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Aaron Marcum | Thriving in Entrepreneurship - Insights from Aaron Marcum's Journey
Episode 5130th April 2024 • The Last 10% • Dallas Burnett
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Welcome to episode 51 of The Last 10%, where today we're diving into the intricate world of entrepreneurial success and personal well-being with our esteemed guest, Aaron Marcum. Founder of several multimillion-dollar enterprises, Aaron shares his profound journey through business highs and personal lows, leading to pivotal changes in his life in 2015 and beyond. Throughout this episode, Aaron enlightens us about the importance of relationship-building, both in business and personal spheres, revealing insights from his book "EntreThrive". He emphasizes the significance of high-quality connections, the critical role of culture in leadership, and how defining personal values can prevent burnout and skyrocket productivity.

Join us as Dallas Burnett unpacks Aaron's transformative strategies and discusses potential collaborations. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a leader, or anyone looking to enrich your understanding of professional growth aligned with personal health, this episode is packed with actionable wisdom you won't want to miss.

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You can buy Aaron's book HERE

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Dallas Burnett:

Hey everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

We're talking to Aaron Markham today.

Dallas Burnett:

What an amazing guy.

Dallas Burnett:

He founded and scaled several multimillion dollar businesses in 2015.

Dallas Burnett:

He'd reached financial success, but was burnt out and he was struggling

Dallas Burnett:

to find sustainable happiness.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

From that point on, he decided to make some really big changes and

Dallas Burnett:

that's, what's propelled his success.

Dallas Burnett:

He's got some incredible stories about entrepreneurship, burnout, and

Dallas Burnett:

what it means to live the good life.

Dallas Burnett:

He's a great new friend of mine.

Dallas Burnett:

You don't want to miss.

Dallas Burnett:

This incredible conversation.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I am Dallas Burnett sitting in my 1905 Coke Brothers Barber chair in

Dallas Burnett:

Thrive Studios, but more importantly, today we have a great guest.

Dallas Burnett:

He's got a master's in applied positive psychology.

Dallas Burnett:

He's a bestselling author, speaker.

Dallas Burnett:

Entrepreneur extraordinaire.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh my goodness.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome to the show, Aaron.

Aaron Marcum:

Oh, so good to be here, Dallas.

Aaron Marcum:

Thanks for having me on.

Aaron Marcum:

I'm excited to sit down with you.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

this has been good.

Dallas Burnett:

we've been looking at this on the calendar and excited as well.

Dallas Burnett:

You've just had such a great wealth of experience in leadership, leading and

Dallas Burnett:

growing teams, which we're all about and entrepreneurship, which we're all about.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we just, we're really excited to have you on.

Dallas Burnett:

So you've got a background in the healthcare industry.

Dallas Burnett:

Tell us a little bit about what got you into healthcare and

Dallas Burnett:

about some of your journey.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

when I graduated from college, I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur.

Aaron Marcum:

I wanted to do my own thing, but I knew I had to go work for the man

Aaron Marcum:

for a little bit, for a few years.

Aaron Marcum:

and I did, and, I think it was about five years after I graduated, I just

Aaron Marcum:

came across the field of home care.

Aaron Marcum:

the sector of health care and knew that, that the senior industry, baby

Aaron Marcum:

boomers knew what was going on there and how much they were going to need.

Aaron Marcum:

It had no background in, in home care.

Aaron Marcum:

Obviously I was doing telecom sales at the time and decided just on a whim.

Aaron Marcum:

Not, I wouldn't say a whim.

Aaron Marcum:

I knew I wanted to do my own thing, but organically opened

Aaron Marcum:

up my own home care company.

Aaron Marcum:

In Salt Lake and, it started from scratch, wasn't a franchise or anything

Aaron Marcum:

like that, started it from scratch.

Aaron Marcum:

And then over the course of about seven years, I grew it to be the

Aaron Marcum:

largest in the state in that area.

Aaron Marcum:

And so it was, it was, it was quite a journey, and, throughout that journey

Aaron Marcum:

ups and downs, but the first three years crazy, I, I was, I remember coming home.

Aaron Marcum:

I had four kids at the time.

Aaron Marcum:

I have six kids.

Aaron Marcum:

I don't, we didn't talk about that before the show, but I have three

Aaron Marcum:

boys, three girls at the time.

Aaron Marcum:

I had four and I was coming home eating dinner and then I

Aaron Marcum:

would go back to the office.

Aaron Marcum:

Almost every day to 2 a.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

And back then I was younger.

Aaron Marcum:

I started that when I was 28 years old.

Aaron Marcum:

And so I had maybe the energy to do that.

Aaron Marcum:

I know, I don't, there's no way I think I could do that now, but,

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

I don't think I would last.

Aaron Marcum:

And gratefully I've learned a ton where I would never have to do that.

Aaron Marcum:

Like I feel like I could start any company and get it to a million

Aaron Marcum:

dollars within a few months.

Aaron Marcum:

I really feel that confident and that, in, in all the things I've learned, but.

Aaron Marcum:

But it was back then that I was experiencing burnout, and

Aaron Marcum:

I knew I had to make changes.

Aaron Marcum:

So I did make changes back then.

Aaron Marcum:

it was slow, but over time within that seven year period before

Aaron Marcum:

I actually sold it to a public company, I got my life back.

Aaron Marcum:

And I became even back then fascinated with wellbeing and investing in

Aaron Marcum:

yourself and so forth and launched my second company, which really was

Aaron Marcum:

one of my most successful ventures.

Aaron Marcum:

Back in the home care space, data analytics, it was a, think of like J.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Powers for home care.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

So home care pulse is the name of the company.

Aaron Marcum:

they're a wonderful brand in the home care space.

Aaron Marcum:

Very well known, but you think I'd learned my lesson.

Aaron Marcum:

So by the time that.

Aaron Marcum:

in positive psychology, we call it obsessive passion.

Aaron Marcum:

I became obsessively passionate about making an impact in the home care space

Aaron Marcum:

and changing the quality standards, which we were doing and which we ultimately did.

Aaron Marcum:

But I sacrificed my well being.

Aaron Marcum:

So by 2015, I was exhausted.

Aaron Marcum:

I was overweight.

Aaron Marcum:

I was not taking care of myself and I was living, I write about this in my book,

Aaron Marcum:

the lie of the either, or I thought, if I could just continue to grow my company

Aaron Marcum:

and invest in my company, eventually my personal wellbeing will catch up.

