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Infusing Your Magic into Your Personal Brand with Jessie Christensen
Episode 1023rd May 2024 • Bright Voices in Business • Chloe Dechow
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You’ve probably heard the term “personal brand” everywhere lately. It’s become a buzzword in business, and for good reason. 

Beyond the buzzword, your personal brand can actually become your business's superpower. That’s why in this episode I chatted with the brilliant Jessie Christensen about the magic of personal branding and thought leadership. From the importance of a consistent customer experience to the power of referrals, we covered it all. And let me tell you, it was inspiring! So, if you're ready to infuse your personality into your brand and make a bigger impact, this episode is for you. 

During our conversation, we covered:

  • What personal branding means, and when to opt for creating a personal brand vs. a business brand.
  • Debunking common myths about having a personal brand - like needing to be an influencer.
  • Practical tips for developing a personal brand that reflects your authenticity and attracts your ideal audience. 
  • Opening up about our experiences of learning to leverage our unique strengths after toning them down in corporate. 
  • Celebrating great examples of women entrepreneurs who've woven their personal brand into the fabric of their businesses. 

Remember, personal branding is not just about being seen; it's about being seen for who you truly are and the unique value you bring to the table.


FREE GUIDE: Steps to Building Your Authentic Authority

The Embody Your Brand Podcast episode with Chloe: Building Authority with Authenticity: Personal Branding & Thought Leadership

Jessie’s Brand Photo Shoot Instagram Post


West Haven Website:

West Haven Instagram: @westhavencoaching

Chloe Dechow LinkedIn: @chloedechow



The Embody Your Brand Podcast: 

Instagram: @jessie__christensen


Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Jessie Christensen (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:




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