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S2E9 Survival Tips 101
Episode 928th February 2023 • The Constitution Commandos • Chris Williams and Patrick Williams

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I pledge judge to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Welcome back. Thank you for joining us and night episode this season. We've. Pretty good episode. Waiting for it to sold. We may go ahead and get this show started right away. Patrick's on the line now he's ready to go. And so am I. My name is Chris Williams and you're listening to the Constitution Commandos.

Yeah, I know, I, I'm blacked out on the screen. It's cause my truck is dark . I mean, well, I've got a slight, I got a slight glow off my ELD and all, but I can see your glasses. Okay. Well that's cool. I be, I bet, I bet people are laughing at that. Like, listen at Farmer Gym. Listen to Farmer Gym. Can't see it.

Ghostly ass . But I can see them glasses, boy. 

Well, you know, I finally, I was finally told while I was in the Navy still trying to get it a SEAL program that, uh, one of the reasons I could not go was because I wore glasses. And I thought that was stupid as anything I'd ever heard. And then I thought about it and I was like, yeah, glasses give off a reflection that gives away your position.

Now that wouldn't work too good, but Yep. That's when I tried to get into the LASIK surgery and because I wasn't already in a, in a, um, 

in a Right how bad arms flash. Yeah. He couldn't 

get it. Yeah, it was, well it was still experimental surgery back then too, so 

Yeah. Everybody in the 82nd, if you were combat arms.

If you were 11 series and the 82nd back, then everybody was getting it. Uh, I wasn't allowed to get it cause I wasn't combat arms. But what I did do, because you know I have to wear my glasses. But what I did do is I bought, uh, boonies with a little larger bill. Yeah. And I was able to drop the bill a little beyond my glasses frame and, and I was able to deflect a lot of light.

But being communications a lot of. A lot of times I was behind a commander or had a security detail, so I was generally not pointy guy. So there you go.

Yeah. I need to get me another boonie. 

Well, this was a little bit small on me, but uh, if your globe is as big as mine, you won't be able to wear it. But 

I got a seven and five eights. 

Yep. Your globe is as big as mine. 

Yeah, the one I got at the house is a bit on the large side, and I don't like it that much either.

Uh, I need to find me a, a better one. Yeah, that one 

doesn't fit me. Somebody gave it to me. I was like, yeah, my brother would like that. And I tried to put it on and I was like, well, hey man, I'll be able to wear it anyway. Well, yeah, you said that and I, I hadn't never had that thing for about a month. Now I keep forgetting about it, but, oh.

Yeah, these 

are, I'll also, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Well, I was gonna say another thing that along with the physical conditioning for people, there are some simple things that you can do also, just for basic survival. Buy a compass. Get a good compass. You don't wanna be out there lost. Get a good compass, right?

Learn how to read a compass and a map. Get a ProTrac. It's a square pro tractor, not a, not like a drafting pro tractor. And learn how to read a map and not just any map. Well learn your, learn your geographical land features. Yep. Uh, get, yeah, topographical maps are good, but those aren't always gonna be available unless you've got the time and the money to start putting 'em away.

But get you a compass. Learn how to. Start putting small kits together. First aid kits, get antibiotics to put in there, right? Put together fishing kits. You don't have to have complete fishing poles. Those are easy to fashion. Always have multiple blades. Yep. Knives. I'm a blade guy. I love my kni. Between my wife and myself, we've got well over a hundred.

I, I don't even know how many. We got a lot of blades. Every blade has a purpose. 

You'll need some for cleaning fish, for cleaning gang. You need some serrated, some not. 

Yeah. You need some with a lot thicker spine that can handle some abuse. Right. For splitting. I mean, you need, you need good, uh, good fighting knife.

You need good concealing knives. That would be great for defense, but mm-hmm. , you need multiple knives, but put together fishing kits. Flint rocks. Flint rocks. Yeah. But fishing line, get multiple spools of fish line. It's relatively inexpensive. It's multiuse, it's multipurpose useful. Great. And trap.

