Join hosts Nathan, Bee, and Sam for an in-depth discussion on their top 10 films of 2024. From surprising hits to unexpected disappointments, they share their thoughts on the movies that left them gasping, applauding, or scratching their heads. Stick around for an important announcement about the future of the podcast. Don't miss their final showdown before the big 100th episode celebration!
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In the dying emirates of human existence, as the asteroid, a behemoth, the sides of Texas hurdles relentlessly toward Earth, the world braces for an apocalyptic end.
Narrator:Deep beneath the bunker, a refuge plunges into the bowels of the earth.
Narrator:Here the chosen gather their purpose clear to preserve the very soul of our civilization.
Narrator:The 35 and 70 millimeter prints that encapsulate the magic, the emotion, and the dreams of generations generations past.
Narrator:These masterpieces, each frame a testament to the human spirit, are carefully cataloged and cradled in the cavernous confines of the bunker.
Narrator:Perhaps there was room for more, for friends and family yearning for salvation.
Narrator:But sacrifices must be made.
Narrator:The movie nerds stand united, the keepers of a flame promising a future where the art of storytelling endures, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
Narrator:God help us all.
Host:Foreign welcome to Back to the Frame Rate, part of the Western Media Podcast Network.
Host:In this cinematic crusade, we journey through films on VOD and streaming platforms, deciding their fate.
Host:Salvation in our vault of legends, or eternal banishment to the flames of the coming asteroid apocalypse.
Host:You can find episodes of our show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Host:Or find us on social media@backtotheframe.
Host:I am Nathan Schur, and accompanying me are the extraordinary movie mavens Brianna Butterworth and Sam Cole.
Host:Greetings, hello, and welcome to our 99th episode, back to the Frame Rate Western Media Podcast.
Host:Dude, that's a nice jingle, Sam.
Host:I'm going to talk to the board about implementing that in front of all of our programming.
Narrator:Oh, thank you.
Narrator:I thank you very much.
Host:You're not gonna want royalties, I hope, right?
Narrator:No, no, it's just the.
Narrator:The honor of my.
Narrator:My singing having been heard brings joy to my heart.
Host:I've captured.
Narrator:I asked for nothing in return.
Host:I've captured a lot of singing of yours, Sam.
Host:So, you know, I could, you know, cut a whole full album at this point.
Narrator:Yeah, there's some wackiness on file, that's for sure.
Host:Oh, my gosh, this should be a really fun episode.
Host:We've done this now two years in a row.
Host:We're going to do our wrap up of the past year.
Host:Hey, Happy New Year, everyone.
Host: It is: Narrator:2025.
Host:How do we get here?
Host:Slipping the calendar.
Guest:Slippery slopo.
Guest:Life decisions.
Guest:Here we are.
Narrator:Yeah, Time of Sunday, by the way.
Narrator:Happy fourth anniversary of the Capitol riots.
Narrator:Anyway, continue.
Guest:Oh, my God.
Host:Yeah, sorry.
Narrator:I could not resist.
Narrator:You know me, wacky comedy.
Narrator:I apologize.
Host: films of: Host:And also we're going to have a few, maybe some superlatives and honorable mentions, some other categories of awards we'll hand out for some other films.
Host:But yeah, this should be fun.
Host:And then later on in the episode, we do have a special announcement about.
Host:About our 100th episode coming up.
Host:So stick around for that.
Host:You don't want to miss that.
Host:So let's get into this.
Host:We have a beat.
Host: did you watch last year from: Guest:2.
Guest:So it's not.
Guest:It's not a super strong.
Host:Well, I'm not.
Guest:I've done better.
Host:I'm not even saying how many I.
Narrator:Watched because I could barely come up with top 10.
Guest:Yeah, pretty close put.
Host:It's the movie leftovers from last year, I'm guessing.
Guest:I, you know, I was gonna go.
Narrator:With Super Mario Brothers again.
Guest:I will say I tried really hard to have a comprehensive view, but I have some pretty serious blind spots that I wish I didn't going into today's episode.
Host:Well, do you.
Host:Do you want to have any caveats or anything that you missed this year we can say right now off the bat because people might be asking, why isn't this movie on?
Narrator:I will say off the bat.
Narrator:I have.
Narrator:I've seen several movies this year that I've liked, but I have not seen so many films that this is probably going to be like my worst top 10 list unintentionally.
Narrator:I just have a lot more to see.
Narrator:So I just want to promise the audience and the people of America that I will get to these films.
Narrator:I will watch them.
Narrator:I've just been busy with stuff.
Narrator:But my, My apologies to the country and.
Narrator: l not let you down, President: Host:Well, I hear something funny before you answer that question.
Host: or: Host:I was so behind on movies and I've always put out a top 10 list on social media, but I was so embarrassed of the lack of movies that I watched.
Host:I put out a top 10 list of the previous year because I finally caught up on.
Host: Like the: Host: Hey, I caught up on my: Host: of: Host:And I felt good about that.
Guest:You had some closure.
Guest:Sometimes that's the way to do it.
Guest:So one of the things that impeded me go.
Guest:It was just release dates, you know, I.
Guest:So I'll just say now one of my blind spots that I Feel pretty confident.
Guest:Would have been in the top 10 is Nickel Boys and it just came out this past week here in Massachusetts and I haven't been able to get to it.
Guest:The other two are Janet Planet, which was not an issue with release date.
Guest:I just was one of those movies I was like, this is going to be emotionally is going to wreck me.
Guest:And I kept putting it off until I just put it off and then do not expect too much from the end of the world.
Guest:All three of those.
Guest:I'm like, these could have been real contenders and I just didn't get to it.
Guest:I just didn't get to it.
Guest:I'm sorry.
Host:Well, all will be forgiven, I'm sure.
Narrator:I believe me, I understand.
Guest:Thanks guys.
Host:There were a few I.
Host:I did not get to.
Host:I really wanted to catch Sing Sing, but that was not tiny release in the summer.
Host:Never got a digital release.
Host:I think it's because it's going to be re.
Host:Released in the theaters maybe around awards season.
Host:That's why.
Host:Didn't want to.
Host:I didn't see a real pain.
Host:I think it just got a digital release.
Guest:Oh, I just watched that.
Narrator:I haven't seen it.
Narrator:I honestly have not seen the substance yet.
Narrator:I am embarrassed to say.
Narrator:And I will watch it because I've only heard incredible things about it.
Guest:It was really cool.
Host:And there was a couple like.
Host:I know like Nickel Boys just came out and the Brutalist which just was not available in the theater.
Host:Around here.
Host:So, you know, a couple caveats.
Host:But you know, hey, we're not.
Host:We're not.
Guest:I'm an UN movie critic, you know.
Host:We're not getting screener copies like other people.
Host:Other critics do or we get advanced screeners of this where we can do that.
Host:So that's not the position that we're in.
Host:So go listen somewhere else, folks, if that's what you're looking for.
Guest:Out of 72.
Guest:These are my.
Guest: know that I hit the highs of: Guest:So it was exciting in that way.
Host:Well, I think it's.
Host:Say anything else or shall we get to this?
Narrator:Oh God, there's so many films.
Narrator:I'll discuss it as I go, but I will say that on a positive note.
Host:Your list will speak for itself.
Narrator:On a positive note, I am thrilled to announce that it is the year of Avatar, Fire and Ash.
Guest:Less than a year ago.
Narrator:Yes, it is excited for that because of course I would be, but I am.
Host: a ton of things coming out in: Narrator:Pumped for Jurassic World.
Narrator:Looks intriguing to me because, I mean.
Host:Look at one of them.
Narrator:I personally, I never.
Narrator:I never get tired of dinosaurs chasing people.
Narrator:That is one, like, algorithm.
Narrator:I always, always watch.
Narrator:Oh, 65 is my number one.
Narrator:That's the best.
Narrator:Like, forget jaws.
Narrator:You know, like, 65 is where it's at.
Guest:Forget Jaws.
Guest:That's funny.
Host:Okay, well, let's begin.
Host:Our top 10.
Host:Well, Sam, do you want to begin?
Host:You want me to begin?
Host:How should we start this?
Guest:Go for it.
Narrator:I'll go.
Narrator:Oh, no, you go.
Narrator:You go, Nathan.
Host:Okay, fine.
Host:I'll begin.
Host:I'll open this up.
Host:So my number 10 is Dune part 2 from Villeneuve.
Host:One of the.
Host:This is.
Host:I think this is.
Host:Of all the big budget action movies, epic films that came out this past year, I think this was the perfect mix of spectacle and scale and great storytelling.
Host:And I just think he just took a text that was just impossible to turn into a film.
Host:As, as you know, I'm not a fan of the David lynch version, but he.
Host:What he did with this turning into two films, I think was commendable.
Host:I thought this was great.
Host:And this really.
Host:I liked this movie when it came up, but I really.
Host:As I sat with this, I learned to really love this movie.
Host:And I saw it again, and it's.
Host:It's an amazing work of art.
Host:So I do.
Host:And I can't wait to see Dune Messiah, which I think is scheduled for a few years.
Host:I have.
Host:I'm not holding my breath.
Host: te, which I think is December: Host:I think that's unlikely, but I've heard good things about doom prophecy.
Host:But I'm all in on this world now.
Host:I think it's really, really great.
Host:And it's so rich.
Host:And I love this.
Host:This whole world.
Host:And I think that he's now opened up another franchise that we're gonna mine a lot of stories from.
Host:So I'm excited where this whole thing's gonna go and.
Host:And thank God that he was able to tackle this.
Host:This book series.
Host:And I'm excited where it's going to go.
Host:So, yes, Dune Part two is my number ten.
Narrator:Three cheers to that.
Narrator:I wholeheartedly occur.
Narrator:Like courtroom devil Javel.
Host:Yes, yes.
Guest:Dune too Good fucking movie.
Guest:Like it a lot.
Host:All right.
Host:B, why don't you.
Host:When you take the next one?
Host:Your number 10.
Guest:My number 10.
Guest:I don't know if either of you have seen this.
Guest:I don't think we've talked about it on.
Guest:But Dahomey, kind of a late hitter.
Guest:Hope I'm saying that right.
Guest:It is a pretty short.
Guest:It's just under 70 minutes.
Guest:Pretty short kind of documentary.
Guest:It is a documentary, but it's about artifacts that were stolen from Dahomey and taken by the French and then brought back.
Guest:But only a few were brought back out of the whole collection.
Guest:And it's told.
Guest:The story is told from the perspective of one of the artifacts, and it talks about how the artifact, once it's back in his home, feels.
Guest:Still feels displaced.
Guest:And then there's sort of a second part where there's a debate about the intention of France giving back these artifacts and.
Guest:And what it means for the people of this town of this state now.
Guest:So it was really creative.
Guest:I haven't seen anyone do a documentary like this.
Guest:You know, Nathan, we had talked earlier this year.
Guest:We both wanted to actively watch more docs.
Guest:I didn't see a ton, but I saw this one.
Guest:I'm so glad I did because it was incredibly refreshing.
Guest:And just like I said, a.
Guest:A take on the form that I've never seen.
Host:And I see this is.
Host:It's on prime video now, but it's playing in some theaters as well.
Host:So you could catch it if it's playing it locally in.
Host:In Massachusetts.
Host:Playing at the bridal theater.
Host:Oh, is it really on prime video too?
Guest:So that's awesome.
Host:It might be playing at one of your boutique theaters near.
Host:In your neighborhood, listeners.
Guest:Or you go check it out.
Host:Oh, interesting.
Host:All right, Good pick.
Host:Sam, what is your number 10?
Narrator:So my tum.
Narrator:My number 10 would be wolfs, directed by John Watts, Brad Pitt and George Clooney, and also Emmy Ryan.
Narrator:I actually really enjoyed it.
Narrator:I just watched it randomly one night.
Narrator:Very taught, fun thriller, very quirky, well shot, interesting scenario.
Narrator:I did a lot with, like, close quarter situations I won't give away.
Narrator:Like, there's like a lot of twists and reveals in it, but I just overall enjoyed it and it was very memorable to me as there's a lot of films that I watch that I.
Narrator:They'll like, leave my head, but this one stuck with me.
Narrator:So give Wolf's a viewing.
Narrator:You will be entertained.
Host:I know why you like this movie.
Host:Sam, it's that same dichotomy as like the ocean's 11 type dialogue.
Host:Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Host:It had.
Host:It did that for me as well.
Host:I thought this movie went on a little long.
Host:Maybe not.
Host:Not long.
Host:Kind of the third act I thought fell apart a little bit.
Host:I liked them.
Host:The Clooney pit.
Host:Their dynamic I thought was great.
Host:They could just riff off each other all day long.
Host:I, I'll buy that ticket.
Host:I did think that the story kind of petered out a little bit, but.
Narrator:I totally hear that.
Host:Perfectly serviceable.
Narrator:I hear that 100%.
Narrator:Like it wasn't amazing.
Narrator:It didn't reinvent the wheel, but it did its thing that you just described it.
Narrator:Did it?
Narrator:Well, I was just.
Narrator:It was like popcorn fun, you know.
Host:Yeah, it is totally.
Host:I think we're back to me.
Guest:We are number nine.
Host:So number nine.
Host:This was a movie that was.
Host:We did, you know listeners, we did a.
Host:Halfway through the year.
Host:We did our mid year top five picks.
Host:This movie was one of my early favorite movies.
Host:It did not leave my top five and it is Challengers.
Host:I almost feel bad that Challengers is this low on my list because it was so long in like my top two or three.
Host:But it started going further down the list and I actually didn't.
Host:I almost wanted to stop watching movies because I didn't want it to leave my top ten.
Guest:It's so good.
Host:And I guess, oh, it's down to seven.
Host:It's down to eight.
Host:It's down to nine now.
Host:My damn.
Host:I don't want it to leave my top 10.
Host:I, I'm worried that this movie is going to get completely snubbed out of awards season.
Guest:I think it will and I think it's going to.
Host:Was came out early, came out in April I think and this, this is basically three hander.
Host:Incredible performances from Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, Mike.
Guest:Mike Feist.
Host:I love the pace this movie.
Host:It's like not like watching a tennis match.
Host:The banter in this, the.
