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Mr. Dean Bushey with Hitachi America Talks about The Connected Transportation System
22nd March 2021 • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie
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In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Dean Bushey, Transportation and Mobility Expert at Hitachi America about "The Power behind a Connected Transportation System". Get the answers to your "Connected Mobility" questions along with Dean's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview!

You can find out more about Dean and the wonderful team at Hitachi America on innovative solutions for the Transportation Industry by the links below. Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2020. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


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hitachi, dean, transportation, transportation system, people, optimize, airplane, talk, vehicles, industrial, mobility, solution, collaborate, connected, innovation, world, customer, company, goods, exciting


Scott MacKenzie 00:04

Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's get right Welcome to the industrial talk podcast absolute honor that you have joined this platform that celebrates you, you industrial hero, you're bold, you're brave, you dare greatly. You solve problems, you innovate, because you're innovation issed. And you're changing lives and you're changing the world. That's why we celebrate you on this particular podcast.


You know, what?

Scott MacKenzie 00:43

industry has changed so rapidly? It's an exciting time. And if you're thinking about getting into a career into something that is exciting, yeah. Industry, is it because we are talking innovation like nobody's business? Now in the hot seat, gentlemen, that by the name of Dean bushi, he is with Hitachi America, he is the transportation mobility shmi, or subject matter expert there. And I got to tell you, if there's a topic that needs to be discussed, it is definitely that one, let's get cracking. So, so what's great about this? So what's cool is that Dean massive skills, massive skills, stack card is just dripping with skills. And he we talk about connected transportation systems. Now, you're saying to yourself, Scott, why would we want to do that? And it's everything moves by some form of transportation? And can we improve upon that? Oh, yeah. Oh, absolutely. We can, people like Dean, Hitachi America, and others, they're really exploring the innovation that is needed for that particular next generation, that ability to be able to focus on a customer 100% in their transportation, in their logistics in their supply chain solution. And it just gets down to that connected capability to be able to see exactly what's going on. It's exciting, and it can't be done. This is not pie in the sky stuff. This is not something that you're gonna say that it's just not gonna happen, we're gonna still deal with it, no, this this, whatever we call this next normal, has really created a sort of a focus on some of the challenges that take place within our transportation system and the need to be able to bring in electrification, the need to be able to think about autonomous vehicles. Just in the last mile, there are so many subjects, and and topics to discuss in this particular, you know, if you look at a transportation, supply chain, you know, logistics, it's all there and connected. Before we get into it. Just FYI, I want to be able to just sort of once again, plant your seed, the industrial talk is all about education. Got it. Dean's right here, educating, it's important, you got to stay ahead of that. You got to collaborate, you don't have Dean and company, they collaborate with a number of other companies to be able to come up with solutions that truly meet customer's needs. And then definitely innovate. The future is truly an innovation as type of platform it it really pushes the envelope, and it's an exciting time. The industrial talk platform is sort of going through a an upgrade, shall we say an industry industrial talk to Dotto, that means we want to be able to facilitate that education and get the greatest and latest information on whatever you want to talk about that innovation that's out there that will make you a better company that will make you a better professional, and to be able to collaborate with these individuals that will say, Hey, we want to do it with you. We want to be able to create and change the world by collaborating and then finally, deploy an innovation, deploying innovation that truly transforms the world. That's what industrial talk is all about. That's what the two dot o focus is going to be on. There's a lot of great stuff out there a lot of wonderful conversations to have. And I'm telling you right now, this guy right here on this side of the microphone is absolutely jacked. All right, deep transportation, mobility, subject matter expert. And I mean, we just scratched the surface in this conversation. And he's the go out to a stat guide. It's it's deemed dash bushing. That's bu sh e y. Find them reach out to him. He wants to connect. And he is an absolute wealth of knowledge. And I'm telling you, once again, we're just scratching the surface because when we start talking about connected capabilities, we're talking about utilities. We're talking about the necessity for cybersecurity. It just never stops. Alright, let's get cracking. Enjoy the conversation with Dean bushi. Dean, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. Thank you very much for finding time in your schedule to talk to the listeners. How are you doing today?

