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REMASTERED: Operating Out of Greatness, with Lolly Daskal (Leadership, Performance, Executive, Confidence)
Episode 1895th December 2023 • The Action Catalyst • Southwestern Family of Podcasts
00:00:00 00:21:18

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Speaker, author, and Founder/CEO of Lead From Within, Lolly Daskal, digs into filling in your gaps, standing in your greatness, owning who you are, the need to R.E.T.H.I.N.K., how capabilities + competence = confidence, the need to give up control to lead more effectively, and realizing that greatness is not a destiny only granted to a few.



Lolly Daskal, she's an amazing woman. First of all, she


is one of the most popular writers for Inc, and she has


over 1.2 million Twitter followers. It's probably more


than that even by now. She's written for HBr, Fast Company,


Huffington Post Psychology Today. And she writes almost


exclusively pretty much exclusively on leadership, and


she is the CEO of Lead From Within. And her first book, it's


called The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your


Greatness. She's here with me today by special invite. So


Lolly, welcome to the show.

Lolly Daskal:

I have been looking forward to this. And

Lolly Daskal:

thank you for inviting me. I'm looking forward to our

Lolly Daskal:



Yeah, well, and I know you've had some pretty big


honors, I mean, being in the top 50 leadership and management


expert by Inc. I saw it one point that Huffington Post


called you the most inspiring woman in the world, which is


pretty cool. So I was curious about who inspires you.

Lolly Daskal:

So I've been inspired by three particular

Lolly Daskal:

people. And guess what never met them. The first one is Viktor

Lolly Daskal:

Frankl. I read his book, The Man's Search for Meaning. And it

Lolly Daskal:

changed my life. I read another book by Joseph Campbell. And it

Lolly Daskal:

changed my life. I read a book by Carl Gustav Jung, and it

Lolly Daskal:

changed my life. Now these three mentors have shaped who I am,

Lolly Daskal:

and what I do in the world, how I coach how I do business

Lolly Daskal:

consulting. And actually, because of them, I've taken

Lolly Daskal:

their three teachings and implemented into, you know, the

Lolly Daskal:

service that I do for others. And this was what inspired my

Lolly Daskal:

system. And now I write about my system in the leadership gap.


In terms of the leadership gap, what would you say is


different or new, or what's sort of the unique slant or the angle


or the what's the what is the part that forwards the thinking


of what's been written already on leadership?

Lolly Daskal:

So there are two parts very particular parts,

Lolly Daskal:

what makes this book different number one is most of you don't

Lolly Daskal:

know, maybe none of you know, but I read a book a day, and I

Lolly Daskal:

read about leadership, and I read about business, and most of

Lolly Daskal:

the books will talk to you about how most of the books will tell

Lolly Daskal:

you when, and where. And recently, we had a book will

Lolly Daskal:

tell you even why. And what I found is, especially in

Lolly Daskal:

philosophy, most of the writings about how to take us to

Lolly Daskal:

greatness and how to succeed, talks about who you are being.

Lolly Daskal:

And so I decided that I was going to write my book about who

Lolly Daskal:

you are being while you are living and while you are living.

Lolly Daskal:

So that's one difference. Number two is is that I have found that

Lolly Daskal:

there are also books about archetypes and personas and

Lolly Daskal:

traits and skills about leadership. Or what I haven't

Lolly Daskal:

found anywhere in a leadership book or in a business book, that

Lolly Daskal:

will teach you that you're very seen strengths can have a

Lolly Daskal:

weakness, and instead of saying, let's not concentrate on the

Lolly Daskal:

weakness, I teach you how to leverage that weakness. I call

Lolly Daskal:

those weaknesses, the gaps. And so this book teaches you that

Lolly Daskal:

you are a whole person in order to succeed in order to stand in

Lolly Daskal:

your greatness in order to do the things you want to do in the

Lolly Daskal:

world. You need to own all of who you are, in order to be a

Lolly Daskal:

whole person. And that's what this book is about. It teaches

Lolly Daskal:

you that you have both a light in the dark, the shadows and the

Lolly Daskal:

greatness. And once you learn how to leverage it and own it,

Lolly Daskal:

and you take responsibility for it, you can get what you want in

Lolly Daskal:



So I want to come back to that one here in a second. But


what are some of the things in terms of a leader and who they


are and how they are living? What are some of those kind of


key things you think who you should be being when you're


being a great leader?