Aaron Marcum:

I was living that lie that, that I couldn't have both personal

Aaron Marcum:

and professional wellbeing synced at the same time.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

a lot of us live that

Dallas Burnett:

And I think of the you've got this dream.

Dallas Burnett:

Like you'd say, okay, I'm going to create this thing and it's going to be

Dallas Burnett:

wildly successful on the front side.

Dallas Burnett:

At least you think that, this is, you've got all the, and then, as you're going

Dallas Burnett:

through it, you've still got this vision for this thing you create, but I think

Dallas Burnett:

a lot of entrepreneurs say, I know I'm not taking care of myself, but this

Dallas Burnett:

is what entrepreneurship is all about.

Dallas Burnett:

It's all about the grind and it's all about, pulling ridiculous

Dallas Burnett:

hours and taking ridiculous risks.

Dallas Burnett:

and my wellbeing is going to just, heck, care because whenever I either

Dallas Burnett:

sell out or meet that vision or whatever, then I cannot focus on that

Dallas Burnett:

because I've accomplished that out, then I'll be able to put myself first,

Dallas Burnett:

and I think It just doesn't work.

Dallas Burnett:

It doesn't work.

Aaron Marcum:

It doesn't work.

Aaron Marcum:

I was, 2015 financially was doing well, I, we were growing.

Aaron Marcum:

things were going well that way, but yeah, you just live this lie that eventually,

Aaron Marcum:

I will, it'll catch up with itself.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

And I've worked with, and since coached many entrepreneurs and I've seen

Aaron Marcum:

some of the wealthiest, I remember sitting down with a guy probably worth

Aaron Marcum:

about a half a billion dollars and he was one of them, he's just unhappy.

Aaron Marcum:

He had burned a lot of his relationships along the way.

Aaron Marcum:

And, I remember him just being open and honest of all his

Aaron Marcum:

regrets that he had experienced.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

And he had all the money in the world.

Aaron Marcum:

he didn't have a care in the world when it came to his financial wellbeing, but, But

Aaron Marcum:

he certainly did, with his relationships.

Aaron Marcum:

And so 2016, I got, I finally got it where I just invested in my wellbeing.

Aaron Marcum:

I, April of 2016, I got into cycling.

Aaron Marcum:

I signed up for 200 mile bike races.

Aaron Marcum:

My personality, by the way, Dallas is a lot of this blows people

Aaron Marcum:

away that I would do this, but.

Aaron Marcum:

I ordered my bike the same day I signed up for a 200 mile bike race.

Aaron Marcum:

I never sight like road biked in my

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

You just needed some

Aaron Marcum:

Yeah, that's right.

Aaron Marcum:

I like if I'm going to do

Aaron Marcum:

this, I'm going all

Dallas Burnett:

I totally get it.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

totally get

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

I call it, now I have a program.

Aaron Marcum:

Now for home care providers called the breakaway accelerator.

Aaron Marcum:

And it's based upon that concept, is like the best growth is accelerated growth.

Aaron Marcum:

slow growth is to me, and there's a lot of science behind that too,

Aaron Marcum:

that, That, it's hard growth.

Aaron Marcum:

It's harder to grow slowly than it is to accelerate.

Aaron Marcum:

So I went through this accelerated journey in 2016.

Aaron Marcum:

And as I did.

Aaron Marcum:

what's amazing is if you look at the trajectory of my company at

Aaron Marcum:

the time, it also grew along with we're talking hockey stick growth.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

if you talk to my leadership team back then, they'll tell you it

Aaron Marcum:

was when Aaron decided to invest in his own personal Journey and his own

Aaron Marcum:

personal well being that when he started letting go, of, not just letting go.

Aaron Marcum:

I still had control and I don't know if letting goes the right term.

Aaron Marcum:

It was more or less.

Aaron Marcum:

I put my, I delegated.

Aaron Marcum:

I created a more self managed company and I started trying to, I stopped

Aaron Marcum:

trying to do everything myself.

Aaron Marcum:

All the big things.

Aaron Marcum:

I had a wonderful team, that could handle that, fortunately, we had to

Aaron Marcum:

make some changes to make that happen.

Aaron Marcum:

But and then 2018, two years later, I stepped down as CEO of that company.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Like when you really start investing in yourself and in your

Aaron Marcum:

own wellbeing, you show up better.

Aaron Marcum:

You're a better person, you're a better boss, you think more clearly.

Aaron Marcum:

I started doing other investments and other businesses at the time.

Aaron Marcum:

I just, and I was doing less work.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

that's what's cool about it, is that my, my coach is Dan Sullivan.

Aaron Marcum:

I don't know if you're familiar with Dan, but he's a strategic coach wrote 10 X is

Aaron Marcum:

easier than two X with Benjamin Hardy.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

he's a hero of mine.

Aaron Marcum:

I know Dan personally, and he has this term called his four freedoms.

Aaron Marcum:

Freedom of time, money, relationships, and purpose, which is also what

Aaron Marcum:

Aristotle calls the good life.

Aaron Marcum:

I see that as also the good life that they're synonymous of each other.

Aaron Marcum:

And so entrepreneurs, when they can create those freedoms in their lives,

Aaron Marcum:

I've added an additional one health, like health has been really important

Aaron Marcum:

to me, but, Anyway, that's my, that's the two thirds part of my story.

Aaron Marcum:

And then I got into positive psychology in 2017.

Aaron Marcum:

I ended up going to UPenn in 20, 2021 at the age of 49, 50, got accepted

Aaron Marcum:

to the top program in the world in positive psychology, studied

Aaron Marcum:

under Martin Seligman, who's like the father of positive psychology.

Aaron Marcum:

I wrote my thesis capstone, which was really the foundational

Aaron Marcum:

kind of the beginning of the

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

then after I, I graduated from that, I wrote the book and, it's,

Aaron Marcum:

it was transformational for me as a father, frankly, not just as

Aaron Marcum:

a, not just as an entrepreneur, but my kids saw a difference.

Aaron Marcum:

I started using the, the science that I was learning into my own investment,

Aaron Marcum:

into my own personal wellbeing.

Aaron Marcum:

So I just elevated even more from 2016, forward.

Aaron Marcum:

but it's not perfect.

Aaron Marcum:

I just, I always tell people like I struggle all the time.