Host:The back and forth and you almost feel like the ball being throttled back and forth between these characters and at times the camera is literally the ball.
Guest:It's so cool and the sound rips.
Narrator:And I, I have, I've got to tell you guys this.
Narrator:I am so embarrassed to say I have not seen Challengers yet.
Narrator:That is high in my list and I'm on it.
Narrator:Honestly, from everything I've heard about from like both your opinions, I'm sure it would be on my top 10.
Narrator:And again, I apologize to the world.
Guest:No, it just means you get.
Guest:I wish I could watch that movie again for the first time because it was, like, such an experience.
Guest:I think.
Guest:I think they won a Golden Globe for the score.
Host:Oh, good.
Host:Because the Reznor Atticus Ross score is incredible.
Host:Is so good.
Host:I think I mentioned it might be my.
Host:It's a lot of.
Guest:I think it's my favorite score.
Host:Might be my favorite score.
Host:And you're talking Social Network.
Host:We're talking a lot of great things this tandem has done.
Host:It's so good.
Guest:It's up there.
Host:So Challengers is my number nine.
Host:All right.
Host:So, B, what is your number nine?
Guest:Alien Romulus, baby.
Narrator:Oh, cool.
Guest:I like this movie so much.
Guest:So out of this, you know, collection of a few dozen movies that I watched this year, there's only a handful that I've already watched twice, and this is one of them.
Guest:It just has that rewatchable factor for me.
Guest:I can see myself coming back to it as a comfort movie, and I thought it would.
Guest:I thought it would go down on the second watch, honestly, just because it does have that video game nature.
Guest:And I was worried that it would feel more formulaic, but I just found more things to like about the set design and the performances that it kind of just stayed where it was for me.
Guest:I had so much fun watching it.
Guest:And it's the kind of movie that I think when you show to people who are just getting into movies, can get really into movies, you know, it's.
Guest:It's the kind of thing.
Guest:And I think the Alien franchise is great at that, at being, like, a gateway to great cinema through something really accessible and also great, you know?
Host:Good pick.
Host:I really like this movie, too.
Host:So I have nothing bad to say about it.
Host:I think it's.
Host:I think we agree it's probably the best Alien movie probably since Aliens maybe, you know, so, yeah, I liked a lot.
Host:All right, Sam, what is your number nine?
Narrator:So, not to be repetitive, but my number nine is also Alien Romulus.
Narrator:I have to say, I.
Narrator:I enjoy that.
Narrator:I give it such a high rating.
Narrator:I give it a huge high rating for, like, the first half of it.
Narrator:I thought the beginning, everything, the setup, I enjoy it.
Narrator:To rip off a friend's phrase.
Narrator:I do think it does feel like Alien, the Force Awakens a little bit, where it's like, it calls back every single thing it can.
Host:There's a lot.
Narrator:But aside from the callbacks when it did its own original Thing like when it had all the face huggers running around in the hallway.
Narrator:That whole sequence was completely innovative and fresh to that film because we hadn't seen that before.
Narrator:And so when it did that and didn't like do callbacks or like remind you of tropes from the other films, I loved it.
Narrator:I had issues with the scenes where it did the tropes, but it was still entertaining and I thought it was visually spectacular.
Narrator:So like, it definitely made the list.
Guest:I had issues with Ian Holm, but that hallway scene with the shooting and the gravity, I was like, I'm in.
Narrator:Yeah, that was awesome.
Narrator:The, the, the cgi.
Narrator:Ian Holm was like irritating.
Host:All right, we're gonna move on to our, our eight.
Host:And my number eight is the Wild robot.
Host:Wild robot.
Host:Biggest surprises of the year.
Host:I never would have imagined this movie was gonna make my top 10 when I actually heard about it, but this movie just won me over at the core.
Host:It's got such a big heart.
Host:And I let.
Host:I've read a lot of comparisons to like the Iron Giant, even Wally, but I, I actually think I prefer this movie more than those.
Host:I like that it's grounded in nature and it's almost on an intimate scale.
Host:You know, there aren't world ending stakes in this movie and it's, it's, it's about growth through adapt adaptation and parent child dynamics.
Host:And as this robot Roz is befriending this like Gosling.
Host:And it just has this really unique meditative quality to it as well that just really resonated with me.
Host:So one of my biggest complaints is, you know, we have like all these movies from like Disney and Pixar, Dreamworks Animation, Illumination and many of these films, you know, I really dig them.
Host:A lot of them, in fact, you know, you might.
Host:More of these might end up later in my list as well.
Host:But I feel like these studios, I feel like are the best metaphor I can make is that you've.
Host:They all have like a box of crayons of 32 colors and they all be limited by these, these 32 colors.
Host:And I'm getting so tired of like Pixar movies always looks like Pixar movies and DreamWorks Animation always has their color palette.
Host:And it was such so refreshing to see another studio like Leica does the same thing as well.
Host:Have a movie like this come out.
Host:And this movie has such this painterly quality to it.
Host:It's like, what a breath of fresh air to see this, this big scope animated movie.
Host:You know, that, that Just burst into the scene that just.
Host:I felt like it was massaging my eyeballs seeing something that just wasn't like everything else I see, you know?
Host:And I would even say, like Miyazaki.
Host:Even though I like Miyazaki movies, a lot of his movies have the same meanness as well.
Host:So I studied Jubilee.
Host:What is.
Host:What I should.
Host:Was just so wonderful just to.
Host:For my isis.
Host:Rest on it.
Host:I loved how everything just kind of like felt like it was just slowly just moving and this painterly feel to it.
Host:It just was so gorgeous to look at.
Guest:That was my number 11.
Narrator:That's awesome.
Narrator:I think it was from the producers of how to train your Dragon.
Narrator:I think I.
Narrator:I think I saw that in the poster.
Guest:Oh, maybe.
Guest:I don't know.
Guest:Yeah, I loved that movie.
Guest:I was weeping by the end of it.
Guest:Beautiful movie.
Narrator:I haven't seen it.
Narrator:I look forward to seeing it.
Host:I am not looking forward to.
Host:Is the live action how to train a Dragon.
Host:Because it looks like just another live action remake.
Host:I'm just like, I am so checked out of that.
Narrator:I know.
Guest:Me too.
Narrator:Yeah, I.
Narrator:I thought.
Narrator:I'll be honest.
Narrator:I thought the trailer was.
Narrator:Or that like teaser trailer was.
Narrator:Was it.
Narrator:It didn't look great because it was one of those, like very CGI oriented.
Narrator:And you thought, well, why not just like it started an animated film.
Narrator:Like they're just duplicating the look.
Narrator:I thought they were going to take the story and do something visually different.
Narrator:And I saw that trailer.
Narrator:I'm like, there.
Narrator:It's like, looks like a shot for shot.
Host:It does remake.
Guest:Yeah, yeah.
Guest:Boo dumb.
Narrator:We'll find out, I guess.
Host:Your number eight.
Guest:I saw the TV glow.
Guest:Sean Brun.
Host:I know about this.
Guest:Yeah, I really did.
Guest:This is one of those movies that throughout the year, the imagery has just stuck with me.
Guest:I watched it pretty early on, but Jane's movies for me are just sticky like that.
Guest:They just sort of stay in my brain and they're hard to shake.
Guest:And I think they're.
Guest:They tap into a very specific period in time that happened to be the time that I grew up.
Guest:And it's the closest I feel to a nostalgia movie without being a movie that I grew up on.
Guest:And I saw this particular film centers around a fake TV show that feels so real, it's so.
Guest:It's so on the nose of a movie from that era or a TV show from that era.
Guest:And that sense of identity when you're kind of a weird kid that so associates and sublimates into the media that you consume and what that means and how you grow out of it and you identify yourself with it and it just, it's really beautiful.
Host:That's a good pick.
Host:Me, I, I think we, we talked about on the, on the podcast that I saw this.
Host:I wanted to love this.
Host:So much in the average.
Host:Because this movie I should.
Host:Because I was also grew up in this area as well with the Buffy and Buffy nostalgia.
Host:Like, why is this not connecting with me?
Host:And I don't know why.
Host:Maybe I wasn't a weird enough kid.
Host:I don't know.
Guest:I, yeah.
Guest:And I, I do think we're all going to the World's Fair, which it just, yeah, that's a little higher for me than I saw the TV glow.
Guest:I, that just hit me in a different way.
Guest:But I still love this film and I, I can't wait to rewatch it.
Guest:Hasn't made my rewatch list yet, but I feel like I still know it shot for shot.
Host:You know, you're making me rethink something later on in the show, so.
Host:All right.
Host:All right.
Host:Sam, you're number eight.
Narrator:So because I have a real soft spot for high octane action films and yeah, 90s like I, I, I highly enjoyed Bad Boys Ride or Die.
Narrator:I'm a fan of the.
Narrator:I still think Bad Boys 2 has the craziest, like most gonzo off the wall.
Narrator:Like that's Michael Bay's Bayest film.
Narrator:But I, I enjoyed it.
Narrator:And I also like that in this age where like a lot of these huge blockbusters carry price tags of like 250 million or like Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny.
Narrator:350 million.
Narrator:This was made for 90 million, which is still a lot, obviously, but just to be able to deliver big popcorn action like that on a slightly more fiscally conservative budget, I say gives hope for the cinematic future of that genre.
Narrator:So number eight, wasn't it great?
Host:Hey, I still need to catch up on the one, the third one, which I haven't, I, I, no, yeah, I haven't, I haven't yet.
Host:So I need to marathon all four of these someday.
Guest:I didn't catch up on that one, but I did catch up on the new Beverly Hills cup, which I feel like is sort of.
Host:Don't, don't, don't tell us your number seven yet.
Guest:Oh my God.
Narrator:And because I'm psychic and I'm so good at being psychic.
Narrator:Let me guess.
Narrator:I know what your number one is.
Narrator:Hold on, I'm gonna say it.
Narrator:Juror number two, am I right?
Guest:Everyone knows that I, I ride hard for juror number two and Clint Eastwood generally.
Host:All right, we're up to our number seven and my so, okay, so each year I vow, we just talked about this.
Host:I vow to watch more documentaries and a goal I fail miserably at every year.
Host:And I, I, the one I, I tried to watch, I did watch Skywalker's A Love Story, did not like that.
Host:So that was to my top 10.
Host:And I watched a movie I thought would make my top 10 because everybody loves it and that's that Superman, the Christopher Reeve movie.
Host:Oh yeah, make my top 20.
Host:It was good, but didn't, didn't make my top 20.
Host: ed to watch elf actually from: Host:Will Ferrell movie.
Host:I actually had seen it in like 20 years and I kind of want.
Narrator:I remember that film.
Guest:Oh, I love Elf.
Host:And during that it reminded me that I've been meaning for months to check out this documentary Will Ferrell that he was involved in, titled Will and Harper that I was hearing some good things about.
Host:And I loved this movie.
Guest:It's so good.
Host:First of all, I'm a sucker for any movie that takes me on a cross country road trip.
Host:But then add in this premise where you know Will's friend who was born Andrew Steele, whom He's known for 27 years or so, and they go way back to his early days on SNL and he, they later collaborated on films.
Host:And so this movie is about Andrew who decided to come out as a trans woman.
Host:I think, I don't want to get this wrong because I know this is, there's a lot of, I don't want to get in trouble for that, but I think that's how it is.
Host:He comes out as a trans woman named Harper.
Host:And it's about coming out to her friends and how they would take this news.
Host:But it's more than that.
Host:It's more about Harper becoming comfortable in her own skin.
Host:So Will proposes this cross country road trip from New York to la, stopping all these places that Harper used to frequent when she was a dentist.
Host:She done a identify as a male and it's fascinating and a beautiful story about friendship.
Host:And there are these several times at this movie gets so raw and open about the difficulties Harper is going through that it's almost too hard to watch at some points.
Host:And I, and I can't recommend this film enough, you know, especially nowadays with the trans community in their Legal rights being threatened.
Host:It's, it's really, really an important movie right now that I think everybody should watch.
Host:It was, it's funny.
Host:It's, it.
Host:I was bawling at times in this movie.
Host:It's really great.
Host:And so, yes, Will and Harper is skyrocketed to the number seven, which I never thought this was gonna be something like until I saw it, but is a fantastic documentary.
Guest:Yeah, it's a beautiful movie.
Host:All right.
Host:Be your number seven.
Guest:Not nearly as touching as that, but a late, a late entry that I knew was gonna make it.
Narrator:Can't wait to see it.
Narrator:I have not seen it.
Guest:One thing about Nosferatu, that dude be horny.
Guest:It's crazy.
Host:That's a Turn this game thrown around.
Host:It's a horny movie.
Guest:It's a horny movie.
Guest:I still don't think it's any hornier than the Keanu Reeves one.
Host:He's creepy bald guy with a mustache.
Host:I don't find anything horny about him.
Guest:But, well, and like, the whole movie culminates in him doing dictionary.
Guest:But no, I, I, I'm a big Eggers fan.
Guest:I don't know that this, for me, the lighthouse is like the lighthouse, you know, but this was just another awesome entry and another example of just this could be a movie that turns people into cinephiles like that.
Guest:I know that word can feel kind of icky, but there's so much respect for the source material in this remake.
Guest:The, the lighting, the German expressionism here, the shot for shot stuff with the original Nosferatu.
Guest:I'm so grateful that I got to see the original so recently, so it was fresh in my mind.
Guest:But it's, it's clear that Eggers has really studied this.
Guest:And I, I think the movie transcends just the technical prowess.
Guest:I, I also think he affords much more character and agency to the women in the film than has ever been put on display.
Guest:Yeah, I, I think he does much more character exploration and motivation exploration than is done.
Guest:So I think it's great.
Guest:I think it's a great entry into the Dracula Nosferatu canon.
Host:Yeah, I, I, I agree.
Host:It missed my top 10 by a little bit, but.
Host:Yeah, good, Good pick.
Host:Sam, what is your number seven?
Narrator:So my number seven would be the movie September 5th, directed by Tim Feldbomb.
Narrator: It's all about the: Narrator:And I loved it because it's, the whole film is shot in a very Docu drama style and the tone and everything of it is so authentic.
