Artwork for podcast Digital Learning Today: Where Productivity Meets Innovation in the Classroom.
Prof Jim: Supporting Student Achievement in the Classroom using Artificial Intelligence
Episode 721st March 2024 • Digital Learning Today: Where Productivity Meets Innovation in the Classroom. • Jeffrey Bradbury - TeacherCast Educational Network
00:00:00 00:34:56

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In this episode of the Digital Learning Today Podcast, Jeff welcomes Maria Walley and Shachi Narula from ProfJim onto the podcast to disucc the state of Artificial Intelligence in K12 technology applications and how it can be used to support student learning and achievement. If you are a new listener to TeacherCast, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Contact Page and let us know how we can help you today!

In This Episode …

  • What is the current State of Artificial intelligence in K12 education?
  • How are educators asking for AI to do to help them in their classrooms?
  • Do teachers need to worry about their jobs?
  • What does AI professional development look like district wide?
  • How do you as a support professional help move Central Office if they aren’t sure how they feel about Artificial Intelligence?
  • What is the most challenging thing about developing technology?
  • What is the most fun thing about developing the technology?
  • What are some of your learnings from developing the technology?

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About Prof Jim

Prof Jim equips organizations with AI-powered instructional tools. In the next few years, AI is set to revolutionize learning, as it boosts quality, increases personalization, and taps into easy translations – all while slashing costs. However, technical hurdles and the high cost of expertise prevent many organizations from accessing AI's benefits to stay competitive. Prof Jim partners with these organizations to create dynamic presentations, interactive videos, and assessments using patented AI. Research indicates that Prof Jim's AI increases content creation efficiency 3x-15x, improves learning outcomes by up to 15%, and elevates student engagement by 30%.

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