Artwork for podcast The Online Hustle with Jake Hower
How FREE Can Make You More Money In Your Business with Pat Flynn
Episode 1830th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
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Jake Hower:

This is episode 18.

Jake Hower:

In today's show, we are breaking away from the conventional

Jake Hower:

structure of each episode, and we're actually just having more of what.

Jake Hower:

Tim Reed would refer to as a fireside chat with none other than Mr.

Jake Hower:

Pat Flynn from smart passive income.

Jake Hower:

Now, the reason I say we've broken away from it a little bit is because Pat's

Jake Hower:

followed a relatively unconventional way to monetization with his endeavors online.

Jake Hower:

And I think it's.

Jake Hower:

It's quite interesting to see how he's done this.

Jake Hower:

So we get into a number of things.

Jake Hower:

We touch briefly on his background.

Jake Hower:

We look at some of the key concepts that he does business by including

Jake Hower:

the value of free in business.

Jake Hower:

And of course he's be everywhere strategy and rather than look.

Jake Hower:

At, I guess his own experience in terms of providing you, the listener

Jake Hower:

with some takeaways for this episode, I posed to Pat a hypothetical, so

Jake Hower:

make sure you listen to the episode to find out what that hypothetical

Jake Hower:

is and hear Pat's interesting answer.

Jake Hower:

So without further ado, let's get stuck into today's episode with Pat.

Jake Hower:

Pat, how are you?

Pat Flynn:

I'm doing excellent, Jake.

Pat Flynn:

Thank you so much for having me on the show.

Pat Flynn:

I'm really excited to be here.

Pat Flynn:

Oh, I'm really

Jake Hower:

glad you could make it now.

Jake Hower:

We're pretty much smack bang in between a couple of, big moments for you.

Jake Hower:

And that of course, is the fact that you've just come off a week where your

Jake Hower:

website has been down for an entire week.

Jake Hower:

And by the time this episode goes to where let go, your new book

Jake Hower:

should have been released as well.

Pat Flynn:

Yeah, it's pretty crazy because everything, isn't it funny how

Pat Flynn:

that happens just nothing happens in life and all of a sudden everything

Pat Flynn:

just happens at the same time.

Pat Flynn:

That's what happened here, my website was down for an entire week after getting

Pat Flynn:

attacked it was a DOS, Denial of Service attack, so it wasn't like I was hacked

Pat Flynn:

in or anything, but my site was down and I, I was disgruntled at the service

Pat Flynn:

that I was getting from my, Hosts or my ex host I guess and I was migrating

Pat Flynn:

and that took forever because of just some errors that happened along the way.

Pat Flynn:

So Now the site's back up.

Pat Flynn:

It's faster than ever and I'm excited because I get to promote this new book

Pat Flynn:

that's coming out Monday March 18th, which for listeners in the future probably

Pat Flynn:

happened already and if everything went well Hopefully people enjoyed

Pat Flynn:

the book and it's not Just a book.

Pat Flynn:

It's a new sort of multimedia experience on a brand new platform.

Pat Flynn:

So it's going to be really interesting to see how people receive it.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I'm really looking forward to that.

Jake Hower:

Now for our show listeners, the premise of the multimedia marketing show is

Jake Hower:

to bring on guests and delve into some of their content marketing strategies.

Jake Hower:

One core philosophy you follow is the be everywhere strategy.

Jake Hower:

And given the fact that you lost one large component, of your business for a week,

Jake Hower:

it's going to be very interesting to delve into how using this strategy allowed you

Jake Hower:

to still stay connected to your audience.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, totally.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So for those who may not know about you, I'm assuming they're coming from

Jake Hower:

another planet, but maybe if you just give us a, just a brief introduction to

Jake Hower:

you and your background and how you've gotten to the stage we're at right

Pat Flynn:

this second.

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

And I never expect everybody to know about me, so I'm happy to share my story.

Pat Flynn:

And it's just, I'm really excited to share it.

Pat Flynn:

Every time someone asks me to do so because I really, it just reminds

Pat Flynn:

me of the journey and where I've came from and every time I tell it,

Pat Flynn:

I appreciate more where I'm at now.

Pat Flynn:

So I'm happy to share it and just to keep it quick because I can go on and

Pat Flynn:

on about this because I get really excited and it's what Let Go is about.

Pat Flynn:

Let Go talks about it in detail, includes videos and actually

Pat Flynn:

interviews with a lot of people who influenced me and myself as well.

Pat Flynn:

But anyway, it started after college.

Pat Flynn:

I graduated from the University of California at Berkeley.

Pat Flynn:

with a degree in architecture.

Pat Flynn:

It was everything I wanted.

Pat Flynn:

I had gotten good grades.

Pat Flynn:

I had done everything I was supposed to do.

Pat Flynn:

And after I graduated college, I got pretty much my dream job

Pat Flynn:

right out of college working on some amazing projects in a, in an

Pat Flynn:

architecture firm up in the Bay Area.

Pat Flynn:

And everything was going just like I was supposed to do.

Pat Flynn:

told it was supposed to go, right?

Pat Flynn:

I was living, I was following the path.

Pat Flynn:

I was climbing the corporate ladder.

Pat Flynn:

I had studied for this exam called the lead exam.

Pat Flynn:

And once I passed that exam, I actually got promoted to job

Pat Flynn:

captain and everything was going perfect until June to July of 2008.

Pat Flynn:

I learned I was going to get laid off.

Pat Flynn:

And that was a tough moment for me in my life.

Pat Flynn:

To say the least, because everything I was working for just was like gone.

Pat Flynn:

Everything was.

Pat Flynn:

It just kicked out under me.

Pat Flynn:

I couldn't get another job in architecture.

Pat Flynn:

Nobody was hiring any architects at that time.

Pat Flynn:

Luckily this website that I started to actually help me pass that lead exam that

Pat Flynn:

I was just talking about which had at this time at the time of my layoff had been up

Pat Flynn:

for a year and a half already because I was using it to study and I studied and

Pat Flynn:

I just let it sit there after I passed.

Pat Flynn:

This website really was my saving grace.

Pat Flynn:

What happened was I got inspired by a lot of people, a lot of podcasts, actually,

Pat Flynn:

that were doing internet business.

Pat Flynn:

And one story in particular was about a guy named Cornelius

Pat Flynn:

Fitchner from PMpodcast.

