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What Are Spiritist Passes?
Episode 3719th May 2023 • Spiritist Conversations • The Spiritist Institute
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Passes, the application of spiritual and magnetic healing energies, is a popular activity at Spiritist groups. How does it work? What can it do for us?

Dan, Flavio, and Suzana invite Dr. Sonai Doi, president of the International Spiritist Medical Association, to discuss passes and their uses.


Dan Assisi:

Welcome everyone to Spiritist Conversations, a show

Dan Assisi:

where we sit down with friends to talk about Spiritist perspectives,

Dan Assisi:

about everything in our lives in an informal, unscripted, and unplugged way.

Dan Assisi:

I am Dana Sisi, and I am thrilled to be joined here today by my

Dan Assisi:

friend Susanna Simons and fla.

Dan Assisi:

How are you guys doing?

Suzana Simoes:

Hello everyone.

Suzana Simoes:

Nice to be here with you again.

Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:

Doing great.

Flavio Zanetti:

Dan and Sue.

Flavio Zanetti:

Good to see you guys once again.

Flavio Zanetti:

So happy to be here.

Dan Assisi:

Very happy to be here today.

Dan Assisi:

We have a wonderful conversation.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

What are spiritist passes is a topic that comes up quite often.

Dan Assisi:

It's something that spiritists do frequently.

Dan Assisi:

It's very popular, so we figured we might have to take

Dan Assisi:

a little bit of a time, right?

Dan Assisi:

Just to talk about it and explain what it is and just maybe learn

Dan Assisi:

a thing or two with someone who can maybe share some perspectives

Dan Assisi:

that we're, might not be used to.

Dan Assisi:

You guys ready?

Flavio Zanetti:

Yes, let's do this.

Dan Assisi:

All right, so let's bring our friend, Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Son Sonya, thank you for being here with us today.

Dan Assisi:


Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

My great friends.

Sonia Doi:

It's an honor to be with you in the show and to talk about classes.

Sonia Doi:

Yeah, it's exciting.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

We're just gonna do what we do, which is dive straight into it.

Dan Assisi:

And the conversation today it's gonna be fantastic because

Dan Assisi:

it's such an important topic.

Dan Assisi:

And we can just dive straight into the conversation.

Dan Assisi:

So guys, what are passes?

Dan Assisi:

That's a million dollar question.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Good thing we have a guest today.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

What do you guys think?

Dan Assisi:

And we should, we should, yeah.

Dan Assisi:

Let's ask the guest.

Dan Assisi:

Let's toss the guest right under the bus.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

But, uh, before we do that, we should also say Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Sonya Doy is the president of the US Spirits Medical Association.

Dan Assisi:

And obviously a spiritist too.

Dan Assisi:

So we thought it would be great to bring somebody who has a medical background

Dan Assisi:

and a spiritist background to explain to us a little bit, not only how or

Dan Assisi:

what passes could be, but what is the medical base for the efficacy of passes.

Dan Assisi:

Is that something that we just do in the Spirit Center

Dan Assisi:

because it's part of Spiritism?

Dan Assisi:

Does it actually help us get better?

Dan Assisi:

Is there any proof to it?

Dan Assisi:

How does that all come about?

Dan Assisi:

So we figured it would add that to the mix.

Dan Assisi:

Not that our ESTEEM panel of hosts here couldn't potentially talk about

Dan Assisi:

this, but I think Susanna Flavi will agree that the three of us probably

Dan Assisi:

couldn't go to the depth of knowledge when the medical staff that Sonya

Dan Assisi:

could potentially do Absolutely not

Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:

What she's here with us, right?

Flavio Zanetti:


Dan Assisi:

that's right.

Dan Assisi:

That's right.

Dan Assisi:

So what are passes?

Sonia Doi:

So you want me to dive into it or you guys wanna store?

Sonia Doi:


Suzana Simoes:


Flavio Zanetti:

imagine if you met somebody in the subway,

Flavio Zanetti:

in, let's see, Washington.

Flavio Zanetti:

That person told, I asked you what I thought I saw you talk about bass.

Flavio Zanetti:

What that thing again?

Flavio Zanetti:

30 seconds before the next stop.

Flavio Zanetti:

Why would you tell that

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

Oh my goodness.

Sonia Doi:

Yeah, I think this is it, it's a question that comes to us in the Spirit

Sonia Doi:

Center every time there's a new person in and, uh, it's not uncommon that a

Sonia Doi:

new person comes to the Spirit Center and has never heard about passes.

Sonia Doi:

We, you usually start by defining passes as is defined in Spiritism.

Sonia Doi:

And it, it has a kind of scientific meaning to it too because as defined

Sonia Doi:

by the, by Francisco, it says that a transfusion of energy that are capable

Sonia Doi:

of changing the cellular fields so that energy that is infused to the person.

Sonia Doi:

Through their en energy fields are capable of affecting in a good

Sonia Doi:

way, the cellular, the tissues, the organs, not only the per spiritual

Sonia Doi:

say body, but also the physical body.

Sonia Doi:

And that leads to a good, a better mental state and physical state, spiritual state.

Sonia Doi:

So there's several different I would say benefit of it in the whole person.

Sonia Doi:

Not only the physical person, but in the spiritual component of each one.

Sonia Doi:

So that's what I would say the spirit, this approach, the spirit, this

Sonia Doi:

explanation of passages we usually relate because a lot of people, and

Sonia Doi:

I think you guys have usually hear this what is the difference between

Sonia Doi:

passes and reiki or passes and jury or passes and healing hands.

Sonia Doi:

So we usually explain that they are all approach similar approaches, and

Sonia Doi:

they are now under, they belong to a category of healing processes, healing

Sonia Doi:

practices that are under the name biofield therapy or energy medicine.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

And this is, accepted and there's so many papers coming out now with

Sonia Doi:

all these different practices.

Sonia Doi:

However, with passes, because passes are not well known here in the states, the

Sonia Doi:

scientific papers the scientific data for passes are coming from Brazil, from

Sonia Doi:

physicians, British physicians in Brazil.

Sonia Doi:

But in, anyways, they are very similar in the approach here.

Sonia Doi:

So there are nonconventional approaches to therapy that include

Sonia Doi:

contact and non-contact practices.

Flavio Zanetti:

Oh my goodness.

Dan Assisi:

That's so much.

Dan Assisi:

Oh, we unpack right there.

Dan Assisi:

Yeah, I was break.

Flavio Zanetti:

I wasn't break breaking apart.

Flavio Zanetti:

Before we get to efficacy, may maybe go back to basics, right?

Flavio Zanetti:

Hashtag back to the basics.

Flavio Zanetti:


Suzana Simoes:

Yeah, I have, I have just, just like before we even dive

Suzana Simoes:

too deep into anything, just something before even your basic there, let me

Suzana Simoes:

just ask this to sign into all of you.

Suzana Simoes:

What is the closest term in English to passes us, we know, understand, and

Suzana Simoes:

practice it in the spiritual center?

Suzana Simoes:

What would you guys say?

Dan Assisi:

That is a great idea, Susan.

Dan Assisi:

I'll take a stab of it.

Dan Assisi:

I think that for those who may be unfamiliar with passes, the closest

Dan Assisi:

would be a couple of different terms.