Lolly Daskal:

Great question. I'm so happy you asked that. But

Lolly Daskal:

one of the things that I want to talk about is let's go back a

Lolly Daskal:

little deeper than that before I answer that question, great

Lolly Daskal:

leaders in order for them to change the world around them,

Lolly Daskal:

right? They that's what we call them great leaders, they must

Lolly Daskal:

start by changing from within. That's where it starts. I think

Lolly Daskal:

that great leaders have the ability to rethink, and I'm

Lolly Daskal:

using that word in particular because we think is an acronym,

Lolly Daskal:

the seven archetypes of my book because it's all about the WHO

Lolly Daskal:

YOU JUST and who you need to be. And because they're able to

Lolly Daskal:

rethink util lies that system, there are constantly learning,

Lolly Daskal:

changing and growing as leaders. So Vaughn is the secret sauce,

Lolly Daskal:

the ability to rethink because this is what it is, in my system

Lolly Daskal:

the rethink system, you can be. So take seven archetypes, right.

Lolly Daskal:

And if you take the first archetype, you can either stand

Lolly Daskal:

in your greatness, or you can lead from your gaps. My

Lolly Daskal:

archetypes are different. Because it's situational, we

Lolly Daskal:

don't lean into one part of who we are, we lean into all parts

Lolly Daskal:

of who we are. And so if you learn the rethink system and the

Lolly Daskal:

seven archetypes, let's start with the first one. And people

Lolly Daskal:

will recognize themselves in the first one. So the first one is

Lolly Daskal:

the rebel in the reefing system. It's someone who wants to make

Lolly Daskal:

an impact on the world, but someone who wants to do

Lolly Daskal:

something significant, they don't want to follow the status

Lolly Daskal:

quo. In order to make that happen, they have to have the

Lolly Daskal:

characteristic of having confidence. Now, when I talk

Lolly Daskal:

about confidence, I'm not talking about standing in front

Lolly Daskal:

of the mirror and saying, I'm the best, I'm the greatest. This

Lolly Daskal:

is not about ego. This is not even about affirmations. When I

Lolly Daskal:

talk about confidence, I'm talking about capabilities plus

Lolly Daskal:

competence, equal confidence. Confidence, is believing you're

Lolly Daskal:

able, right, we believe we're able, but competence is knowing

Lolly Daskal:

your angle. And that is a game changing. When you know you're

Lolly Daskal:

able to do something you feel confident. But every leader,

Lolly Daskal:

every person that isn't a rebel, who has confidence, there is

Lolly Daskal:

what we call a gap. And the gap is of someone who feels like an

Lolly Daskal:

imposter who has self doubt. It's the person that wants to do

Lolly Daskal:

amazing things, who wants to take themselves to the next

Lolly Daskal:

level. But there were six negative messages in their mind

Lolly Daskal:

that say, I don't deserve both. I'm not the smartest if they

Lolly Daskal:

only knew, maybe I don't, you know, I want to do that. But I

Lolly Daskal:

didn't know how to do that. And I'll never learn how to do that

Lolly Daskal:

I'm too scared. It's often these little things that we say to

Lolly Daskal:

ourselves, that keeps us from standing in our greatness. And

Lolly Daskal:

so when you find that this happens to us, we have the

Lolly Daskal:

choice in the moment to say, Where do I stand in my

Lolly Daskal:

greatness? Or will I allow my gaps to lead? And that's why

Lolly Daskal:

this is so important to know this system, because it's a game

Lolly Daskal:

changer. When in the moment, you can ask yourself the question,

Lolly Daskal:

because sometimes if you lead from being an imposter and

Lolly Daskal:

having self doubt, you don't do the things you want to do in

Lolly Daskal:

life. It's the rebel that actually experiences the

Lolly Daskal:

imposter. Now, this system created after coaching 1000s and

Lolly Daskal:

1000s of people every time I talked about confidence, this

Lolly Daskal:

whole thing about self doubt and feeling like an imposter kept

Lolly Daskal:

emerging and did happen with the same with all the other

Lolly Daskal:

archetypes. Every time I mentioned a certain

Lolly Daskal:

characteristic that they needed to be as great leaders, he would

Lolly Daskal:

say what if only I didn't feel self doubt, if only I didn't

Lolly Daskal:

have this gap that own and that's how the system emerged.

