Today’s show will explore Everywhere at the End of Time, a six album, 50 piece, six and half hour serial composition by The Caretaker. The Caretaker is the recording moniker of English electronic musician and composer Leyland Kirby and the piece is an effort to evoke the progression of a person with Alzheimer’s disease. Sound design, song fragements, noise, texture are employed to suggest memory, lucidity, confusion, bliss, despair — the evolving descent into dementia. Kirby organizes the work into 6 stages. Over the course of the next two hours we will listen to selections from each stage. Walking the edges of memory.
Everywhere at the end of time by The Caretaker
Stage 1
It's just a burning memory
Slightly bewildered
Things that are beautiful and transient
An autumnal equinox
My heart will stop in joy
Stage 2
A losing battle is raging
Misplaced in time
I still feel as though I am me
Quiet dusk coming early
Stage 3
Back there Benjamin
Sublime beyond loss
Bewildered in other eyes
Gradations of arms length
An empty bliss beyond this World
Stage 4
Post Awareness Confusions
Stage 5
Advanced plaque entanglements
Stage 6
Place in the World fades away