Narrator: It really feels actually like: Narrator:This feels very voyeuristic in the best possible way that you're there, like, front and center in the situation unfolding.
Narrator:And I loved it, and I look forward to seeing it again.
Narrator:But just like, the tonality, the experience, two thumbs up.
Narrator:That's definitely my number.
Narrator:7th strong recommend.
Narrator:90% on rotten tomatoes.
Guest:I saw trailers for it.
Guest:It looked awesome.
Narrator:It's great.
Narrator:Like, I.
Narrator:I was surprised.
Narrator:I had no expectations.
Narrator:I didn't really know about it, and I liked it a lot.
Host:Now, you got to see this at a festival, right?
Host:Because this hasn't been released worldwide yet, right?
Narrator:I think it has.
Narrator:I think it.
Narrator:I don't know if it's worldwide, but I think it came out theatrically.
Narrator:But I went to, like, the, like, a premiere of it, the screening of it at Paramount, like, a week before it came out, but I think it's out now, maybe somewhere, I think, in the U.S.
Narrator:oh, good.
Host:No, no, wait, wait.
Narrator:You might be right.
Narrator:It actually may get a theatrical release in January.
Narrator:I'm not sure.
Narrator:So I think.
Narrator:Yeah, I think you might be right.
Host: was technically going to be a: Host:So, yeah, great.
Host:I'm really looking forward to this.
Host:This might end up being on my top 10 next year if I have.
Narrator:And I think you're right.
Narrator:It does come out, and I think in January, but, yeah, definitely worth it.
Host:Well, that's awesome.
Host:That's great.
Host:All right, so we're up to our six picks, and this.
Host:This is the movie that actually slipped in at the last minute.
Host:I think.
Host:I saw this two days ago over.
Host:So over this past weekend, I checked out Ghost Light, and this is from directors Kelly O'Sullivan and Alex Thompson.
Host:So this is actually kind of hard to talk about because this movie, again, wrecked me, and I have a tendency of watching movies that really destroy me sometimes.
Host:The parallels of what takes place in this movie kind of took place during a tumultuous time in.
Host:In my life a few years back, which is kind of uncanny.
Host:Which it's.
Host:It's kind of weird.
Host:But basic premise, without giving away too much, this is character.
Host:Dan is a father who's a construction worker, and he's Got some rage issues, but he has this 16 year old daughter also that acts out in these kind of terrible ways as well.
Host:But we learned that this all stems from this family tragedy.
Host:I'm not going to talk about what that is yet because that's important plot point here, but.
Host:So Dan stumbles upon this opportunity at kind of in a.
Host:In a weird way to join a community theater group's production of Romeo and Juliet, which both magnify his grief that he's going through, but also kind of help him work through it.
Host:So this was a very difficult watch for me because without getting into too much personal stuff, I really identified with the main character, Dan in many ways because I don't want to talk about the podcast, but it's, it's.
Host:There's a lot that paralleled with his journey of during a time of grief, found solace joining a community theater and working things out with that.
Host:I went through a similar thing five, six years ago, which was so weird watching this movie.
Host:And this is a really lovely movie.
Host:It's quietly showing us a portrayal of grief that I haven't seen in a film before.
Host:But in this movie, I was blowing my eyes out again.
Host:So this, this really struck a chord to me.
Host:This movie is not for everybody, but it was great performances, really well done.
Host:So it's called Ghost Light.
Host:Yeah, I haven't even heard of it.
Host:Yeah, it was a small release.
Host:It's on amc.
Guest:Oh, cool.
Host:Plus is that what it is?
Host:Right now?
Host:Yeah, it's really well done.
Host:All right.
Host:So be your number six.
Guest:Number six is a movie that I think is important to the American canon.
Guest:Going with the Piano Lesson, the latest adaptation of August Wilson plays the Washington family back in action.
Guest:Denzel producing, Malcolm directing, and John David starring in it.
Guest:Of course, you have to mention Danielle Deadweiler too.
Guest:Her performance is incredible.
Guest:I just think this whole project of adapting these plays is critical and I think it's wonderful that they're getting to be seen by a modern audience with such a wide reach on Netflix.
Guest:And not only that, it was super well done.
Guest:It's a compelling story and I love the way it was told.
Guest:I think the story of wanting to hold close to your family's heritage, I think is something everyone can relate to to or understand.
Guest:And the sibling dynamic, or any family dynamic about how you honor your past, but grow and move on and honor the wishes that your ancestors probably had for you, obviously is.
Guest:Is something that I think a lot of people can touch on but is so important in the Context of slavery in the story and needs to be told, needs to be shared.
Guest:And it was done super well.
Guest:I love the ending and I was crying like a baby, so.
Host:Yeah, really well done.
Host:And Daniel did.
Host:While I was a big fan of her in this.
Guest:Oh, my God.
Host:I still don't know about John David Washington's performance in this.
Host:I was kind of mix on it, but.
Host:But, yeah, it was good.
Host:I like Samuel Jackson in this a lot.
Host:It was well done.
Host:It was really well done.
Host:Missed my top 10, but it was definitely an honorable mention.
Host:Very cool.
Host:All right, good pick.
Host:Sam, you're number six.
Narrator:So my number six was hilarious, over the top, raunchy, crazy, and had the thinnest plot I have ever seen for.
Narrator:But I did not care.
Narrator:I am, of course, referring to Deadpool and Wolverine.
Narrator:Highly, highly enjoyed.
Narrator:It's like, it was complete, like, the freedom in which it indulged itself.
Narrator:It was just like a awesome, over the top, bloated, crazy, wild ride.
Narrator:And literally, like, for 30 minutes straight in this film, like, Deadpool and Wolverine just beat the.
Narrator:Out of each other, and it's just ridiculous.
Narrator:I just, like, it was.
Narrator:I had so much fun.
Narrator:Like, it's.
Narrator:It's not a.
Narrator:Like, a great film in the history of cinema, but, like, I was wildly entertained by this film, so it made the list because, like, I just.
Narrator:I just laughed, like, the hardest I've laughed all year, probably.
Host:I hear that.
Host:I agree.
Host:I had a great time with this.
Host:I wonder, though, how much of an actual movie it was more than just like, oh, it's barely a movie.
Narrator:I even love how they, like, purposely rip off the, like, Mad Max vibe.
Narrator:They're like, hey, it looks kind of mad maxi out here in the desert scenes.
Narrator:I was like, that's funny.
Host:Good time.
Host:That was.
Host:I had so much fun watching that.
Narrator:Sublimely ridiculous.
Host:All right, we.
Host:We're halfway through.
Host:Yeah, we are the back.
Host:We're in the back nine now.
Host:Or the back five, I should say.
Host:Okay, so my number five.
Host:So a few picks ago, I praised the Wild Robot for its original animation style, and it kind of ridiculed other big studios for always dipping their paintbrush in the same bucket.
Host:So here's where you can call out my.
Host:Because I can't deny the fact that I thought Inside out two was still one of the year's best movies.
Host:And I know.
Host:I want to see that.
Narrator:I love the first one.
Narrator:See how, like, I am so, like, man, I.
Narrator:Yeah, Sam, get off your booty.
Guest:Go see some movies.
Host:I might be in the minority because again, we all bring our own baggage to movies that we see.
Host:And inside, again, I have a feeling.
Narrator:I would like it.
Host:The addition of new characters, especially anxiety, just struck a chord with both me and my family as we sat in the theater watching this last summer.
Host:The Pixar folks, I don't know how they do it, but I think they go created an incredible sequel to one of their truly classic films.
Host:Not exactly as good as the first, but close.
Host:And I think the progression, the maturation of the main characters of like Joy, Sadness and.
Host:And Riley especially I think is exquisite.
Host:The introduction of anxiety and how this character manifests itself in both the inner world of Riley's brain, but also how Riley interacts in the world, I found to be extremely relatable and authentic.
Host:And having a teenage daughter the same age as Riley, you know, from this movie and I can't help draw so many lines of comparisons.
Host:So like I said, this film really hit home for me and I love that.
Host:It's not just recycling the plot of the first film, it's bringing in new ideas and characters in new environments and it's what a sequel should be.
Host:Unlike a more recent Disney animated sequel which will remain nameless that I.
Host:That's entire part du we'll call it which I thought was just, just incred.
Host:So boring and just a tired retread.
Host:So anyways, inside that too fantastic.
Guest:That was a very, very good sequel.
Guest:I agree.
Guest:Okay, number five for me.
Host:I was on my list of things to see.
Guest:Oh, dude.
Host:Honestly, it was either that or I watched Ghost Light and I was like one of these two movies?
Guest:So I'm a big Andrea Arnold fan and I've been anticipating this movie for a while now and I'm so glad I got to see it before we did this because this is one of those late ones that skyrocketed way up my list.
Guest:The first, I say the first third of the movie was a little tough for me to connect with.
Guest:We have a newcomer here, Nikia Adams, who plays 12 year old Bailey doing incredibly deep work here.
Guest:Looks amazing, is doing a wonderful job.
Guest:So you can see every expression on their face, every thought, they, they wear it right on their sleeves and they're doing so great.
Guest:The story, I don't want to give too much away but really I interpreted it as about guardian angels and just when you're a kid and you need a guardian angel and how you learn to become that person for yourself.
Guest:And Barry Keogh gives a great performance in it, but really, I think.
Guest:I think Nike is the star.
Guest:And it's a.
Guest:It's a great return.
Guest:I don't know that people will love it as much as they loved American Honey or Fish Tank, but it's a great return.
Host:I'm gonna check it out as soon as I can.
Host:Sam, what is your number five?
Narrator:So my number five.
Narrator:This is a controversial pick because this movie is so bonkers.
Narrator:And I don't know whether I like it or think it's nuts or.
Narrator:I don't still know to what to make of it, but I found it highly entertaining.
Narrator:I am referring to Megalopolis.
Guest:I liked it a lot.
Narrator:I enjoyed this.
Guest:I ride for it, baby.
Host:I'm so glad Megalopolis made somebody's list.
Host:It might be on someone else's, but that's so cool.
Narrator:I highly enjoyed it.
Narrator:And even though it's like.
Narrator:I don't know how to describe this film at all, I.
Narrator:Without giving it away, I found the closing, like the last scene with the kid on the stage and like the freezing of time.
Narrator:That's all I'll say.
Narrator:But like, I found that moving and poignant somehow because it put this epic coda on this wild tale.
Narrator:Like that movie has so much thematic, insane ambition.
Narrator:So good, so good at wildly over the top performances.
Narrator:I will still say the most unintentionally hilarious moment in that film, or perhaps intentional, is when she is literally talking to Adam Driver and when she's like, dad, he's a really good guy.
Narrator:Look, do you see any evil in him?
Narrator:And it cuts to this intense face of Adam Driver and he's doing like a Kylo Ren stare.
Narrator:The whole entire audience burst out laughing in unison in that moment.
Narrator:It was brilliant.
Guest:For the listeners.
Guest:For the listeners, Nathan and Sam were subjected to like a 10 minute voice note from me after seeing Megalopolis about how I'm pretty sure it falls in like the great Italian American canon.
Guest:I think it's an awesome choice.
Guest:Yes, I ride for Megalopolis.
Guest:I'm so glad I've made it onto a list.
Narrator:Yes, definitely.
Narrator:Very memorable.
Guest:Everybody else is an idiot.
Guest:I'm so sorry.
Guest:You're wrong.
Guest:This movie rules.
Narrator:We know.
Narrator:We know.
Narrator:We know what films are good.
Narrator:That's what we do.
Guest:You're welcome.
Narrator:That's what we achieve it.
Narrator:Back to the frame rate.
Host:Well, I will say it did not make my top 10.
Host:I thought about it, nor my top 20.
Host:But it does make a superlative category.
Host:Later on, I'll just tease that it.
Guest:Definitely makes my top 15 and a superlative.
Host:Okay, so number four.
Host:We're in the number four.
Host:My number four is conclave.
Guest:Good movie.
Host:This is another film I had no idea I was gonna love as much as I.
Host:I would.
Host:The premise, when I heard about it, served absolutely no interest to me at all.
Host:I really thought this was gonna be this.
Host:Like, a Sam Brown film with Christian politics and such.
Host:I'm not Christian.
Host:I'm like, I don't care about this at all.
Host:But this was really a straightforward mystery thriller.
Host:And I.
Host:I can't think of another film this year in which every scene, every line of dialogue, I was on the edge of my seat.
Guest:Most iconic vape hit of all time in a movie.
Host:Pope's vaping cardinal is so cool.
Host:And these are just a bunch of cardinals in a room talking for two hours.
Guest:That's all this movie is just a locked door mystery.
Host:And the fact that this movie generates so much tension is a credit to the writing.
Host:Edward Berger's directing.
Host:Who you know, and it's a shame if Berger doesn't get best director nomination, because who knows?
Host:I know it's a tight field all the time for best Director, but without a doubt, one of the front runners for best actors is Ralph Fiennes as Cardinal Lawrence.
Host:In this, he's put in charge of overseeing the conclave.
Host:I even know what conclave meant before this.
Host:That's how much I know.
Host:And which.
Host:Which apparently is what they do when a new pope is elected, which all new to me.
Host:Hats off to Stanley Tucci as well.
Host:Always consistent, and I love seeing him.
Host:I love to see him get a supporting nomination.
Host:He's not going to, I'm guessing, but great film.
Host:My biggest takeaway from this is that I can't wait to see what Edward Berger does next, because this and the last film he did, he.
Host:He did all squat in the Western front a couple years ago, which was really, really great.
Host:Epic war storytelling.
Host:I think he's great.
Host:And I can't wait to see what he does next.
Host:So awesome film.
Guest:My biggest takeaway.
Guest:Ray finds hot no matter what.
Host:You know, absolutely.
Host:You know what movie I never saw of his from a couple years ago?
Host:I never saw the Menu.
Guest:Oh, good movie.
Host:Yeah, I need to check that out.
Guest:Because I heard that I didn't love it, but it was good.
Guest:Yeah, I like Conclave better.
Host:Or number four.
Guest:Gonna go with Anora.
Guest:You And I are both big fans of this director and he comes out swinging with another great one.