Lolly Daskal:

It was from the feedback of those that I coached and those

Lolly Daskal:

that I was working with, that they kept telling me about what

Lolly Daskal:

they were struggling with. In my research, I have found that

Lolly Daskal:

99.9% high achieving individuals suffer from the imposter

Lolly Daskal:

syndrome. So that's the are so what about the E. So the next

Lolly Daskal:

one in the rethink is the Explorer. The Explorer is

Lolly Daskal:

someone who wants to go into uncharted waters, who wants to

Lolly Daskal:

do something different. But in order to be able to do that they

Lolly Daskal:

need to be fueled by intuition. Because intuition and science

Lolly Daskal:

talks about allowing things to flow. In order to allow things

Lolly Daskal:

to flow, you have to let go of something in order to let

Lolly Daskal:

something new come in. But for every single explorer who uses

Lolly Daskal:

their intuition, there is a gap of the exploiter who manipulates

Lolly Daskal:

and you might be sending Wally that's a very harsh shadow.

Lolly Daskal:

That's very harsh GAAP, but I'd like to explain how it plays

Lolly Daskal:

out. And see when you use your intuition, you let go of

Lolly Daskal:

control. And people have a hard time letting go of control. If

Lolly Daskal:

you need to control everything you need to have it your way and

Lolly Daskal:

only your way. You might not realize it but you might be

Lolly Daskal:

exploiting people or weaknesses or just to get your way you

Lolly Daskal:

might manipulate someone nobody wants to call themselves an

Lolly Daskal:

exploiter or a manipulator. But if people are honest with

Lolly Daskal:

themselves, when they need to have control, they might stand

Lolly Daskal:

in this gap. And this gap can end up costing partnerships,

Lolly Daskal:

relationships and business and especially leadership. So we

Lolly Daskal:

have to be very mindful to see can we learn to let go of

Lolly Daskal:

control and allow ourselves to let things come in? Or do we

Lolly Daskal:

need to control things and end up maybe sounding like an

Lolly Daskal:

exploiter for manipulates so that's a very important

Lolly Daskal:

archetype to be aware of. Be excited All leaders are ones

Lolly Daskal:

that need to manipulate in order to get what they want. But the

Lolly Daskal:

Explorer doesn't do that in order to get what they want.

Lolly Daskal:

They let go of what they think they need to have, and allow

Lolly Daskal:

what they want to come in. Let me just explain something about

Lolly Daskal:

intuition that I want to share. I have found over the years,

Lolly Daskal:

that intuition I know people talk about intuition as being

Lolly Daskal:

like a sixth sense, it's about your gut feeling. But what we

Lolly Daskal:

found about intuition is is that in our brains, we have like

Lolly Daskal:

chips in our brains, where we store nemaline, your own store

Lolly Daskal:

experiences. And intuition means that all those chips are coming

Lolly Daskal:

together when we need an answer. And then all the sudden, we're

Lolly Daskal:

saying, Wow, that makes sense. And it's not because all of a

Lolly Daskal:

sudden, we got it out of the thin air. No, it's all of the

Lolly Daskal:

experiences and all the challenges and all the habits

Lolly Daskal:

and all the actions that we've taken is in our mind, and when

Lolly Daskal:

we need an answer, the computer in our brain goes through all

Lolly Daskal:

the chips and says do it this way. Anybody ever notices that?

Lolly Daskal:

When you have intuition? It's usually five words or less, it

Lolly Daskal:

sounds like follow it to it. Now, the moment you add, because

Lolly Daskal:

or thick the word, it's not your intuition, it stops being

Lolly Daskal:

intuition. So for me, I know when someone is really speaking

Lolly Daskal:

from intuition is when it's short, a short sentence, and

Lolly Daskal:

they don't use the word because.


If you realize that you are in need of too much control,


how do you get yourself to come to that place of letting go?

Lolly Daskal:

Great question. I love that question. The thing

Lolly Daskal:

about it is, it's almost like when you have a bad habit, like

Lolly Daskal:

how do you break a bad habit? Right, you have to introduce

Lolly Daskal:

something new, that you normally wouldn't try. So for a leader,

Lolly Daskal:

who's in needs control, I've seen this hundreds of times,

Lolly Daskal:

I've seen this in organizations where a leader is always telling

Lolly Daskal:

people what to do. My coaching is Have you tried maybe

Lolly Daskal:

listening instead, where leader always thinks they know the

Lolly Daskal:

answer. And they're always like, this is how it needs to be, I

Lolly Daskal:

suggest to a leader, maybe saying out loud, I don't know,

Lolly Daskal:

can you teach me. So it's kind of opening up the path for

Lolly Daskal:

trying something new, in order to see if you get the same

Lolly Daskal:

return, right? Because a leader that's always constantly when

Lolly Daskal:

I've seen this exploiting and manipulating employees to numb

Lolly Daskal:

out after a while, they stopped working as hard as they should.

