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Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec4 Chap27 “Our Relationship with the Rebbe is now even Stronger”
Episode 430th June 2019 • Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz • Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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A New Tanya class & Pre Gimmul Tamuz Farbrengen By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “Our Relationship with the Rebbe is now even Stronger” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 27 & Pre Gimmul Tamuz Farbrengen: “What is a Rebbe?" “Can anyone be a Chosid?" “How can one live a Spiritual Life?" “The Secret to How Chabad is growing so stromg since Gimmul Tamuz?" Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 27: “Our Relationship with the Rebbe is now even Stronger” The Alter Rebbe comforts the chasidim after the passing of Reb Mendel of Vitebsk (Horodak) as they received spiritually Torah Teachings & guidance in serving Hashem thru Prayer as well as materialistic success thru Blessings & advise. Based on a Saying of the Sages that after a Tzadik dies it is said דשבק חיים לכל חי that the Tzadik leaves over “Life” to all those that are alive. “Life” is a “Life” of Faith, Awe & Love (The essence of Chesed) The Tzadik leaves that “Life” of Faith, Awe & Love to those that are A) מקושר connected to the Tzadik B) Have a אהבה רבה ואהבת עולם a overflowing Love & everlasting love for the Tzadik C) התקשרות אמת ואהבת אמת A True connection & A true love as that will create an automatic response as the rule of כמים הפנים אל פנים the face you show in the mirror that is exactly what you automatically receive back. The Alter Rebbe quotes the Zohar that says דצדיקא דאתפטר אשתכח בכולהו עלמין יתיר מבחיוהי when a Tzadik passes away he is found in ALL WORLDS, MORE THAN WHEN HE WAS ALIVE. Meaning even in this Materialistic physical world the Tzadik is present even greater than before with the light of the Tzadik that shines down from השדה אשר ברכו ה׳ referring the Garden of Eden which is from Malchus of Atzilut that has with in it ז״א דאצילות we receive both spiritual blessings as well as physical & material blessings as the Zohar states דצדיקא מגנין על עלמא that the Tzadik protects the world & protects even more after they pass away & if they would not pray for this world the world would cease to exist & Whoever is closer to the Tzadik receives the blessings first. The Alter Rebbe will now explain these deep Kabbalah concepts: The Zohar said: דצדיקא דאתפטר אשתכח בכולהו עלמין יתיר מבחיוהי We understand why the Tzadik is found more in the higher worlds as he goes there However why is the Tzadik more present in this world? The Alter Rebbe explains this based on the teaching of our sages דשבק חיים לכל חי that the life of a Tzadik is not materialistic rather it is spiritual which is Faith, Awe & love these 3 spiritual components exist in every world according to its level. Hence: when the Tzadik was physically alive in this world so the Faith, Awe & love they existed in a physical space which is the נפש in the body so the students only received a ray of these attributes thru the Tzadik Speech & holy thoughts. Therefore our sages teach us that it takes 40 years to have full comprehension of our teacher. However once the Tzadik passes away so the נפש stays in the grave & the רוח goes to גן עדן so the Faith, Awe & love rise to a spiritual world so anyone that is מקושר connected to the Tzadik can receive from the essence of the attributes of the Tzadik. As we see when Yaakov received the blessings from his father he walked in with the energy of גן עדן as גן עדן can be drawn down to this world. Now that we are connected to the Ruach of the Tzadik we receive the essence of the Tzadik’s Faith, Awe & love. As the Tzadik elevated we receive from the Neshama of the Tzadik. Even though the Tzadik is constantly in a state of elevation the Kedusha never leaves its original place & the students can connect now in this world to the essence of the רוח of the Tzadik based on our התקשרות connection & closeness to the Tzadik when he was alive or after he passes away with Great Love as the only way to draw down any spirituality is with great love. There is another powerful light that shines to the Students of the Tzadik that can not be internalized as it’s to strong so it hovers over in a מקיף way. This happens when the Tzadik passes away so the רוח & the נשמה goes to its source that is called חקל תפוחין קדישין which is מלכות דאצילות & all the Torah & Mitzvot of his whole life connects to מלכות דאצילות that creates great spiritual energy & light & a ray of this light shines on all the students that were inspired by the Tzadik to serve Hashem via Torah study or Prayer. This ray of light enters the hearts of the students that awakens them to repent & do Mitzvot & all these Mitzvot that are inspired by this light are called גידולי גידולין as the light is a growth from the Tzadik Mitzvot & these Mitzvot are a growth from the ray that was produced by these Mitzvot. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs:




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