Pat Flynn:

com who was talking about how I listened to him on this.

Pat Flynn:

Podcast called Internet Business Mastery.

Pat Flynn:

He was on there doing an interview and he talked about how he was making

Pat Flynn:

a living teaching people how to pass the project management exam.

Pat Flynn:

I got really excited because I knew about this LEED exam and I figured,

Pat Flynn:

Hey, maybe there's people out there who could use this information too.

Pat Flynn:

Maybe I can get paid for it.

Pat Flynn:

We'll see.

Pat Flynn:

So what I ended up doing was the next day putting an analytical tool on my

Pat Flynn:

site just to keep track of the future traffic that I was going to get.

Pat Flynn:

And the next day.

Pat Flynn:

It registered thousands of people visiting that site every day.

Pat Flynn:

And I had no idea this was happening.

Pat Flynn:

I had no idea how long this was happening.

Pat Flynn:

But once I opened up the comments, people started asking me

Pat Flynn:

questions that I knew answers to.

Pat Flynn:

I became this expert.

Pat Flynn:

And long story short, I ended up writing an e book study

Pat Flynn:

guide for my audience there.

Pat Flynn:

And the first month I launched that, I had made about, I think it was 7, 908.

Pat Flynn:

55 I believe.

Pat Flynn:

And it was just...

Pat Flynn:

Life changing.

Pat Flynn:

That was more money than I had made in three months or four months of doing

Pat Flynn:

what I was doing in architecture.

Pat Flynn:

And the beauty of it was that a lot of it was automated.

Pat Flynn:

People could come to the site, purchase an ebook, and it would get automatically

Pat Flynn:

delivered to them without me having to be there to process that transaction.

Pat Flynn:

So I was literally working three, four hours a week.

Pat Flynn:

at that time.

Pat Flynn:

And I know, a lot of us know that book, the four hour work week and,

Pat Flynn:

it just changed my life and it just introduced me to everything that was

Pat Flynn:

possible out there with the internet.

Pat Flynn:

And, initially I had thought everybody who's doing business

Pat Flynn:

online was doing it in a very scammy sort of way and, car salesman,

Pat Flynn:

the very hype exaggerated type of.

Pat Flynn:

Marketing tactics, but here I was not even knowing what I was doing, but I

Pat Flynn:

had something to provide to people and people were paying me for it and going

Pat Flynn:

out of their way to thank me for it.

Pat Flynn:

And so that's when, I was like, wow, I got to share this with as many people

Pat Flynn:

as possible because this, I was.

Pat Flynn:

That's when I started the Smart Passive Income blog, which is

Pat Flynn:

where most people know me from now.

Pat Flynn:

And I initially started just to share stuff about how I created that lead

Pat Flynn:

exam site and what I did and what I was doing to market it, market my

Pat Flynn:

books and add new products to the site.

Pat Flynn:

And then I eventually started to build and create new businesses publicly.

Pat Flynn:

On Smart Passive Income, showing people my wins, showing people everything

Pat Flynn:

that I was doing wrong all the failures that I've encountered so that people

Pat Flynn:

who would be interested in doing something similar would have a head

Pat Flynn:

start, would see me in my example and either learn from my mistakes or learn

Pat Flynn:

from my, my, my wins and Now the smart passive income blog has just exploded.

Pat Flynn:

Have an amazing audience who's very supportive and I love them to death

Pat Flynn:

and I have a podcast now that has just surpassed 3 million downloads and it's

Pat Flynn:

constantly in the top two or three spots in iTunes in the business section.

Pat Flynn:

I have a youtube channel that has that is approaching two million views now.

Pat Flynn:

And gosh, I'm I've been doing a ton of public speaking lately,

Pat Flynn:

something that I never thought I would do and I'm enjoying it so much.

Pat Flynn:

And now I'm writing these books and exploring these new platforms.

Pat Flynn:

It's just, gosh, it's just been such an incredible ride.

Pat Flynn:

And that there are many people, but there's way too

Pat Flynn:

many people to thank for it.

Pat Flynn:

But I, my, I think my wife is probably the biggest.

Pat Flynn:

And without her, I wouldn't be where I am, where I'm at.

Pat Flynn:

So I just gotta, I had to say that, I had to drop the wife card in there,

Pat Flynn:

it's, she was really important and kept me going cause I could have easily just

Pat Flynn:

done something else or found another job.

Pat Flynn:

But her encouragement and also just, seeing other people's success stories

Pat Flynn:

really encouraged me to go down this path and I'm really glad I didn't.

Pat Flynn:

The layoff actually ended up becoming the best thing that ever happened to me.

Pat Flynn:

Yeah, that's really

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Now, I just want to just connect a couple of things here.

Jake Hower:

What is really interesting and may not, when you put it on paper, make

Jake Hower:

a lot of sense, but am I correcting saying that this ebook that you went

Jake Hower:

on to solve for green exam academy was the first and only product you've put

Pat Flynn:

out yourself.

Pat Flynn:

I've come out with three products, that ebook on green exam academy.

Pat Flynn:

an audio guide to go along with it.

Pat Flynn:

That's the second product again, on the same website.

Pat Flynn:

And then when they upgraded the exam, I created another updated

Pat Flynn:

study guide and audio guide for that.

Pat Flynn:

So nothing on smart passive income, actually, which is funny because,

Pat Flynn:

one thing I like to do is post my earnings online each month and the

Pat Flynn:

lessons I've learned each month.

Pat Flynn:

To go along with them and most of what I heard now comes from smart passive

Pat Flynn:

income through affiliate marketing and I, I haven't sold a product yet

Pat Flynn:

on the site, which is interesting.

Pat Flynn:


Jake Hower:

incredibly interesting because I guess the common chain of thought is

Jake Hower:

that people move in probably the opposite direction from affiliates income to their

Jake Hower:

own products and their own services.

Jake Hower:

So it's really interesting that it's actually been the opposite for you.

Jake Hower:

Now, one of your, catchphrases you talk about.

Jake Hower:

Be everywhere, which we'll get into in just a second.

Jake Hower:

But before doing that, you talk about the concept of free.

Jake Hower:

It seems to play a massive role in your business.

Jake Hower:

Can you go into a little bit of detail, delve into free, what

Jake Hower:

free means to you in business

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

People gravitate towards stuff.

Pat Flynn:

That's free.

