The Wonder Weeks app (and book) helps parents understand the developmental leaps their babies and young toddlers are going through. It can be helpful to better understand why your baby is all of a sudden fussier and what developmental milestones they're likely going through.
In this podcast, Lauren and Maura talk more about the Wonder Weeks app and specifically dig into this question: will the Wonder Weeks app actually help your baby sleep?
Maura used the Wonder Weeks when her son was a baby and she enjoyed it. She also explains how not to use the Wonder Weeks app.
Lauren did not use the Wonder Weeks app with any of her girls and explains how it might help explain why sleep has gotten harder, but is not the solution to helping your baby sleep.
If sleep has been rough lately and you don’t want to wait for a leap to pass or for all of the leaps and regressions and teething, etc., to pass, we want you to know that this is what we’re here for!
Head to our website to learn more about how we can help get your baby or toddler sleeping with a step-by-step sleep training plan.
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