Dean Bushey 05:13

I'm doing fantastic. Thank you for having me on the show.

Scott MacKenzie 05:16

I love it. And he's with Hitachi America. He is a subject matter expert when we start talking about transportation and mobility, but I'm not going to talk about it you're going to talk about, give us a little 411 on who Dean is, and where do you come from and why you're such an incredible professional.

Dean Bushey 05:31

Sure, I've got a military background, I spent 25 years in the military as a pilot and manner leader.

Scott MacKenzie 05:40

Hola, Hola. Hola. Hola. You just can't gloss over that. I'm looking at your stat card out on LinkedIn. And I'm still trying to find pilot. And that would have been just really great to include there because I would be just all geeked out now. Now I'm geeked out now You caught me off guard because I'd rather talk about that.

Dean Bushey 05:58

Well, if you want to talk about flying airplanes, I love flying airplanes. I went to the Air Force Academy and I went down to pilot training in Arizona, I spent three different tours overseas, flew seven different airplanes, got some combat time, flew unmanned aircraft. So we did a lot of different things in the military, which prepared me for long range transportation, a lot of the time I spent was in C fives the biggest airplane we have. So we were we were talking about how to optimize the flow of goods and services and people. introduction into my own transportation, mobility. And then I got a PhD in computer science, went back to the Air Force Academy, taught back there a little bit. But then they put me out in unmanned aircraft where we were trying to have the aircraft deployed overseas, and the pilots back in Dallas, or in Las Vegas, or in Washington, wherever the pilots may be. So we were trying to optimize the flow of information back and forth. The video and the command links via satellite to airplanes that were long range a bunch of different places. So

Scott MacKenzie 07:07

I have to was there ever a delay? Like I mean, if you've got that distance, if you're, you're flying over, you know seas, and you've got your command here and in North America, that was there ever, like an information delay?

Dean Bushey 07:19

Yeah, there's three quarters of a second delay each way. So when I move this way, with the stick three quarters of a second later, the airplane will do that. But it takes three quarters of a second to come back for me to realize the airplane did that. So it's about a second and a half delay via satellite, which makes it really tough to land via satellite. That's usually why you have a local unit that captures the airplane and lands, the airplane locally.

Scott MacKenzie 07:49

That's a whole nother conversation that I would love to have. I think that's just but we can't because this is industrial talk. And we got to talk about transportation and mobility and the challenges associated with it as I push that whole other subject to the side, and I'm not very happy with that. Thank you very much, Dean, appreciate you catching me off guard with that. Sure. Anyway. A lot of conversations with a lot of professionals that have been on the on the the industrial talk podcast, talk a little bit about that, that the challenge is going forward mobility wise. In the transportation, the challenge is this whole conversation about automated vehicles and autonomous autonomous vehicles, all of that is just this big soup of interest. But how do you how do you make? Oh, how do you make sense of it? Where do you go? What do you start first, Dean?

Dean Bushey 08:42

Yeah, that's an interesting discussion. So I view transportation as going back to the old movie planes, trains, and automobiles. And it's really moving people and goods across all of those spectrums. So if you get focused just on making a car drive itself, or making a train super efficient, and on schedule, I think you're missing the boat really for, for me, it's about getting you or a package from its warehouse to its final destination. And then if that involves a lot of different modes of transportation, whether it's the delivery guy, which is last mile, whether it's putting it on a train, putting on a ship, putting it on one of my airplanes, and I'm going global, all of that comes into factor. So you as the customer and we talked about a little bit of yo care where the package started, you just want it tomorrow. Well, that's a whole transportation system. That's got to be integrated, optimized, examined, and then from a company like Hitachi, we're really into optimizing the flow of information and goods and services. That's where we can come in and make a big difference. But it's it is an information question, right? It really is.