Absolutely  and don't get, don't get the poly line, get braided line. Right. Well, plus it'll last longer and it's stronger. Then on top of that, get multiple size hooks. These are things that if shit goes south and you have to fish for food, fish has a lot of protein. It's a good source of protein. Yeah. If you need food, Did you have a fishing lure set?

Not a lure, but hooks, hooks, lines. Anything would be used. Yeah. But there are basic things that people can do right now that are minimal expense that would allow you to start being better prepared. And this must sound 

crazy, is all hell to some people, but stock up on tamp. Field dressing's good, but tampons, you could ask any medic's ever been in the field.

Tampons are the best thing you can use for field dressing. Yep. They soak 

up a lot of blood. Mm-hmm. , but having battle dressings four by fours or something like that. Good field dressings. And you also want to get you a good SAM splint. Broken bones happen in the field. Yeah. You need to be able to immobilize it.

Five 50 cord is a good thing. 

I would recommend. I mean, I, I don't, I don't guess you'd have, I mean, I would recommend getting First Aid and CPA c p qualified, especially now, while you still can. Absolutely. I don't mean be absolutely a car carrier member, but if you have the knowledge and the training that that will add a lot to your benefit.

That's right. Benefit in any community. That's so assuming that you get involved with a community, and I would highly recommend that. People understand what community is and start learning how to be a part of one, because that's gotta be extremely critical when the shit does hit the fan. That's right. And 

you need to be a part of a community.

You have to be able to contribute to that community. Community. You got enough 

with the brain to the table, forget about it. You better 

have a skill or some knowledge or a good back willing to work. Cause if you lighten the physical load for one man, that'll free him up to do something else. 

And, and anytime working together, you can always get twice as much done in half the time and, and.

When these days come. I know it sounds like we're probably promoting, I mean propagating propaganda, but you take it for whatever it's worth it if you can. If you have something to contribute, bring it. If you don't have something to contribute, I promise you, there's no place for you in a community. You're hearing that now, so you don't have to be shocked by it later on.

You don't have to be too, but hurt when you hear it Now. You're hearing it. Community living requires everybody working and everybody's got to be able to bring something to the table. And even if two people are working together to get twice the work done, your work's not gonna be done because the days of dishwashers are gonna be over, the days of refrigeration are gonna be over the day.

You know what I'm saying? So, You're not gonna be able to just go fish and stock up your fish. Where are you gonna get ice? Where you, you know what I mean? You go, it's gonna be a daily thing. Everything's gonna have to be done on a daily basis. It's gonna be long days, it's gonna be hardworking days, much unlike what everybody's used to right now, but you will get used 

to it.

It's, there's a saying. If I can't shoot a gun, I'll carry the rounds. If I can't carry the rounds, I'll drag the wounded off the battlefield. Mm-hmm. , if I can't drag the wounded off the battlefield, I'll mend their wounds. If I can't mend their wounds, I'll cook. If I can't cook, I'll do the laundry. Right.

There's, there is a, everybody has to do something. That's exactly right, because if you're not doing it, ain't nobody gonna do it for you. I can tell you that. 

And nobody's gonna just let you hang around and not do it because you No. You just let wait them and, and that's the thing, you, it must be understood that the days of being sick all the time, that ain't gonna work.

I mean, if you're that sick, we're gonna feed you to the wolves. Unfortunately, that's the way it's gonna have to be. But if you go all the way back into history, you studied real history just in this country for the 250, 300 years people lived in the United States, settling the United States before it became the United States.

These people showed up to wilderness. They weren't paved roads. There were there, you know, there weren't stores right down the street that they could go purchase things. These people fought day in and day out to survive. Yeah, and and quite frankly, they respected their neighbors. They loved their neighbors.

They knew their neighbors. You know what I mean? And even though there was a lot of hard, treacherous work ahead of 'em every day, their life was good because they could depend on the people in their community. That's right. This, I mean, it sounds foreign, I'm sure, to most people now. It's not gonna be foreign pretty soon and it's, it's gonna be , it's gonna be quickly understood that you have to be able to rely on the people you're around or they're gonna have to go.