Aaron Marcum:

So it's not because I have this degree that I live in this like ideal life,

Aaron Marcum:

it's, I live a life like anyone else.

Aaron Marcum:

you have to continually check your mindset, continually

Aaron Marcum:

check your limited thinking,

Dallas Burnett:

yes, I would love to

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

my journey though.

Aaron Marcum:

I wanted

Dallas Burnett:

Really great.

Dallas Burnett:

Really great.

Dallas Burnett:

I would love to ask you a question about your, you talked about starting

Dallas Burnett:

into that positive psychology, graduate work and how that was very influential

Dallas Burnett:

too, and it sounds like you had a lot of pieces in place because of your

Dallas Burnett:

entrepreneurial experience and growth.

Dallas Burnett:

And obviously if you're scaling businesses, it's pushing you to grow.

Dallas Burnett:

And change your limiting mindsets already, but you, it's almost like you were able

Dallas Burnett:

to codify some of these things as you go through your master's there was there one

Dallas Burnett:

or two things that were any, was there aha moments in your positive psychology, stint

Dallas Burnett:

in that graduate work or your thesis, or one or two things that stood out to

Dallas Burnett:

you as oh my gosh, I'm so glad I've, completed this program to learn this?

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

yeah, yeah.

Aaron Marcum:

There's so many.

Aaron Marcum:

And one that comes to my mind that you can find information on this theory, it's

Aaron Marcum:

called the self determination theory.

Aaron Marcum:

And it's based upon three components and one of them just, all of them resonated

Aaron Marcum:

with me, but the first one is autonomy.

Aaron Marcum:

I had realized that up until 2016, I hadn't created autonomy in my business.

Aaron Marcum:

I'm doing a startup right now, this breakaway accelerator, for example, and

Aaron Marcum:

I'm taking my family to Cancun flying out Saturday in the middle of a startup.

Aaron Marcum:

I do things differently now.

Dallas Burnett:

That's different than going back to work after it's dinner

Dallas Burnett:

at night till two in the morning.

Dallas Burnett:

that's a different approach.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Completely different.

Aaron Marcum:

My mindset's different, you know, I realize how important it is early on.

Aaron Marcum:

And I get it when you are a new entrepreneur, aspiring entrepreneur,

Aaron Marcum:

and maybe you don't have the capital to invest in all the right people, because

Aaron Marcum:

I have, I've already created a team in, To surround myself with, but in the

Aaron Marcum:

book, I do talk about that, that there are still things, even if you don't

Aaron Marcum:

have capital to where you can create the space that you need to continually

Aaron Marcum:

thrive while you're starting that.

Aaron Marcum:

And so autonomy early on.

Aaron Marcum:

And my capstone was actually for the aspiring entrepreneur and

Aaron Marcum:

people can read that capstone.

Aaron Marcum:

It's, it's on the UPenn, website.

Aaron Marcum:

Masters of applied positive psychology sites really use a Google it, frankly,

Aaron Marcum:

it should pull up, but it was all about the aspiring entrepreneur,

Aaron Marcum:

not the experienced entrepreneur.

Aaron Marcum:

Like how can they

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

and when they're starting, because so many great ideas

Aaron Marcum:

die because they get burned out.

Aaron Marcum:

Early on and they give

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:

A hundred percent.

Aaron Marcum:

and so I want to help the entrepreneur, even on the early stages

Aaron Marcum:

to say, you know what, I'm not going to give up because I'm still investing

Aaron Marcum:

in me and I'm experiencing autonomy.

Aaron Marcum:

So that autonomy freedom, really important.

Aaron Marcum:

The other two pillars to that is relationships.

Aaron Marcum:

the book, the good life that came out last year on the longest

Aaron Marcum:

Harvard study on relationships.

Aaron Marcum:

It's the number one contributor to wellbeing.

Aaron Marcum:

You know, so really important.

Aaron Marcum:

And the 3rd pillar is competence.

Aaron Marcum:

we have to feel like we're capable and competent in what we're doing.

Aaron Marcum:

And I would go beyond competent to say, that we are in our superpower.

Aaron Marcum:

if a entrepreneur is.

Aaron Marcum:

Is doing what they're wired to do.

Aaron Marcum:

And I talk about this in the books.

Aaron Marcum:

So Dallas, I think you're going to love this concept.

Aaron Marcum:

So I talk about one of the third law in my book is called entre

Aaron Marcum:

grit, entrepreneurial grit.

Aaron Marcum:

And I go through these five levels of

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

And the first level is curiosity.

Aaron Marcum:

Like when you first start or when, before you even start, you're

Aaron Marcum:

curious about an idea or a concept.

Aaron Marcum:

Like I was curious about home care.

Aaron Marcum:

what is that about?

Aaron Marcum:

What, what's the, opportunity there.

Aaron Marcum:

Then interest goes into the research.

Aaron Marcum:

You get more interested.

Aaron Marcum:

That's second phase.

Aaron Marcum:

And the third phase is the practice phase.

Aaron Marcum:

To where's the further you go, the more grit you have in

Aaron Marcum:

an entrepreneurial venture.

Aaron Marcum:

And the problem I think, even with, especially with younger entrepreneurs is

Aaron Marcum:

that they want to skip the practice phase.

Aaron Marcum:

They think I'm just going to have the passion, the passion is just

Aaron Marcum:

going to come.

Aaron Marcum:

Cause that's the fourth one.

Aaron Marcum:

Like you have to practice

Aaron Marcum:

enough and test things, find out what's working, what doesn't work.

Aaron Marcum:

Like when I first started my home care business, I wouldn't say I

Aaron Marcum:

was passionate about home care right out of the gate to be fully.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

It was only when I started taking care of others and

Aaron Marcum:

practicing that and leaning into it.

Aaron Marcum:

Did that.

Aaron Marcum:

passion come,

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I think there's a, I think there's an interesting thing because I think it's

Dallas Burnett:

almost like the difference when you're.

Dallas Burnett:

When you're first dating someone and you're infatuated with that person

Dallas Burnett:

versus you, you talk to somebody who's been married for like 50 years.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

And there, and it's like, there's just a difference, right?

Dallas Burnett:

Cause when you're an entrepreneur and you see something bright and shiny,

Dallas Burnett:

you're like, yeah, I'm going to be passionate about that, but is that really

Dallas Burnett:

a feeling or you just infatuated the, with the idea and, or is it a belief?

