This interview with Carolina Moore is extra special because it’s A Quilter’s Life 200th episode! Although I have interviewed Carolina in the past I chose her specifically to be interviewed again for this special occasion. This episode is a little different since we have already talked about Carolina’s background in her previous interview. So our chat on this episode gives more insight on having a quilting business and helps us realize she is more than her business. I don’t know how many of my guests over the last four years have stated that Carolina has helped them to get started and they don’t know where they’d be without her help. Also, she is one of the people that has supported me and helped to make A Quilter’s Life successful.
And I want to thank you too for listening over these past four years. The encouragement of seeing people around the world enjoying the stories of quilters along with me has meant so much!

Here's where you can find Carolina:
Always Expect
Carolina Moore
Carolina Moore
Always Expect Moore
I Love Notions