Business Ownership
Simplified for Success
Michael Morrison
For many of us, what started off as a great idea has become a nightmare of sorts. Being your own boss. Setting your own hours. Not having to answer to anyone?
Isn’t that how it all starts? At first it’s fine. Even fun. But, with growth, comes the problems. I know. I’ve run into that with the ministry?
When we first started, I could set the entire week on the radio station in about four hours on a Sunday afternoon. Two years later, it had become a full time job. Four years into this, I was working 15 and 16 hour days, usually 7 days a week. And that was just to keep up. I was ready to throw in the towel.
But, long story short, I started to hire some help. It allowed me to take as step back from having to do EVERYTHING – to now, passing off the routine tasks to others.
That’s just one quick example of what our guest today is helping many people to do.
Michael Morrison is a business coach, podcast host and for 20 years, a business owner. He now focuses on helping business owners to create a business that will run without the constant handling and day to presence of the owner. Does that sound like a dream come true for some of you listening right now?
His business is called, “Business Ownership Simplified for Success” – or BOSS for short! He is also the host of the “Small Business Pivots Podcast” and is the author of a great guide titled, “DO NOT Start or Run a Business, My Way! Business and Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way!”
Help me welcome to the program, Michael Morrison! Michael it is a blessing to have you with us today!
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Michael Morrison?
Your business, BOSS, or “Business Ownership Simplified for Success” sounds interesting to me – as you heard in my opening. This thing grew so quickly, it was not simplified in any way at all. The “Business” and the “Ownership” and the “Success” were happening – but the “Simplified” was nowhere to be found!
Do many of your clients come to you with the same situation?
Your tag line is “Create a Business that runs without you.” That is an intriguing goal. How do you help your clients to achieve that dream?
On your website, I seen where you help to connect business owners with business loans and things like that. Are you the facilitator of the loans or just offering referrals, etc.?
Share with us about your book: “DO NOT Start or Run a Business, My Way! Business and Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way!”
What is the number ONE thing you recommend a small business owner should do FIRST – before they actually OPEN a business?
You host in person networking events in the Oklahoma City area, correct?
I want to ask you about your podcast, “Small Business Pivots Podcast.”
How long have you been podcasting?
Share with us about your podcast and what the listeners will learn…
Michael, this sounds great. If someone wanted to receive more information, ask a question or maybe invite you to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, if anything we talked about today resonates with you, the Lord had you listen to this episode today for a reason. Amen!
Michael Morrison and his team understands what it is like to work long hours and never leave the office. Ending the day feeling like you really did not accomplish anything except put out fires all day long. More importantly, he understands what it is like AND what it takes to overcome these roadblocks in growing your business. Michael believes that when you step up to chase your dreams, the real dreams, the ones you really, truly want to be living – then the world itself becomes a better place. His mission is to help do exactly that. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Michael. Listen and subscribe to his podcast. Be sure to order his book, “DO NOT Start or Run a Business, My Way! Business and Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way!” This book is a hit… Michael writes openly and humorously, with stories, lessons, and suggestions so that you can do as he says …not as he did. Amen! Drop down into the show notes and grab your copy today.
Podcast: “Small Business Pivots Podcast”
Book: “DO NOT Start or Run a Business, My Way! Business and Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way!” – on Amazon
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