So don't let it be a shock to you. Get 

ready for it. I mean, and for myself, I have, and I don't know how much money people have, it's not even a concern of mine. And there are ways around, especially today with the.

I have gone off and bought so many manuals, not just field manuals from the military, cuz there's a lot of things in the military that I did that I want in literature because they're things that I don't do all the time. And it's a perishable knowledge, but 

it's also critical 

to survival. Yeah. Go on the internet, print things if you have.

Research things about survival. If you have the money, go on Amazon. I've got less than, I don't know, I'd say less than $150 in about 10 books and just about all of the books that I have purchased. I have studied from those manuals, but I've got a few books that were more advance. And it's worth it to purchase it.

It really is. Look, when things go south, books will be got, are you still there? Yeah. You cut out for about five seconds. Go ahead. Yeah, but I would say having books is a good thing because books are gonna be, 

go ahead. If you're buy no other book, I highly recommend two books. They should be at the top of your purchase list.

Number one is the Bible, and number two is the Art of War by Son. Soon, if you don't have those two, 

you're gonna be lost. Yep. I'll put a third book on there. Go to any Department of Defense approved. That's called Combat Task Training. C t t, uh, that's the one you showed me, right? Yeah. That's what I was issued when I went into basic training.

Yeah. It gives you a chapter of basic medical knowledge, uh, tactics and movements. Uh, it how land Nav, it'll teach you how to use a compass. It teaches you geographical land features, which will be important to communicate with. Right. It teaches you things that are basics and crucial if you don't have that knowledge already.

Yep. Everybody's got the aptitude for it. It's just, you gotta learn it 

and learning ain't such a bad thing. People . It's just not actually, learning is probably one of my favorite things that, uh, we have as human beings because, I mean, if you think about it, really there's nothing you can't do. Right. And I've said it before, Bob said this to me when I was a kid.

That's one of the very few things Bob ever said to me. That I've, that I'm allowed to stick with me. And that was, nothing is too hard. Some things just take a little bit longer to learn. And yeah. You know, adopting that, that. And your everyday thinking. There won't be an I quit mentality, period. No, and that was one of the things that I, you know, I did like about the military

It sounds stupid maybe, but there wasn't a quit option ever. I mean not, I mean, from boot camp all the way through, there was no quit option. You got a job to do, get it done. That's your option. There's no highway option. And if you're there, quitting is not an. You get it done. That's it. 

And another thing that people need to understand during this process, and I hope our listeners do take this upon themselves to act on it, I want everyone to change their thoughts about failure.

Failure is the greatest teacher. No successful person has become successful with the absence of failure. Every successful person has failed more times than you can imagine. If you fail at doing something, you need to sit back, evaluate it, take a breath, evaluate. That's right. Evaluate what happened and learn from it.

That's right. You already learned from it. Cause you're, I don't wanna do that again. That's that you. You know, I think was something, I think it was Benjamin 

Franklin that said, you showed me a man with many failures and I'll show you a success story. 

That's right. So people need to literally, you need to take the word failure.

You need to hold it close to your heart because that is the greatest teacher 

befriended. Don't alienate it. 

Failure and pain. Your best friend. Absolutely. . Yes. 

Pain is when is leaving the body 

Well that and when shit gets thick and when you know you're in a half to do something to survive situation and you can feel your body aching and you can hurt all over or you broke a hand or an arm or a leg, you men that son of a bitch up and you can say, I am still alive.

There is something I can still do. Yeah, absolutely. When you feel no pain anymore, 

you're dead. Doing something wrong. Wrong. Yeah. Well that goes to what granddaddy said all the time. When the day I quit learning is the day I'm pushing up daisies. That's right. So if there's ever a day that you, that you feel like you can't do something, you're pushing up daisies.

You can always do something, always. I don't know. And if. Go ahead. I don't know of any reason why anybody couldn't do something. I haven't found it yet. No. You know, I remember when I was, when I was in a school, you know, half of our class was Marines and other half sailors obviously. But anytime you had one Marine in your class, it was a Marine that did your PTs, right?