Lolly Daskal:

And they tune them out. And most likely, they're looking for

Lolly Daskal:

other jobs. Because these days people don't you know, in my

Lolly Daskal:

days, people stay 25 years, 30 days in a job these days. If you

Lolly Daskal:

have a boss, if you have a leader who's constantly

Lolly Daskal:

manipulating and exploiting you, you're leaving that job. And so

Lolly Daskal:

the greatest leaders, as I said earlier, have the ability to

Lolly Daskal:

rethink right? To go into find out which kind of archetype they

Lolly Daskal:

are. And they're open to learning and growing and

Lolly Daskal:

changing. That's how you let go of control. nellen Say something

Lolly Daskal:

not everybody wants to do that. The knee has to come within the

Lolly Daskal:

leader, the leader has to be able to recognize that the need

Lolly Daskal:

for control is not getting them the results that they want. And

Lolly Daskal:

that's when a leader says can you tweak it? Can you change it?

Lolly Daskal:

How can I leverage this? What do I need to do?


So basically, the leader has to take the first step of


admitting, hey, there's a there's a shadow here or there's


a darkness that I have to sort of work through?

Lolly Daskal:

Or a leader will never say that out loud. A

Lolly Daskal:

leader will say to me more. You know what, I'm not making the

Lolly Daskal:

kind of revenue I want. Our business is losing money. Pete

Lolly Daskal:

my best people are leaving the top performers are not staying.

Lolly Daskal:

What's usually what a leader will come to me and say, it is

Lolly Daskal:

only then then I asked them, What responsibility do you play

Lolly Daskal:

in that? Most of them will say nothing, it's not my fault. And

Lolly Daskal:

then I say leadership starts going work, boom, it starts with

Lolly Daskal:

you, you need to set the example. Now let's find out are

Lolly Daskal:

you standing in your greatness or your gaps in which one of

Lolly Daskal:

these gaps is costing you in the kind of business that you really

Lolly Daskal:



Does every person have these gaps?

Lolly Daskal:

So we have all of these within us. These are the

Lolly Daskal:

patterns that I've seen over three decades of working with

Lolly Daskal:

leaders around the world. So we have all of them. Do we tend to

Lolly Daskal:

lean towards one or another? We tend to but these archetypes are

Lolly Daskal:

not about like Myers Briggs or like Strength Finders or the

Lolly Daskal:

discs. These archetypes are situational. So if you're having

Lolly Daskal:

a meeting with someone, the archetype of the truth teller,

Lolly Daskal:

or the archetype of the deceiver, you know comes up and

Lolly Daskal:

you could ask yourself, will I be the truth teller in this me

Lolly Daskal:

Meanwhile, I tell them the whole truth that maybe things aren't

Lolly Daskal:

going okay? Or will I tell them half lies, and they'll catch on

Lolly Daskal:

that part parts of me are deceiving them, which will

Lolly Daskal:

create suspicion. Or you could be in, you know, you could have

Lolly Daskal:

a conversation with someone, and maybe you need to be the hero

Lolly Daskal:

instead of the bystander. So they're more situational than

Lolly Daskal:

they are, okay? I'm only one archetype. And that's, that's

Lolly Daskal:

what I lean into.


So is that the, that's the third, the third archetype is


the truth teller.

Lolly Daskal:

The third archetype is the truth teller.

Lolly Daskal:

And I think for people that are running businesses and want to

Lolly Daskal:

take themselves to the next level, is very important to tell

Lolly Daskal:

the truth and to be a truth teller. I'm sure we have

Lolly Daskal:

recognize the truth tellers in our lives, because it's almost

Lolly Daskal:

like they have a duty to always tell us the truth. They always

Lolly Daskal:

love to speak with candor. But as we know that a truth teller

Lolly Daskal:

has a gap, when they're scared to tell you the truth. They tend

Lolly Daskal:

to tell you hoc truths, and they become deceivers because they

Lolly Daskal:

withholding information. And when people withhold

Lolly Daskal:

information, people become very suspicious, they become very

Lolly Daskal:

paranoid. We know that when you don't tell the whole truth,

Lolly Daskal:

people are busy making up stories, oh, I know what's

Lolly Daskal:

really going on. And then it gets out of control. So we have

Lolly Daskal:

to be very mindful, are we going to tell people the whole truth

Lolly Daskal:

and tell them the bad news that we need to tell them and maybe

Lolly Daskal:

ask them to be part of the solution, or will be end up

Lolly Daskal:

deceiving them and maybe cause suspicion among our teams and

Lolly Daskal:

our businesses? And it ends up costing us on what we really

Lolly Daskal:

want to create.


