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#51 Courtney Gambrell
Episode 5131st January 2025 • How It Looks From Here • Full Ecology, LLC
00:00:00 00:37:32

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To begin this month of love in all its guises, we reached out to a person who teaches the kind of love that makes communities thrive. Courtney Gambrell brings a long and rich background in behavioral health and spiritual care to wellness work. She’s is a licensed clinical social worker in Texas and practiced psychotherapy there for many years. More recently, with an additional graduate degree she’s served as a board certified spiritual care provider and staff wellness coordinator at Boulder Community Health in Boulder, Colorado. Most of her work has been in high acuity settings like the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit. Over the years, Courtney has developed rituals with the wild just outside the hospital door, using it to support humans as nature in life shifting changes for patients, their family members and healthcare staff. 

Throughout, Courtney continues awed by self-inquiry processes, humbled and heartened by the benefits of gathering in mutuality and shared purpose. You’ll hear this awe throughout our conversation. Listen closely and you’ll also hear echoes of the breeze, the songs of contented birds and perhaps a whisper of what might be a gentle brook. This is the vibe Courtney brings to things.

Courtney shares her work as one way to affirm the power of community. She honors the connection of human and beyond human community as a source of health, and a source of healing. Our conversation today stands as an invitation to all of us to give abundant attention to the unity that is the living world of which we are a part.

If you're interested in more on how our social ecologies can be tended in ways that are good for all ecologies, Courtney suggests you consider the work of Richard Schwartz on Internal Family Systems. Most recently, Schwartz has teamed up with Melissa Gilbert to produce this audio series.


This episode includes music by Gary Ferguson and these other fine artists.

Wave - Music by Tomomi Kato from Pixabay

Excuse Me Cat - Music by Geoff Harvey from Pixabay

Close to Closing - Music by Restum Anoush from Pixabay




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