Guest:I thought this was really fun.
Guest:I didn't expect it to be and I don't know why, but I didn't expect it to be so funny.
Guest:And I found myself rolling on the floor for a really good amount of this movie.
Guest:It just had my partner and I in stitches for a lot of it.
Guest:And then it would be, you know, a hairpin turn and it would be making us like break down.
Guest:But as usual, this.
Guest:There's something so real, something so tangible about these characters.
Guest:This is a far cry from Pretty Woman.
Guest:You know, this is not that story, but it's.
Guest:This is a silly thing to say for a movie that I put so high, but I really loved the blocking in this movie and it just was just that attention to detail in every scene and about every character and to.
Guest:To use it to tell such a wonderful story.
Guest:I thought it was.
Guest:It was great.
Host:Great pick.
Host:Great pick.
Host:All right, Sam, your number four.
Narrator:So my number four, which surprised me as I feel like I was one of the like the five people that saw this, but Horizon and American Saga Chapter 1, the Kevin Costner film.
Narrator:Very uneven.
Narrator:Like I.
Narrator:But there was just some like.
Narrator:I thought some of his.
Narrator:Some of the scenes in this film had absolutely terrifying suspense.
Narrator:I like the atmosphere for it.
Narrator:I'm kind of a sucker for westerns.
Narrator:Like it does have lots of characters.
Narrator:It is a bit all over the place.
Narrator:But I just enjoyed the experience of watching it so much that I kind of of like surprise myself and like I will.
Narrator:I will definitely be watching that film again.
Narrator:And I don't know if the second one has come out yet or if it's not coming out, but I'll be there if it does.
Narrator:Probably I'm streaming, I'm guessing.
Narrator:Yeah, but I enjoyed it.
Host:This is the one reason why I never watched Horizon.
Host:Because I'm scared.
Host:I heard it has kind of a cliffhanger.
Narrator:It does.
Host:And like I'm worried it's net.
Host:We're never gonna see any of these follow up films.
Host:They never see the light of day.
Host:Am I.
Host:Am I gonna waste my time with three hours of a movie that's never gon me a conclusion?
Host:This worries me.
Host:I want to know that there's a release date for at least a second film before I invest three hours that.
Narrator:Part two was shot and they in like.
Narrator:It just didn't do well.
Narrator:And the first one.
Narrator:And I think it might Be coming out to streaming.
Host:But the second one has, as far as I know, unless somebody I read something different has no release date yet for anything, any streaming date.
Host:It's not going to go to the theater, clearly.
Narrator:Oh, for sure.
Narrator:I just, I just mean like production.
Narrator:Like I think, I think he filmed like a two part like you know.
Host:Well he did because they were supposed to come out in June and then like August back to back.
Host:Which was.
Narrator:Yeah, yeah.
Host:Because like.
Host:Because no one's gonna see the first before the second one comes out.
Host:And like why, what's the deal with that?
Host:I don't know.
Narrator:Yeah, odd.
Narrator:Too close together.
Narrator:But I did, I mean not perfect but I really like the scenes have been sticking with me for a while and I like, I highly enjoy it.
Narrator:I'm surprised because I know it's like it's not.
Narrator:Not highly rated.
Narrator:It just struck with me for a reason.
Guest:Yeah, I haven't seen it yet.
Guest:Did you watch Yellowstone Sam?
Narrator:I haven't, no.
Guest:Yeah, I've only seen a little bit of it.
Guest:This is really weird but my cat loves it.
Guest:I'm serious.
Guest:You can put it on in the background and the cat's like glued to Yellowstone.
Guest:I don't know.
Narrator:Yeah, that's amazing.
Narrator:I wonder why that is interesting.
Guest:I don't know.
Guest:Maybe he likes horses.
Guest:Dreams are running around.
Guest:I don't know.
Host:I will check it out someday because this is the movie that he threw Yellowstone away to do.
Host:He walked away from this.
Guest:This was his passion project.
Narrator:So yeah, I mean and I was aware of him leaving Yellowstone.
Narrator:I hadn't seen it but I.
Narrator:Yeah, I.
Narrator:It was interesting.
Narrator:Surprised he left but yeah.
Host:Okay, so we're on to our number three.
Host:And so when we did our top five at mid year, this was my number one movie and it fell down only a couple spots.
Host:So this movie is Love Lies Bleeding.
Host:This movie is my jam.
Host:Up and down, left and right.
Host:Kristen Stewart, Katie O'Brien deliver standout performances.
Host:They breathe life into these characters that feel simultaneously like relatable and larger in life.
Host:The film belongs to one of my favorite genres like stories about third rate petty criminals.
Host:But there's also something really so compelling about these characters who inhabit like margins of society.
Host: ainst gritty backdrops of the: Host:These are people who dream big but live small, ordinary lives.
Host:But so.
Host:But undermining themselves with poor decisions.
Host:I just love people that just live in this rut, you know.
Host:So anyways, Rose glasses direction just elevates this story and it's just truly something extraordinary.
Host:I think that everything has this dreamlike quality to this.
Host:Every frame is drenched in vivid, saturated colors.
Host:So this movie's lingered with me all year.
Host:I love it so much.
Host:I've talked about this a lot in this podcast.
Host:I don't need to say anything more about it.
Host:And the funny thing is, this is number three.
Host:This movie, my second and first movie.
Host:Either one of these could be my favorite movie this year.
Host:It's the hardest thing to do is figuring out which of these three is my favorite.
Host:If you were to ask me next week, Love Lies Bleeding could be my number one and, you know.
Host:Or number two.
Host:All these top three movies are all tied for first for me, honestly.
Host:That's what I'm gonna say.
Host:It's so hard to pick.
Guest:My number three is Love Lies Bleeding.
Guest:You put it much more spectacularly than I could have.
Guest:You are, as per usual, much more eloquent than I would have been.
Guest:But, yes, there's something incredibly compelling about these characters that are just doing their best.
Guest:You know, if you support women's rights, you got to support women's wrongs.
Guest:And this is that movie.
Guest:Rose Glass.
Guest:I'm so thrilled to see her back after Saint Maud.
Guest:You know, she's making great work.
Guest:I can't wait to see what she puts out next.
Guest:I'm a sucker for a touch of the surreal.
Guest:And this, as you mentioned, is a very grounded story that.
Guest:But it is elevated not just by the color palette and the direction, but that sort of almost supernatural quality.
Host:That hair, too.
Guest:And it.
Guest:Harris's hair.
Guest:That's real brutal.
Guest:This is one of those movies that I have come back to when I could have been watching another new movie.
Guest:I chose to watch this one again a couple of times because it's.
Guest:It's darn good.
Guest:It's just darn good.
Host:It is.
Host:Okay, Sam, what is your number three?
Narrator:So even though this was not as good as its predecessor, I am still such a huge fan of the saga, the world, and the.
Narrator:The atmosphere.
Narrator:I am, of course, talking about Sonic 3.
Narrator:No, just kidding.
Narrator:A Mad Max saga.
Guest:Sorry, I believe it's pronounced Furiosa, not Furiosa.
Narrator:I highly enjoyed it.
Narrator:I just.
Narrator:It is uneven in parts, and.
Narrator:But I.
Narrator:That set piece in the middle, where they're, like, on the rig and just.
Narrator:That was spectacular.
Narrator:I thought it was an interesting film.
Narrator:Not quite as successful a formula as, obviously, Fury Road, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Narrator:Like a worthy addition and sort of an oddly self Contained story.
Narrator:But the opening scene of that film, like the opening up to like the mother's death, I thought was just like amazing.
Guest:I can't wait to watch this with a little more space because I.
Guest:I do have it so Married to Fury Road and it's really hard for me to divorce them.
Guest:But I do think.
Guest:Yeah, they're totally different things and I.
Guest:I do think it's an incredible movie, but I need.
Guest:I've seen it.
Guest:I had that opinion of it and now I need to.
Guest:To watch it again and sort of let it stand on its own merit.
Guest:Cool performances in it.
Narrator:Selfishly, I really wish it had done better at the box office because I know that in Waiting in the Wings there was another one he was going to work on.
Narrator:And now because of that film, I don't know if it'll go into production but never stay.
Guest:He usually finds a way.
Host:I did.
Host:I did re.
Host:Watch Furiosa about two weeks ago because I.
Host:As you just said, B.
Host:I need.
Host:I think when we watched.
Host:Reviewed it earlier in the year, we watched all the Mad Max movies back to back to back.
Narrator:Yeah, we were.
Host:Yeah, all five of them.
Host:And I feel like I got so much more out of it seeing it kind of standing alone.
Host:I enjoyed it so much more.
Host:I enjoyed Chris Hemsworth so much more the second time because I thought it was kind of an odd performance, but like, I thought he was a great villain.
Host:See, the second time I got a lot.
Host:I got a lot more of this.
Host:The big awesome spectacle of it this time around.
Host:And yeah, I'd say if I were.
Host:I probably gave it like a three and a half last time.
Host:It easily is a four for me now, if not better than that.
Host:It didn't make my top 10, but it's in my top 20 now where what wouldn't have been if I hadn't re.
Host:Watched it.
Host:But yeah, I think it's a great film.
Host:I think it's great film and it's a tra.
Host:I think it's a tragedy that.
Host:That it didn't do better than it did.
Host:It should.
Host:It should have.
Narrator:Definitely hear that.
Narrator:I highly enjoyed it.
Host:All right, so we're on to our.
Host:Our second picks.
Host:Our number two.
Host:So my number two was your number four.
Host:It is Anora.
Guest:Hell yeah.
Host:So I.
Host:I think I mentioned this a month or so ago.
Host:Sean Baker is four for four great making movies that nobody else is doing.
Guest:Straight bangers.
Host:It's probably two and not one because he.
Host:It's not my favorite Sean Baker movie.
Host:Still the Florida Project for me.
Guest:Yeah, that's my favorite too.
Host:But he seems interesting niche telling stories about people once again in the.
Host:Inhabiting the margins of society, which I love in this case.
Host:You know, it revolves around, you know, sex workers.
Host:And nor is this woman who works out of this gentleman's club.
Host:Mikey Madison is so good in this and like, it starts off as a Cinderella story, but once we get past that, my favorite part of this movie is the middle third of this where I've read some.
Host:Some discord online where people don't like the section of the movie where it's like this midnight madness, like, run through.
Guest:Oh, it's so fun.
Host:And like, it's my favorite part of this mov.
Host:Because this is where it gets hysterical.
Guest:So funny.
Host:And my favorite.
Host:And I think one of my favorite characters in this is the guy that plays Tauros, who is like this fixer for like, the Russian oligarch, the family, who is just sweating out, trying to salvage.
Guest:He's like, this is just a job, man.
Guest:I just got to figure this out.
Guest:I like that the goons were just so apathetic.
Host:So I.
Host:I wish he would get like a best supporting nomination in it would.
Host:He won't.
Host:But go to Igor.
Host:Yeah, there was a lot.
Host:There's so much to love about this movie.
Host:But yeah, you said already everything that needs to be said about this.
Host:But no, I was gonna say.
Host:I don't know if you agree with this, B, but I'm trying to think, you know, who does Sean Baker remind me of from like, maybe another classic director?
Host:Do you think that he has, like, any common sensibilities of maybe like a John Cassavetes working in an independent scene, intimate character studies, emotionally raw performances.
Host:I'm just trying to like, figure out, like, who is he, like the modern Cassavetes, Possibly.
Host:I don't know.
Guest:Yeah, I kind of like that.
Guest:I have to think about it if there's any apt comparisons that are not cast of it.
Guest:But yeah, I kind of like that.
Host:Women on the Verge or.
Guest:Or, yeah, Faces.
Guest:I could see him making kind of a.
Host:There's a similar spirit to their work.
Host:I thought about it.
Guest:I almost.
Guest:I almost think kind of a little early Jar Mushi too, you know?
Host:All right, so that's my number two.
Host:What is your number two be?
Guest:Oh, my number two.
Guest:And like you said, my top three could move around and I'd be totally fine with it.
Guest:But this one, I've Talked about on the pot a lot.
Guest:I loved it.
Guest:It comes in my favorite genre.
Guest:And what a standout it became right away.
Guest:Something salvaged Q1 this year, and it was the first Dolman.
Guest:Oh, my God.
Guest:It's so freaking good.
Guest:There's a scene in this movie.
Guest:I don't know if either of you seen it, but I have no idea how she got that past the sensors and to be shown in major movie houses.
Guest:It's incredible and graphic and, you know, I think I said in an earlier review of it, it's.
Guest:It uses the Omen series to scaffold this very strong story around, but it is not beholden to it.
Guest:It elevates it and stands on its own two feet.
Guest:Wonderfully done.
Guest:Yeah, I could go on.
Guest:It's super.
Guest:If you see one.
Guest:And there was a lot of scary movies this year, but if you see one horror movie, this should be the horror movie you see.
Host:All right.
Host:I need to check it out.
Host:I do.
Guest:It's so good.
Host:It's so good.
Guest:Just more Catholicism for you.
Guest:Just take it.
Host:All right, Sam, what is your number two?
Narrator:My number two is Dune Part two.
Narrator:I thought it was brilliant.
Narrator:I thought Denis Vil new did a great job.
Narrator:What you were saying about it, Nathan, like 100% agree.
Narrator:The movie definitely grew on me as well with a few viewings.
Narrator:And I just.
Narrator:I think it's an epic.
Narrator:Spectacularly well Dune and I.
Narrator:Well done.
Narrator:Well, Dune.
Guest:Well done.
Narrator:And I cannot wait to see Dune Messiah.
Narrator:So many of you in Part two.
Narrator:But if you haven't, make sure to see the first one, watch the second one.
Narrator:The two films together.
Guest:You should all go see it together.
Host:All right.
Host:All right.
Host:It is time for our number one.
Host:So we can do.
Host:I have no sound effect for it.
Host:Maybe I'll do put in later.
Host:All right.
Host: So my number one from: Guest:Rock and roll.
Host:So like I said, this past year selected my number one film.
Host:It's usually.
Host:It's usually not a difficult thing.
Host:I usually know every year easily what my number one film is.
