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But First, Some Preamble! (Trailer) with future episode sneak peeks
Trailer13th September 2023 • No Preamble • Sarah and Ethan
00:00:00 00:07:26

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Welcome to "No Preamble: Nerds Talking About Stuff" featuring hosts Ethan (he/him) and Sarah (she/her). This is an unscripted discussion show in which two friends geek out about the media and hobbies they enjoy.

Ethan brings the energy and pizazz while Sarah keeps it grounded with a healthy dose of deadpan. Both passionate about getting straight into the details of what makes media memorable, impactful, fun, or down right mediocre.

From pop-culture to retro classics, across genres and mediums, there's something for everyone here at "No Preamble".

New episodes every other Tuesday at 5am Pacific / 8am Eastern.

Content Warning: Strong language

No Preamble website


Intro Theme: Game Boy | Written by Andrew Stanton | Produced and Performed by Ender

Outro Theme: Faxel-Hecked | Written and Performed by Matteo Galesi

Transitions SFX © Lloyd Richards 2023 -



Hi there, and welcome to No Preamble, a podcast where two nerdy friends talk about a bunch of different stuff, whatever they feel like talking about. I'm Ethan, I'm one of your hosts, and with me, as always, is Sarah.


Hey there!


No Preamble is a show that the two of us decided to start because we're always sort of bouncing between hobbies and we just kind of wanted an excuse to get together every couple of weeks and chat about whatever it is we're obsessed with at the time.


We'll be covering a wide variety of topics that we both enjoy, sometimes one more than the other. Video games, movies, books, the horror genre, animation, Scream, Gundam, Digimon, Zelda, the whole kitten caboodle.


Music, robots, tabletop games, we've got it all.


Shit, I forgot TTRPGs! Hell yeah!


The premise of the show is that, uh, every episode we just kind of launch right into whatever we want to talk about. Hence the name, "No Preamble." There's no real introduction to the episode. We just come in firing on all cylinders. And get right to the point.


This is the only introduction you'll get.


Uh, speaking of introductions, we actually met through a podcast.


Yeah, for a while I had a TTRPG, Tabletop Role Playing Game, specific podcast where I invited Ethan on. And we hit it off.


Now we're making a brand new podcast.


So yeah, we're just two friends podcasting for fun, and we're here to have a good time and hope you do too.


So it might be a little, you know, rough around the edges sometimes. We're not using like the highest end equipment or anything like that, but it's definitely fun for us and hopefully it'll be fun for you guys too.


We'll be here every two weeks on Tuesdays around 8am Eastern, talking about nerdy shit. And after a few episodes, you too will be obsessed with the Scream franchise, because Ethan works Scream into every episode.


It's true! And if you want an idea of what you're in for with this podcast, it might sound a little something like this.


Tell me like, "hey, you need to move this many steps this hour or you're gonna die of heart disease." And I'm like, "meh, I'm playin Baldur's Gate!"


I don't care if I die of heart disease.


but if Gabumon dies


Exactly. That's fucked up.

But, like, it's fuckin' weird, it's weird that Magic the Gathering is now just like card game Fortnite, where it's just like, name a property, you can probably get cards of it.


D&D! I have, I, they did it, they got me, they got me. I don't play Magic the Gathering, I used to as a wee lass, but uh, I now have new Magic the Gathering cards that I'll probably not look at for a long time and they're D&D themed cause I like D&D, fuck you, Wizards.


So it must be something else.


No, that dumbass was holding the petri dishes of blood and going like, copper wire in here, blood bouncing up. He didn't give a shit. No.


He also, they also don't find that blood. It just scurries off, and he's just like, ah, shit.


I, I, I, god damn it. I thought we were friends. I thought this was a safe space. I thought this was a, I this was a conversation between two people who respected and cared about one another. And you do this? This is how you start our episode?


Technically, I think I said model kits, but that is what I was referring to.


Right, I did not, I literally did not hear the word Gunpla. I just filled in the blanks.


Yeah, cause you know me, you knew what I was, you knew what I meant.


Yeah, I mean, I think you've done a couple Digimon, maybe, for uh, your roommate?


I have, yeah, I have done some of the Digimon kits. Which are great, I mean, it's the same company. They're all Bandai kits.


Why do I remember that?


I don't know


Why, why is that what my memory decides to?


Because I talk about two things ever, Sarah, and they're Scream and Digimon.


And Gundam!


What do you think is good nostalgia in media?


Well, I'm gonna do what I was destined to do from the beginning. Which is talk about Scream.


I put Scream 5 in my notes.


And I was like, what the fuck? You can't say that in the seventies! What are you talking about? Like, it really like bowled me over. I was like, I, whoa, this is so much more intense than I thought it would be.


That is, I think, a good juxtaposition to how Scream handled their score versus how Skywalker handled that one.


Yes. I, um, I'm sorry. You said the rise of Skywalker and, uh, my, my brain just filled with white hot rage. I know you were talking, but all I could hear was, "somehow, Palpatine returned".


Perfectly encapsulates what you need to know about Mac for the rest of the movie, which is that Mac would rather destroy the game than lose.




But I swear to God, this happened in a meeting where she was like, "what are the young people like these days? They're like, they're always on their phones. They like apps. We should have an app." And everybody was just like, "yeah, yeah, sure." And she was like, "Ethan, can you make us an app?"


You're the young hip guy on the team. That means you can program and also fix everyone's computers.


Right. And I just had to be like, _*no*_.


You can find No Preamble on all the major platforms like Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and everywhere else that you might listen to your podcasts. Feel free to subscribe and check back every other Tuesday for a new topic. There'll be links in the description to our podcast player website and any social media that we happen to be on. Check those out if you're so inclined.




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