Pat Flynn:

Just naturally, it's human nature to, to be drawn to things that are free, because

Pat Flynn:

in any sort of transaction, typically there's an upside and a downside.

Pat Flynn:

When you're buying something, the upside is, you get whatever it is that you

Pat Flynn:

buy, and the downside is what, the money that you're spending, or the time that

Pat Flynn:

you're spending to, to, on that thing.

Pat Flynn:

But when something is free...

Pat Flynn:

Typically, there is no downside, so people gravitate toward it.

Pat Flynn:

And there's some really interesting experiments that go along with

Pat Flynn:

it that, I did a presentation at new media expo this past January.

Pat Flynn:

That's all about the power of free if you want to learn more about it.

Pat Flynn:

And also there's a book out there called free by Chris Anderson, which is really

Pat Flynn:

good as well and overlaps a little bit with what I talk about specifically for

Pat Flynn:

online business and internet marketers.

Pat Flynn:

But for me, it's just really anything.

Pat Flynn:

Any sort of information could be found for free online anyway.

Pat Flynn:

Now, if people really wanted to learn something, they could go to YouTube

Pat Flynn:

or Google and my purpose are, I feel that everybody's purpose should be

Pat Flynn:

to take all that information and give it to people for free since it's

Pat Flynn:

free already, but do it in a way that establishes them as the expert that.

Pat Flynn:

Establishes them as someone who can take all that information that's spread around

Pat Flynn:

the internet and package it into something that's easily consumable in a way that

Pat Flynn:

adds value to people's lives and makes it convenient for them, so much so that those

Pat Flynn:

people are going to go out of their way.

Pat Flynn:

To pay that person back, which is just human nature.

Pat Flynn:

And that's exactly what happens.

Pat Flynn:

You can call it karma.

Pat Flynn:

You can call it the universe or human nature or whatever.

Pat Flynn:

But the fact is, and I've learned this through experience several times in

Pat Flynn:

several different businesses, that the more I give away, the more I can serve

Pat Flynn:

my audience, the more they're going to go out of their way to pay me back.

Pat Flynn:

And yes, not everybody's going to, there are freeloaders out there, but

Pat Flynn:

you don't want the freeloaders anyway.

Pat Flynn:

And free is also good because, it's actually a way to weed out those people

Pat Flynn:

who are going to take things for free and see people on the other end who are going

Pat Flynn:

to be in tune with your message, who are going to appreciate what you've given them

Pat Flynn:

and want to give you back stuff in return.

Pat Flynn:

And the trick is, a lot of people do give stuff away for free, but they

Pat Flynn:

don't necessarily have a way, or an easy way, or a convenient way, or a

Pat Flynn:

way that makes sense for people who they've given stuff away free to.

Pat Flynn:

To have them pay them back.

Pat Flynn:

So for me, that sort of avenue is affiliate marketing.

Pat Flynn:

So I give away all this free information on my website really high quality

Pat Flynn:

posts, epic content, step by step tutorials about how to do everything

Pat Flynn:

that I've learned how to do and.

Pat Flynn:

In return, people can, if they wanted to, click on those affiliate links

Pat Flynn:

to either purchase those products or services or tools that I, that

Pat Flynn:

may be into, inside those tutorials.

Pat Flynn:

And for me, the goal is really not to pick products that can earn a

Pat Flynn:

higher commission or pick products that I feel that people would buy.

Pat Flynn:

It starts with the goal of my audience and serving them and understanding

Pat Flynn:

the path to success for them.

Pat Flynn:

The more I can understand that path, The more I can see what products,

Pat Flynn:

tools, and services and information can be used to help them get there.

Pat Flynn:

Sometimes those products, information, tools, and services don't come with an

Pat Flynn:

affiliate commission, that doesn't matter.

Pat Flynn:

It's still something that they should have in their toolbox or learn.

Pat Flynn:

But yes, sometimes those things do have an affiliate commission.

Pat Flynn:

So sometimes those are things that you can create on your own too.

Pat Flynn:

So that's, those are your own products, whatever it is.

Pat Flynn:

You owe it to your audience.

Pat Flynn:

If you really feel that you can help them achieve something to give them

Pat Flynn:

all the information they need, only the information they need to help them,

Pat Flynn:

get from point A to point B, and if you can do that, and you can share that

Pat Flynn:

information for free, and there happens to be tools and services and whatever

Pat Flynn:

to go along with it, More than likely people are gonna want to pay you back and

Pat Flynn:

they'll go through your links to do that

Jake Hower:

And so tell me how do you identify the things

Jake Hower:

that people want to pay for?

Pat Flynn:

Again, I'm not Looking for stuff that people will want to pay for.

Pat Flynn:

I'm just looking for stuff that people are gonna find helpful Yes, and that

Pat Flynn:

In turn is what people are typically going to want to pay for and I do

Pat Flynn:

that through leading by example.

Pat Flynn:

So i'll actually go through the process of myself of using these different tools

Pat Flynn:

and i've gone through Many different services and tools and you know a lot

Pat Flynn:

of those I don't promote because I don't feel comfortable recommending

Pat Flynn:

them to my audience because my audience is the number one most important

Pat Flynn:

thing to me because without them Obviously, I don't have a business.

Pat Flynn:

I don't have traffic.

Pat Flynn:

I don't have subscribers without my audience so it's a high priority for me

Pat Flynn:

to make sure that A, I use the products that I'm recommending B, that I feel it

Pat Flynn:

is something absolutely useful for my audience C, I show people exactly how

Pat Flynn:

I use it or how I used it wrong or what people can do to use it better than me

Pat Flynn:

and also to be there as a resource and for support if people need it and really what

Pat Flynn:

I'm doing is, we said earlier that I don't really sell any products on my website.

Pat Flynn:

Of my own, but I do because when I promote something as an affiliate,

Pat Flynn:

I see it as it is my own product.

Pat Flynn:

It just happened to be created and managed and you know the customer services from

Pat Flynn:

someone else But I step in there as if it was my own and I treat it Just like it's

Pat Flynn:

my own because it is my own if i'm rec if i'm recommending something to my audience

Pat Flynn:

It's as if it was my own because if that Yeah, they're going to get mad at that

Pat Flynn:

company, but who are they going to get mad at and angry at and the most me because

Pat Flynn:

I'm the one who recommended it to them and then that trust is broken, definitely.