Host:But this year I tormented because, like I said, between a Nora Love Wise, bleeding in substance.
Host:Every single day it was a different film in my number one.
Host:So any one of these could be in my number one.
Host:So I love all three of these films.
Host:But I will say though, of these three films.
Guest:Something stands out for you.
Host:Well, no, what I want to say is of all these three films, I feel like.
Host:No, forget it.
Host:I don't know.
Host:Let me say, I, I, I.
Host:I think I'll talk about the year in general later on.
Host:So I thought this was the most balls to the wall, absolutely gung ho zero given film of the year.
Host:This is why maybe it's resting at number one.
Host:Debbie Moore.
Host:I think it just gives a career.
Host:Resurrecting before performance won the Golden Globe.
Host:Yeah, last night.
Host:I didn't watch it, by the way.
Host:I watched Kunk on Life instead because that was more fun.
Guest:It was so fun, wasn't it?
Guest:I loved Kong On Life, so I.
Host:Just love that, like, this movie goes to some insane places.
Host:And I think what I love is just when you think this movie is kind of, like, plateaued, it goes to even more extreme measures.
Host:And it's got some weird, crazy body horror going on.
Host:And it's saying a lot about the entertainment industry and how it treats and objectifies women.
Host:Dennis Quaid, where's he been the last couple years?
Host:He's been playing, like, all these, like, spiritual, like, movies and, like, family films.
Guest:Good to have you back, Danny.
Host:And now he's playing this TV producer of one of the most grotesque and appalling representations of a male character I've seen in so long.
Host:But he's.
Host:He's like this amalgamation of, like, toxic masculinity, misogyny, and sexual gatekeeping that goes on in the industry.
Host:And it's.
Host:It's just this incredible film that I'd say is the closest thing also to a David Cronenberg film that we've had in a long time as well.
Host:I love this movie.
Host:That's the funky.
Host:I'm pumped.
Host:I'm gonna watch it again tonight.
Guest:Hell, yeah.
Guest:Hell, yeah.
Host:All right.
Host:Your number one B.
Guest:Well, Nathan, you mentioned balls to the wall.
Guest:It reigns supreme for me.
Guest:I can't get it or the soundtrack out of my head.
Guest:I think it rockets these three to superstardom.
Guest:You can.
Guest:Already there, but I think this gave her a chance to really chew on scenery and perform in a way I haven't seen her perform before.
Guest:Everybody, forgive the pun, is knocking it out of the park in this.
Guest:We talked about the cinematography.
Guest:I don't have a ton more to say about it other than I was so excited.
Guest:Luca, Not a director I'm always on the same page with.
Guest:But this one just struck me at the right time, and, God, did I love it.
Guest:It's so fresh and new and exciting, and it's got fresh faces in it, and it's doing New things.
Guest:And I, I saw things in this movie that I had never seen done on film.
Guest:And that is great.
Guest:I'll take that away from it.
Host:Love it, love it, love it.
Host:All right, Sam, you get the last pick.
Host:Number one.
Narrator:So this is technically a, A, A cheat, but I, It's.
Narrator:I had to put it at number one.
Narrator:I just had to.
Narrator:Because either Beekeeper.
Narrator:There was.
Narrator:There was.
Narrator:There was no other number one for me.
Guest:Zemeckis is here.
Narrator:It's cheating, but it's.
Narrator:Because it's technically not a movie, but it was incredibly cinematic.
Narrator:I'm referring to Rings of power.
Narrator: two is my number one media of: Host:We're going with a TV show.
Narrator:I can't help it just because it just flanks the other ones on the left on the list for me.
Narrator:I thought it was amazing.
Narrator:Lots of trolling on like, you know, online and stuff.
Narrator:But I.
Narrator:I could not recommend this incredible show more Visually spectacular, well acted and just amazing.
Narrator:So that, that has to be my number one.
Narrator:Even though it's.
Narrator:It's technically not a film, but it's as cinematic as it gets for me this year.
Host:Well, it's too bad because, you know, we were going to rename the podcast to technically a movie and.
Guest:That'S awesome.
Guest:I'm so glad with season two more than I was with season one.
Guest:I really feel like I understand where they're going.
Guest:It made me more excited for season three.
Guest:I'd like you to meet my Lego Legolas.
Guest:I made sense.
Narrator:Oh, nice.
Narrator:I just.
Narrator:And honestly, visual effects, like, the most spectacular.
Narrator:Like, I just.
Narrator:It just.
Host:Yeah, I actually just.
Host:I've been behind and I just started season two actually of Rings of Power, so I watched episode one, so I was highly impressed with the first episode.
Narrator:You will definitely enjoy it.
Narrator:It's far more focused than season one.
Narrator:It just was like, taught in Spencer.
Narrator:So you'll like it.
Host:Yeah, yeah, there was a couple episodes.
Host:At least one episode in season one was like where I felt we were stuck in with the.
Host:Where were we at?
Host:I don't know.
Host:There was an episode that felt kind of like meandered or one or two of them.
Host:But I'm excited.
Narrator:Season one was uneven for me too.
Narrator:I totally hear that.
Host:I think we were with the dwarves a little too long maybe, is what it was.
Host:I don't know.
Host:Okay, well, that is it.
Host:Let's round this out here.
Host:So my, my list.
Host:From 10 to 1, I had Dune Part 2, Challengers, the Wild Robot, Will and Harper, Ghost Light, Inside out to Conclave, Love Lies Bleeding, Anora and the Substance.
Host:Do you guys have yours written down or can I show everyone?
Guest:I do.
Guest:I got it.
Guest:Dahomey, Alien, Romulus, I Saw the TV Glow, Nosferatu, the Piano Lesson, Bird, Anora, Love Lies Bleeding.
Guest:The First Omen.
Guest:And challengers.
Host:And we're going from ten to one.
Host:Everyone listening?
Host:And Sam, what is yours from so.
Narrator:Ten was Wolves, Alien, Romulus, Bad Boys, Ride or Die.
Narrator:September 5th.
Narrator:The film and not the day.
Narrator:And 6.
Narrator:Deadpool and Wolverine.
Narrator:Megalopolis, 4.
Narrator:Horizon, Part 1 in American Saga 3.
Narrator:Furiosa 2, Dune Part 2 One Rings of Power, Season 2.
Guest:Okay, can I get some honorable mentions?
Guest:Do we want to do that?
Host:Yeah, sure.
Host:Let's do a few honorable mentions in there.
Host:What do you got?
Guest:So I've got three or four here that I think they didn't quite crack the top 10 for me, but they're super interesting and I think listeners should check them out.
Guest:The first is Problemista.
Guest:This was a really fun film by, I think it's Julio Torres.
Guest:And it was just interesting and fresh and smart.
Guest:Really just smart filmmaking with kooky fun performances and more stuff that I hadn't really seen done on screen before.
Guest:It's daring and exciting and I look forward to whatever Julio does next because I've enjoyed it all up until now.
Guest:And another thing was keeping with that sort of somewhat surrealist theme is the Beast with Leah Seydoux that had made some ripples and I, I look, I want to watch it again.
Guest:I want to let it soak in.
Guest:It is a very long movie, but it was a cool concept.
Guest:A little eternal sunshiny, but I liked it.
Host:All right, great.
Host:Sam, do you have any honorable mentions?
Narrator:Honorable mention was.
Narrator: t doesn't get a release until: Narrator:So it's the old guy, directed by Simon West, Kristoff Waltz and oh my God, I'm blanking on Philip Seymour Hoffman's son's name.
Narrator:He's a co star and excellent.
Narrator:Cooper Hoffman, I think his name is just like really?
Narrator:He showed chops in this film.
Narrator:I enjoyed it and well done.
Narrator: It came out in: Host:Okay, awesome.
Guest:I'll check it out.
Host:We'll mention just a couple I, I mentioned it last episode so I'm not gonna dwell on it now.
Host:I loved the outrun with Saoirse Ronan.
Host:I, I praised that last episode so I'm not gonna go on in that.
Host:But a movie that just missed my top 10 that I really am sad that didn't make it was Late Night with the Devil, which I loved.
Host:I praised that movie also.
Host:I think that was in my top five at the mid year point as well.
Host:That is, it's like this faux late night show.
Guest:I still didn't see it.
Guest:But that's another early horror movie from this year, right?
Host:Dust Malchian.
Host:Yeah, it's kind of, it's a, yeah.
Host:Dust Malchian is this late night talk show host and he bring and there's like this, it's kind of like invaded by the, with this spirit that he, that is going.
Host:It's all done in real time.
Host:It's like this lost episode that is uncovered.
Host:It's a really, really interesting movie.
Host:I've never seen anything like it before.
Host:I highly recommend it.
Host:I think it might be my 11 or 12 if we did a top.
Host:If so I really liked it.
Host:Sad that didn't make it.
Host:You might laugh.
Host:I loved it.
Host:Twisters was probably my top.
Host:Hey, if you feel it, I know.
Host:I really had a great time with Twisters.
Host:And until it's probably the last month and a half of this year where I started watching some of the prestige pictures, it might have made my top 10.
Host:I had that much fun with it.
Guest:It went way up on a re watch for me.
Guest:Super fun.
Host:And I think the last thing I'll mention is came out really early in this year and at the time I was kind of mixed on.
Host:I liked it, didn't love it.
Host:But in light of where we are in the world right now, I think Civil War is a pretty good film.
Host:I had, I, I want to watch it again and I'm kind of maybe hesitant to.
Host:But there's so much about that movie that I think is really good in that film.
Host:And I'm curious now in light of where we are post election, how that film will land with me now.
Host:I, I, I like Alex Garland a lot and I think that maybe I wasn't real.
Host:It wasn't the movie we thought we were getting right.
Host:So I, I, I think it, I think it is worthy, worth another shot and it probably would make my time top 20.
Guest:Now if you want a journalist movie, you could also watch Lee the Cave Wins the Passion Project which was, which was Good.
Guest:I liked it.
Narrator:I like Alex Garland as a director.
Narrator:I was.
Narrator:I personally was really civil.
Narrator:I mean, really disappointed in Civil War.
Narrator:But I will say the scene in the middle of the film with Jesse Plemons, like, shout out to his terrifying performance, like that scene, had that moment been extended, extended into like a.
Narrator:A more major part of the film, I would have loved it.
Narrator:But like that.
Narrator:That scene, I absolutely loved.
Host:I liked it.
Host:I like Kaylee Spany.
Host:Hey, great year for Kaylee Spany.
Narrator:So, yeah, it had.
Narrator:It had nothing to say.
Narrator:It was just like shock value.
Narrator:But like, I.
Narrator:I did like that middle scene.
Host:Okay, let's take a quick break and we'll come back with a couple of our other superlatives.
Host:If you open the beaches on the 4th of July, it's like ringing the.
Narrator:Dinner bell, for Christ's sake.
Host:I pulled a tooth the size of.
Narrator:A shot glass out of the rectal.
Host:Of a boat out there.
Guest:And it was the tooth of a great white.
Host:It was Ben Gardner's boat.
Narrator:It was all chewed up.
Narrator:I helped tow it in.
Host:You should have seen him.
Narrator:Where is that tooth?
Narrator:Did you see it, bro?
Narrator:No, I didn't see it.
Narrator:He dropped the bl.
Narrator:I had an accident.
Host:And what did you say the name of the shuck is?
Guest:It's a Carcharat.
Narrator:And Carcarius.
Host:It's a great white.
Narrator:You don't have to tooth.
Host:Thank you for tuning into our podcast.
Host:Over the years, your support has meant the world to us and we're so grateful for the journey you've shared with us together.
Host:If you've enjoyed our episodes, you can visit them anytime by visiting back tothe frame
Host:you can also follow us on social media, back to the frame rate on Facebook, Instagram threads, tick tock, YouTube and Twitter to stay connected.
Host:Your encouragement, enthusiasm have been the heart of this podcast.
Host:We can't thank you enough for being part of our story.
Host:Okay, let's get to a few of our superlives here.
Host:You know the first thing I want to do.
Host:You guys remember the beginning of this year?
Host:We barely.
Host:I know.
Host:A long time ago.
Host:It was about a year ago.
Guest:Been a long year.
Host: We did our: Host:What we were looking forward to this year pretty much.
Host:We made a top 10 list.
Host:See anybody jogging anyone's memory?
Host:Well, I have this here and I want to read it to you and find out if any of these movies landed on your top 10 all right.
Guest:All right.
Host:This should be.
Host:This should be kind of fun here.
Host:All right, Sam, your top 10 movies that you.
Host: our most anticipated films of: Host:Dune Part 2.
Host:Well, it was called Deadpool 3 back then.
Host:Civil War, Inside Out 2, which you didn't get to A Quiet Place Day 1.
Narrator:Haven't seen it.
Host:Alien, Alien, Romulus, Beetlejuice 2.
Host:Well, became Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice and Gladiator 2.
Host:So how do you feel?
Host:But you actually hit on a lot of these here.
Host:A lot of.
Host:Several of these ended up in your top 10.
Narrator:I hit on a few of them, yeah.
Narrator:It was not bad.
Narrator:You know, like some, you know, it's.
Narrator:When those movies are marketed at the beginning of the year, sometimes some of them appear bigger than they are, but you never know what you're gonna get.
Host:It's so hard because we only know about like the big tent pole releases right at the beginning of the year.
Narrator:Yeah, exactly.
Guest:And to, to your earlier point.
Guest:Right, like we're not critics or anything that would know necessarily.
Guest:A lot of the stuff that's.
Guest:Gonna come out.
Guest:And I, I don't get to follow as closely to movie news as I would like to.
Guest:Sometimes I feel like I live under a rock.
Guest:I mean, I watch them, but other than that, not a lot I can do.
Narrator:I hear that.
Host:Are you ready for your 10 most anticipated films?
Host:All right, here it is.
Host:Beetlejuice 2.
Guest:Good movie.
Host:Bob Marley, the one I would love.
Guest:Not the one I had blacked that movie out.
Guest:Lashana, Lynch Goddess, though.
Host:The Book of Clarence.
Guest:Didn'T get to it.
Host:All right.
Host:Drive Away Dolls.
Guest:Bad movie.
