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Ep. 65 - 5 Foods to Avoid for Better Health
Episode 6511th March 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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Five Foods to Definitely Avoid for Better Health

In this episode of 'Monday Minutes' on 'The Reality of Health' podcast, I discuss five foods that are considered harmful to one's health. I emphasize the importance of selecting healthier food alternatives and preparing food at home to ensure better control over ingredients. I discuss the potential long-term health risks associated with consuming these foods and encourage listeners to take small steps every day towards improving their diet.

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

00:31 The Dangers of Cooking Oils

02:44 The Truth about Kale and Spinach

04:27 Why You Should Avoid Store-Bought Salad Dressings

05:28 The Risks of Fried Foods

08:03 The Unhealthy Reality of Fast Food

10:41 Conclusion and Teaser for Next Episode


Welcome friends to Monday minutes. This is.

The reality of health podcast.

Today. Five foods to avoid.

This is by no means. A conclusive list. This is just five. Of the things that I think are terrible for you. For anybody. First one is oil. So all your cooking oils, all your salad oils. Anything that you use that is not tallow, which is from beef or ruminant animals. Lard. Which is from pigs. Or Ghee. Which is from butter.

With the exception of very high quality olive oil. Or the only.

Avocado oil. Which is the brand called chosen foods. Do not trust anything else. It's all cut with different vegetable oils. Now with your olive oil, it has to be. From a legitimate.

Producer. Generally speaking. It will have a certification on the label. It'll tell you where it's from. It'll tell you when it was bottled.

And even though it's not extra-virgin as long as they can prove where it comes from. That's fine. extra virgin is just first press. That's all. That means the rest of those olive oils. From those same producers are just fine. You might use them to cook with or something rather than to just consume with your food. Or as a salad dressing.

Avocado oil, same way.

You got to make sure that it's not cut in. The only one that we know of right now is chosen foods. Everything else is cut.

So that means any other oil besides that I do not believe is healthy for you at all whatsoever.

This episode so we're not going to get real in depth with.

Education. We're just putting these out there on why you don't need them.

Vegetable and seed oils are absolutely. Terrible for you.

I discussed this in episode 14, the two killers.

Vegetable and seed oils are not healthy.

They disrupt. Your immune system, your mental health, your weight. Your metabolic activity. Your sexual health. Your immune system, everything.

They harden. Your cells. I know it sounds weird, doesn't it? But it's true. It actually hardens them. That means. Cells die.

The next one is kale and spinach. ─ But Erik I've heard. My whole life. Those are healthy. Nope. They're not. Just because it's green and just because it's a vegetable or a plant does not mean it's healthy for you. Would you go eat poison Ivy? No. Why? Cause you know, It would hurt you. Well kale and spinach hurt you.

You just don't feel it right away. It accumulates. It has. What's called oxalic acid. Did many of my episodes on this talking about it. But basically.

Oxalic acid is like,

Billions and trillions of little razorblades running throughout your body. In your body has to respond to that.

Situation by. Collecting it as much as it can. And then when it tries to get rid of that collection comes out through things like eczema. Or bowel disorders or headaches or sore joints or sore muscles, et cetera, et cetera.

And the worst part of it. Makes kidney stones. Oh, yes. Also hardens in your body all over the place. Takes a lot to get rid of it. So the more you keep putting in. The harder it is for your body to deal with and get rid of.

Oh, and just a quick side note on oil, those vegetable and seed oils. I can take up to six years to get out of your body fully. Yeah. That long. It can take an entire lifetime to get rid of oxalic acid.

The reason why you get the kidney stones is your kidneys are trying to get rid of it.

Kale and spinach are two of the highest guess what else is high? Oh, things like almonds.

Almonds are not a good nut to consume.

The next would be salad dressing. That would be anything that you've purchased. Literally. Almost every single thing you can purchase. You need to make your own. There are so many ways to make your own. Do you even need salad dressing?

It's not that hard to make.

I understand that some of the ones that are maybe your favorites, you can get at the store. A lot of those have flavor enhancers. They have things in there to really make your palette hyper.

I understand that. You know, using the same old olive oil vinegar or lemon juice, and this kind of thing is kind of boring after a while you want something different. We'll make it yourself. That way you're in control these ingredients. And by the way, What's the point of putting on your salad, if it doesn't have any inherent benefit to you.