Pat Flynn:

Now, I

Jake Hower:

just want to touch on a little bit about forms of payment

Jake Hower:

because trading dollars for payment isn't the only way you can do it.

Jake Hower:

To me, forms of payment can include engagement, can include sharing.

Jake Hower:

Do you think this plays a role as well?

Jake Hower:

In generating more income for you.

Jake Hower:


Pat Flynn:

yeah, absolutely.

Pat Flynn:

When I say ways to pay you back, I'm glad you brought this up, Jake.

Pat Flynn:

It's not necessarily just sending you money or going

Pat Flynn:

through your affiliate links.

Pat Flynn:

It's adding to your social proof by sharing experiences or by by, by, by

Pat Flynn:

sharing whatever it is you have to offer or just you or your website with people

Pat Flynn:

that they trust because there's, to me, there is no better marketing tool.

Pat Flynn:

Or a way to promote something than having other people promote your stuff for you.

Pat Flynn:

Like I can go to someone that I don't know and tell them that I have

Pat Flynn:

the best information in the world.

Pat Flynn:

Or I have a product that's going to really help them.

Pat Flynn:

And yeah, depending on how I pitch it it's going to be taken well or maybe not.

Pat Flynn:

But if someone that they already trust, that is their friend, tells

Pat Flynn:

them, Hey, there's this guy named Pat.

Pat Flynn:

Like you should check him out.

Pat Flynn:

Here's his website.

Pat Flynn:

He has this product.

Pat Flynn:

I used it.

Pat Flynn:

It's great.

Pat Flynn:

Here's his website.

Pat Flynn:

They're going to be more likely to follow through and go and become a

Pat Flynn:

customer or subscriber or reader.

Pat Flynn:

And really it's that first impression before the first

Pat Flynn:

impression actually happens.

Pat Flynn:

It's a first impression from somebody else that you already trust.

Pat Flynn:

Who you would take their recommendation because you already have that

Pat Flynn:

established relationship with them.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, definitely.

Jake Hower:

And I guess that to me is very important as well, because one of

Jake Hower:

my businesses, I own a travel agency here in Melbourne, and some of our

Jake Hower:

biggest customers are not people who purchase from us but they're people who

Jake Hower:

Ravid fans, they will refer customers and people to us wherever possible.

Jake Hower:

And so they become some of the most important customers that we have,

Jake Hower:

even though they don't actually trade a dollar value for us.

Jake Hower:

And I think certainly you're going to agree here and for our listeners out

Jake Hower:

there, any type of engagement you can get, I think you've got to treat it like.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

You've got to engage with people who are engaging with you in a

Jake Hower:

manner that they are your clients.

Pat Flynn:

Yeah, absolutely.

Pat Flynn:

And it doesn't matter how big or how small they are.

Pat Flynn:

I, you want to treat everybody equally because yeah the big people who

Pat Flynn:

may have a large following already, they might be good to get into.

Pat Flynn:

You might get a link from them or a share on Twitter or whatever, and yes, they

Pat Flynn:

might have thousands of fans, but it's the smaller sort of people who are up

Pat Flynn:

and coming or who are just regular people who you're going to make a deeper impact.

Pat Flynn:

With and really create fans for life from and they're the people like you

Pat Flynn:

said, who become the evangelists who just will do nothing but promote you.

Pat Flynn:

And you never know some of that.

Pat Flynn:

For me, I remember building relationships with a lot of smaller bloggers when

Pat Flynn:

I was starting out as well, and now they're big and they're huge.

Pat Flynn:

And since we've had that relationship together for a long time.

Pat Flynn:

We all, we always help each other out and you never know who can do what for you.

Pat Flynn:

So it's best to just try and serve as many people as possible and really

Pat Flynn:

build a true relationship with them.

Pat Flynn:

And like you said, engage.

Pat Flynn:

That's really how you build relationships with people.

Pat Flynn:

You engage.

Pat Flynn:

You don't go to a party and become friends with people by just sitting in the corner.

Pat Flynn:

You become friends with people by going up to them, talking to them.

Pat Flynn:

And then I love this quote by James Schramko.

Pat Flynn:

He says, the best way to do it, to go about it and to succeed in business.

Pat Flynn:

Is to stop trying to be so interesting and start being interested.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

I I have a lot to do with James and one of the things with James, he's got a

Jake Hower:

team of 80 plus people working for him.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's crazy.

Jake Hower:

Turning over multiple millions of dollars.

Jake Hower:

But one of the things which I most respect about James is that he will

Jake Hower:

answer the phone to anybody and he will speak to anybody for as long as it takes.

Jake Hower:

He's so giving with his time.

Jake Hower:

And it goes along with exactly what you've just quoted him for there.

Jake Hower:

It's a, he's interested and that's incredibly

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

That just, if he's doing that, that just shows you how important that

Pat Flynn:

actually is because he's, that's where his time is being spent.

Pat Flynn:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Now looking at that then.

Jake Hower:

So we're looking at engaging and finding more people.

Jake Hower:

And this moves us into, one of your other, catchphrases, which is be everywhere.

Jake Hower:

So can you explain a little bit about what be everywhere is and why it's important?

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

It's funny, the story behind this catchphrase, it, it was 2011 in

Pat Flynn:

Los Angeles and I was creating a presentation for a blog world expo.

Pat Flynn:

Which is what it was known for back then.

Pat Flynn:

Now it's New Media Expo.

Pat Flynn:

And the title of the presentation was How To Be Everywhere.

Pat Flynn:

And the reason that I titled it that way was because everybody I spoke to

Pat Flynn:

who found me on any of the different platforms I was on, was just like

Pat Flynn:

Pat, you just seem to be everywhere.

Pat Flynn:

Everywhere I go I hear your name.

Pat Flynn:

Everywhere I go I see you.

Pat Flynn:

How are you everywhere?

Pat Flynn:

And so I wanted to create this presentation to talk about that.

Pat Flynn:

And I did the presentation And it got a really great response.

Pat Flynn:

And a lot of people started to follow this direction of what I'm about to share

Pat Flynn:

and they're seeing great results too.

Pat Flynn:

And this does work.

Pat Flynn:

And it's almost common sense because when you have a website or build

Pat Flynn:

a website, and it's like the first day, nobody knows about that website.

Pat Flynn:

Except for you whether it's a blog or just a business or a static website or

Pat Flynn:

whatever nobody knows about it except for you It's I compare it to putting

Pat Flynn:

a message into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean you're just you put

Pat Flynn:

it out there and you hope that the tides of Google take it to wherever

Pat Flynn:

people are or the waves of the web just send it to where people are already.