Host:Gladiator 2.
Host:The Bike Riders.
Guest:We'll talk about it.
Host:Dune Part 2.
Guest:Good movie.
Guest:Great movie.
Host:Mickey 17, which got delayed.
Host:It's coming out.
Host:I'm looking forward to.
Host:I Can't wait and two more.
Host:Furiosa, of course, and Lord of the Rings, War of the Rohirrim.
Guest:And I'm so bummed that I haven't watched it.
Guest:It feels almost like, like 14 year old me would really punch me in the face for that moment move, you know?
Host:All right.
Host:And my 10 movies were civil War, which I told you didn't meet my expectations.
Host:Driveway Dolls, which we're gonna get to that.
Guest:We just had Rod Lives instead.
Host:Alien, Romulus, which I didn't.
Host:I did, like a lot.
Host:Dune part two did make my top 10.
Host:The bike riders we'll get to that.
Host:Deadpool 3.
Host:I had a great time with that.
Host:Mickey 17 delayed another movie here.
Host:Alto Knights got delayed as well.
Host:I think that's coming out in a month or two as well.
Host:And Samuel appreciates Horizon Part 1 and 2, because I thought they were both coming out this past summer.
Host:So I didn't.
Host:I didn't watch, obviously, Horizon.
Narrator: ng to happen in the summer of: Host:Exactly.
Host:So those.
Host: ons, our anticipated films of: Guest:So, yeah, we did a good job.
Host:We did pretty good anticipating what might make our list here.
Narrator: s year was better than my two: Narrator:I just.
Narrator:I feel like it was more.
Narrator:I like your point.
Guest:I like your list.
Guest:You had a lot of movies that I was like, yeah, that's a good one.
Guest:Didn't quite make them for me, for all of them, but I like them.
Host:Hear that.
Host:So, B or Sam, Were there any.
Host:Was there a surprise this year?
Host:What would be your biggest surprise if you had one?
Host:It could be something that was already mentioned as well, but.
Narrator:Oh, man.
Guest:I've got one.
Guest:Amelia Perez.
Guest:Have any of you seen it?
Host:No, I.
Host:I know about.
Host:I just haven't had a chance.
Guest:I didn't really know what to expect going in, and I'm kind of all over the map with this movie.
Guest:One day, I think it's.
Guest:You know, I'm thinking about it with a very high opinion.
Guest:Another day, really not.
Guest:I think some of the performances salvaged what was otherwise not always a great story, but it was genuinely a surprise not knowing what it was going into it.
Guest:Everything about that movie, stylistically, the plot, everything was a surprise for me.
Guest:And it was fun and engaging to watch.
Guest:So, yeah, I appreciate a big swing.
Guest:Whether or not it always knocks it out of the park.
Guest:I like a big swing.
Guest:I think people should watch it.
Host:Did that just win some globes?
Host:I think it won.
Guest:I think it did for some of the performances.
Guest:I know Zoe Saldana 1.
Host:I gotta check that one.
Guest:And she.
Guest:She was great in the movie.
Narrator:I was gonna say, even though it's not about a film, it's the film itself.
Narrator:But I was really surprised by the box office of Furiosa.
Narrator:Like, I didn't think it was going to be the biggest hit, but I did not see it just, like, choking in dirt like that and just not doing well.
Narrator:Like, that was.
Narrator:I was not.
Narrator:I thought it was going to be a huge.
Narrator:The big sequel to, you know, like, I was like, I had no idea.
Guest:And maybe I'm in a bubble, but I really saw it.
Guest:Mad Max had more of a following, especially after Fury Road.
Narrator:Yeah, me too.
Guest:So I was really surprised that people, that public opinion was able to control the narrative so quickly on that one.
Guest:I think it got panned really fast and then just went nowhere.
Guest:And people, it just felt like people didn't even give it a shot.
Guest:And we, you know, I can't exactly say I helped with a ton, but at least be curious about it.
Guest:Go see it for yourself.
Host:Fury Road was not the giant box office mega that people think it was.
Host:I mean, did it, did it win Best Picture or am I thinking something else?
Host:Or was it.
Narrator:It was nominated, I think.
Narrator:Yeah, it didn't win, but I don't.
Host:Think it won Revenant or it, it was up there.
Host:It was up there.
Host:I'm blanking.
Host:But it, it, it, it isn't that big.
Host:People think it like it's a billion dollar movie.
Host:It's not even close to that.
Guest:No, but it gained such a cult following since its release.
Host:It did, but the.
Host:But it's not even remotely.
Host:It's a completely different movie than Fury Road.
Host:It is, it is.
Host:Road is the most simple plot.
Host:You know, go to A, to B, back to A.
Guest:Most Mad Max movies.
Host:It is.
Host:And Furiosa is really an anomaly in the franchise.
Host:It is the biggest epic of all the movies.
Host:And I think that's what maybe what kind of.
Host:I was funny.
Host:It's not like people went to see it and then like you saw like a 70 drop the next week.
Host:People just completely shunned it from day one.
Host:And maybe it's because like, oh, I don't want to see Crimson Chris Hemsworth in this whole thing.
Host:Or they're like, we don't.
Host:We people from day one.
Host:Like, we don't want to see the story.
Host:We want to see Mad Max.
Host:And maybe that's what it was.
Host:It's from the very moment, from the marketing.
Guest:I don't know if it was like the, the womanly.
Guest:Because people love Anya Taylor, Joy.
Guest:So I was surprised that the sort of superstardom didn't, didn't sort of help it limp through.
Host:She's not that big as.
Host:I mean she's, she's well known, but I don't know.
Host:She's not opening movies, you know, so I don't know.
Host:And it, I not surprised.
Host:It didn't do fantastic.
Host:I just shocked how much it, it, it tanked.
Narrator:Some People said that if like it, you know, and I'm glad that it.
Narrator:I'm glad they went the route they did, but that if it had Charlie Ston and Tom Hardy in it that it might have had more of a box office draw, you know, but I'm sure would they.
Guest:I think people I think would have suffered though.
Host:Oh sure.
Narrator:Oh yeah.
Narrator:I think I'm just talk.
Narrator:Yeah, I.
Narrator:I like how it was, but yeah.
Narrator:Sorry, what were you saying, Nathan?
Narrator:I didn't mean to cut you off.
Host:No, no, no.
Host:There's nothing else.
Host:I think people.
Host:I think.
Host:I think the discord was.
Host:Or what the fanboys wanted was Free Road 2.
Host:You know, that would have been what people think they wanted it pro would not have been as good as a movie.
Host:But that's what, you know, people always want more of the same thing.
Host:That's what the majority people.
Guest:People probably would have said like, oh, it's just the same thing again.
Narrator:Yeah, right, right, right.
Host:I'll just say my biggest surprise was hundreds of beavers actually.
Host:I'll say I want to.
Host:I want some.
Host:I want that to come up somewhere in this podcast.
Host:Podcast that this was something that was done for almost no money at all.
Host:Not no money at all, but just done on independent film.
Host:It is a Looney Tunes cartoon come to life.
Host:So much fun.
Host:It is not a perfect movie.
Host:It did not make my top 20.
Host:But I just want to just mention it here because I think I, I want, you know, independent creators to do more things like this.
Host:Just have the guts to create something as insane as this and you never know when it's going to stick in this movie.
Host:Somehow on.
Host:On a very small budget made it into the mainstream, you know, to some degree.
Host:It did, it did.
Host:It's on big streaming platforms.
Host:It had a theatrical release.
Host:It is the dream, it is the success of filmmakers like myself, like you, Sam, that to create something on such a small budget and then have it explode like this.
Host:This movie's made millions and millions of dollars on I think a hundred thousand dollar budget.
Host:It is incredible story and it is so funny and it's so creative and, and witty and well done.
Host:So absolutely, I'm in all this and it came out of nowhere.
Host:So yes, biggest surprise for me was this movie so fun.
Host:Yeah, this will be a fun one.
Host:What is your biggest disappointment?
Guest:I feel like I have a three way tie for this.
Host:I have a three way tie too.
Guest:Obviously it's bike riders for me.
Guest:I was so jazzed for this movie and so bummed about the result of it.
Guest:I did not find a whole lot redeeming in this film.
Guest:And it's not that it's not a serviceable movie.
Guest:I think if I went back and watched it I'd probably be like, yeah, it's fine.
Guest:It's a good movie.
Guest:But I think I was so excited for it that it fits into that disappointment category because I.
Guest:I just.
Guest:My expectations and anticipation was running really high.
Guest:The other two that are big disappointments for me I actually didn't have the same anticipation for.
Guest:But I like probably less than I like Bike Riders is here and Night.
Guest:I did not like her.
Host:I was.
Host:I was gonna check out Night at some point, but now I know it wasn't for me.
Host:All right.
Guest:Seems divisive.
Host:But my.
Host:I have a three way tie.
Host:But I think above all that is said it before Driveway Dolls which Because you know we have got.
Guest:Not a good movie.
Host:I think it's.
Host:Is it Jewel or Ethico?
Host:And I'm getting the mix up now.
Host:Which one did this?
Guest:I don't remember.
Host:But you know it's.
Host:I think it's.
Host:I want to find out because it's Ethan Cohen.
Host:Joel Cohen did like Tragedy, Macbeth and he.
Guest:Which I loved.
Host:Really well done.
Host:This is the first thing that Ethan Cohen has done since he's.
Host:He went solo.
Host:So I had high expectations for this.
Host:I thought this was going to be kind of that in the.
Host:In the world of like Raising Arizona or something like that.
Host:I thought we were going to get that kind of humor that kind of like.
Host:Like, you know, much like we had with what's the movie.
Host:I love Love Life's Bleeding.
Host:Love Life bleeding.
Host:I thought we were gonna get.
Host:You know.
Host:But we didn't.
Host:And this.
Host:It just didn't.
Host:It didn't work for me.
Guest:Just a flaccid dildo and.
Host:And Matt Damon in this.
Host:I don't know what he is doing in this movie.
Host:It's just the storytelling just didn't work for me.
Host:I don't know what can I say so.
Host:But the three way tie is also Bike Riders was on this.
Host:I think Bike Riders might.
Host:I might give another shot sometime because I think Bike Rides is a well done movie.
Host:It just didn't reach the.
Host:My expectations for it.
Host:But it's.
Host:It's so like it's.
Host:It's a little bit of Goodfellas.
Host:It's a little bit of something else and like it's derivative of Felt like Other Things and it just didn't feel like, it all.
Host:Coco co was cohesive enough for me, but I don't think it's a bad movie.
Host:I just wanted something a little more that.
Host:More from it.
Host:So I don't know.
Host:The other movie is.
Host:And it really is not.
Host:I don't know if it probably should be a disappointment, because I had a feeling that I wasn't gonna like the movie, but I love Yorgos Lanthimos, but I watched Kinds of Kindness, and I was just like, what?
Host:What the.
Host:Is this.
Guest:Also what happened when I watch Kinds of Kindness?
Guest:Yeah, well.
Host:And I like.
Host:And I have not walked out of one of his movies with, like.
Host:Like, feeling that way ever.
Host:And it was the first time I can say I did not enjoy this movie.
Guest:So, yeah, you and I are sicko Lanthimos completionists.
Guest:And it's a rocky road.
Guest:If you want to watch every one of his movies.
Guest:It's a bumpy, bumpy ride.
Host:You know, so.
Host:But I'd say Driveway Dallas is my.
Host:Is the top of that heat.
Narrator:I'd say, for me, I didn't hate the movie.
Narrator:Like, I.
Narrator:I think I'd give it, like, two or two and a half.
Narrator:But for me, I had different expectations with Civil War, and.
Narrator:Yeah, I remember that was heavily marketed in the spring, and I was really looking forward to it.
Narrator:I didn't dislike it.
Narrator:It was just a different experience that I was kind of expecting with some really good moments.
Narrator:But that was a surprise for me.
Narrator:Slight disappointment, even though I would revisit it for sure, just not right away.
Narrator:But I will definitely, definitely watch it again.
Narrator:And who knows?
Narrator:Maybe my opinion will change.
Guest:That's the thing about a disappointment.
Guest:Doesn't mean it's, like, your least favorite.
Guest:It's just the one that didn't match our expectations.
Host:Well, let's pivot right away.
Host:Sam, if there was something this year that you would give a chance and watch again, what would it be?
Host:Because that's our next category.
Narrator:I would.
Host:Maybe you didn't love it.
Host:Maybe I love it.
Narrator:Love Twisters.
Narrator:I thought it was pretty good.
Narrator:And I would watch that again.
Narrator:Because I feel like I would have more fun with it.
Narrator:It's also, again, expectations.
Narrator:Movies with no expectations.
Narrator: And I Love Twister, the: Narrator:Like, love, love, love.
Narrator:Such fond memories.
Narrator:But I like Twisters.
Narrator:Remember giving it a relatively positive review, But I would definitely see it again.
Narrator:It's been a while.
Narrator:I saw it the one time in the theater.
Narrator:Like, I'm due for another viewing it's fun.
Guest:Feel it.
Guest:You know, if you're feeling it.
Guest:Go chase it.
Narrator:Chase it.
Host:Why not be.
Host:Do you have anything that you are.
Host:Maybe it wasn't your jam, but you.
Guest:Were like, like, okay, like the deserves a second watch.
Host:Another shot.
Guest:This movie actually was my jam, but I think it's only going to continue to go up on re watches.
Guest:Was a monkey man so fun?
Host:That's my pick too.
Guest:Yeah, it was so fun.
Guest:You know, this.
Guest:Didn't feel it.
Guest:It did.
Guest:It obviously comes from John Wick and a lot of Kung Fu movie, and it's just, it's from that school of thought, but it didn't feel derivative.
Guest:It just felt studied and smart and interesting and fresh and I want to see more of it.
Guest:I liked it a lot and it's been kind of on my brain and feeling I'm ready to give it another watch.
Host:Yeah, I, I watched this, came out over the summer, I think.
Host:June, July, I remember watch this.
Host:And I think I was just so exhausted seeing this and like, I just.
Host:This movie pounded me into submission.
Host:Yeah, I remember.
Host:And I, I just.
