:

He's like, I don't know how that worked, but that was amazing and

Rev Karen:

I'm very grateful that it worked.

Rev Karen:

So, um, so now he's, he's one of my big supporters.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

And do you believe there can be, but can there be a blend of Western

Rev Karen:

and your energy work if someone.

Rev Karen:

what if someone's just half on the edge, like, maybe it works,

Rev Karen:

but let me go to the doctor and get my antibiotics just in case.

Rev Karen:

Yeah, a hundred percent.

Rev Karen:

Um, I work with people who are on cancer journeys.

Rev Karen:

I tend to work with people who are quite ill in addition to people

Rev Karen:

who just want to be their best.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Uh, but I deal, I, I work with people who are dealing with chronic pain

Rev Karen:

and are on pain meds, or they're hospitalized with anxiety or.

Rev Karen:

They're on antidepressants for severe depression.

Rev Karen:

So these are all things that, that I have a lot of experience with.

Rev Karen:

And the beauty of this kind of work is it's 100% complimentary.

Rev Karen:

There is no side effect, there is no interaction of drugs.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

It's all beneficial.

Rev Karen:

And as we strengthen the body, those medications work better.

Rev Karen:

And cancer treatment, you know, chemotherapy or whatever

Rev Karen:

agent it is, things work.

Rev Karen:

As we help the body be stronger, this type of healing into a doctor's

Rev Karen:

office where doctors can do what they do, I can help do what I do,

Rev Karen:

and the patient gets better faster.

Rev Karen:

Have you run into a situation that you, you feel like you're fighting against

Rev Karen:

the Western medicine, like maybe it's taking the patient down the wrong.

Rev Karen:

And, I mean, I know you're not a physician, you're not, you can't

Rev Karen:

diagnose, you can't do anything like that.

Rev Karen:

But do you feel like sometimes you're fighting against western

Rev Karen:

medicine in a, in a person's body?

Rev Karen:

No, I don't.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Um, and that is because we all, you know, I have a very deep respect for

Rev Karen:

free will, and we all have a choice and we make the best choices that we can.

Rev Karen:

I more often feel that I'm fighting with the person because the person

Rev Karen:

isn't able to stand up for themselves and advocate, or they're not able

Rev Karen:

to leave a destructive relationship.

Rev Karen:

Or they're not able to.

Rev Karen:

And, and we're, I'm not fighting with the person.

Rev Karen:

I'm trying to free the energy that is keeping them stuck.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So that's really what I'm doing is freeing what is binding

Rev Karen:

people into the current moment.

Rev Karen:

So, um, no, I never feel a conflict with a person's chosen treatment plan.

Rev Karen:

They might start to feel a conflict and want to choose a different

Rev Karen:

way, like maybe they decide.

Rev Karen:

that they would rather tr try some, um, at home or natural, more natural

Rev Karen:

remedies for an earache than go to the hospital to go to the doctor

Rev Karen:

and get the antibiotics first.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

You know, first.

Rev Karen:

Um, uh, but, but yeah, I think it's completely complimentary

Rev Karen:

and that's really the beauty.

Rev Karen:

That is the beauty of it, because I, I could see.

Rev Karen:

You know, being afraid of having some kind of judgment.

Rev Karen:

It's like, well, if, if she n finds out I'm going to the doctor, you know,

Rev Karen:

she might not be able to work with me.

Rev Karen:

But, so that's very good I, I love knowing that, that they're, they work together

Rev Karen:

no matter where it is on the spectrum.

Rev Karen:

So, this is so fascinating.

Rev Karen:

I'm not even sure what questions I haven't asked.

Rev Karen:

Is there more information that, um, you want the listeners to know that,

Rev Karen:

that I didn't ask about that we didn't?

Rev Karen:

Yeah, the only thing that's popping in my mind is the, the body and the mind have

Rev Karen:

a very, very, um, discreet connection.

Rev Karen:

It's not just this.

Rev Karen:

Esoteric thing anymore.

Rev Karen:

And the way that this works is our nervous system is immediately

Rev Karen:

triggered by what we think and feel.

Rev Karen:

And that happens with hormones.

Rev Karen:

It happens with adrenaline, cortisol.