Dallas Burnett:

And I think what you're getting at is that passion was a deep seated belief

Dallas Burnett:

that was attached to something a lot.

Dallas Burnett:

Bigger and stronger than just a business.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

would say, you know, that last 10 percent

Aaron Marcum:

that you talk about is that.

Aaron Marcum:

Is that you don't really get to enjoy that last 10 percent until you're there

Aaron Marcum:

right until the passion phase perhaps

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

because what's going to get you from the 90 to the 100 percent is

Aaron Marcum:

passion and then I think once you get to 100 maybe it's between 90 and 100 percent

Aaron Marcum:

who knows, but the 5th one is the calling.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

Like when we feel called, it's different from passion.

Aaron Marcum:

Passion's more internal and you have to have it.

Aaron Marcum:

It's what am I passionate about when calling is what's my contribution to

Aaron Marcum:

the greater whole, like who am I going to impact?

Aaron Marcum:

you feel called to make a difference as an entrepreneur.

Aaron Marcum:

And when you are called, man, you're not going anywhere,

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Is that you're perseverance.

Aaron Marcum:

Now you can become obsessive like I did.

Aaron Marcum:

So you got to check that right when you're called.

Aaron Marcum:

But, but I, it sure helps.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's talk about that for a second, because it was a great jump off.

Dallas Burnett:

you've written a new book.

Dallas Burnett:

It's called Entree Thrive.

Dallas Burnett:

It just came out in February.

Dallas Burnett:

Is that correct?

Dallas Burnett:

It's just out and just hit Amazon bestsellers.

Dallas Burnett:

You were featured in USA Today.

Dallas Burnett:

So that's huge, man.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

yeah, yeah,

Dallas Burnett:

you talked about getting to a place of burnout in 20, 2015.

Dallas Burnett:

And so how would you recognize that you were burnout and what are some

Dallas Burnett:

of the things, especially things that you unpack in the book that you would

Dallas Burnett:

want to speak to maybe a leader or business owner or entrepreneur that

Dallas Burnett:

is feeling like they're in your 2015.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

yeah, yeah, going back to that cycling term and I, try not to get

Aaron Marcum:

emotional when I talk about this because there was someone who had a significant

Aaron Marcum:

impact on my life back in 2015.

Aaron Marcum:

That's no longer with us.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

But, uh, uh, I think, In the cycling world, we have this concept

Aaron Marcum:

called drafting and drafting to get behind someone's tire.

Aaron Marcum:

It saves you literally 33 percent of your energy, and I

Aaron Marcum:

believe to really break away.

Aaron Marcum:

And again, I use that term a lot and I have a whole program want

Aaron Marcum:

to start up as the breakaway accelerator for home care providers.

Aaron Marcum:

Yeah, it's like.

Aaron Marcum:

If we stay in the pack where we're at and we just do what everyone else is

Aaron Marcum:

doing, really changes in our lives.

Aaron Marcum:

And I, in 2015, I was in the pack.

Aaron Marcum:

It wasn't like I was like, super unhappy falling back behind the pack.

Aaron Marcum:

I was just in the pack, but I knew I could do so much more and

Aaron Marcum:

I was capable of so much more.

Aaron Marcum:

And I had a buddy.

Aaron Marcum:

Dale Green who would remind me that I was still in the pack and I needed to

Aaron Marcum:

break free that he knew I could do more.

Aaron Marcum:

So it started out he was a 4:00 AM or meaning he was at the gym at 4:00

Aaron Marcum:

AM you know,

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

and I don't know if I ever got that vision.

Aaron Marcum:

I was usually, I started 5:00 AM but he was still there.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, my goodness.

Aaron Marcum:

know, of course,

Aaron Marcum:

and he became my, he got me going to the gym back then in 2015.

Aaron Marcum:

That's when it all started and became great friends.

Aaron Marcum:

He ended up investing in my company in 2016.

Aaron Marcum:

Very well, very, successful entrepreneur.

Aaron Marcum:

And the things he would just, he was just so brutally honest with

Aaron Marcum:

me, but in a very compassionate way.

Aaron Marcum:

It wasn't like he was rude about it.

Aaron Marcum:

He was just like, Aaron, you can do better.

Aaron Marcum:

You can do more.

Aaron Marcum:

And he was my drafting partner.

Aaron Marcum:

He was in front of me and allowing me to draft from him.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Part of that was that he had put so much trust in me.

Aaron Marcum:

I mean, he invested a significant amount in my business in

Aaron Marcum:

2016, purely out of trust.

Aaron Marcum:

And I had this concept is it's better to give trust and

Aaron Marcum:

then allow people to earn it.

Aaron Marcum:

I don't really earned his trust necessarily.

Aaron Marcum:

He just gave it to me and that my confidence in myself just soared.

Aaron Marcum:

2022, April, 2022, he passed away of cancer Dale, uh, which was,

Aaron Marcum:

you know, he was as fit as, as, I mean, guy was, was a tank fit.

Aaron Marcum:

he had, he ended up, with bone cancer and, anyway.

Aaron Marcum:

We, the hardest point of the hardest losses I've ever had,

Aaron Marcum:

as far as a friend, even fan, he was like an older brother to me.

Aaron Marcum:

I have six brothers and he was like one of my other brothers.

Aaron Marcum:

And, anyway, that, the concept.

Aaron Marcum:

And Fast forward with the book, right?

Aaron Marcum:

Is that I talk a lot about people and relationships in our lives is

Aaron Marcum:

that if we really truly want to break away doing it by ourselves,

Aaron Marcum:

it's like the tour de France.

Aaron Marcum:

Anyone who wants a yellow Jersey isn't going to get that yellow Jersey by

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:

That's right.

Aaron Marcum:

they need a team, they need someone getting in front of them.

Aaron Marcum:

And, and that's what Dale was for me.

Aaron Marcum:

And that's what I want to, I try to be for other people is to say,

Aaron Marcum:

Hey, let's break away together.

Aaron Marcum:

And this is your breakaway.

Aaron Marcum:

I'm going to help you with your breakaway.

Aaron Marcum:

if I have to go back to where I'm at, that's fine.

Aaron Marcum:

I'm going to help you with your breakaway.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

And that's a real key concept.

Aaron Marcum:

And so when I wrote the book, I thought about my 2015 self.

Aaron Marcum:

I was my own target market.