Dan Assisi:

We have the laying on of hands, right, which are familiar

Dan Assisi:

within the Christian tradition.

Dan Assisi:

We have reiki that Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Doy just mentioned as well.

Dan Assisi:

But I think that for me, the laying on of hands is the closest to the

Dan Assisi:

Christian and traditional tradition.

Dan Assisi:

Traditional tradition is that I said it, you heard it here, guys.

Dan Assisi:

You heard it here first.

Flavio Zanetti:

Let's go back and edit that afterwards.

Suzana Simoes:

Yeah, I, I would agree.

Suzana Simoes:

I would agree with that.

Suzana Simoes:

And I think that that's important for us to say.

Suzana Simoes:

Yeah, I think that's an important point to start because we take for

Suzana Simoes:

granted that people have a sense of what we are talking about.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

And this is not an English term.

Suzana Simoes:

So start by, you know, putting a term that people can relate more closely.

Suzana Simoes:

I think it's a good start.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

And I think that's a great point that you're bringing Sue, because

Dan Assisi:

the name passes comes from the passing of hands over mm-hmm.

Dan Assisi:

A person, right?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So if you were to walk into a spiritist group, this is something that we

Dan Assisi:

generally do with spiritist groups.

Dan Assisi:

Sometimes we do at homes with our families too.

Dan Assisi:

It's this laying on of hands where in the spiritist groups,

Dan Assisi:

we're not touching people.

Dan Assisi:

There's no contact there generally.

Dan Assisi:

And we are basically sending those good energies that Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Sonya Doy talked about.

Dan Assisi:

And I'm gonna call her Sonya.

Dan Assisi:

Is that okay, Sonya?

Dan Assisi:

That, that's, otherwise I'm gonna be Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Do Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Sonia Doy please.

Dan Assisi:


Sonia Doi:

here, please call me Sonya.

Sonia Doi:

I'm sorry,

Dan Assisi:

go ahead now.

Dan Assisi:

Go ahead.

Dan Assisi:

I cut you off.

Sonia Doi:

Yeah I completely agree with that.

Sonia Doi:

And here in these states, uh, there's a practice of called Therapeutic Touch

Sonia Doi:

that is used by many nurses in different hospitals, and they are not particularly

Sonia Doi:

related to any religion, although they might be calling it spiritual, but they

Sonia Doi:

are more like practices of compassion and love and peace and intent of healing.

Sonia Doi:

So they're known as healing practices and several hospitals use that as

Sonia Doi:

healing hands or therapeutic search.

Sonia Doi:

And so this is well known.

Sonia Doi:

And as you mentioned here, Reiki is also among all the other, is a little

Sonia Doi:

different, but is also a, another practice that belongs to the energy medicine.

Dan Assisi:

Great point.

Dan Assisi:

So when you hear, when I was gonna say really quickly I'm just gonna

Dan Assisi:

talk over a flag cuz that's what I do.

Dan Assisi:

I think that, you know, from now on, whenever you hear the word passes

Dan Assisi:

here, you know that we're talking about this laying on of hands.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

That we just basically translated into the passes you know, a passing of hand.

Dan Assisi:

They become passes and you might hear some Brazilian is called Pai.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Which is the Brazilian term, but it's basically the passes the passing of

Dan Assisi:

hands over, which is actually a tradition that on the western world goes back to

Dan Assisi:

Maser too, and magnetism and so forth.

Dan Assisi:

And even before, we're gonna park that aside and we're gonna bring it to Flavi

Dan Assisi:

because I have also interrupted him.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

It's okay.

Dan Assisi:


Flavio Zanetti:

to the club.

Flavio Zanetti:

I was gonna ask us to,

Dan Assisi:

I was say, just kidding, just kidding.

Dan Assisi:


Flavio Zanetti:

between, as we

Flavio Zanetti:

Jesus started 2000 years,

Dan Assisi:

ah, you know, that could be a whole different program.

Dan Assisi:

But I love that.

Dan Assisi:

But it's, I think that we go for simplicity.

Dan Assisi:

What do you think, Sue?

Dan Assisi:

I think that's, they're not very un, un unrelated.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

And in fact, I think that we draw a.

Suzana Simoes:

You know, our practices and Jesus is our primary reference.

Suzana Simoes:

So when we think about a number of topics we go back to the way that

Suzana Simoes:

Jesus did and how he practiced.

Suzana Simoes:

Because he used the greatest of all doctors, the highest of

Suzana Simoes:

all therapists and the master.

Suzana Simoes:

So he is for us this higher reference.

Suzana Simoes:

And so he did that.

Suzana Simoes:

He taught us by precisely laying on his hands over the sick and healing.

Suzana Simoes:

And we can get, a little deeper here and say, getting into issues

Suzana Simoes:

like, did he need to do that or not?

Suzana Simoes:

But I don't think it's the point of today, but he's our reference.

Suzana Simoes:

And so we.

Suzana Simoes:

We understand that we are all energy and that love is, can be moved, can

Suzana Simoes:

be transmitted in the form of energy.

Suzana Simoes:

And so the same way he did, we seek to do the same with our humble contribution.

Suzana Simoes:

But I think that's as I said, it's the reference, it's the

Suzana Simoes:

starting point for all of us

Dan Assisi:

and that's great and starting point.

Dan Assisi:

Yeah, I think it's a great perspective, Sue.

Dan Assisi:

And I think that is the way I would frame this up too, like the end too

Dan Assisi:

is the way we use that in Spiritism is to help us rebalance and heal.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So it's not uncommon for you if you go to a spiritist group

Dan Assisi:

to have a talk, an activity.

Dan Assisi:

And some of our activities will have a moment of passes at the end where folks

Dan Assisi:

will be invited to either stand, you know, stay in the chair if they want to

Dan Assisi:

receive the passes, or maybe they will be taken to a passes chamber, like a little

Dan Assisi:

room, which quieter for reflection too.

Dan Assisi:

And we're gonna have somebody, some volunteers come and do this

Dan Assisi:

laying on our hands for them while they pray and they reflect.

Dan Assisi:

And the idea is that it will help us heal, right?

Dan Assisi:

Will help us heal emotionally, physically intellectually,

Dan Assisi:

whatever way you wanna call it.

Dan Assisi:

And we find that it's a constant practice in our spirits groups.

Dan Assisi:

And the reason why is for the reasons that Susanna and Flavia just brought

Dan Assisi:

to us, which is he hearkens back to the beginnings of Christianity

Dan Assisi:

and this idea of healing, right?

Dan Assisi:

But what I think is really great if you guys are ready, is that there's actually.

Dan Assisi:

Some physical, a, there's a physical aspect to it that can be validated or

Dan Assisi:

thought of that, you know, which is really fascinating for those of us who

Dan Assisi:

want to obviously focus on the morals, but can also gain some understanding

Dan Assisi:

and some value from understanding the physics and the medicinal part of it.

Sonia Doi:

I think I can say something here what, uh,

Sonia Doi:

Susanna brought is very true.

Sonia Doi:

We, you know, Jesus is our model.

Sonia Doi:

He used that in healing and But we have now learned even more.

Sonia Doi:

We are not just doing that based on our faith, but we are doing that

Sonia Doi:

because we have learned about it.

Sonia Doi:

We have learned about the science behind it.

Sonia Doi:

You know, k already talked about the energy.