I mean. Who cares? If you have a salad for health, but the dressing doesn't do anything for your health or it's actually counterintuitive.

Making your own salad dressing is one of the easiest things that you can do. Next. Is fried foods. Anything that's fried in anything other than tallow, lard or ghee. Stay away from it.

If you're going to have fried foods, make them yourself. Erik. That is a total mess and it's dangerous. Yep. It is. Almost like the best things are hard to make. Or they're time-consuming. Or they're dangerous. Maybe that's what makes them so tasty. They're difficult. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be difficult to get foods like that.

They are using. The worst of the worst oils. To fry foods. Then they add things in those oils.

To keep them from breaking down. Everything from silicone.

To all kinds of other chemicals that stop the degregation. Of the fats that make up the oil.

That is all making its way into the. Food.

That you're eating.

Not to mention that it's all vegetable and seed oils. So not only are you taking vegetable and seed oils that are not good for you, but then you're super heating them. Does that make any sense?

If you've never made. French fries at home using tallow.

You are in for a treat.

It does something different than vegetable seed oils. Do it creates a better overall mouth feel, texture and flavor. So good.

And in some cases you can use other things like let's say, for example, you want it to have. Fried potatoes of some kind.

And some chicken.

If you get the chicken breasts or the thighs with the skin still on it.

Cast iron pan. Or some other vessel that you can get a good sear. All you need is salt. On the skin, make sure it's super dry.

In the pan sear, it render all that fat out, cook that chicken fully in whatever way you want. ─ Then pull the chicken out. You've got chicken fat. Then add your potatoes. To that chicken fat hole. ━ So good, so good. And you are in control. Now, if you got really good chicken, organic pasture raised only any other chicken, you shouldn't eat. It is that much healthier for you and tastes so much better? Super simple dish to make. The pans doing all the work. And you're left with. Super tasty food.

That's healthy.

Number five. Fast food. Yeah, you knew that one was coming didn't you.

Well, what can you say fast food is absolutely terrible for your health. Why are you even doing it? I'm starving. Erik, I'm hungry. I'm hungry. The kids are hungry. We got to get some food and it's fast and I can get on the way home. And you don't understand my life's so busy. I understand.

There are ways around not eating fast food. Let me ask you a question. Is it better to eat fast food? Because you have to eat. Knowing that it's detrimental to your health. Or just maybe making the option to not eat at all. And then wait till you can get to food.

There's always that.

But I have kids Erik. We've got hungry. People that I have to feed. Okay.

If you know, you're going from work to home, there's going to be a restaurant in between. You have that in your speed dial. Remember that?

Call the restaurant up. Order some food that you know is healthy. Pick it up on the way home nowadays, fast food costs the same as a regular restaurant. Some cases it's more.

There's a burger joint that many people have heard of that is now on average for one single meal, just for you is now over $22 without a tip.

That is insane.

Here's another one for you.

Run into the grocery store. I bet you, I can run into that grocery store. Pick up two items really quickly.

Go pay.

Get out to my car. Faster than most of the lines. That are forming around fast food restaurants. I betcha.

You got kids, maybe it's just you, whatever you could run in there. Grab a really high quality yogurt as an example. ─ And maybe run over and grab, I dunno, precooked bacon. Something that. ─ Gives you some chew.

Maybe some carrots, I don't know, whatever you like. Quickly, two items that you can eat in the car. If you're that hungry.

Kids in the backseat. Give him a yogurt. You already have some plastic spoons. In the car. They can at least have that on the way home. I see. It doesn't take much. You just spent way less money. You're in and out just as fast. And you were in control of your food. These five foods are horrible for your health. They will have major implications, not just now, but in the future. It all builds up. So why not start small, take the small steps every day. Change your life by what you're putting into your gullet. Yup.

I just said gullet. All right. That's it for this Monday.

If you don't already know, I do a Monday minutes and a Wednesday morning episode.

── And this Wednesday. Is going to blow your mind. You're going to want to listen. Trust me.

If you like the concepts I bring you. Each week. Well,

this one's really gonna upset. The status quo.

See you over there in two days. Take care of yourselves.




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