Pat Flynn:

And yeah, eventually over time, Google can find your site.

Pat Flynn:

Some people who are influencers can potentially find it.

Pat Flynn:

And yes, you could put you'll start to see results.

Pat Flynn:

But if you want to see results faster, what you want to do is take

Pat Flynn:

that message out of that bottle out of the ocean and just stick it right

Pat Flynn:

where people are already passing by.

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

To do this on multiple platforms and multiple mediums.

Pat Flynn:

So really the structure is, you have your website or your blog is as the

Pat Flynn:

hub of your business, because really that's where all the action happens.

Pat Flynn:

That's where links are.

Pat Flynn:

That's where you can that's something that you control and it's best to

Pat Flynn:

control the center of your website.

Pat Flynn:

So if you imagine we're creating like a little diagram here, your

Pat Flynn:

blog is your hub and extending out of that, my, I love podcasting.

Pat Flynn:

And a lot of people don't know this, but iTunes is a huge

Pat Flynn:

platform, especially for podcasters.

Pat Flynn:

And it's so untapped.

Pat Flynn:

There are millions and millions of websites and only, maybe 200

Pat Flynn:

to 400, 000 podcasts out there.

Pat Flynn:

So there's very little competition.

Pat Flynn:

And iTunes is also a big time search engine.

Pat Flynn:

A lot of people don't think of iTunes as a search engine, but there are people out

Pat Flynn:

there looking for information that you.

Pat Flynn:

Probably have in your head.

Pat Flynn:

Maybe it's already on your website if you were to just podcast about it people

Pat Flynn:

will find you on itunes and They have and I did a survey on my blog before

Pat Flynn:

I did this presentation asking just my blog readers How did you find me?

Pat Flynn:

And the number one answer was they found me through 19% of my audience

Pat Flynn:

who is now reading my blog found me through my podcast, which blew me away.

Pat Flynn:

I had no idea it was that much.

Pat Flynn:

And when I think about it, I still get emails every single

Pat Flynn:

day from people saying, I found, I love your show on iTunes.

Pat Flynn:

I found you on, I found you on iTunes.

Pat Flynn:

And funny story, I went to New Media Expo this past January.

Pat Flynn:

Where I talked about the Power Free, and I wear this little backpack that has my

Pat Flynn:

name on it, and I let people know to, to find me and if you see me, just tap me

Pat Flynn:

on the shoulder, I'd love to talk to you, and I had about 100 to 200 people come

Pat Flynn:

up to me during the entire conference and just say hi, who are fans, and the 95%

Pat Flynn:

of those people said I love your podcast.

Pat Flynn:

I listen to your show Thank you for keeping me company on my car ride on

Pat Flynn:

the commute to work every day podcast Even though that wasn't the first thing

Pat Flynn:

I started even though it's not my blog.

Pat Flynn:

That's what people remember and I think Because it's the power of the voice, and

Pat Flynn:

obviously people listening to this now are listening to our voices, there's just

Pat Flynn:

something about the voice, I don't know if it's because we can share inflections,

Pat Flynn:

or, we can change the tone of our voice, which we can't really do on on, with text,

Pat Flynn:

and, when people Listen to your podcast.

Pat Flynn:

They're just plugging you into their ears and you're entering their brains

Pat Flynn:

There's no little Xbox that they can clear not Xbox like Microsoft But

Pat Flynn:

there's no little X in the corner that they can click out of and they're

Pat Flynn:

just listening to you and people can listen to you No matter where you are,

Pat Flynn:

so you literally can be everywhere.

Pat Flynn:

I have people say, thank you.

Pat Flynn:

Thank you for keeping me company on my way to Rome today, or thank you for coming to

Pat Flynn:

the beach and having a run with me today.

Pat Flynn:

Like I can literally be everywhere.

Pat Flynn:

It seems.

Pat Flynn:

And when you think about it, a podcast is a show that you have

Pat Flynn:

that people can subscribe to.

Pat Flynn:

So imagine a stadium full, imagine a room full of 50 people that you're

Pat Flynn:

talking to all at the same time.

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

Impressive to get a group of 50 people who are listening to you in a room.

Pat Flynn:

Now imagine thousands of people Listening to you just like they were

Pat Flynn:

in a room, but they're spread out all around the world and they are subscribed

Pat Flynn:

to your show So whenever you post something they are listening to you.

Pat Flynn:

So it's like you have this worldwide stadium.

Pat Flynn:

That is just Ready to listen to you anytime you have something to say I could

Pat Flynn:

talk about this for hours, so I'm sorry I'm just gonna try and breeze through this

Pat Flynn:

as much as possible just so people can get the idea So you have the pot you have

Pat Flynn:

your blog or the website in the middle?

Pat Flynn:

Then you should also have a podcast to go along with it And in addition

Pat Flynn:

to that you should also have a YouTube channel Cause again, just like

Pat Flynn:

iTunes, YouTube is a search engine.

Pat Flynn:

It's actually the number two search engine in the world, and it's owned by Google.

Pat Flynn:

And there's, video is just going crazy lately.

Pat Flynn:

It's another great way, a great medium to just share things that

Pat Flynn:

you can't share on audio and also on your website through text.

Pat Flynn:

And so what happens when you have these three sort of content areas, you have

Pat Flynn:

your blog for people who like to read.

Pat Flynn:

You have podcasts for people who like to listen and you have videos for

Pat Flynn:

people who to watch or who are visual.

Pat Flynn:

And so no matter how people enjoy consuming content, they have a way

Pat Flynn:

to connect with you and your brand.

Pat Flynn:

And also, you're, by putting yourself onto these different platforms, you're

Pat Flynn:

actually going to be found by people who would have never found you otherwise.

Pat Flynn:

Because there are people who only listen to podcasts who don't read blogs.

Pat Flynn:

There are people who only watch videos but don't listen to podcasts or read blogs

Pat Flynn:

and, all the combinations there within.

Pat Flynn:

And so that's the core.

Pat Flynn:

And then there's also, your email list is important because that's a way to get into

Pat Flynn:

people's daily lives, especially now with mobile and people checking their emails.

Pat Flynn:

I'm so using your email list in a smart way and also social media as well.

Pat Flynn:

And really that's, that becomes the core of it.

