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The Heart Of A Servant Part – 2
Episode 11121st January 2023 • Live Behind The Veil • The Epistles
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In this day, God is creating in His sons a servant's heart. Christ is our example

and out of His obedience and love for His Father; He served Him and those who

the Father gave Him. This is the heart of a servant and is to be our heart also.

Show Notes

• We submit to the servants.

• How do you submit to a servant?

• Anyone can be a servant. Ask Him for a heart of a servant.

• It's all about relationships.


Philippians 2: 5-7

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, existing in the form

of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but

emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant...

Matthew 25:14-30

Parable of the talents.

John 5:19

Jesus answered and said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, a son cannot do

anything on his own, but only what he sees his father doing; for what he does,

his son will do also.

Luke 22: 39-46

The agony in the garden. (NARBE)

II Corinthians 5:17

So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away;

behold, new things have come.

Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is

not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


• When you're truly serving with a servant's heart, there's something that comes through that honors the people that you're serving; you make them feel lifted up. It honors the Christ within you.

• What is the greatest reward of a servant? The joy of serving the Lord.

• You don't have to do anything to become a servant, except submit yourself to the Lord.

• I do what my Father does, I see what my Father sees, I speak what my Father speaks.

Take Away

Our Father is creating a new creation in this day, and that creation is called a

servant. As we follow on to know the Lord we too will say as He did when He

was on this earth; “ I only do what I see My Father do, I only speak what I hear

My Father speaks.



When you're truly serving with a servant's heart, there's something that comes through that honors the people that you're serving; Yes, you make them feel lifted up. I know, somebody, I think is the best servant that I've ever seen in my life. But he started out at the end of his road. And he came to the point where he was either going to get killed or put in prison. And so he came, and he just submitted his whole life. When he serves you, there's something that comes across that just exalts you. It just makes you feel like royalty and that kind of thing; it honors the Christ in one another. And there's very few people that can serve and really do that. Now, he knows what it is to love and to be loved and to serve, to really give himself not only to the leaders of the church but to all of his little town that he lives in. It's just amazing. If people are in trouble, they call him and he helps, he doesn't tell somebody to go help them, he goes and helps them. It's a thing in His Spirit that God has given him that is just awesome. That I think is an example to all of us who have just seeing how important every person who the Lord loves, right? They're so important that you honor them.


I think that's beautiful, sandy because the thing that God is demanding in this day and age that we submit to the servants. How can you submit to a servant, that the human mind has a lot of trouble with that, but the mind of Christ does not. The mind that we have opened up and received by the prayer of others, and by impartation; and a servant is a very special person to the Father. It's interesting in many in several of the parables, particularly the parable of the talents, He chose His servants to take His money and entrusted them; that shows what the Father thinks of His servants. What is the greatest reward of a servant? The joy of serving the Lord; the joy of serving the Lord's creation. You want to submit to these people. How do I receive that which every joint supplies, I receive it like a servant, and I take what He has given me and I invest it.


You don't have to do anything to become a servant. Except submit yourself to the Lord. Just give yourself to the Lord, being obedient, loving Him, ministering to Him wanting to meet His needs. Anyone can be a servant and can have a heart of a servant. Ask Him for a heart of a servant.


That new creature that we see in Romans and acts in different places, neither Jew nor Greek bond, nor free, male nor female. It's a new creature. This servant that we've been talking about, is most definitely what that Scripture is talking about the creation, made by God, very unique, very much one that God created in his own likeness. You stop and think, all the names of God mean something to where He is serving His creation. So many of the things God is He wants to be a servant to you. He wants your worship, in return. So can we flip that around? We serve God and He loves us. We love a servant. We serve a servant and he serves us. There's a wonderful thing going on and that's in changing our thinking and putting on the mind of Christ. Christ's obedience was out of love for His father for the joy that was set for Him. To me, that's the heart of a servant.



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