Sonia Doi:

And when we learned about the prayer spirit and, and the energy that

Sonia Doi:

we all have in in, in every bit of the inner the, all the layers of

Sonia Doi:

the peri spirit, the energy that circulates through it, and that can

Sonia Doi:

be transmitted through our thoughts.

Sonia Doi:

Remembering that our thoughts is the base for all this, that focus, that channels

Sonia Doi:

all this energy towards something.

Sonia Doi:

And in this case, if we focus our thoughts, directing our energy

Sonia Doi:

into healing, into someone's that, that, uh, it, it's what basically

Sonia Doi:

is transmitted through passes.

Sonia Doi:

We also know that in the spirit passes, we are conveying, we are

Sonia Doi:

channeling our own magnetic energy.

Sonia Doi:

But we are actually the conveying ly the energy from the higher spirits

Sonia Doi:

that are channeled through us with with our magnetic energy towards

Sonia Doi:

the person who is receiving passes.

Sonia Doi:

In, I, I just wanna bring this in, in the mediums book, when Ette talks about the

Sonia Doi:

healing mediums, he mentions that it's not necessary that a person is a spiritist or

Sonia Doi:

even knows about the spirits, but if the person has a good intention of doing good

Sonia Doi:

for someone else, this person is always helped assisted by benefactor spirits.

Sonia Doi:

So, This empowers the magnetic energy of that person.

Sonia Doi:

So this is to say we are not better than Reiki or Healing Hands or any

Sonia Doi:

other thing because if the person has a good intention, they are doing good.

Sonia Doi:

Anyways I also want to relate a little bit to the biofield.

Sonia Doi:

If you, if I can go into that now or if you have any other

Sonia Doi:

comments before I go into that.

Dan Assisi:

Yeah, I think we would love to do, cuz you know what the

Dan Assisi:

question that is in my mind is how do you, how do we know that there

Dan Assisi:

is an effectiveness there, right?

Dan Assisi:

So I think that from a faith perspective we grasp it, but you have talked about

Dan Assisi:

the actual measurable or more generally accepted impact of healing in general

Dan Assisi:

as it becomes more mainstream, right?

Dan Assisi:

As we open ourselves.

Dan Assisi:

So how do, how do we know how that works and how does it work?

Suzana Simoes:

And let me just ask, um, add another question on top of Daniels

Suzana Simoes:

and, and after you share that also tell us how is it being used in hospitals

Suzana Simoes:

if it, if it has, and if that is part of the research that's being done.

Sonia Doi:

In some hospitals, they allow people to do reiki mm-hmm.

Sonia Doi:

Because Reiki is more, uh, well known.

Sonia Doi:

As I mentioned, therapeutic touch is well used in several hospitals here

Sonia Doi:

in, in, in the DC DC area that I know.

Sonia Doi:

But among the other practices I know that reiki has been used in several

Sonia Doi:

hospitals and it's kinda allowed in as a practice, as a non-conventional practice.

Sonia Doi:

Did I answer that, Sue?

Suzana Simoes:

Yeah, absolutely.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

And sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.

Suzana Simoes:

You're going to the biofield?

Suzana Simoes:


Sonia Doi:

Yeah, no, the biofield.

Sonia Doi:

I just wanna mention that in 1932 a doctor from the Yale University

Sonia Doi:

called Harold Saxton or did some experiments, some studies and show

Sonia Doi:

that every living being has an kind of field of energy around them.

Sonia Doi:

Being that plant, an animal or human being.

Sonia Doi:

So just to start with that and that kind of field of energy that, that he showed,

Sonia Doi:

he has shown since you know, his first studies have been for some time forgotten

Sonia Doi:

by your physicians and researchers.

Sonia Doi:

But now with more recent studies, it has surfaced again.

Sonia Doi:

And that's how we interact.

Sonia Doi:

Our bio viewed energy interacts with someone else's by afu energy.

Sonia Doi:

And that's how with our intention, we can.

Sonia Doi:

Actually transfer the energy through our thoughts, through our

Sonia Doi:

intention to the person that is being receiving passes or receiving the bio

Sonia Doi:

therapy, whatever that therapy is.

Sonia Doi:

So we have some data that was published by the Brazilian doctors, and I think

Sonia Doi:

it's interesting that I would like to show maybe three slides just to,

Sonia Doi:

to make the connection on the, make the explanation a little easier.

Sonia Doi:

One of the papers, one of the studies was done by By a group of physicians

Sonia Doi:

in Brazil with newborn babies.

Sonia Doi:

These newborn babies were in the I C U or in the hospital.

Sonia Doi:

They were preterm newborns, so that's why they were in a hospital.

Sonia Doi:

And of course, these babies were under stress.

Sonia Doi:

And these group of um, researchers divided the babies into two groups.

Sonia Doi:

There were only about 13, uh, babies in each group, and one group was

Sonia Doi:

assisted by spiritist, uh, people who were trained in spirited centers.

Sonia Doi:

So they knew how to apply passes.

Sonia Doi:

The other group was assisted by people who were not com, were not trained, uh,

Sonia Doi:

didn't know about passes in any other of these healing therapies, however,

Sonia Doi:

they were instructed to have to be there with their hands on the babies.

Sonia Doi:

15 centimeters above distant from the babies with good intention.

Sonia Doi:

Or healing intention.

Sonia Doi:

So both groups had healing intention, but one group was people who were

Sonia Doi:

trained in this practice centers at least two years of training.

Sonia Doi:

And they, they did some measurements.

Sonia Doi:

The group, both groups of babies received this energy for 10 minutes

Sonia Doi:

each time during three consecutive days.

Sonia Doi:

And the researchers measured several things, measured salivary cortisol,

Sonia Doi:

which is the hormone stress hormone.

Sonia Doi:

They measure the heart rate, respiratory frequency oxygen saturation, and the

Sonia Doi:

duration of stay in the hospital.

Sonia Doi:

And all the measurements show an improvement in the group that was

Sonia Doi:

assisted by Spirit Passagers compared to the group that were assisted

Sonia Doi:

by non practitioners of spiritism.

Sonia Doi:

But the one measurement that was significantly, statistically significant

Sonia Doi:

different was the respiratory rate.

Sonia Doi:

So in the graph, the group that was not was shown in blue in this graph

Sonia Doi:

that was received just intention.

Sonia Doi:

But there were the control, considered the control group, meaning there were

Sonia Doi:

no No spiritists versus the one that were spiritists in, shown in red here.

Sonia Doi:

So we see a significant decrease in the respiratory rate.

Sonia Doi:

So as you know, respiratory rate increases when we are stressed out, right?

Sonia Doi:

Stress, we breathe more frequently.

Sonia Doi:

The frequency increases and you see the group of babies that were

Sonia Doi:

received passes, spirits passes had lower and lower and lower.

Sonia Doi:

Respiratory rate.

Sonia Doi:

So that kind of implied a decrease in stress of these babies.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Fascinating soya.

Dan Assisi:

So let's just make sure I got this right.

Dan Assisi:

So basically this research was done with a group of babies in a hospital

Dan Assisi:

that we're in a delicate situation ish.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Or more delicate I should say.

Dan Assisi:

And it, they were divided into three different groups.

Dan Assisi:

Two babies who?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Two, okay.