Pat Flynn:

And what happens is, there's a cycle that happens.

Pat Flynn:

And once you learn about the cycle and put yourself into it,

Pat Flynn:

things just start to perpetuate.

Pat Flynn:

So imagine those three platforms.

Pat Flynn:

What that does for you is it allows you to be found.

Pat Flynn:

So that's the first step, in addition to being found, you have

Pat Flynn:

to be you have to be remembered.

Pat Flynn:

And so there are certain strategies within each of those platforms

Pat Flynn:

you can do to be remembered.

Pat Flynn:

Obviously that's very important because people can find you, but if they

Pat Flynn:

don't remember you, that's pointless.

Pat Flynn:

Now be found, be remembered in the last one, then probably the

Pat Flynn:

most important one is be shared.

Pat Flynn:

And so that's where engagement comes in.

Pat Flynn:

Like we talked about, we're building relationships or getting

Pat Flynn:

people involved and excited or.

Pat Flynn:

To have people feel like they're a part of your brand.

Pat Flynn:

That's where sharing comes in handy and also just making it incredibly

Pat Flynn:

easy to share your stuff too.

Pat Flynn:

That's really important.

Pat Flynn:

And so what happens when you're shared?

Pat Flynn:

You're found again by new people who go through that same exact cycle and

Pat Flynn:

in just the more content you put out that just the bigger your brand expands

Pat Flynn:

and you're not just a blogger anymore.

Pat Flynn:

You're not just a video person.

Pat Flynn:

You're not just a podcaster, but you're this brand with.

Pat Flynn:

All these, you're just a multimedia machine, and it does sound like a

Pat Flynn:

lot of work from the outside, and it should, that's what it's supposed

Pat Flynn:

that's the picture that it's supposed to convey, that, I'm Pat Flynn, I'm

Pat Flynn:

everywhere, I'm doing all these things, however, it actually doesn't take

Pat Flynn:

that much work, because what I do, say you're, say you post three times

Pat Flynn:

on your website every week, Now just take one of those times each week and

Pat Flynn:

turn it into a podcast episode instead.

Pat Flynn:

And so each week you're posting one podcast episode, and over time you start

Pat Flynn:

to collect all these little things in all these different mediums, each of

Pat Flynn:

which become what I like to call a seed.

Pat Flynn:

Because what you do is you plant that seed.

Pat Flynn:

And when you post something on any medium, it's there for good.

Pat Flynn:

And at any time people can find it and that's their entry into

Pat Flynn:

your brand and into that be found, be remembered, be shared cycle.

Pat Flynn:


Jake Hower:

that's that's incredibly important.

Jake Hower:

Incredibly important.

Jake Hower:

All of this.

Jake Hower:

Now in each episode, we like to really put in some actionable takeaways

Jake Hower:

that our listeners can take and implement in their own businesses.

Jake Hower:

I'm not going to do that in this episode.

Jake Hower:

We're going to just do something slightly different.

Jake Hower:

So you've hopped on a train a week or so ago, and you've headed

Jake Hower:

off up to San Fran, shooting some video, your blog has gone down.

Jake Hower:

The week pass and the blog comes back.

Jake Hower:

But one thing is missing is all your affiliate sales.

Jake Hower:

Affiliates no longer exist, so this is almost like a John Dumas, new

Jake Hower:

planet, exactly the same as Earth type

Pat Flynn:

of thing.

Pat Flynn:

Okay, so something happened like in the universe where there was no

Pat Flynn:

such thing as affiliate marketing

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Exactly right, you've got your listeners, you've got your subscribers

Jake Hower:

because you are everywhere.

Jake Hower:

But you're now left with the issue of not being able to produce

Jake Hower:

an income to feed your family.

Jake Hower:

How would you go about finding this

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

Now, I was promoting all these different products.

Pat Flynn:

I actually, if you go to my income reports, you can see that I promote

Pat Flynn:

maybe 30 to 40 different products that I do accept an affiliate

Pat Flynn:

commission for on the site.

Pat Flynn:

That wouldn't change.

Pat Flynn:

I would still promote the exact same products because those

Pat Flynn:

are the same products that are going to be helpful to people.

Pat Flynn:

I just don't have an affiliate relationship with those companies anymore.

Pat Flynn:

Does that make sense?

Pat Flynn:

It certainly does.

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

Because, again, I'm worried about the end goal of the user.

Pat Flynn:

Instead of producing money through affiliate marketing, because I can't

Pat Flynn:

anymore, even though those products are still there, I can create my own product.

Pat Flynn:

And I think that is something that would take a little bit of time, of course, and

Pat Flynn:

that's why I love affiliate marketing, because it takes less, it takes less

Pat Flynn:

time and I don't have to worry as much about customer service or creating

Pat Flynn:

landing pages or any of that stuff.

Pat Flynn:

stuff delivery, that's all up to the company that, that I'm promoting, but

Pat Flynn:

I would spend the time to make sure that I create this amazing product

Pat Flynn:

that's going to help people and walk people through step by step how to do

Pat Flynn:

everything that I feel they should do and organize all the information that's

Pat Flynn:

all on my site into an easy step by step maybe modular type of program.

Pat Flynn:

Which actually I'm working on right now that's what I would do now if

Pat Flynn:

that wasn't possible, for example, if it wasn't possible for me to

Pat Flynn:

make my own product at that time.

Pat Flynn:

Maybe I don't have that skill.

Pat Flynn:

What I would do is look at the skills that I do have and see

Pat Flynn:

who else might benefit from.

Pat Flynn:

Using those skills.

Pat Flynn:

So what actually, what I would do is, and really this answers the question,

Pat Flynn:

what do I need to do if I need to make money now, which I know is like the

Pat Flynn:

million dollar question, like I, and it's tough when I get those emails, cause I

Pat Flynn:

do get those emails from people saying really, very emotional things, almost

Pat Flynn:

in desperation because they may be.

Pat Flynn:

They're short sale on the house or, they'll, they lost something or whatever.

Pat Flynn:

And I feel for those people and it's hard because when I, when

Pat Flynn:

they're, when they ask me, How do I start a business and earn money?

Pat Flynn:

I need money in a month.

Pat Flynn:

It's hard to answer those people because that's not, it's possible.

Pat Flynn:

It is possible, of course, but it's not likely.

Pat Flynn:

And I am always trying to be honest and upfront with people.

