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What Does it Mean to Redefine?
Episode 315th December 2023 • Rise, Shine, and Redefine • Caryn Meininger
00:00:00 00:08:20

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In this episode of the Rise, Shine, and Redefine podcast, host Caryn Meininger explores the transformative power of redefining yourself to truly shine. She emphasizes that redefining is more than just a superficial change, but rather a profound transformation that involves peeling back layers and discovering the luminous being beneath. Caryn guides listeners on an introspective journey of self-discovery, encouraging them to ask themselves important questions about their core identity, values, and desired life path. She challenges listeners to let go of outdated perceptions of themselves in order to embrace their true selves and lead a fulfilling life. Tune in to this episode to embark on your own journey of redefining who you are.

Ig: @riseshineandredefine





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