In this episode, Roland talks with Michael Mogill. He’s the Founder and CEO of Crisp Video Group and is a sought after public speaker, author, and investor.
At four years old, Michael came to America with his Eastern European family. Roland and Michael talk about his fascinating story and the success that has earned him features in Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and more.
“So just as my family came over here with $500, I started Crisp with $500 to my name.” Michael Mogill
Crisp Video is a national law firm growth company that provides world-class video marketing. They help their clients see an average of 300% ROI.
Listen For,
• What Michael would do today if he were starting again.
• His regrets.
“I have some regrets is, you know, looking back and just not being willing to place bigger bets sooner.” Michael Mogill
• The difference between confidence and Courage and how that plays out.
“Courage is not like storming into the face of battle. It’s being terrified and doing it anyway. You can do Courage at any business level, like at any resource level, is just pulling the trigger and writing the check or making the commitment…In 2017, people were giving away Amazon gift cards and, you know, Apple gift cards. We said, right, we’re going to give away the $77,000 Tesla. That is a courageous move because I’m clearing out my savings account.”
• The differentiator between law firms making under a million and those making 7 or 8 figures.
“I think ironically Courage is the biggest separator of people at different levels of revenue and different levels of just business achievement… They’ve been willing to employ more Courage and place those bigger bets. They’re not always smarter people; they’re not harder working people, but the one who’s willing to invest in hiring five team members at the exact same time versus the one that deliberates on that decision for a year straight, you know, who do you think makes more progress faster?” Michael Mogill.
• Ego versus Humility.
“I think the only way to gain confidence is with results. It is the only way. I think anything else is Ego. And some of the most successful people that I meet have some of the greatest amounts of humility.” Michael Mogill.
• The least (and best) way to make money.
“I’ve generally found that the least likely way to make money is when you focus on how do I make money? If you’re focusing on how can I help other people succeed and how do I help somebody else make money, and you do that enough times, not only do you create stability and security for yourself, it’s how people get rich, right?” Mogill.
• Keys to a more fulfilling life.
“If people could just focus on putting themselves in the right role… Maybe it’s entrepreneur, maybe it’s not, maybe you’re the CFO, or maybe it’s the COO or whatever it is. You can just live a much happier, fulfilling life.” Michael Mogill.
Top Takeaways From This Episode
- You won’t have to worry about your place in the market if you’re focused on helping somebody else succeed, helping someone else make money.
- Confidence beats Ego every time, and it comes from results.
- Humility paired with Courage will get you further, faster.
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