Dan Assisi:

Got it.

Dan Assisi:

So there, there was not one that did not receive any treatment

Sonia Doi:

at all.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

I was going to talk about this in a minute.

Sonia Doi:


Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So, sorry.

Dan Assisi:

So go ahead cuz I, I totally run you over there.

Sonia Doi:

No, no, no.

Sonia Doi:

I think it's good that you brought just what I was going to say now.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

One criticism of this, uh, this work is that there was no, a third group,

Sonia Doi:

the third group should be babies who had not received any treatment at all.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:


Sonia Doi:

So here we had one with Spiritist passes, one with just

Sonia Doi:

intention with no spiritist, uh, passes.

Sonia Doi:

But we didn't have a group that didn't receive any treatment at all.

Dan Assisi:

But yet, yet, there was statistical significance.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

And that means that the Ians run some sort of formula and tell you,

Dan Assisi:

yeah, these changes are not random.

Dan Assisi:

They are significant

Sonia Doi:

exactly for respiratory rate.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

The other ones, there was a trend to decrease in heart rate, tend to

Sonia Doi:

decrease in cortisone levels and saturation and duration in the hospital.

Sonia Doi:

So they, they were released earlier, however, by statistic methods they

Sonia Doi:

were not significant, meaning the difference was not that great.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

And a comment that I had here is that the group that did not receive

Sonia Doi:

spirit test passes had people who were, had good intentions.

Sonia Doi:

They were vibrating healing for these patients.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

So apparently, you know, the spiritist passes because maybe because they were

Sonia Doi:

more concentrated or any other reason there was a little better results.

Sonia Doi:

But this work, although there is a criticism on the missing

Sonia Doi:

of a real control group and the other thing, they're very small.

Sonia Doi:

Uh, the number of patients is very small.

Sonia Doi:

It's only 13.

Sonia Doi:

So this for.

Sonia Doi:

For a trial, clinical trial, this is an extremely small number of patients.

Sonia Doi:

So it is actually no wonder we, we did not achieve statistical significance.

Sonia Doi:

We usually, we need a lot more much higher number.

Sonia Doi:

But anyways, one I'll say downside is that the lack of a real control group.

Sonia Doi:

But on the other hand, this is a good study because these were premature babies.

Sonia Doi:

They had no conscience of what's going on.

Sonia Doi:

So you take away the bias of, okay, I am, you know, conscious consciously.

Sonia Doi:

Because I know that I'm receiving passes my mind is influencing

Sonia Doi:

the results, the placebo.

Sonia Doi:

So I think that decreases the bias of that Yeah.

Sonia Doi:

The placebo effect.

Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:

That, that's fascinating cuz it really, it really showcases the efficacy of passes.

Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:

Although in a small, you know, sampling rate, sampling, you know, numbers really,

Flavio Zanetti:

you know, again it's, it's everywhere.

Flavio Zanetti:

When we look at efficacy, this is a great study, at least you

Flavio Zanetti:

know, the way I look at it.

Flavio Zanetti:


Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

And I like that we are looking at it too.

Dan Assisi:

And obviously there's way more research to be done.

Dan Assisi:

And the question also, Comes up are people willing to do this research?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Because sometimes it's hard to fund research and will the credibility of the

Dan Assisi:

researcher take a hit because it's trying to measure things that are spiritual.

Dan Assisi:

All these things come into play, but I just love that we are

Dan Assisi:

beginning to really dive deeper and try to prove scientifically

Dan Assisi:

whether it has an impact or not.

Dan Assisi:

And if it doesn't have an impact, scientifically, we've gotta own up

Dan Assisi:

and say, all right, maybe it's just a placebo effect psychologically

Dan Assisi:

that makes us feel better.

Dan Assisi:

But it looks like if I'm reading this right, Sonya, that we are beginning

Dan Assisi:

to see that there is actual evidence that's pointing us to the fact that

Dan Assisi:

there is a physical improvement.

Dan Assisi:

On those who receive passes.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

As you mentioned this study is a small study.

Sonia Doi:

It needs, you would need a, a.

Sonia Doi:

Real control group, but as you also mentioned, it's very difficult to be to

Sonia Doi:

have funding for this type of research.

Sonia Doi:

And it's also very difficult that a hospital would allow you

Sonia Doi:

to do this type of research.

Sonia Doi:

Yeah, we need more studies.

Sonia Doi:

Uh, it's interesting that here in the States, if you look at the medical

Sonia Doi:

literature, you find a lot more studies that have done, have been

Sonia Doi:

done with reiki, for example, because.

Sonia Doi:

People know Reiki better, and because Reiki has been used in hospitals already,

Sonia Doi:

so there it's a little easier to do that.

Sonia Doi:

So we are still trying to bring more awareness about Spiritism

Sonia Doi:

and Spiritist passes to say, okay, here's the analogy, and it's similar.

Sonia Doi:

So why we cannot do more studies with faces.

Sonia Doi:


Dan Assisi:

So, so

Flavio Zanetti:

Sonia, I wanted to maybe if I'm, uh, if I'm seeing this for the

Flavio Zanetti:

first time, right back to research why, what is so special about spirits passages?

Flavio Zanetti:

Because if the other group were also was also, showing or their best, efforts,

Flavio Zanetti:

their best intentions, but the group that had training had better results.

Flavio Zanetti:

What makes, you know, what's the difference in.

Sonia Doi:

I cannot actually answer that.

Sonia Doi:

With certainty I can only make assumptions here.

Sonia Doi:

And one assumption, because of course, this, to answer that we should do

Sonia Doi:

some kind of measurable research to answer that, but my thoughts

Sonia Doi:

are I have two thoughts about it.

Sonia Doi:

One is that People who were trained as a spiritists they're used to do this.

Sonia Doi:

They are focused, they pray, and they, they prepare themselves before they have

Sonia Doi:

a good connection with the spirit world.

Sonia Doi:

And maybe that has helped in, in, in the mm-hmm.

Sonia Doi:

Result in the final result.

Sonia Doi:

The other thing is that maybe the group that were only working with

Sonia Doi:

intention was not so focused, you know, I have intention, but yeah, they were

Sonia Doi:

thinking about something else and.

Sonia Doi:

We know that in Spiritism when we do that, we are really

Sonia Doi:

focused on what we are doing.

Sonia Doi:

We are connected, we are praying and so forth, so on.

Sonia Doi:

Another thing that I have, um, to say about that is that they used 10 minutes

Sonia Doi:

for the practice in the spirit centers.

Sonia Doi:

We don't do 10 minutes.

Sonia Doi:

We usually, you know, it's one to two minutes, so 10 minutes is a lot longer.

Sonia Doi:

So I wonder if the person who were not.

Sonia Doi:

Spirit practitioners they, you know, kind of their thoughts

Sonia Doi:

wondered about on other things

Dan Assisi:

during, or even if there were, even if there

Dan Assisi:

were spiritist practitioners.

Dan Assisi:

I was gonna say that, yeah.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

To hold that intention for 10 minutes, like a pure intention.

Dan Assisi:

And it's really, really,

Suzana Simoes:

really hard.

Suzana Simoes:

Really hard.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

I have, I have a joke sometimes at the center say, people don't make these long

Suzana Simoes:

prayers cause you're gonna lose half of the audience in the middle of the way.