Rev Karen:

We have neuro peptides that, that our emotional communicators in our body

Rev Karen:

and so many more are neurotransmitters.

Rev Karen:

So when we feel an emotion, A whole chemical cascade is kicked off.

Rev Karen:

That then affects our physiology.

Rev Karen:

So this is really how the mind and body are connected and it's real.

Rev Karen:

Um, we can't deny it.

Rev Karen:

We can't talk ourselves out of it.

Rev Karen:

It just happens.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

So I, I just want to really help the listener understand that this matters.

Rev Karen:

You know, we've always minimized our emotion.

Rev Karen:

We've always minimized our thoughts, our mental state, our stress, uh, but

Rev Karen:

this really affects our physical well.

Rev Karen:

Yeah, it really does.

Rev Karen:

So what a lot of people don't know is my history, um, was in pharmacy.

Rev Karen:

So from the time I was 19 years old, I worked in pharmacy

Rev Karen:

for many, many, many years.

Rev Karen:

And, uh, I did some work with the studies, investigational studies,

Rev Karen:

and I was always amazed at that time.

Rev Karen:

So I, I was not on my spiritual journey yet at the placebo.

Rev Karen:

And looking at the results of the placebo versus the actual drug.

Rev Karen:

And it's like, why take the drug?

Rev Karen:

Sometimes the placebo is actually better.

Rev Karen:

. Yeah.

Rev Karen:

. Yeah.

Rev Karen:

So that's, I mean that's, you know, as far as I'm concerned, scientific proof that

Rev Karen:

they don't put out there that, um, your belief is very important with the bar.

Rev Karen:

Very important.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

. All right.

Rev Karen:

Well, I, I'm so grateful you were here today.

Rev Karen:

I will, of course, post all your links on my, um, on the show notes, but do

Rev Karen:

you wanna tell anyone where they can find you and, you know, if you have

Rev Karen:

anything coming up that you wanna share?

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Um, so you can find

Rev Karen:

That's r a y z e n

Rev Karen:

I have lots of great information and free resources on my websites.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Lots there.

Rev Karen:

And, um, you know, the Stressless Mini is really the best way.

Rev Karen:

If you're curious what this kind of work is like, it's a great way to just

Rev Karen:

check it out and experience it for yourself from the comfort of your home.

Rev Karen:

Um, and I do have, um, digital sessions that are available for

Rev Karen:

purchase on my website and they cover all sorts of ailments, back

Rev Karen:

pain, allergies, um, liver detox, uh, so lots of fun sessions out there.

Rev Karen:

So that's something if, if this work calls to you, It's a way to play around with it.

Rev Karen:

Are those pre-recorded sessions?

Rev Karen:

Those specific A.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Oh, that's nice.

Rev Karen:

So I can just go on and I don't have to make an appointment if I need one.

Rev Karen:

Liver detox for example.

Rev Karen:

That's right.

Rev Karen:

And those sessions are designed to be listened to more than once.

Rev Karen:

So it's like a self-help tool that you have available to you in your

Rev Karen:

listening library anytime 24 7.

Rev Karen:

So they're pretty nice.

Rev Karen:

They're pretty, um, accessible and co.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

That's great news.

Rev Karen:

I, I'm excited to go explore a little more.

Rev Karen:

I didn't see those yet, so I'm gonna go back to the website.

Rev Karen:

Thank you so much and I look forward to, to helping get this word out there

Rev Karen:

because I fully believe, of course, that our mind body connection is very important

Rev Karen:

and, and for the health of the world, we kind of need to get the word out there.

Rev Karen:

So thank you so much for being with us.

Rev Karen:

Thank you for having me.

Rev Karen:

Thank you.

Rev Karen:

All right.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head over to rev karen

Rev Karen:

That's R E V K A R E N

Rev Karen:

There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning

Rev Karen:

and happiness in your own life.

Rev Karen:

Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or

Rev Karen:

off the air, be sure to look for that.

Rev Karen:

Make sure you follow me so you get notified when new episodes drop.

Rev Karen:

And also I'd love to connect with you and my Facebook group

Rev Karen:

Connectedness with Rev, Karen.

Rev Karen:

So head over to rev karen




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