1) Have you ever heard of the expression, “There’s more than meets the eye?” This expression first appeared in the 1800s. The meets the eye portion of this idiom refers to that which a person can see from observing with his or her eyes. People rely on making quick judgments in order to go about their lives in an efficient manner. However, this means that they sometimes misjudge a situation or that they miss important information that isn’t easy to see at first glance.
2) We conclude this week's shows with a remarkable teaching about the powerful breath of God. No, He doesn't need mouthwash, and no, it's not bad breath. It's one breath because that's all it takes from the Lord to change every moment of everything around us. We often forget that it only takes a moment for a miracle. Because of this forgetfulness, we become anxious and fearful. We need to do a better job of remembering. One breath from God changes the universe because it was one breath from God that created it.