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Episode 18: Achieving Work-Life Alignment: Essential Strategies for Medical Lab Professional Leaders
Episode 1828th May 2024 • eLABorate Topics • dibroadcasting
00:00:00 00:34:00

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In this episode, host Lona Small addresses the top challenge facing medical lab professionals leaders today: work-life balance. Lona introduces the concept of "work-life alignment" and shares seven essential strategies to help professionals achieve a fulfilling and balanced life.

Key Points:

1. Envision Your Ideal Life:

• Imagine your perfect day from morning to night, including work and personal time.

• Visualize interactions, accomplishments, and routines to create a clear picture of your ideal day.

2. Journal Your Why:

• Write down at least 20 reasons why you want the life you envision.

• Anchor your goals by understanding the deeper motivations behind them.

3. Prioritize What’s Important:

• Create a comprehensive list of priorities, combining both personal and professional tasks.

• Rank them to ensure the most important tasks are addressed first.

4. Celebrate and Be Grateful Now:

• Practice gratitude and celebrate the present moment to maintain motivation and positivity.

• Visualize and express excitement for future successes.

5. Eliminate Non-Essentials:

• Reduce or remove tasks that don’t align with your priorities through delegation, automation, or elimination.

• Focus on tasks that truly matter and bring joy or fulfillment.

6. Schedule Your Priorities:

• Integrate both personal and professional priorities into one calendar to ensure nothing gets overlooked.

• Use the concept of "big rocks" to prioritize essential tasks first.

7. Establish Routines and Rituals:

• Develop consistent daily, weekly, and monthly routines to create structure and predictability.

• Include rituals like morning mindfulness practices, gratitude exercises, and intentional planning.

Action Steps:

1. Self-Assessment:

• Evaluate your current work-life alignment. Are you satisfied with how you're balancing your professional and personal life?

2. Vision Creation:

• Start by creating a detailed vision of your ideal life. Write down your goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

3. Join a Support Community:

• Consider joining a community of medical lab leaders for support and accountability. Reach out to Lona Small on LinkedIn to join the first group of 20 leaders.

Additional Information:

• Connect with us on LinkedIn: eLABorate Topics Group and give us your feedback!Host’s Closing Remarks:

Lona emphasizes the importance of integrating work and personal life into a harmonious alignment. By following the outlined strategies, listeners can create a fulfilling, impactful, and stress-free professional and personal life. Lona invites listeners to share the episode with colleagues and friends and stay connected through various platforms for ongoing support and resources.

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• LinkedIn: Lona Small, Stephanie Whitehead, Tywauna Wilson



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