Aaron Marcum:

I was like, okay, I'm writing for that

Aaron Marcum:

person in

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

and said, what did that guy need back then to help him break away?

Aaron Marcum:

And what did Dale do and others?

Aaron Marcum:

It wasn't just Dale.

Aaron Marcum:

I had a team, Eric, who was also, He helped me, he was my COO at the

Aaron Marcum:

time, helped me break away and he continues to play that role in my life.

Aaron Marcum:

there's just a lot of people like that, that, reach out to those mentors, those

Aaron Marcum:

people who have already been there.

Aaron Marcum:

One thing, a concept that I have always loved that I continue to remind myself

Aaron Marcum:

of is that if I'm going to take guidance from somebody, as far as a breakaway, I

Aaron Marcum:

want to take guidance from someone who, who lives on the path that I want to take.

Aaron Marcum:

who's been on it.

Aaron Marcum:

And that was Dale, that was, rather than someone who just

Aaron Marcum:

talks about it but has never done

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

I think that's important is find those people that you

Aaron Marcum:

want, that's what you want.

Aaron Marcum:

And a lot of those people are givers, like they want to help.

Aaron Marcum:

They want other people to get on that path.

Aaron Marcum:

They're selfless people typically.

Aaron Marcum:

They're not, they don't want to just hold it to themselves.

Aaron Marcum:

I have found that time and time again in my life, you

Aaron Marcum:

know, so.

Dallas Burnett:

That's, awesome.

Aaron Marcum:

that, so yeah, I wrote for my 2015 self and that's where the

Aaron Marcum:

eight laws spurred from as well as positive psychology and my capstone

Aaron Marcum:

and all those things just culminated.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So, so as that relates to burnout, what is some advice that you would

Dallas Burnett:

give to an aspiring entrepreneur who's suffering from burnout right

Dallas Burnett:

now, what would be the first thing in terms of breaking out of that burnout?

Dallas Burnett:

What would you say in your experience was something that helped you shift,

Dallas Burnett:

or maybe something were doing or not doing that helped you break

Dallas Burnett:

out of that that 2015 pattern.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

I think the first law I talk about in the book is entrepreneurial

Aaron Marcum:

clarity or entre clarity.

Aaron Marcum:

And the first phase, I break up every law into three, three different, really four.

Aaron Marcum:

And it's based upon the quote by Martin Luther King.

Aaron Marcum:

He says, if you can't, if you can't, run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl.

Aaron Marcum:

But whatever you

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

you know, keep moving forward.

Aaron Marcum:

And I love that quote.

Aaron Marcum:

And I broke that book out like that.

Aaron Marcum:

And so the first kind of crawl part of EntreClarity is,

Aaron Marcum:

what are your guiding truths?

Aaron Marcum:

These aren't your core values in your business.

Aaron Marcum:

These are your guiding truths, things you want to be true about yourself.

Aaron Marcum:

And I actually created my guiding truth several years ago.

Aaron Marcum:

And I have nine guiding truths.

Aaron Marcum:

I added a ninth one, last year.

Aaron Marcum:

And so I had the eight for several years.

Aaron Marcum:

But they go my mind is at peace.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

My actions reflect character.

Aaron Marcum:

my, my family receives of my time, my ventures create freedom.

Aaron Marcum:

Those are my guiding truths.

Aaron Marcum:

And I think as an entrepreneur, you've got to decide what you want out of

Aaron Marcum:

your life and what those truths are.

Aaron Marcum:

And so I walked through the book and if you can get clear on that, that helps

Aaron Marcum:

you also guide you through decisions, things you should or shouldn't be doing.

Aaron Marcum:

It also helps you.

Aaron Marcum:

Your guiding truth should help you say no to.

Aaron Marcum:

even financial endeavors that might give you a nice return financially,

Aaron Marcum:

but burn you out completely

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

because what's the

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

If that's going to burn you

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

you know, so really important.

Aaron Marcum:

So I'd say guiding truths.

Aaron Marcum:

and then again, on the clarity is to accept where you are today.

Aaron Marcum:

It's self acceptance.

Aaron Marcum:

We talk a lot about that in positive psychology, which.

Aaron Marcum:

Require self awareness.

Aaron Marcum:

They go hand in glove.

Aaron Marcum:

They're just, they match together.

Aaron Marcum:

and then, the run phase of the clarity is the breakaway.

Aaron Marcum:

what are you, where do you want to go?

Aaron Marcum:

What do you want out of life?

Aaron Marcum:

Dan Sullivan has taught me that it's okay to want what you want

Aaron Marcum:

and not make justifications for it.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

not make excuses.

Aaron Marcum:

A lot of times I think as entrepreneurs that we, even financial wanting, we

Aaron Marcum:

try to make justifications for that.

Aaron Marcum:

Well, it's okay to want what you want, just as long as you know what that is.

Aaron Marcum:

And that as long as it's legal,

Aaron Marcum:

you know, as

Aaron Marcum:

long as it's like going to help the greater good, in my opinion, then

Aaron Marcum:

it's okay to want what you want.

Aaron Marcum:

And, and then, uh, And lean into that.

Aaron Marcum:

So I'd say it starts with that clarity, honestly, and getting clear on those

Aaron Marcum:

breakaways and where you want to

Aaron Marcum:

go with

Dallas Burnett:

I think it's so true.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that if you're struggling with burnout or you are in, you feel like

Dallas Burnett:

underwater, I think what those, that clarity, that entree clarity that you

Dallas Burnett:

talked about does with those values is it allows you to refocus and start

Dallas Burnett:

prioritizing What's the most important thing and what do I need to be focused on?

Dallas Burnett:

Because if you don't, you just, there's the tyranny of the urgent and

Dallas Burnett:

there's all these could have, should have, would have, and all this stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

and then you've got the shame and guilt and all this other stuff, the baggage

Dallas Burnett:

that you're carrying along and, you can worry about , am I being too greedy

Dallas Burnett:

to want this success or have I wasted my time and, or did I screw up that

Dallas Burnett:

last venture that failed and, what it just, there's So many things out there.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that if you can.

Dallas Burnett:

Describe with great clarity, what you're all about, like what makes

Dallas Burnett:

you and you really want, then I think that it really helps you focus.

Dallas Burnett:

And that can take a lot off your plate and help do some recovery from burnout.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that's really good.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's really good advice.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's talk about, let's talk about the, we talked a little bit about

Dallas Burnett:

the either or myth for entrepreneurs.