Scott MacKenzie 09:58

I mean, I think the The The, the, the infrastructure and sure it could be optimized, but it's really a collection of data and that that ability to be able to decide on what that data means, right?

Dean Bushey 10:12

You are correct. And you would actually maybe, or maybe not be surprised that how a lot of this information does not flow smoothly. There are different API. So if I'm trying to get information from a cell phone, and an autonomous vehicle and a train, and maybe a traffic stoplight, all of those have sensors, they're all information providers. But those those if that information doesn't actually talk to each other real smoothly. So the key to make a connected transportation system, and that's really where my that's it, that's

Scott MacKenzie 10:43

the that's the term Go ahead.

Dean Bushey 10:45

That's, that's the secret sauce. So connected transportation system, making a smart, which is what you were hinting at, is getting all those various data sources to one communicate. And then when you need and then to, you need to adjust them at three, you need to make smart decisions for you. If you're the customer, I need to be able to answer questions you may have like, how do I optimize the flow of this traffic through this neighborhood? Or how do I optimize the flow of my palette from beginning to end and its journey?

Scott MacKenzie 11:17

See, this is where it seems like a huge challenge. I mean, it's massive, because if you just go out to the the Interstate, you see trucks, you know, you go to the rail yard, you see a bunch of I mean, it's just full of stuff, and we move stuff all over the world. Right. And, and in that network, there's there's inefficiencies. Where do you Where do you just sort of, from your perspective, where do you just start like, with that incremental approach? Yes, we got this. Yes, we're talking about this, but let's just start here. Greatest bang for the buck? How do you answer that? I don't know how you start? I mean, who brought up? You brought up street lamps? And I'm like, yeah, you could, you could do that, too. You know, I mean, please?

Dean Bushey 12:04

Well, I really think you need to, from a business perspective, you need to focus on a customer. So if if my customer, for instance, we have a customer in Florida, just outside of Orlando, I was there a couple weeks ago, and they've got a private community. And they're we're really interested in the smooth, seamless flow of people through their community. Well, that brings up one use case. Now we've defined this whole transportation system gets really I don't say simplified, but it gets focused on how do we integrate their micro transit, micro transportation, which is the shuttles and the scooters, and small bikes to their collective transportation, they have autonomous vehicles that are going to the community. That is their bailiwick. So I focus on that and we get into a use case problem, then we talk to you as a customer and say, What are your pain points? What are you not doing? Well, nothing talks to one another. And then we started exploring, okay, well, that's a pain point. And maybe Hitachi can help you do all of it, but most likely Hitachi will not. And we found that it's better for us to say, all right, if we can define the pain point, we can start to evolve solutions with you, we co create solutions with the customer, and then say, well, maybe we need to bring Intel them. Or maybe we need to bring Amazon Web Services with their cloud storage devices. And now we have the power of Hitachi, Intel and Amazon Web Services, jointly coming with a solution to a problem that you as a customer, once you get a solution, then we have a joint solution. That's probably from our perspective, business wise, repeatable. Now we have a solution that maybe Las Vegas will want, and Miami will want and San Francisco will want.

Scott MacKenzie 13:51

Yeah, you bring up a good point about the necessity to collaborate, I don't think and it's not a slam on on Hitachi or any other company. I think the use cases are that complex. And you end up in and and for a company to be able to say, yeah, we could do it soup to nuts, I don't think so it requires, you know, that collaborative desire and mindset. I just think it is. And that's the right way to do it.

Dean Bushey 14:22

Another one we're trying to tackle another use case, for example, examining is multimodal at a freight level. So if you think of a ship going across the ocean, it's got all these pallets on it. It's got all these cargo bins on it. It has a bill of lading. Well, when it gets to the port, there's a separate system that gets it off of the boat and puts it on



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