Suzana Simoes:

Cause we have a difficult time staying, you know, put

Suzana Simoes:

without thoughts for a minute.

Dan Assisi:

Can we?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

Can we characters, can we

Flavio Zanetti:

person to or whoever.

Flavio Zanetti:

Wants to become a pass giver.

Flavio Zanetti:

So if I enter a, a spirit center, hey, why, what are the credentials of the

Flavio Zanetti:

individual that's giving me passes?

Dan Assisi:

Oh, I love that flag.

Dan Assisi:

That's a great point.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So what's the credential, right?

Dan Assisi:

Do you have to go to credentialing schools and get the credential?

Dan Assisi:

A credential, pass giver?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

I think that not in our practice, everybody can do it.

Dan Assisi:

That's the beautiful thing too.

Dan Assisi:

Like, and we've sort of seen this also with mothers, for instance, right?

Dan Assisi:

Where they, their kids get hurt sometimes they just kiss their kid,

Dan Assisi:

they put their hand, they even just blow over their booboos, right?

Dan Assisi:

And there's just different ways or different modalities of doing that

Dan Assisi:

intentional transfusion of energy that, that Sonya talked about.

Dan Assisi:

But in the Spiritist group, some groups will have a sort of preparation approach.

Dan Assisi:

And I think I see Susanna sort of agreeing with me there, right?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:


Suzana Simoes:

Yeah, I was I was agreeing with your previous thought

Suzana Simoes:

as well, which I was going to say.

Suzana Simoes:

Um, what you're talking about with the mothers takes us to a

Suzana Simoes:

different angle, which is passes outside of the spiritual center.

Suzana Simoes:

Which, I think here we, we seek to talk about, spiritual things, but always bring

Suzana Simoes:

to, what does that mean on a day-to-day?

Suzana Simoes:

Maybe not everybody can make to the spiritual center.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

So, so that means I cannot receive it.

Suzana Simoes:

So that's where my mind went.

Suzana Simoes:

Yeah, with with a mother, with a hug, with a friend, any, an intentional

Suzana Simoes:

transfusion of energy, the difference is that when you are at the spiritual center,

Suzana Simoes:

right, so we have a, the environment, which is an environment of prayer.

Suzana Simoes:

Of people enter and usually they invited to elevate their vibratory

Suzana Simoes:

frequency by listening to uh, uplifting talk, invited to, to do their prayers,

Suzana Simoes:

to connect with the higher source.

Suzana Simoes:

So we really creates a vibratory environment that

Suzana Simoes:

is very beneficial in itself.

Suzana Simoes:

And when the person is in that environment and open himself with trust, with

Suzana Simoes:

surrender, the person also creates optimal circumstances to receive.

Suzana Simoes:

So that is another aspect there is the aspect of the past operation

Flavio Zanetti:

to do its operation

Suzana Simoes:

to receive, yeah.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

That needs to, you know, it's helpful if you have an understanding.

Suzana Simoes:

I mean, Sonia, um, early on was talking about pure spirit,

Suzana Simoes:

for example, which is the.

Suzana Simoes:

Spiritual body.

Suzana Simoes:

The energetic body.

Suzana Simoes:

So if you have a minimal understanding about it's helpful if you have an

Suzana Simoes:

understanding that we can't, like we have mentioned here, manipulate the

Suzana Simoes:

fluids or the energy with the power of our thoughts, that's also helpful.

Suzana Simoes:

So there are some basic concepts that once we know them, we can become more effective

Suzana Simoes:

practitioners, just like anything else.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

And same thing for the person who is receiving.

Suzana Simoes:

If you want the sun to enter your house, you have to open the windows the curtains.

Suzana Simoes:

So that's an analogy that I like to always use if you sit there, but

Suzana Simoes:

your mind is caught up in distrust.

Suzana Simoes:

Suspicion or whatever that might be, or elsewhere, nowhere to be found.

Suzana Simoes:

Your body's there, but your, your mind isn't.

Suzana Simoes:

Then similarly, You are not really putting yourself in that

Suzana Simoes:

ideal position to, to receive.

Dan Assisi:

Yeah, and that's a great point too, Sue, because at the Spiritist

Dan Assisi:

group to go back to the, to that piece, like can anyone just walk in and do it?

Dan Assisi:

Generally what Spiritist groups will have, they will have their own training

Dan Assisi:

program, right, where they will help people prepare to do their best in

Dan Assisi:

obviously giving of themselves in the, in those moments, and will ask for people

Dan Assisi:

to make a commitment that in that day, in that moment those will sometimes

Dan Assisi:

call passes or past givers are going to commit to make sure that they, have done

Dan Assisi:

a good job of concentrating, of having a great day so that they don't go in there.

Dan Assisi:

With all their worries and not being able to be a good channel

Dan Assisi:

from those energies from above.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So absolutely free too.

Dan Assisi:

I think we should mention this too, right?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

All of these practices always free at spirit as groups too.

Dan Assisi:

If you are looking to receive passes or I think that they could help you

Dan Assisi:

establish yourself a little bit.

Dan Assisi:

In general, it's always a good idea to go to a spiritist group and generally

Dan Assisi:

the passes are done after a talk or an inspiring moment because it helps you

Dan Assisi:

concentrate in getting to the vibratory range that Susanna was talking about.

Dan Assisi:

So that's why passes are generally done at the end of activities because

Dan Assisi:

by then the past receiver has already began to open him or herself to those

Dan Assisi:

good messages, uc influences, which means it's more likely that the effect

Dan Assisi:

of the passes are going to take hold.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So fantastic.

Dan Assisi:

So, Sonya, are there other pieces of research or efforts out there that

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

Was curious about?

Suzana Simoes:

I was curious about that.

Suzana Simoes:

I love, I love hearing about the first one, so it's like, is there another one?

Sonia Doi:

Yeah, there's a actually this group that, that did the work with babies

Sonia Doi:

did, I think they published another.

Sonia Doi:

Two, three papers, but I only brought one more from them.

Sonia Doi:

And then another one that is interesting too.

Sonia Doi:

So the next one is they looked at people who were hospitalized for

Sonia Doi:

in a cardiac cardiovascular ward.

Sonia Doi:

And they actually selected patients that had depression anxiety.

Sonia Doi:

And they did there were 41 patients, they divided in three groups.

Sonia Doi:

Now they have one group which is a control didn't receive any therapy at all.

Sonia Doi:

One group that were assisted by spirit trainees and trained people, and

Sonia Doi:

the other one with just intention.

Sonia Doi:

Again, here, there was a group that Were not trained in spirit passes,

Sonia Doi:

but they were there with their hands on for 10 minutes, three days, and

Sonia Doi:

with intention, healing intention.

Sonia Doi:

So in this group, they also measured several things.

Sonia Doi:

They measure depression, muscle tension, wellbeing, and like heart rate,

Sonia Doi:

pain intensity and so forth, so on.

Sonia Doi:

And again, there was some differences in both groups.

Sonia Doi:

Both groups had improvements, both meaning the spiritist passes and

Sonia Doi:

the other that were not spiritist, but received some healing intention.

Sonia Doi:

Both groups had.

Sonia Doi:

Improvement in all the things that were measured against the group

Sonia Doi:

that didn't receive anything, that the real control group.