Dallas Burnett:

But you mentioned, and we were talking about this before the show, the

Dallas Burnett:

good life, and I even said it in the opener is the good life, what does

Dallas Burnett:

it look like to you when you say, you like working with entrepreneurs and

Dallas Burnett:

helping them with their wellbeing and helping them understand the good life

Dallas Burnett:

concept, what does that mean to you?

Dallas Burnett:

and what would that look like for an entrepreneur?

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Aristotle was the first one who came up with that, the good life, the concept.

Aaron Marcum:

And if you asked Aristotle what the good life was, I think he

Aaron Marcum:

would say the complete life.

Aaron Marcum:

It's the, but it's not, it's, I know this is a little bit

Aaron Marcum:

cliche, but it's a journey.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Is that the good life is there's not necessarily an

Aaron Marcum:

end to creating the good life.

Aaron Marcum:

And I love the term create rather than live the good life because it takes

Aaron Marcum:

some effort to create that for yourself.

Aaron Marcum:

And back to going, deciding what you want, like the good life for me.

Aaron Marcum:

Means more freedom of time

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

like that to me as I protect my time, I'm not going to

Aaron Marcum:

create a new venture if it's going to rob me of my time for the long term.

Aaron Marcum:

I realize you have to dip a little bit when you create something to

Aaron Marcum:

put the time and energy into it.

Aaron Marcum:

But if 2 years from now, I'm still going to be doing that.

Aaron Marcum:

It's a no for me.

Aaron Marcum:

so it's, so the good life, again, you create it in your own mind,

Aaron Marcum:

what that is, and again, going back to Dan Sullivan's four freedoms.

Aaron Marcum:

And again, health is the fifth for me, but freedom of time, money, relationships,

Aaron Marcum:

purpose, and health is that.

Aaron Marcum:

To me, if you look at, there's really not a whole lot that fits outside of that

Aaron Marcum:

as far as what we want as entrepreneurs.

Aaron Marcum:

And so what does time look like for you as an entrepreneur?

Aaron Marcum:

Create that's part of the good life.

Aaron Marcum:

Is that, okay, I want my Fridays and weekends.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

Um, perhaps, where I'm not checking my

Aaron Marcum:

email on Saturdays and Sundays.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

That's the good life, for me at least, and I think it is for many

Aaron Marcum:

people is that, what does that look like?

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

what does that look like for you?

Aaron Marcum:

But this is a dangerous one, I think, because we can always say, okay, if

Aaron Marcum:

once I get $5 million, I'll be happy.

Aaron Marcum:

And then you get to 5 million and what happens, you know,

Aaron Marcum:

well, once I get to 10 million,

Aaron Marcum:

I'll be happy, and that's a, that's a real trap, you know, for entrepreneurs

Aaron Marcum:

is that sometimes it's not an amount, sometimes it's a lifestyle.

Aaron Marcum:

Or sometimes it's just that you are, there's no debt and

Aaron Marcum:

you're financially secure.

Aaron Marcum:

you have to check yourself on that one, I think, to make sure that you're

Aaron Marcum:

not setting this arbitrary goal.

Aaron Marcum:

And then you're just going to keep moving that out because you'll never be happy.

Aaron Marcum:

Money isn't truly is, doesn't create happiness, on its own,

Aaron Marcum:

but I'd be a hypocrite if I

Aaron Marcum:

didn't say it

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

I mean it does create some freedoms that you

Aaron Marcum:

normally wouldn't maybe have.

Aaron Marcum:

And so that's important.

Aaron Marcum:

relationships, man, oh man, that's a huge

Aaron Marcum:

one when it comes to the good

Dallas Burnett:

I would love for you to talk a little bit about more

Dallas Burnett:

relationships as it relates, because we've got a lot of coaches and we

Dallas Burnett:

call them leader coaches on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

These are people that are leading in companies and organizations.

Dallas Burnett:

I think you talked about having a right hand man, a COO and, there's VPs and

Dallas Burnett:

directors and managers, these are people that have responsibilities and part of

Dallas Burnett:

their responsibilities is leading teams.

Dallas Burnett:

What would you say is.

Dallas Burnett:

Something that you've learned through your career that's been really helpful,

Dallas Burnett:

either in values that you instilled in your leadership team that's

Dallas Burnett:

leading others or things that's helped you as it relates to relationships

Dallas Burnett:

in business Lead Well Mm-Hmm.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

And I've learned something.

Aaron Marcum:

A lot of what I've learned is from other people, right?

Aaron Marcum:

Is you watch some, the masters of relationships and I've had, I've been

Aaron Marcum:

surrounding myself some really, the people who are just masters at this.

Aaron Marcum:

I write about it.

Aaron Marcum:

So the fourth law is entre connections and entrepreneurial connections.

Aaron Marcum:

And the first, the crawl part of that is congruency.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

So I think in order to foster and cultivate relationships is what

Aaron Marcum:

I think is undervalued is that to be congruent with who you are

Aaron Marcum:

in public as you are in private.

Aaron Marcum:

So with your team, if you're leading a team is that you are showing up congruent

Aaron Marcum:

with them, this is that what you're asking them to do is exactly what you would do.

Aaron Marcum:

and that's how you lead.

Aaron Marcum:

it's that congruence.

Aaron Marcum:

I think it's really imperative.

Aaron Marcum:

Second one is being present is that and we hear that a lot.

Aaron Marcum:

But when I say president, I'm talking in your in both your personal family

Aaron Marcum:

relationships, deep connections as well as your team members.

Aaron Marcum:

Is that you're really sincerely present.

Aaron Marcum:

I mentioned Eric's name previously, and I actually talk about him in

Aaron Marcum:

the book is that he would sit down.

Aaron Marcum:

We had a, I had a call center, one of my companies, we had a call

Aaron Marcum:

center of about 80, 80 college kids,

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

and here's Eric in his mid forties.

Aaron Marcum:

Six, four, I think big guy, just as, very has a presence about him.

Aaron Marcum:

He could be a, maybe a little intimidating if you didn't know him.

Aaron Marcum:

Once you know him, he's not at all, but, and he would sit down with these,

Aaron Marcum:

call center research associates and have real meaningful conversations with them.