Host:This movie deserves another watch.
Host:For me, the other movie I might put on, this is a movie that I know you love, and I probably don't know why I don't love it.
Host:And that is, you know, I saw the TV glow.
Host:I, I.
Host:Because this has been on so many people's top 10 lists, I'm like, I.
Host:I probably should give it another shot.
Guest:It's okay.
Host:You know, I want to.
Host:Another category I want to see here is.
Guest:What can you not wait to repeat?
Host:What can you not wait to repeat?
Host:Yeah, that's another category.
Host:Anything you.
Host:You can't wait to watch again, Sam.
Narrator:Rings of Power, season two, like, hands down.
Narrator:I'll watch it again.
Narrator:I appreciate it.
Host:I will.
Narrator:I will watch it again.
Narrator:Probably right.
Narrator:Right before season three comes out.
Guest:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Narrator:That's the plan.
Guest:It's good.
Guest:It's good.
Guest:Terrifier three.
Guest:I'm down to clown.
Guest:What can I say?
Guest:I had a great time with the franchise.
Guest:I love a spooky movie.
Guest:I love a gore fest.
Guest:Big fan of those.
Guest:So, yeah, give me.
Narrator:I have a feeling I will enjoy those.
Narrator:I have not seen a single one, but I saw a trailer and I was hooked.
Narrator:So I have a lot of movies.
Guest:I feel like you'll like the second one the best, but, you know, interesting.
Narrator:Now I have to see it because I want to know what you mean by that.
Narrator:I'm looking forward to it.
Host:You know, I don't really have a good answer for this, but is it also terrifier 3?
Guest:No, cuz that's a great answer.
Guest:Just no bias.
Narrator:Oh, I know it's got to be if.
Host:Actually, I, I might want to see Dune Part two again because I, I feel like I, I need to.
Host:I really loved that movie and might actually move up higher my list once I see it again, so.
Narrator:Yeah, I'm so glad to hear that.
Narrator:I remember you had second thoughts when you first saw it.
Narrator:Like, I'm happy it improved.
Host:Like, you know, it has, it has.
Narrator:I hear that.
Host:All right, next category.
Host:Okay, what is everyone's least favorite movie?
Host:Not the movie you hated the most, but what is your least favorite?
Host:Because we're a positive podcast here.
Host: Movie of: Narrator:God, I don't, I really don't know on.
Narrator:That's a conundrum for me because.
Guest:Oh, go ahead, Sam.
Narrator:No, I was just gonna say I have ones that I like, dislike, but they're not like least favorite is too.
Narrator:I don't know.
Narrator:You go ahead.
Host:I gotta think the movie you loved the least or the movie.
Host:Yeah, that was a nice way to.
Guest:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Host:You don't want to offend any of these people.
Guest:Like I said earlier, this year didn't hit the highs that last year hit for me, but I had like a lot of lows this year and I actually had a lot of movies competing for this particular super and.
Guest:But I, I landed on Strange Darling, which I think is a little bit controversial, but I didn't get it.
Guest:I, I don't think it was a good movie.
Guest:I, you know, talking about Art the Clown and Gore Fest, I like that.
Guest:I liked Love Lies Bleeding.
Guest:It's not a genre issue for me.
Guest:I didn't like the style of it.
Guest:I didn't like the stilted acting.
Guest:I know that can be a style that some directors employ.
Guest:I don't think it worked here.
Guest:Thought the twist was predictable and barely a twist.
Guest:I just, I went into it kind of expecting like a mid level horror film and I walked away from it just, Just pretty unimpressed.
Guest:Didn't like it at all.
Guest:And there, there are a lot of movies that I thought were on that same low level for me where I just was not engaged with it.
Guest:But Strange Darling was the one that I thought took the least big sweet made.
Guest:Made it the least interesting to not like.
Guest:If that makes sense.
Host:That was on Several people's top 10 list.
Guest:I know, I know.
Guest:I think there's just something I'm missing.
Host:But my, I actually had a three hander here as well.
Host:But I think the one that I have to go with, the honorable mentions for this, I'll say, by the way, are Godzilla, X Kong, the New Empire, which is just stupid anyway, so that doesn't deserve.
Guest:I forgot to put that on my watch list.
Guest:Yeah, I just see that it doesn't.
Host:Even deserve to be mentioned.
Host:Tarot, which I saw, which is just bad all the way around.
Host:A movie that really deserves this, this trophy because it is, I think, earnestly trying to be a good movie, but it's just terrible.
Host:Is Argyle.
Narrator:I totally forgot about that film's existence until you.
Host:It's just so bad.
Host:And I think it's, I think this movie thinks it's supposed to be a genuinely good movie and it's supposed to tie into the Kingsman universe as well.
Host:So it's trying to also set itself up for a franchise.
Host:And it's got, it's ambitious, but it just falls flat in every way possible.
Host: is my least favorite film of: Host:Congratulations.
Guest:That's so funny.
Narrator:I remember the trailer for that, like way back, and I was like, the CGI cat.
Narrator:The CGI cat.
Narrator:And now Sam Rockwell is in that, isn't he?
Narrator:I remember that.
Guest:I do think he does a good job in it.
Host:Sam, did you have something or.
Narrator:Honestly, I just, I didn't.
Narrator:I don't think I've like, seen enough movies to be disappointed.
Narrator:Someone, I gotta just, just drop it.
Guest:Can't believe none of us have chosen Joker.
Host:Because I actually, I haven't seen it.
Host:Joker is a pretty punk rock movie.
Host:Yeah, I don't love, I don't love it, but I, I kind of dig.
Guest:I kind of dig the middle finger that he's given.
Host:Yeah, exactly.
Host:Two more categories here I think we can knock out here.
Host: the we didn't get it movie of: Host:A film that's heavily praised, just.
Host:That just didn't resonate with us.
Guest:Juror number two, I have to say.
Narrator:Civil War.
Narrator:I really don't hate that movie either.
Narrator:It just, it just, it's irksome.
Host:You said juror number two.
Guest:Yeah, if that fits.
Host:I mean, it kind of does it, but it's been kind of divisive as well.
Host:Your, your opinion on it is not, Is.
Host:You know, I've heard a lot of people will either love it or hate it.
Guest:I would also say have.
Guest:I would say wicked then if that is more of a highly praised.
Host:You can see anything you want.
Guest:All right.
Host:What do you want to say?
Guest:I don't know.
Guest:So I mean that's true.
Guest:Juror number two.
Guest:Just throw Clint Eastwood on it.
Guest:That's fine.
Guest:What's yours?
Host:I don't know because I think I forgot to.
Host:To make a.
Host:I think I forgot to fill this one out.
Host:Film that.
Host:Well, I'll have to.
Host:I'm gonna have to just wing it here.
Guest:Keep this in.
Guest:Keep this in.
Guest:It's good.
Host:I guess I have to go back to.
Host:I saw the TV glow.
Host:It's on so many.
Host:Best of lists.
Host:And I.
Host:It just like it should have.
Host:I feel like it's.
Host:It's catnip for me.
Host:And it just did not.
Guest:Sometimes that happens.
Host: t know if this qualifies as a: Host:It is.
Host:I'm seeing it on some.
Host:Even though it didn't get a US Theatrical the US release until this year.
Host:But it came out last year.
Host:What was the Wender's film?
Guest:Perfect Days.
Host:Perfect Days.
Host:See that came out.
Guest:I like that a lot.
Host:That only in the US this year.
Host:And that's a movie I need to re watch my top 20 point because I've actually seen it on some top 10 lists of this year because it didn't get come to the United States I don't think until this year.
Host:And that's a movie that I sh.
Host:That should be in my top 10.
Guest:I loved it.
Host:But I.
Host:I guess I will stick with.
Host:I saw the TV film.
Host:So I think.
Host:Is this our last.
Host:This might be our last category.
Host:Oh we'll see.
Host:They didn't get it award.
Host:So this is a movie from as heavily panned that we loved Megalopolis.
Narrator:We're all Megalopolis on this one.
Narrator:I bet.
Host:I'll put Megan here.
Host:Not the Meg but.
Narrator:The Meg Part 2.
Host:This is probably in like would be.
Host:Be one of my picks but honestly I don't begrudge people for not liking Megalopolis.
Host:There's plenty of reasons why people don't like it and I get it.
Guest:They're virgins.
Guest:It's a good movie.
Guest:It's a good movie.
Host:So I actually want to.
Host:I'm going a different direction for this.
Host:The fall guy.
Host:I think.
Guest:It's a good movie.
Host:I saw the fall guy about a.
Guest:Did not deserve the hate.
Host:No, it did.
Host:It did not.
Host:Fall Guy did not make my top 20.
Host:But I like this movie so much.
Host:It is.
Host:It's a movie about making movies.
Host:It is so funny.
Host:It's a rom com.
Host:It's got some of the best action I saw all year.
Host:I think Ryan Gosling is so funny.
Host:Is Emily Blunt is so funny in this.
Host:How this movie did not open up see like the big movie season making a big splash is beyond me.
Host:This movie bombed, was dead on arrival, which is beyond me.
Host:Much like furiosity.
Host:Much like a lot of movies this year.
Narrator: May: Narrator:Like it a lot of.
Narrator:Well, yeah.
Guest:Q2 was just not what we thought it would be.
Host:But also got good reviews.
Host:People that saw this movie liked this movie.
Narrator:I want to see it.
Narrator:I haven't seen it.
Narrator:I will watch it.
Guest:You would love it, Sam.
Narrator:I know I would.
Guest:I think industry.
Host:It is so good.
Host:It's so funny and it's really.
Host:Well, it is so good.
Guest:But I.
Guest:I do think of a lot of these movies that we've talked about.
Guest:Fall Guy is going to be the one that like has the staying power.
Guest:I think in like 10, 15 years when people just want to throw on a movie.
Guest:I can see Fall Guy being something that people watch kind of over and over.
Host:Yeah, it is really good.
Host:I'm shocked.
Host:Like, why the.
Host:How this did not do better?
Host:I don't.
Host:I don't know.
Host:I don't know.
Host:Anyway, so.
Host:Yeah, I think that's good.
Host:I think it's good for our categories here.
Host:Any, any.
Host:Any last other films you want to just mention or you feel good about anything we talked about here.
Guest:A real pain.
Guest:Go see it.
Guest:Evil does not exist.
Host:Check it out.
Host:That was.
Host:Was that lingered in my top 20.
Guest:Yeah, it.
Guest:It doesn't.
Guest:Wasn't as good as the previous, but.
Guest:Check it out.
Host:Is that the same guy that did Drive Drive My car or am I.
Guest:Thinking which I love.
Guest:That's my Drive my Car poster in the back.
Guest:One of my favorite movies of all time.
Guest:Just more slow.
Guest:Cinema is good.
Guest:I can't wait to see Chime.
Guest:I can't wait to see Nickel Boys.
Guest:I can't wait to see Janet Planet.
Guest:There's just.
Guest:There's more good stuff coming our way.
Host:But shout out to Lisa Frankenstein.
Host:I love this.
Host:I just want to say that I Hitman Surprised how good that was.
Host:I'll say Glenn Powell.
Guest:Hell of a year.
Host:And last thing, I'll say one other one, and then I'm gonna shut up about movies for the year.
Host:I can't think of it now.
Narrator:I will say briefly, I liked Land of Bad with Liam Tendsworth and Russell Crowe.
Narrator:I enjoyed that.
Narrator:What came out way early in the year, but that was a fun, like, action movie.
Narrator:Russell Crowe's performance was great.
Narrator:I high.
Narrator:I went into that with zero expectations, and that certainly helped, but it was very, like, old school.
Narrator:Like, felt like 80s pacing.
Narrator:I enjoyed it.
Guest:There's been a few of those this year.
Narrator:Yeah, yeah.
Guest:You're like, yeah, I like it.
Host:I think that's about.
Host:About it.
Guest:Okay, cool.
Host:I'm good.
Host:I'm good.
Guest:Go watch movies.
Guest:Just 20, 25.
Guest:Keep watching movies.
Host:Watching movies.
Host:That's right.
Guest:Go to the theater.
Guest:Support your theater.
Guest:Support your local one.
Host:All right, let's take one more quick little break, and we'll come back with our special announcement and we'll wrap up the show.
Narrator:You just listen to the old Pork Chop Express here now and take his advice On a dark and stormy night.
Host:When the lightning's crashing and the thunder's rolling and the rain's coming down and.
Narrator:Sheets thick as lead.
Host:Just remember what old Jack Burton does When the earthquakes and the poison arrows.
Narrator:Fall from the sky and the pillars of heaven shake.
Host:Jack Burton just looks that big old storm right square in the eye and he says, give me your best shot, pal.
Host:I can take it.
Host:You know, if.
Host:If I ever were to have changed the outro of our podcast, instead of that would have been the out outro quote.
Narrator:That's a great trouble.
Narrator:Jack Burton.
Guest:Jack Burton is no Snake Plissken, but it's pretty.
Host:He's, you know, he's got so many great characters.
Narrator:So there.
Narrator:There was a Jack Burton, like, hang on, guys, I'm here.
Narrator:It's all set.
Narrator: A Jack Burton for President: Narrator:I'm down.
Host:That's pretty good.
Host:All right, so it is time.
Host:We just need to make an announcement that's very important about the podcast.
Host:Back to the frame rate.
Host:So here we are, our 99th episode.
Host:So this is, you know, hard to talk about, but we have made the decision that we are going to move on from this podcast, and the hundredth episode is going to be our final show.
Host:Our final episode.
Host:I mean, there's several reasons for doing this.
Host:We have a lot going on in our lives.
Host:And the podcast is a lot of work.
Host:I, I probably put at least 18 hours a week into every episode, so, you know, whammy.
Host:Nobody cares about that.
Host:I know, but, you know, it's a lot of, you know, over the last two years, this has been an incredible journey.
Host:I've had so much fun doing this.
Host:It has been my dream for 15 years to host a movie review podcast.
Host:And it's been everything and more doing this.
Host:But is, you know, it's time to turn the page and do some other things.
Host:As you know, we've talked about on here, you and me, Sam, we're, we.