Sonia Doi:

However, the the most striking difference, the most significant

Sonia Doi:

difference was in anxiety and depression.

Sonia Doi:

This is measured by some kind of score scoring system.

Sonia Doi:

So there, there is a systematic scoring system that is acceptable

Sonia Doi:

for publications and studies.

Sonia Doi:

So they used a specific scoring system to measure anxiety and to

Sonia Doi:

measure depression prior to and after three days of of treatment.

Sonia Doi:

And the.

Sonia Doi:

When they measure anxiety, when they measure depression, these

Sonia Doi:

scores were basically the same before and after the procedure,

Sonia Doi:

after the three days of treatment.

Sonia Doi:

There was no difference whatsoever in the group that received the

Sonia Doi:

spirit test passes, which in this slide, uh, has a red mark around.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

We see a marked difference.

Sonia Doi:

So for example the score was 9.6.

Sonia Doi:

Prior to the passes and after the, after three days of passes,

Sonia Doi:

it dropped to 3.7, so it was a big drop in the score of anxiety.

Sonia Doi:

The group that were received only the, the treatment with intention but was not split

Sonia Doi:

as passes, also didn't have any change.

Sonia Doi:

It was like the control group.

Sonia Doi:

It started with 7.9 and ended af after three days.

Sonia Doi:

The score was still 7.9 in the measurement of depression.

Sonia Doi:

The control group without treatment didn't have any change comparing

Sonia Doi:

previous treatment, and after three days of treatment, it was 7.8 7.9.

Sonia Doi:

The group that received only intentional treatment, no passes, also didn't have

Sonia Doi:

change after three days of treatment.

Sonia Doi:

Started with 6.8 and went to 6.3.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

However, the group that received SP test passes, it started with a score of six

Sonia Doi:

on depression rate and dropped to 4.2.

Sonia Doi:

So the highest drop, the highest effect was an anxiety, which dropped

Sonia Doi:

from nine to 3.7, but both anxiety and depression was improved significantly.

Sonia Doi:

So this is, this is also another, you know, beautiful work on how this.

Sonia Doi:

How we can see the effect of the spirit passes.

Sonia Doi:

And although there was intention in the other group, for some

Sonia Doi:

reason here, we didn't see any,

Sonia Doi:

any improvement changes.

Flavio Zanetti:


Flavio Zanetti:

Now let me ask a curveball question.

Flavio Zanetti:

We're in this world that everything is hybrid.

Flavio Zanetti:

We're, we're gathering here through, through technology.

Flavio Zanetti:

Can I like, do passes via zoom or via a virtual meeting?

Flavio Zanetti:

Is it even possible to have passes remote?

Suzana Simoes:

What do you guys think?

Suzana Simoes:


Sonia Doi:

a great question, FLA.

Sonia Doi:

Great question.

Sonia Doi:

You know why?

Sonia Doi:

Because we know that we can do distant healing.

Sonia Doi:

We can do that.

Sonia Doi:

We can pray for someone that's far from here.

Sonia Doi:

And, at some point this was only done in Berkeley and people saying, yeah,

Sonia Doi:

you know, I got better or something.

Sonia Doi:

But there's a group in Portugal, uh, actually they were not

Sonia Doi:

even in, in medical sciences.

Sonia Doi:

They are in engineering school, and they designed a work and I, I don't

Sonia Doi:

have much time to talk about that today, but it's a great, interesting work.

Sonia Doi:

They had people who were trained in reiki and people who were trained in

Sonia Doi:

therapeutic touch, uh, in different parts of the world, in Portugal, in Switzerland,

Sonia Doi:

in I forgot different countries.

Sonia Doi:

So what they do, they put.

Sonia Doi:

Water about two bottles of water in their laboratory.

Sonia Doi:

In Portugal.

Sonia Doi:

Portugal in the School of Engineering.

Sonia Doi:

They took a picture of that.

Sonia Doi:

I'm Synthes, you know, summarizing that.

Sonia Doi:

It's a little more complex.

Sonia Doi:

But they took a picture of that, sent through email to all these practitioners

Sonia Doi:

and asked, in this day and this day, you are going to be doing a healing intention.

Sonia Doi:

You're gonna be praying sending healing thoughts to this bottle of water labeled

Sonia Doi:

A, for example, not to the bottle label B, just to the bottle label A

Sonia Doi:

and you do this for 10 minutes or so.

Sonia Doi:

So they had people all over the world right doing this.

Sonia Doi:

Nobody was local.

Sonia Doi:

Then the water was tested for several thanks for.

Sonia Doi:

Chemical properties for the physical properties.

Sonia Doi:

And they also had an instrument that I don't recall now the name, but they

Sonia Doi:

had an instrument at that place in the room to measure, uh, to measure energy.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

So it was incredible.

Sonia Doi:

I can send you then the, the link to this.

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

It this work, but Sure.

Sonia Doi:

Can you

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:


Sonia Doi:

it was very interesting because they showed that not only there

Sonia Doi:

were improvement on or changes in the physical and physical chemistry of

Sonia Doi:

the molecules of water in the bottle that people were direct to send their

Sonia Doi:

thoughts to the other bottle was closed to it, but was not the one that people

Sonia Doi:

should direct their, their thoughts to.

Sonia Doi:

There were some changes there because it was close to it, but not as much as on the

Sonia Doi:

bottle that they were asked to pray for.

Sonia Doi:

The other interesting thing is that, The level of energy increased

Sonia Doi:

dramatically from the first day when they started praying four up to the

Sonia Doi:

third day and persisted for 15 days.

Sonia Doi:

It was dropping gradually and, but the level of energy, that residual

Sonia Doi:

energy was there for about 15 days, which for me was amazing.

Sonia Doi:

And I'm thinking, yes, imagine our spirit centers where we

Sonia Doi:

are praying every so often.

Sonia Doi:

How much energy is accumulating there and is maintained and remains there.

Sonia Doi:

So this work not only shows the effect distance, but also the level

Sonia Doi:

of energy that persists after a while.

Dan Assisi:

And that's easy to relate to from a popular perspective

Dan Assisi:

because it's about the atmosphere or shall we say the vibe, right?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So we're talking about good vibes here, right?

Dan Assisi:

So when you go into an environment that has that healthy mental attitude, in

Dan Assisi:

this case spiritual attitude, sometimes people can feel the vibe, right?

Dan Assisi:

You can feel that, that that's a different environment, that it feels good, it

Dan Assisi:

feels relaxing, and it's lovely to see the validation to that coming through

Dan Assisi:

science and making us understand that.

Dan Assisi:

So it's lovely to see that these energies can travel far distances

Dan Assisi:

cuz they're so subtle, right?

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

And it's fascinating, fascinating.

Sonia Doi:

If you, if you're interested enough, there is

Sonia Doi:

one more work, scientific work

Dan Assisi:

now with

Suzana Simoes:


Sonia Doi:

That's great.

Sonia Doi:

You know, we are, we're talking about the effects on people, but

Sonia Doi:

look at this, this is bacteria.

Dan Assisi:

Bacteria are future people too, people.

Flavio Zanetti:

Talk bacteria.

Suzana Simoes:

That's funny.

Sonia Doi:

They don't have a brain.

Sonia Doi:

But anyways, this was a, a, an incredible work of Dr.