Aaron Marcum:

I'd sit there and

Aaron Marcum:

watch him do

Dallas Burnett:

that's so good, yeah, oh,

Aaron Marcum:

in positive psychology, which is the third phase is

Aaron Marcum:

the high quality connections.

Aaron Marcum:

if we could have those connections on a daily basis with our team members,

Aaron Marcum:

where we're just asking them about their lives and, or even if it's

Aaron Marcum:

work related, I remember Eric sitting down and he would go, or he would

Aaron Marcum:

ask him what their frustrations were.

Aaron Marcum:

And he'd learned so much about, like we use this proprietary software we

Aaron Marcum:

would build and he would get feedback from them because they, he just let

Aaron Marcum:

their guard down and they were open and honest with them with their

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:

he had built that trust that that safe space, they had a safe

Dallas Burnett:

space, could share, I know the listeners, percent are gonna be like, duh, we did

Dallas Burnett:

not plan this, but we have a coaching system what do we know is that a lot

Dallas Burnett:

of companies can spend money on coaches for the CEO, COO, directors, VPs.

Dallas Burnett:

Everyone in the organization would benefit from coaching.

Dallas Burnett:

So we have a coaching scaffold that we've put in that companies can apply.

Dallas Burnett:

And it's fascinating that you would say that because really what it's all

Dallas Burnett:

about is facilitating high quality connections and conversations, just like

Dallas Burnett:

what you said in positive psychology, because like you said, it's just

Dallas Burnett:

sitting across from someone that's being present and asking questions.

Dallas Burnett:

Then just listening, just letting just hearing them out.

Dallas Burnett:

And you're not expecting necessarily anything.

Dallas Burnett:

And yet you, you, can receive so much just by

Aaron Marcum:

You, you receive so much.

Aaron Marcum:

You benefit.

Aaron Marcum:

That's the point of the high quality connections is that there's

Aaron Marcum:

two people who benefit in that.

Aaron Marcum:

So you and the other person is that you're receiving back from them.

Aaron Marcum:

things you often don't expect.

Aaron Marcum:

I share the example.

Aaron Marcum:

I, several years ago, I Flew into Boston and I got an Uber as late,

Aaron Marcum:

like 1130 flight was delayed.

Aaron Marcum:

I was tired.

Aaron Marcum:

I got in with my Uber driver.

Aaron Marcum:

He was from, Eastern, country.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

This guy, he started talking to me and I wasn't initially in the mood,

Aaron Marcum:

but he asked me about my spirituality.

Aaron Marcum:

He asked me about my family.

Aaron Marcum:

And we just got into this meaningful conversation for 45 minutes.

Aaron Marcum:

And he dropped me off at my hotel.

Aaron Marcum:

I came around.

Aaron Marcum:

And it's the only time I've ever gotten a hug from my Uber driver, you

Aaron Marcum:

know, and I'll tell you for the next several days, I was on cloud nine.

Aaron Marcum:

I was like, that was the coolest thing, so those connections in our, when we're

Aaron Marcum:

leaders, when, with our staff, as it's, it, it changes our, that's the good

Aaron Marcum:

life to me is like, when you're having those on a regular basis, we need those,

Aaron Marcum:

even if you, Are an introvert or you are label yourself as an introvert.

Aaron Marcum:

you still need those connections, those meaningful

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:

that's so important.

Dallas Burnett:

It's not only that, what you can get as well, because here's the funny thing.

Dallas Burnett:

we'll hear people that go this program and they may be a new leader

Dallas Burnett:

or a technical manager, they're not used to, a times people, it just

Dallas Burnett:

naturally because of the business of life, I know I'm guilty of this, one

Dallas Burnett:

of the first things that goes is.

Dallas Burnett:

That presence with people when, it, everything's going nuts and haywire.

Dallas Burnett:

And there's all kinds of problems solving.

Dallas Burnett:

You get busy.

Dallas Burnett:

You sometimes neglect just stopping for a minute, man.

Dallas Burnett:

Hey, how's your kids?

Dallas Burnett:

How's your, where are you at?

Dallas Burnett:

where are you at checking in?

Dallas Burnett:

How's your role there?

Dallas Burnett:

Are you happy with doing what you're doing?

Dallas Burnett:

because we're so transactional at that point, we're just moving, And

Dallas Burnett:

so that for me, one of the cool things is that we've seen through

Dallas Burnett:

this system is that you get feedback.

Dallas Burnett:

Like you said, you were on cloud nine after talking to your Uber

Dallas Burnett:

driver and getting a hug from him.

Dallas Burnett:

And that's like this most random like it's hug from your Uber driver.

Dallas Burnett:

But then.

Dallas Burnett:

He blessed you like you're like, man, I'm blessed for getting this hug.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm feeling this for days.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I think a lot of the coaches that, and I would say business leaders

Dallas Burnett:

to, to, to your point to encourage them.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

We get information and feedback from them.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

We build trust.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

We build engagement and all those things.

Dallas Burnett:

But you can't overlook what you're actually getting out of it beyond

Dallas Burnett:

the transactional, I'm just going to listen to you so that you'll work

Dallas Burnett:

harder to, tell me what I need to know that you're missing the boat.

Dallas Burnett:

The point is connection.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if you listen, someone with intent to really get to know them

Dallas Burnett:

and really understand them, you end up being, especially if you're

Dallas Burnett:

curious, you end up being blessed just like you were with the Uber driver.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that's

Aaron Marcum:

I like curiosity.

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

and it's creating the space to do it.

Aaron Marcum:

if you over schedule your day and you are up against projects and up

Aaron Marcum:

against things, and I'm as guilty as anybody doing that, right?

Aaron Marcum:

Is that we can over schedule ourselves to where we don't make the time

Aaron Marcum:

for those high quality connections.

Aaron Marcum:

And so that white space in your schedule.

Aaron Marcum:

As a leader that builds culture, like culture should be your number one

Aaron Marcum:

priority when it comes to your business.

Dallas Burnett:

That's right.

Dallas Burnett:

I love it.

Dallas Burnett:

So now let's talk a little bit about Entree Thrive.

Dallas Burnett:

This is your book.

Dallas Burnett:

We've talked all about the different laws that you have in it and all

Dallas Burnett:

the great advice that you've shared.

Dallas Burnett:

What inspired you to write Entree Thrive?