Okay, so what's the H?

Lolly Daskal:

H is the hero. And I believe that within each of

Lolly Daskal:

us, there is a hero, because what is the hero, the hero is

Lolly Daskal:

someone who feels fearful, right? Who's scared, who's

Lolly Daskal:

frightened, but they're courageous. Anyway, as we know,

Lolly Daskal:

there's a great book that says, feel the fear and do it anyway.

Lolly Daskal:

So that's the hero. But for every hero that exists, there is

Lolly Daskal:

a gap. And the gap is of the bystander, who is fearful. When

Lolly Daskal:

you're a bystander, you see something, but you do nothing.

Lolly Daskal:

You hear something, and you say nothing. How many times in our

Lolly Daskal:

lives? And have we been been standards? How many times in our

Lolly Daskal:

lives? Could could we have said something or done something and

Lolly Daskal:

we don't do it? So question that I asked everyone is then when

Lolly Daskal:

they need to do the hero? Are they courageous? Or are they

Lolly Daskal:

allowing their fear to lead them? And then they end up being

Lolly Daskal:

the bystander in their lives?


OK, so what's after hero? What's the I?

Lolly Daskal:

I is the Inventor. It's about their craft, how do

Lolly Daskal:

they create the craft? What do they do with their craft? They

Lolly Daskal:

do it with integrity, that means that everything that they do

Lolly Daskal:

they do with excellence. That means that if you expect

Lolly Daskal:

something from them, it's going to be quality, then inventor has

Lolly Daskal:

a bar, and the gap is of a destroyer, who's corrupt? And

Lolly Daskal:

you might be saying, Oh, that's very harsh. But I want to

Lolly Daskal:

explain what I mean. But a mean by man, is it someone that says,

Lolly Daskal:

let's do this faster? Let's do this cheaper, let's cut corners,

Lolly Daskal:

nobody will ever know. And the truth is, it does come out, you

Lolly Daskal:

end up paying a price, and we come across as a destroyer who

Lolly Daskal:

is pull up. So you will always have a choice to ask yourself if

Lolly Daskal:

I am going to do anything in the world. Will I do it from

Lolly Daskal:

integrity? Or will I do it from the parts of being corrupt? Or

Lolly Daskal:

will I do it on the parts of being a destroyer? And we don't

Lolly Daskal:

want that. But when we are stressed out when we are

Lolly Daskal:

challenged, we tend to live in our gaps. We want to just do

Lolly Daskal:

things to get them done. People end up costing us in our success

Lolly Daskal:

and in our greatness. It's very important to always be mindful

Lolly Daskal:

at everything that you do to ask yourself the greatness or the

Lolly Daskal:



Well, that is five of them, my friends, which if you


want the other two, the last two, you're gonna have to buy


the book because we are out of time. The leadership gap is the


name of the book. Lolly I do have one other question for you.


Before we do that, where should people go if they want to


connect with you and learn more?

Lolly Daskal:

So as of now, And you

Lolly Daskal:

can always find me at And I really

Lolly Daskal:

like to connect people so you can find me on Twitter at Lolly

Lolly Daskal:

Daskal blocked me tweet me retweet me and I will do the same.


So my last thing for you Lolly is I mean you you


literally write like 100 articles a month. You're reading


a book a day you got this book coming out. If I'm listening for


the first time, what is the first action that you would


encourage people to take if they're realizing I haven't been


leading from a place of greatness?

Lolly Daskal:

Well, the first thing I would like to share with

Lolly Daskal:

people that if you are truly looking for the some of your

Lolly Daskal:

greatness, stop asking ourselves, what do I want to do?

Lolly Daskal:

And instead we should ask ourselves, who do I want to be?

Lolly Daskal:

That's number one. Greatness is not only a destiny that is only

Lolly Daskal:

granted for you, but it's a choice that's available to

Lolly Daskal:

everyone. And this is what I need. A choice is action that we

Lolly Daskal:

do. It's a decision that we make. And if we know greatness

Lolly Daskal:

is within us, then in every given moment, when we are

Lolly Daskal:

challenged, when we have difficulty when we have stress,

Lolly Daskal:

or how we show up, we can always be mindful to ask ourselves, are

Lolly Daskal:

we standing in our greatness? Or are we leading from our gaps?


Lolly, thank you for your continuous stream of inspiration


and education and gosh, we just wish you the best of luck and


good good things for you in the leadership gap.

Lolly Daskal:




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