9:45 Is your gym for the public?
45:59 How do you do every set to failure if you pyramid up in a 20 rep range?
48:30 Do you have to experience failure training in order to know what your 7-8-9 RPE feels like?
49:10 Why the heck did Pat change his IG handle?
52:13 Go-to post-workout meal?
58:14 Have you looked into active release therapy in North Carolina?
59:08 What would you suggest for someone who has dislocated his shoulder recently?
59:46 With the big move ahead, any plans in the future for retail locations in North Carolina?
1:00:10 What are some of the new ingredients that will be in the new Red, White, and Boom?
1:00:48 What are you going to miss most about NoVa?
1:04:43 What do you think 2020 would have looked liked without the pandemic?