Detective Comics, better known as DC, has delivered some of the most iconic superhero characters of all time such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and Harley Quinn. In 1986, the first issue of Watchmen appeared which was something altogether different. A violent, transgressive, political, and sexual take on superheroes, the series (now a graphic novel), was troubling to some but loved by others.
The talents behind the graphic novel include write Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colorist John Higgins. Since its debut, the popularity with its alternate timeline has only grown as it became a movie simply titled Watchmen, written by David Hayter and Alex Tse, and directed by talented and enigmatic Zack Snyder.
Receiving mixed reviews, the movie may have been before its time as comic book films were just at the cusp of dominating the movie box office. In this first of two episodes, your co-hosts talk about the backstory of source material and the dream of Zack Snyder trying to make what many thought as an impossible source material to adapt into what is now considered a beloved cult film by many.