Sonia Doi:

Jean Carlo Lu in Brazil.

Sonia Doi:

He's one of the most spirits scientists that publishes in the world.

Sonia Doi:

And this is a very interesting, but I'm going to just summarize.

Sonia Doi:

So what he did, he did bacteria culture and he divided in actually several groups.

Sonia Doi:

But let's talk about three main groups.

Sonia Doi:

One with people who were trained in passes, spirit passes.

Sonia Doi:

One that only had intention but of healing, but were not Spirit pass trained.

Sonia Doi:

And the other wave, no intention whatsoever.

Sonia Doi:

So he had that.

Sonia Doi:

And also he then divided these groups into different levels of intention.

Sonia Doi:

Completely unin all each one of these groups.

Sonia Doi:

Unintentional, intentional, inhibiting bacteria growth, promoting

Sonia Doi:

bacteria growth and negative effect.

Sonia Doi:

For, there were people in the laboratory with the sculptors of bacteria, the ones

Sonia Doi:

that were not to have any intention.

Sonia Doi:

They were with a headphone and a video in front of them.

Sonia Doi:

So the bacteria is here, but they were supposed to be watching the video,

Sonia Doi:

so by watching a video, they were not kind of thinking about the bacteria.

Sonia Doi:

They had their hands there, but they were watching a video, the

Sonia Doi:

other one with negative effects.

Sonia Doi:

They were watching a very violent type of video.

Sonia Doi:

So to kind of bring a negative energy over the bacteria and.

Sonia Doi:

Anyway, so with all of this different groups, the most significant effect

Sonia Doi:

was the effect of spirit passes on the bacteria culture that had

Sonia Doi:

intention to inhibit bacteria growth.

Sonia Doi:

So those were the ones that were most affected.

Sonia Doi:

When he asked all these three groups the with passes, with intention, non

Sonia Doi:

intention to inhibit bacteria growth.

Sonia Doi:

The group that had most effect on inhibiting bacteri arterial

Sonia Doi:

growth is the, was the groups of people who practice British passes.

Sonia Doi:

In this graph, under, in the red rectangle, you see the dark bars.

Sonia Doi:

And this was in.

Sonia Doi:

Two days, uh, in, I don't remember some hours and then two weeks of treatment.

Sonia Doi:

But anyways, the question is they were not able to increase bacteria growth.

Sonia Doi:

And why is this?

Sonia Doi:

In the paper, there is a discussion about it.

Sonia Doi:

The authors already talking about it, and they said it's very difficult for,

Sonia Doi:

if you consciously think about bacteria, you think about bacteria being something

Sonia Doi:

damaging and you don't want it to grow.

Sonia Doi:

So how could you have a good intention to and, and.

Sonia Doi:

Kind of vibrate for the increase of bacteria growth, usually because we

Sonia Doi:

see bacteria as a damaging effect.

Sonia Doi:

We want bacteria to not to grow.

Sonia Doi:

We want to inhibit bacteria growth.

Sonia Doi:

We want to combat the bacteria and not to increase growth.

Sonia Doi:

So I think that's what was the, that's why the effect was better seen,

Sonia Doi:

better noted, and more significant in decreasing the bacteria growth.

Sonia Doi:

But this was interesting because it was bacteria, not people we see the

Suzana Simoes:


Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So I love that there is a, a breadth of different things coming.

Dan Assisi:

So we, there have been studies with babies with bacteria with people.

Dan Assisi:

And I think that they're beginning to point to something that we intuitively

Dan Assisi:

and maybe religiously or spiritually have believed in, that our thoughts have

Dan Assisi:

power and that it can be even augmented when we're connected to the divine.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So it's reassuring to see that we're finding a way there.

Dan Assisi:

And for us, spiritists that's really important because we have always put

Dan Assisi:

extra effort in trying to understand the physical world around us and how

Dan Assisi:

it relates to the spiritual world.

Dan Assisi:

Sort of like in the definition of spiritism in a way, that Keck gave us.

Dan Assisi:

And so to see that the, our spiritual selves, our, you know, the intelligence

Dan Assisi:

principle that we are, can affect change via our thoughts into our physical world.

Dan Assisi:

Even though the energies are very still very different, is

Dan Assisi:

reassuring many different ways.

Dan Assisi:

It's also.

Dan Assisi:

A little bit of a tale of two perspectives, right?

Dan Assisi:

Because it also begs the question, wow, if our intention can bring about positive

Dan Assisi:

impact, what kind of intention and focus are we having during our day-to-day lives?

Dan Assisi:

And what kind of interactions are we having with people around us?

Dan Assisi:

Of course, this also has the augmentation of spirituality, right?

Dan Assisi:

So passes.

Dan Assisi:

It's not just our energy, as you was said, it's also our request

Dan Assisi:

from spiritual helpers to kind of augment that which we have.

Dan Assisi:

But it does beg the question, doesn't it?

Dan Assisi:

What are we doing to make sure that we're good practitioners of

Dan Assisi:

transmitting good energies to people?

Suzana Simoes:

You just left in my mouth, a taste for like, I want some more.

Suzana Simoes:

You know?

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

Like, yes, the craving.

Suzana Simoes:

This is amazing, amazing, uh, work.

Suzana Simoes:

Thank you for sharing with us.

Suzana Simoes:

It was very, uh, enlightening.

Suzana Simoes:

I have a number of people in my mind that I wanna send directly the

Suzana Simoes:

link and say, Hey, look at this.

Suzana Simoes:

It's very exciting news.

Suzana Simoes:

And again, I just can't wait to see what else is coming.

Dan Assisi:

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Dan Assisi:

And while we do that, let's do our wrap up as our time begins to run away from us.

Dan Assisi:

Flavia, what's your biggest takeaway from today?

Flavio Zanetti:

My biggest takeaway is that there's a lot of

Flavio Zanetti:

benefits from receiving passes.

Flavio Zanetti:

If you looking for that, go to your newest spirit center and look for it.

Flavio Zanetti:

There's definitely a lot of benefits from receiving passes.

Flavio Zanetti:

I also took away that the there's some prerequisites for that person to become,

Flavio Zanetti:

or for someone to become a best giver.

Flavio Zanetti:

As we talked about, every center will be different, but

Flavio Zanetti:

there are some re requisites.

Flavio Zanetti:

For the person to do that.

Flavio Zanetti:

And love, love, love is seeing Sonya's, you know, breadth of

Flavio Zanetti:

expertise and academic know-how.

Flavio Zanetti:

Show us that science is catching on while we as spirits have

Flavio Zanetti:

learned, for many, many years.

Flavio Zanetti:

So that's fantastic, right?

Flavio Zanetti:

Those two worlds colliding, so to speak.

Flavio Zanetti:

Love it.

Dan Assisi:

And Sue, what would you say stuck with you

Dan Assisi:

the most during this episode?

Suzana Simoes:

Well, I, I kind of already said I'm, I mean, I, I love research.

Suzana Simoes:

So I'm kind of, I was like, I needed more time.

Suzana Simoes:

I wanna go back.

Suzana Simoes:

I wanna look at it, I wanna understand it better.

Suzana Simoes:

Um, so I'm left with some excitement, but also it's, um, something that for

Suzana Simoes:

people to consider a lot of times.