Pat Flynn:

And I typically say, starting your own business and hoping to earn a sizable

Pat Flynn:

income in a month is nearly impossible.

Pat Flynn:

It's not impossible, but it's nearly impossible, but there are things

Pat Flynn:

you can do to help yourself, get back on your feet to start to earn

Pat Flynn:

an income much sooner, and that is.

Pat Flynn:

Freelancing, and I think a lot of people discount freelancing, seeing it

Pat Flynn:

as like a, like half entrepreneurial type status, but I absolutely think

Pat Flynn:

it's absolutely necessary it because.

Pat Flynn:

If it makes sense for you and your life and where you're at now, and if you do

Pat Flynn:

need money right away, you can take the skills that you have and give it to those

Pat Flynn:

not give it but ask people who may need those same services and work with them.

Pat Flynn:

For instance, if I were a writer and I just need to make money now,

Pat Flynn:

I would search for people who need excellent writers and, require a

Pat Flynn:

fee for any number of articles that they may need, that they may need.

Pat Flynn:

And in addition to getting money right away for doing that stuff.

Pat Flynn:

And of course, you have to learn how to market yourself a little bit.

Pat Flynn:

And of course, the relationships that you have with people is what's

Pat Flynn:

going to help you even further.

Pat Flynn:

If you already have those relationships, I, really, if you think about me

Pat Flynn:

and my situation if I wasn't able to do affiliate marketing or create

Pat Flynn:

products, I, and, but I still had those relationships I have with people, it

Pat Flynn:

would be really easy for me to say, Hey, network, or, people, I am happy to

Pat Flynn:

do any work for you that you may like.

Pat Flynn:

This is what I'm good at, this is how much I charge, I'm willing to negotiate, let's

Pat Flynn:

figure something out if you need help.

Pat Flynn:

And boom, I would get a ton of people who would potentially need

Pat Flynn:

my help for, writing or marketing or consultation or, graphic design or

Pat Flynn:

web programming or any of that stuff.

Pat Flynn:

So taking the skills that you have in freelancing, and what that does is,

Pat Flynn:

especially if you're just Beginning that puts you in the world to which

Pat Flynn:

you can learn how to do other things where you can branch off of and

Pat Flynn:

become your own entrepreneur later.

Pat Flynn:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I think one thing particularly people getting into it is that

Jake Hower:

they're almost allergic to dealing with customers on a one on one basis.

Jake Hower:

They want to affect many lives straight away, but there really isn't

Jake Hower:

any difference between affecting

Pat Flynn:

many and affecting one.

Pat Flynn:

Yeah, you have to start with one in order to affect many, I think.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, definitely.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right, Pat.

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Let's go a little bit into the upcoming release of let go.

Jake Hower:

So why did you decide to write

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

It's funny.

Pat Flynn:

I was actually in the middle of writing another book called be everywhere

Pat Flynn:

that I had finished about 25, 000 words for and I had planned to finish

Pat Flynn:

it by the time my daughter was born.

Pat Flynn:

However, my daughter came three weeks early and then I had lost the

Pat Flynn:

chance to complete it because I, I.

Pat Flynn:

I, at least, need long blocks of time in order to get in the

Pat Flynn:

right mindset to write a book.

Pat Flynn:

It takes me, it takes quite a bit of energy and focus

Pat Flynn:

for me to do it, at least.

Pat Flynn:

And so I, that book is still there.

Pat Flynn:

Halfway or more than halfway finished.

Pat Flynn:

But then, A few months ago, I got an email from someone who talked about

Pat Flynn:

this new platform called Snippet.

Pat Flynn:

Said they were looking for entrepreneurs and potential authors and just

Pat Flynn:

wanted to see if I was interested.

Pat Flynn:

And I was like, oh I had this book already that I feel weird starting a new book

Pat Flynn:

in the middle of writing another one.

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

After I learned about the capabilities of this platform and what it can do, I had to

Pat Flynn:

jump on the chance because, I would have, I would be, and I am one of the first

Pat Flynn:

featured authors on, on this platform.

Pat Flynn:

And, when do people get an opportunity to say that who's

Pat Flynn:

the first author for Amazon?

Pat Flynn:

That, that's awesome.

Pat Flynn:

And who knows if this is going to be an Amazon or not.

Pat Flynn:

I don't know, but it's an amazing opportunity and so I wanted to jump on it.

Pat Flynn:

And I thought the platform and what it can do and its capabilities was the perfect

Pat Flynn:

platform for me to share in detail.

Pat Flynn:

My emotional story from how I got laid off to now becoming a very

Pat Flynn:

proud Self employed entrepreneur and how I've been helping others.

Pat Flynn:

And so the story is called let go it's a double meaning You know let go because

Pat Flynn:

I was let go from architecture But also let go because in order to get to where

Pat Flynn:

I'm at now I had to let go of that path that I was told to be on good grades

Pat Flynn:

College, dream job, 401k all that stuff that, that just got taken away from me.

Pat Flynn:

I had to let go of that because that's what I wanted to work for so long.

Pat Flynn:

And also letting go of the fears that I had when starting my own stuff.

Pat Flynn:

And so that, that's where the book.

Pat Flynn:

Name comes from and it's an idea I had for a book for a really long time

Pat Flynn:

And it just seemed like the perfect platform because what a snippet

Pat Flynn:

is it combines a book and a blog?

Pat Flynn:

It's a book in a way that it's made up of chapters and you know There's text

Pat Flynn:

and stuff but each chapter is limited to a thousand words so what that does is

Pat Flynn:

it makes each chapter really digestible and easy to consume and it keeps the

Pat Flynn:

story or the whatever the books about moving really fast and it incorporates

Pat Flynn:

multimedia, so it also includes audio.

Pat Flynn:

It includes video, slideshows within the book and also social media,

Pat Flynn:

which is what got me really excited.

Pat Flynn:

So imagine you're reading a book and.

Pat Flynn:

In the middle of the book, there is a hashtag conversation going on about

Pat Flynn:

whatever that topic is, and people talking about it, and you can actually

Pat Flynn:

add to the conversation right there in the book, or imagine they call these

Pat Flynn:

discoverables, the different multimedia's in there, so when you read it, it's

Pat Flynn:

just text, but then you'll see these little icons that you can push that,

Pat Flynn:

that, Just add more depth to the story.