Yeah. And, and the reason for that is cause the Marines PT is. But it's, you know, especially when it comes to the run, it's a lot more demanding. Cause the sailors only run a mile and a half for the PFT and the PR r t for the Marines as they run three miles. And where we do sit ups, the Marines do dead hang pullups.

So the Marines did our PTs because we had Marines in our class, and one day it was announced that. That during the PFT, the Marines were gonna participate in our pft, which I'm sure was a great joke to them. And we were gonna have to participate in the Marine PF T, which I would've gung ho about. Hey, yeah, let's do this.

Right? But remember now, before I went in the military at all this little, you know, PT packet that I had gotten, it was called A Buds work. Uh, buds op order, nothing but PT stuff for anybody getting confused. In that, in that workout thing that I got, it was, there was a lot of pullups and a lot of suit ups, a lot of running, a lot of different kinds of stuff.

Unfortunately, it was the stuff that the Marines did and , our assistant, uh, class leader was a Marine. Uh, And he had been messing with me and I, and he said, well, I'll see you at the pft. And I said, no, no, no, no. We're gonna do this at the p r T. You know, and so when it came time for the three mile run of the P R t, I let everybody get a good head start.

And I bear in mind, I'm, I was only five 10. And this assistant class leader, BKD, who's a cool guy here, but he was something serious , but um, he's like six foot four, right? So that three mile run was just a jog for him at best. You know, he could take his time and still complete. 

Yeah, you haven't opened that stride up.

I had, I had to, I had to get down to business, right. . But, uh, about halfway through the run, I called up with him and he wasn't expecting it, but I said, Hey, you need a running partner, . And um, so we get down to about two and a half miles. And I'm not kidding, my back was hurting so bad. I felt like my kidneys were about to protrude in my back.

For some reason I caught a glance over my shoulder and there was this one marine coming up on us fast. I mean real fast. He was shorter than me. But the problem was, is I recognize him as one of the guys in our class who really did struggle running. I mean, he just wasn't a runner, you know? And there are people like that, that they just don't run.

They can't run or, I mean they can run, but they struggle. And this one Marine I thought that I thought it was, was coming up on us hot and heavy. So I told bad, I said, I see you at the finish. I was not gonna let this no running 

Marine outrun me  

and I opened up Stride and I think for the first time in my life I ran three miles in 18 minutes, 50 seconds, and Baed crossed the line at 1910.

And I was at the finish line, puking my guts up, but everybody's like, man, you should have pushed that hard. And I was like, I was not gonna let that slow Marine beat me . Just that's, it just wasn't gonna happen. And yeah, so I was hurting. I mean, I could have quit right there and just laid it down and walled on the ground cause I was hurting bad.

But no way was I gonna let a slow Marine beat me . I mean, it's just not gonna happen. . You know, fortunately, I, I do have that mentality to not quit and maybe that has something to do with my entire life combined, you know? Cause there was a lot of things that I probably could have quit when most people would've said it would've been okay to quit.

But I just couldn't quit. And, and I probably complained about it more than anybody wanted to hear, but I didn't quit. So, anyway, back to what 

you were saying. Go. Well, I was gonna say, that would be something interesting for us and to kinda keep in touch with our listeners and it would be good for the listeners to do it because they would actually be able to watch their progress.

But I, I have no problem. I mean, you have a, you can upload onto the webpage. What I'll do is I'll write down from the first weight I took, and then I'll write down what I do. And since I'm a truck driver, you know, I mean, it, it, it is difficult. I'm, I'm somewhat sporadic. Yeah. But I do still get to work out and I have to do it at odd times and it's not very consistent because I'm a truck driver, but I can write down, What I do for exercises and stretches and my progress, and then hopefully our listeners, they'll do the same thing, share what their progress is.

Plus, when you write it down and you see the progression, it's a little bit of a motivator, right? You can see that, wow, I did do that. I got better at this. I'm doing more pushups, I'm doing more sits. My flutter kicks. I can do more reps are. I went from curling this weight to now I can curl five or 10 pounds more doing the same amount of rips,...



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