Suzana Simoes:

People wondering, what can I do?

Suzana Simoes:

How can I help?

Suzana Simoes:

And this is a way of helping others that actually not only helping others

Suzana Simoes:

by sharing a little bit of something that we all have, which is energy

Suzana Simoes:

but it also is an exercise of faith.

Suzana Simoes:

And at the very end, we didn't have a chance to talk about it.

Suzana Simoes:

But I did see a question about it is also as you give, you receive.

Suzana Simoes:


Suzana Simoes:

Because you are never alone.

Suzana Simoes:

So you are being also a channel of some spiritual energy

Suzana Simoes:

that's coming through you.

Suzana Simoes:

So it's a double win.

Suzana Simoes:

You win because you are helping someone else.

Suzana Simoes:

You win because you are helping yourself.

Suzana Simoes:

And at the very end is it's just a wonderful practice

Suzana Simoes:

that is available to everyone.

Dan Assisi:

And before we give Sonia a final words, I'm gonna jump in

Dan Assisi:

and say a hundred percent to what you guys smart people just said.

Dan Assisi:

And I think what's really cool too is that we haven't explicitly called

Dan Assisi:

this one out, but to talk about passes is to talk about prayer.

Dan Assisi:

And so there is little distinction in a way, right?

Dan Assisi:

Because everything that we were thinking about and talking about

Dan Assisi:

here today also applies to prayer.

Dan Assisi:

And in a way you can almost say that passes are an intentional,

Dan Assisi:

intentionally directed type of prayer.

Dan Assisi:

So it's also reassuring for us, I think to know that our prayers, our.

Dan Assisi:

Effort to ask and act on behalf of others spiritually can also

Dan Assisi:

be registered intentionally and scientifically and physically.

Dan Assisi:

And I'm really thrilled too, like Za was saying, that we are beginning to

Dan Assisi:

from a physical perspective, from a like a material perspective, really

Dan Assisi:

pay attention to this and try to understand what are those changes.

Dan Assisi:

Because this is not an alternative to traditional treatment, but it

Dan Assisi:

could be a compliment to it, right?

Dan Assisi:

I think that's something that we didn't really talk much about this.

Dan Assisi:

We're all, we're all, we're all up for medical treatment Yes.

Dan Assisi:

To all that.

Dan Assisi:

Cuz medicine also comes from God people, right?

Dan Assisi:

We've got like evolution of knowledge, right?

Dan Assisi:

Including medicine.

Dan Assisi:

And we need to respect and honor that.

Dan Assisi:

But these are other practices that we can augment, that we can layer upon

Dan Assisi:

all the other things that we are doing.

Dan Assisi:

And especially in this world of challenges right now with mental

Dan Assisi:

health and a lot of depression.

Dan Assisi:

This could be.

Dan Assisi:

Interesting thing.

Dan Assisi:

So I'm really grateful that we have this experience.

Dan Assisi:

And so, maybe it's a good time to turn to Sonia.

Dan Assisi:

Sonya, what is the most interesting piece about all these studies and

Dan Assisi:

things that you see and you learn about and you talk to people about?

Sonia Doi:

First of all I love all your comments and I wanna thank you for

Sonia Doi:

letting me participate in this talk.

Sonia Doi:

But I have seen a lot of research coming more recently, not only about passes,

Sonia Doi:

but about the how we can benefit others with our thoughts, our intentions.

Sonia Doi:

And and we want to, in the, as I represent the Spirit Medical Association, we

Sonia Doi:

support research, and we want to see more research in this field because of course,

Sonia Doi:

you know, faith is important, faith is the base of it, but when it's like

Sonia Doi:

spiritism, when we have the explanation, we can understand the defects behind it.

Sonia Doi:

That makes our faith a lot stronger and it can make it more effective.

Sonia Doi:

So I think that We are as the spirit, as medical association, our

Sonia Doi:

mission is to educate the healthcare professionals and to support research

Sonia Doi:

on the impact of the spirit or so in our, in physical and mental health.

Sonia Doi:

I would like, I have seen more and more, I'm very enthusiastic

Sonia Doi:

about the research that is coming out, but we are really trying to

Sonia Doi:

simulate people to do more research.

Flavio Zanetti:

So, Sonya, I, I can read some people's minds right now.

Flavio Zanetti:

They might be listening to us later or watching us this

Flavio Zanetti:

through our YouTube channel.

Flavio Zanetti:

If they have questions, if they wanna connect with you or the medical

Flavio Zanetti:

association, where do they go?

Sonia Doi:

The best is to go to our website, www dot sme.

Sonia Doi:

Dot org.

Sonia Doi:

That's it.

Sonia Doi:

And that's correct.

Sonia Doi:

We can send, there's a contact us button, so you can send us question.

Sonia Doi:

We are having several events now.

Sonia Doi:

Every month we have something online and we have added

Sonia Doi:

discussion on scientific papers.

Sonia Doi:

So every other month we have a scientific discussion with a panel.

Sonia Doi:

So you are invited and we are doing some changes in our website that may

Sonia Doi:

not be there yet, but will soon be the whole schedule will be in the

Sonia Doi:

website and everyone can join in.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

And it's always wonderful.

Dan Assisi:

Always a good, yeah.

Dan Assisi:

Go ahead.

Dan Assisi:

Su Susanna.

Dan Assisi:


Suzana Simoes:

No, I just said wonderful.

Dan Assisi:

Thank you.

Dan Assisi:

Yeah, I was gonna say that I love that US Spirit Medical Association

Dan Assisi:

is also providing opportunities for those of us who are not medical

Dan Assisi:

doctors to be engaged as well.

Dan Assisi:

So if you feel like you will know more, go over there,

Dan Assisi:

subscribe, check out their events.

Dan Assisi:

I am a member as well, and I'm not a medical doctor, but I love

Dan Assisi:

hearing about the stuff and I'm really excited about all the work.

Dan Assisi:

So thank you Sonya.

Dan Assisi:

Thank you for all that you guys are doing over there.

Dan Assisi:

We really appreciate

Sonia Doi:


Sonia Doi:

Thank you so much.

Sonia Doi:

Thank you for the opportunity to be here, to talk a little

Sonia Doi:

bit to learn with all of you.

Sonia Doi:

Thank you.

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

So we're coming to the end friends, and if you would like to know more

Dan Assisi:

about Spiritist Conversations, we suggest that you visit our website,

Dan Assisi:


Dan Assisi:

We wanna remind you as well that you can find past episodes on YouTube or

Dan Assisi:

Facebook if you would like to watch it.

Dan Assisi:

If you prefer to hear it like I do, you can head over to your favorite podcast

Dan Assisi:

platform and download our episodes.

Dan Assisi:

We'll be sure to include some links to the research that Dr.

Dan Assisi:

Sonya Doy shared with us today in our show notes as well, so that

Dan Assisi:

you can find it for yourself.

Dan Assisi:

But thank you very much.

Dan Assisi:

Thank you for watching and for listening to Spiritist Conversation, a

Dan Assisi:

production of The Spiritist Institute.

Dan Assisi:

We hope that you have enjoyed it, and if you did, please

Dan Assisi:

share, tell somebody about it.

Dan Assisi:

He helps us get the word out.

Dan Assisi:

We hope to see you next time.




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