Pat Flynn:

So you might see a video pop up talking or describing whatever is happening in

Pat Flynn:

detail that you're already reading You know again with social media, which is

Pat Flynn:

really exciting for me you can share those discoverables on social media

Pat Flynn:

and then it includes a link to go Buy the snippet for whoever's sees that

Pat Flynn:

tweet or that Facebook share, or you can actually highlight a particular

Pat Flynn:

passage in a book and share that as well, which I thought was really cool.

Pat Flynn:

And yeah so with the story, I had written it about two weeks.

Pat Flynn:

It was fairly easy to write because it was my own story be everywhere.

Pat Flynn:

I was only halfway through and that took three months.

Pat Flynn:

So it's a little bit different as far as that's concerned.

Pat Flynn:

But then, I realized what the capabilities were of this platform.

Pat Flynn:

And I was like, okay, I can't do any of this myself.

Pat Flynn:

I need to bring on a team.

Pat Flynn:

So I actually hired a videographer to help me with the discoverables and the

Pat Flynn:

trailers and stuff like that in the book.

Pat Flynn:

And also, a producer.

Pat Flynn:

Who is managing everything, because there's so many moving parts to it.

Pat Flynn:

But again, I'm really honored and privileged to be a part of this

Pat Flynn:

brand new platform, which is coming out on Monday March 18th and it's

Pat Flynn:

just, I'm just really excited yeah.

Pat Flynn:

And I don't know what to expect, who knows how maybe it won't do very well,

Pat Flynn:

I don't know, but it's just been such a privilege to be a part of this and to be

Pat Flynn:

able to share my story, and in, in the book, there's a lot of really interesting

Pat Flynn:

things that I know a lot of people were wondering about, for instance, there's

Pat Flynn:

an interview with my wife on there, and, we talked to her about what she was

Pat Flynn:

thinking when I was getting laid off, and what was going through her head, we

Pat Flynn:

talked to my dad in an interview who is a very traditional guy who, worked the

Pat Flynn:

same job for 45 years and then retired.

Pat Flynn:

And what his thoughts were when I got laid off, because he

Pat Flynn:

wanted me to go back to school.

Pat Flynn:

And then we film on location in San Francisco where I landed

Pat Flynn:

my first architecture job.

Pat Flynn:

We film on location where I had my very first mastermind meeting where I was told

Pat Flynn:

to write that ebook that sold really well.

Pat Flynn:

So it's just going to be really fun, very personal.

Pat Flynn:

Memoir about what happened and I'm hoping that it just inspires people

Pat Flynn:

to get off their, the their butts and do something because there's

Pat Flynn:

so many opportunities out there.

Pat Flynn:

And really, I want people to just let go of what other people told them to

Pat Flynn:

do and just do stuff for themselves.

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

This platform snippet, it's such a great fit, A, for you and your Be Everywhere

Jake Hower:

strategy because it's combining all these different forms of multimedia.

Jake Hower:

So it's also a fantastic fit for this episode as well, because again,

Jake Hower:

the premise of the show is to be on the different forms of multimedia.

Jake Hower:

So this snippet seems to be appealing to exactly what we're talking about here.

Jake Hower:

It's cool.

Jake Hower:

It's incredible.

Jake Hower:

So our listeners can go check that out.

Jake Hower:

Where's the best address to check out

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

Yeah, it'll be pat Flynn dot me slash let go.

Pat Flynn:

And that'll, there'll be a big button there where you can go and get

Pat Flynn:

instructions for, how the platform works.

Pat Flynn:

And, at the time of this recording, I actually haven't even seen it yet on the

Pat Flynn:

final, on an iPad yet or on a phone yet.

Pat Flynn:

And so it's going to be really interesting to see how it works

Pat Flynn:

out and what it looks like.

Pat Flynn:

And I can't wait to share it and, it's technology so things could go wrong and

Pat Flynn:

it's a brand new platform who knows, a brand new startup and things happen,

Pat Flynn:

but I'm praying for a good launch and a just a good response from all the

Pat Flynn:

readers and I don't even know what to call them readers, watchers, listeners.

Pat Flynn:

Consumers or I don't know,

Pat Flynn:

An audience.

Pat Flynn:

There you go.

Jake Hower:

Listeners will include all the links to everything we've

Jake Hower:

spoken about in the show notes pad.

Jake Hower:

I've got one final question for you.

Jake Hower:

What do you see your title as you're explaining what you do to

Jake Hower:

somebody who knows nothing about the online space or anything.

Jake Hower:

What would your

Pat Flynn:

title be?

Pat Flynn:

That's so funny you ask that because every time somebody asks me, I

Pat Flynn:

ended up saying something different.

Pat Flynn:

Every time and I do have my foot in many pools, I am an iPhone application

Pat Flynn:

I an owner of an iPhone application company also which we didn't talk about.

Pat Flynn:

I am an author, I am a podcaster, a blogger, a business owner.

Pat Flynn:

I can sum it up as an online serial entrepreneur, but when I say that,

Pat Flynn:

even just hearing myself say it now, I'm like, what does that mean exactly?

Pat Flynn:

So I just.

Pat Flynn:

I say, I do business online and I help people in various ways and typically I'll

Pat Flynn:

get people asking me how, and then I'll go into the different examples like the

Pat Flynn:

green exam academy where I help people pass as I am in architecture industry.

Pat Flynn:

I have a smart passive income in the blog.

Pat Flynn:

I talk about business and online business strategies.

Pat Flynn:

I have a podcast that goes along with it.

Pat Flynn:

I have a security guard training website, teaches people how

Pat Flynn:

to become a security guard.

Pat Flynn:

And by that point, they're like.

Pat Flynn:


Pat Flynn:

Serial entrepreneur.

Pat Flynn:

I get it.

Jake Hower:

All right, Pat, I really appreciate you coming on the show.

Jake Hower:

This has been an amazing episode.

Jake Hower:

I'm sure our listeners will get a lot out of it.

Jake Hower:

So thank you very much for taking the time.

Jake Hower:


Pat Flynn:

absolute pleasure.

Pat Flynn:

Thank you, Jake.

Pat Flynn:


Jake Hower:

I wish you every success and I'm looking forward

Jake Hower:

to getting my hands on a copy of

Pat Flynn:

let go.

Pat Flynn:

All right.

Pat Flynn:

Thank you so much.

Pat Flynn:

I really appreciate it, Jake.




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