Host:We work in the industry and I've sacrificed my career for this podcast and I have that itch again, you know, to get back into the saddle of writing and producing.
Host:And I've got some opportunities coming up this year that there's be no way I would be able to immerse myself wholeheartedly into it and balance a podcast with it.
Host:It's the reason why I shut down my last podcast, My ABC is a Rock, so that I could get back into it.
Host:But, you know, and you know, I'll never.
Host:I hate to say it's the end.
Host:You know, I say never say never.
Host:You know, you know what, you never know what happens a year from now.
Host:And you know, I've always.
Host:I keep the feeds active all the time, but right now we are going to, you know, say goodbye.
Host:This is not the last episode.
Host:Next episode when we're is our live show, galaxy 100th episode.
Host:You know, and I can't wait for that.
Host:It's gonna be a lot of fun, but I think it's appropriate that we, you know, share that.
Host:This is going to be what it is right now.
Narrator:So, yeah, 100 episodes.
Narrator:Very impressive.
Narrator:A good run, a quality show.
Host:Yeah, most podcasts only last between seven to ten episodes if you.
Host:Which is because pod fade sets in.
Host:Podcasting to maintain a podcast is a lot of work.
Host:It's hard and I don't think when people start a show, they realize how much work it is and how hard it is.
Host:I have now produced 170 plus episodes of, of.
Host:Of podcasts and it's.
Host:Or something like that.
Host:So, yeah, I'm pretty seasoned at this now, so it's.
Host:And I might do another one at some point down the road.
Host:Definitely don't unsubscribe to this feed because there could always be updates about the status of other events or other shows.
Host:That any of us might be involved in.
Host:Yeah, and all this.
Host:The great thing about what we do here is all these shows that we've done in the last year and a half are.
Host:It's films that are available on VOD and streaming.
Host:And you can go back and listen to these, and they're a lot of fun.
Guest:And I had a great time chatting movies with you guys.
Narrator:Yeah, no, I was gonna say we had so many episodes too, because we had to survive.
Narrator:We were in a nuclear fallout.
Narrator:Whereas other shows may have altered.
Narrator:We had no choice because we had to keep morale up while we were locked up in that bunker.
Narrator:You know, now they're.
Narrator:Now there's a single, like, bird flying around outside and we think the air is less toxic, so we're gonna risk going out into the wasteland.
Guest:But, yeah, we're crossing the threshold.
Narrator:I'm so sorry I cut you off mid sentence.
Narrator:I did not mean to do that.
Narrator:My apologies.
Guest:No, it's okay.
Guest:I like what you had to say better.
Guest:Yeah, no, I just.
Guest:I don't work in the industry, so I appreciated this time getting to talk to you both about movies.
Guest:I love them.
Guest:I don't know much about how they're made, but I.
Guest:Thanks for letting me rant and ramble about them.
Narrator:It has been a absolute pleasure.
Host:Do you guys have any specific memories or episodes or moments that.
Narrator:I will say I did.
Narrator:I really liked the 20.
Narrator:I liked the lead up better than the film.
Narrator: but I did very much like the: Narrator:If you feel it, chase it.
Narrator: That was our: Host:Like, it was an anthem first half of the year.
Narrator:And this is also.
Guest:And we all went to go see it together, which is great because for listeners at home, we don't all live in the same area.
Guest:So that was super fun.
Guest:I loved the Mad Max series doing that.
Guest:And for me, it's Indiana Jones, as you all know, my first time watching them and I got to chat about them with you guys, which was.
Guest:Is wonderful.
Narrator:A shout out to my favorite memory of the Anthony Ambrosino.
Narrator:The battle over the quality of Temple of Doom.
Narrator:That was one of my favorite episodes because Anthony Ambrosino sometimes says things that I think.
Narrator:But his.
Narrator:Like, we have slightly different personalities.
Narrator:So to hear him voice, it was like my brother from.
Narrator:My brother from another mother on that episode.
Narrator:So, Anthony, shout out.
Guest:You liked it because it was cgi.
Guest:No, didn't like it.
Host:Didn't like It I wanted, there's like two or three episodes.
Host:I just want to point out, I look back, I've actually listened, I think in the past year to episode one.
Host:And I know B, you weren't part of the show then.
Host:But I have to say though, if I don't encourage people to listen to it.
Host:But I have to say that I was so nervous because I had no idea what we were doing.
Host:The audio is terrible and for some reason I couldn't figure out that there was this auto leveling feature turned on so all of our voices in the room noise were being equaled out and it's so bad and gotta go back.
Narrator:And listen to that.
Narrator:Like I actually listen to this podcast when I'm, when I'm doing like long drives.
Narrator:I will go back and listen to our previous episodes.
Narrator:It's highly entertaining.
Narrator:Our discussions.
Guest:I can listen to Ellie talk about the Notebook all day.
Guest:So shout out to Ellie.
Guest:You were right.
Guest:I loved your romance suggestions.
Guest:More of it.
Narrator:Ellie, you will always be my male Nova Sento Noventa Iocho.
Narrator:Ellie, listen to this.
Host:I know about the Notebook is I had so much talking about this bad movie which, which I was the lone voice of reason for that show and, and you and Ellie insisted on this being some great movie.
Host:I, I, I don't know.
Host:The other thing I would say is episode two.
Host:I'm not going to go through every single episode, obviously, but this was our first official review and if you remember the movie, Sam, it was too Leslie.
Host:This was back before I took notes on movies.
Host:At first I thought I could just watch a movie and head into the podcast and just riff and just talk about it.
Host:This episode is probably our biggest disaster of all time.
Narrator:I got to hear one and two in the car.
Host:Completely unprepared.
Host:I no idea what to say because I had nothing prepared.
Host:Sam, is this, is this later when you later confessed that you didn't finish the movie?
Host:It was at this movie, was it.
Narrator:That I can't remember if it was that film or another film.
Host:There was one that I did.
Host:This would make sense because Ellie, this is the one where Ellie didn't understand the assignment.
Host:Didn't watch them.
Narrator:No, you know, it wasn't that one.
Narrator:You know what it was.
Narrator:And now that it's like, now that it's the end, I will admit this because I have sinned.
Narrator:I have since seen the film and I enjoyed it, but I only saw the first half of and I it's been a while, but I only saw the first half of The Woman King.
Narrator:Was that the name of it?
Host:Oh, that's what.
Guest:That's what it was.
Narrator:And it was not on purpose as a time thing.
Narrator:And you noticed.
Narrator:You're like, Sam, you.
Narrator:I noticed you're really quiet during the second half.
Host:Oh, well, you know, I don't know.
Narrator:But, like, I fell into silence because I was like, I do not know what they're talking about.
Narrator:I don't know what to do.
Narrator:I'm trying to, like, hide the fact that I.
Narrator:That I now.
Host:Now I gotta listen to that episode.
Guest:And then you made us all watch Ernest.
Narrator:I did.
Narrator:I did.
Narrator:That was.
Narrator:It was my joy to make us watch Ernest, and it was my.
Narrator:My joy to push Galaxy Quest relentlessly for our 100th podcast.
Narrator:And yeah, you still have yet to give you guys Blu Ray presence, but expect certain.
Narrator:Certain thematic conversations come in the mail to you, you know, might have been.
Host:Yeah, it's Gonna be Gremlins 2, isn't it?
Narrator:It's a possibility.
Narrator:It's a possibility.
Host:I would say one of the.
Host:The episode 23.
Host:This is where a lot of things change.
Host:Where we.
Host:We did our first director's retrospective, and we did always.
Host:And I just remember Ellie hated this movie so much, and this is where we started adopting, like, monthly retrospectives.
Host:Sort of like we dipped our toe in it.
Host:But I just thought it was so hysterical because this.
Host:She was just so offended by this film.
Narrator:And I think she mentioned she fell asleep during a part of it.
Narrator:And to quote Nathan, I vividly remember you being like this.
Narrator:And I apologize for my, like, terrible, not quality Nathan sewer impression.
Narrator:But you were like, okay, well, okay, well, Sam and I will discuss the film then.
Narrator:Thank you for participating, Ellie.
Narrator:And so, Sam, what did you think?
Host:Probably is what I said.
Narrator:Because there's like, there's nowhere to go on the COVID She's like, I didn't like it.
Narrator:I fell asleep.
Narrator:And you're like, well, okay, okay, well, thank you.
Host:I also remember Exorcist 2.
Narrator:That was brilliant.
Narrator:How could I forget that?
Host:What's great is that we all hated of this movie, but it was so much fun to talk about a bad movie, which is something that we didn't get to do very often on the show.
Host:Like, yeah.
Host:You know, like just an outright terrible film where we just, like, dig into, like, why this.
Guest:What the happened.
Host:Which is kind of too bad that we didn't have that.
Host:Like, we watched so many great films.
Narrator:Oh, God, yes.
Guest:Yeah, we did.
Guest:I loved our.
Guest:Our first noir retrospective.
Host:I Had so much fun with that.
Guest:Oh, my God, that was great.
Narrator:I love.
Narrator:2023 and November both years.
Narrator:Big, big fan of that.
Narrator: Fond memories, especially of: Narrator:And so I really enjoyed, like, that discussion.
Narrator:Being in a different environment.
Narrator:That combination provided for good memories.
Guest:I still don't forgive you two for making my first episode, Amistad.
Host:Do you guys have a favorite movie that we reviewed on this podcast?
Narrator:Oh, that's hard.
Host:But maybe that you've never seen before.
Host:That would be the.
Host:The more of the caveat.
Host:Something you hadn't seen that you were forced, that you never would have watched.
Host:But we watched because of this podcast.
Host:I have one.
Guest:I have one.
Guest:I have a few outside of Raiders of the Lost Ark, because that was just such a fun series for me.
Guest:New for all of us, because it was a new movie.
Guest:The Holdovers has stuck with me.
Narrator:Holdovers is great.
Narrator:I'm literally just looking at the list right now that I hadn't seen.
Narrator:Oh, I know.
Narrator:You know what?
Narrator:For me, it was when we were doing our Chris Nolan.
Narrator:I was thinking that for you, following it was 100.
Narrator:Following that movie.
Host:His first movie.
Host:You like that movie?
Narrator:I like that movie a lot.
Narrator:And it like, like, shaped like my whole.
Narrator:It shaped a whole new idea of like, ooh, low budget filmmaking.
Narrator:Like, never seen it done quite like that.
Narrator:I thought it was brilliant.
Narrator:Micro budget.
Host:I'd say for me, the.
Host:The movie that I never.
Host:I've always wanted to see it, but if probably.
Host:If it wasn't for this podcast, I probably wouldn't have gotten around to it as.
Host:As early as I did.
Host:And that was Portrait of a Lady on Fire.
Host:Which I adored that film.
Guest:So good.
Host:And yeah.
Host:That I really.
Host:So thankful that I got around to seeing that.
Narrator:Yeah, I know.
Guest:For me too.
Guest:Memento is up there, which is crazy because it's such a classic movie, but I know.
Narrator:I totally hear that.
Narrator:I know what the best quote, though, is of all the movies we've seen in the entire podcast.
Narrator:Best quote of all them.
Narrator:You're about as interesting to me as a block toilet is to a plumber.
Narrator:Al Pacino, Insomnia.
Guest:I'm sorry.
Guest:I actually think the Insomnia quote is they found her in a garbage.
Host:Garbage bags.
Guest:Her body was in a garbage bag.
Narrator:This guy crossed the line.
Narrator:He didn't even blink.
Host:You're making me not want to end this.
Host:All right, stop.
Guest:Good times, good times.
Guest:Come see our 100th episode where we riff on Galaxy.
Host:Well, by the time this comes out, that'll be passed.
Guest:Thank you for coming to our hundredth episode.
Narrator:It was incredible.
Narrator:Oh, man.
Narrator:Incredible rainstorm that night.
Narrator:It was amazing.
Narrator:100th episode.
Host:I think all those people that came out and.
Host:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Guest:Please don't let it end.
Narrator:People tell me it was the most sold out crowd ever.
Narrator:Way more than Barack Obama's inauguration.
Narrator:Way more.
Guest:It was big, Leaf.
Narrator:It was big.
Narrator:It was huge.
Host:Bigger than Coachella.
Narrator:Bigger than Coachella.
Narrator:By the way, should I do one last Mark Wahlberg?
Narrator:Guys, we gotta think.
Host:We got.
Narrator:We gotta worry about the bees.
Narrator:What are they doing?
Narrator:There's something in the wind.
Guest: The beekeeper: Host:Go see it.
Host:Flight risk is coming.
Narrator:You all need a pilot.
Host:All right, well, we've still got one more episode.
Host:We're doing the live show, Galaxy Quest, which I am really excited about.
Host:And we will have.
Host:We'll have a good time then.
Host:As Harry Chapin said.
Guest:So long, folks.
Host:All right, so, yeah, let's.
Host:Let's wrap this up.
Host:All right, well, you know what?
Host:I have.
Host:I have one more bumper queued up here.
Host:I don't know why I have three bumpers.
Host:Should I just play it?
Host:Because it's.
Narrator:Yeah, I just want to throw in really quick one.
Narrator:My last comedic line for this series, Jim Carrey from oh, my God.
Narrator:My brain is.
Narrator:Is not.
Narrator:Liar, liar.
Narrator:The one.
Narrator:The God one.
Narrator:What's it called?
Narrator:Bruce Almighty.
Narrator:He's like, this is Bruce.
Narrator:Bruce Spanglin, whatever, signing off from Channel 7.
Narrator:See you later.
Host:That's the way the cookie crumbles right there.
Host:No more bumpers.
Host:All right, that is the show for this week.
Host:Back to the frame rate is part of the Western media podcast Network.
Host:Special thanks to Brian Ellsworth for our show opening.
Host:On behalf of all of us, we bid you farewell from the fallout shelter.
Host:If you're enjoying the show, please subscribe for another week and leave a rating review on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform.
Host:Find all of our and you can follow us with our handle back to the frame rate.
Host:Your support brightens our bunker.
Host:Until next time, stay with us, keep hope alive and share our show with your friends.
Host:This is the end of our transmission.
Host:Back to the frame Rate.
Host:Signing off.
Guest:Well, well.