Dallas Burnett:

you've done these businesses, been successful, and now you're

Dallas Burnett:

like, I'm writing a book.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us a little bit about what inspired you to write Entree Thrive.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

I don't think I had a big goal of writing a book when I started my master's program

Aaron Marcum:

and it was in the process of doing all the research for my capstone at the end where

Aaron Marcum:

I'm like, you know what, this could be a.

Aaron Marcum:

This could be a book.

Aaron Marcum:

And I, I met, I met my publisher through a networking group or what was

Aaron Marcum:

strategic coach and we just hit it off.

Aaron Marcum:

I told him what my thoughts were and what I was thinking.

Aaron Marcum:

And he was like, that would be a

Aaron Marcum:

great book.

Aaron Marcum:

So it was not just a great book.

Aaron Marcum:

We talked about.

Aaron Marcum:

The target audience and I have to come back to my 2015 self and said,

Aaron Marcum:

okay, I'm out, that's my target.

Aaron Marcum:

And there's many out there that I felt needed these more science

Aaron Marcum:

backed approach to being is I'm a huge fan of the self help out there.

Aaron Marcum:

I, I've absorbed plenty of that over the years and a lot of it's helped me, Brian

Aaron Marcum:

Tracy wrote my introduction in the book.

Aaron Marcum:

I'm a huge fan of Brian.

Aaron Marcum:

he was a game changer for me early on in my entrepreneurial journey.

Aaron Marcum:

And he's turned out, I've gotten to know Brian.

Aaron Marcum:

He is one of the nicest, most generous people on the planet.

Aaron Marcum:

And so love all that.

Aaron Marcum:

But I also wanted to, lean into the research of wellbeing

Aaron Marcum:

and positive psychology.

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

Really like to make this point.

Aaron Marcum:

it's not the science of happiness necessarily, like how to be happy.

Aaron Marcum:

It's really the science behind why do some people thrive

Aaron Marcum:

and why do some people don't.

Aaron Marcum:

And there's, you'd be blown away by the research that's

Aaron Marcum:

been done in that field on that.

Aaron Marcum:

it's really the proactive side of psychology

Aaron Marcum:

rather than the

Aaron Marcum:

reactive side.

Aaron Marcum:

where we're trying to get in front and allow everyone to thrive, regardless,

Aaron Marcum:

you don't have to be going through a crisis to use these principles, and so

Aaron Marcum:

that's why I wrote the book as I thought of my, like I said, I was in the pack.

Aaron Marcum:

I wasn't like behind in 2015 of most entrepreneurs.

Aaron Marcum:

I was just with everyone else.

Aaron Marcum:

And my goal again is to help people break away from that

Aaron Marcum:

and really lean into their best

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I love it, man.

Dallas Burnett:

That is so good.

Dallas Burnett:

We're all about leaning in.

Dallas Burnett:

I love how you said that lean into your best self.

Dallas Burnett:

If there was a, if there was a slogan or catchphrase for the last

Dallas Burnett:

10%, man, that would be a, that would be a lean into your best self.

Dallas Burnett:

That's fantastic.

Dallas Burnett:

So, we're.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Let's do it.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's do it.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Collaboration, man.

Dallas Burnett:

We're all about it.

Dallas Burnett:

So, yeah,

Aaron Marcum:

go, go.

Dallas Burnett:

it, where can they, if they want to find Aaron and the

Dallas Burnett:

entree thrive, where can can they connect with you and your book?

Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:


Aaron Marcum:

We'd love to offer your listeners.

Aaron Marcum:

We actually created a, a URL or a website and then just go to entrethrive.

Aaron Marcum:

com E N T R E T H R I V E.

Aaron Marcum:

com forward slash

Aaron Marcum:

last 10.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

last 10.

Aaron Marcum:

And they can download.

Aaron Marcum:

Yeah, they can download the last 10 numerical 10, the

Aaron Marcum:

number 10

Aaron Marcum:

and they can download the entre clarity guide.

Aaron Marcum:

So I talked about those guiding truths.

Aaron Marcum:

there's questions in there to help them build out their guiding truths.

Aaron Marcum:

And so we just want to offer that to your listeners and, and then

Aaron Marcum:

for home care providers, you can go to our breakaway accelerator.

Aaron Marcum:


Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

But, but entre thrive dot com will get you where you need

Aaron Marcum:

to go and order the book from there.

Aaron Marcum:

You can

Aaron Marcum:

link to it.

Dallas Burnett:

put all of that in the show notes.

Dallas Burnett:

So guys, please check that after you can absolutely go and download that.

Dallas Burnett:

We would encourage you, highly encourage you to go and download

Dallas Burnett:

and check out Aaron's website.

Dallas Burnett:

I will ask ask this to this question to all of our guests at the end of the show.

Dallas Burnett:

And that is who is someone and that you would like to hear as a guest,

Dallas Burnett:

On the last 10%, it may or may not be someone, but it would that you

Dallas Burnett:

would like to hear on the last 10%.

Aaron Marcum:

Chad Willardson, I don't know if Chad, Chad Willardson,

Aaron Marcum:

he's a four time bestselling author.

Aaron Marcum:

He's more in the financial side, but he's written some really epic books, Stress

Aaron Marcum:

free money's one of them, Chad's a friend, but, and I can connect you to Chad, but

Aaron Marcum:

he's, he'd be an exceptional host or

Aaron Marcum:

a guest.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

we'll we'll have to reach we'll get with you at the and see we can,

Dallas Burnett:

can connect and we'll have him as a guest, we'll tell him, we'll tell

Dallas Burnett:

him that Aaron, Aaron put him up.

Dallas Burnett:

to, to be a guest on the show, that'd great.

Dallas Burnett:

and this has a fantastic.

Dallas Burnett:

Fantastic episode.

Dallas Burnett:

I really appreciate all that you've shared with, I know the listeners

Dallas Burnett:

have been digging all the, you just dropped a lot truth on the show today

Dallas Burnett:

and a lot of great some tactical and mindset advice been really good.

Dallas Burnett:

I'd love to hear in your story and, man.

Dallas Burnett:

We, just have to, we'll have to talk, we'll have to talk soon about that book

Dallas Burnett:

project that we'll do a collaboration on, but listen, we'll have you, we'll

Dallas Burnett:

have you, back on the show sometime.

Dallas Burnett:

The last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

Thanks for being a guest

Dallas Burnett:


Aaron Marcum:

I would love it.

Aaron Marcum:

Thank you.

Aaron Marcum:

Appreciate it.




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