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The Importance of Coaching for Accountancy Qualifications
Episode 6315th August 2019 • Accounting Influencers Podcast • Rob Brown (Accounting Influencers Roundtable - AIR)
00:00:00 00:20:25

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Helen Pretty

Helen Pretty is a CIMA qualified Accountant specialising in Management Accounts within the manufacturing industry. Since her qualification, she has worked as a mentor on the CIMA mentoring programme, supporting and coaching qualifying accountants with their studies and career development.

In 2018, Helen setup her own coaching Business – Pretty Successful Careers – to support and coach qualifying accountants to successfully pass their exams, move up the finance career ladder and get that accounting job of their dreams. Shownotes:

  • More and more people are starting accounting qualifications but not finishing them
  • Accounting bodies are encouraging students to take more accounting qualifications more often
  • The role of a mentor or coach in helping accountants pass their qualification exams
  • The journey from wanting to be an accountant to become qualified, particularly if you are working and studying at the same time
  • The choices accountants have with the different accounting associations and governing bodies
  • Although double entry bookkeeping is less relevant for accountants in an age of automation, the theory of accounting qualifications remains the same
  • What makes a good accountant great and takes them to the next level
  • The difference between going into industry and going into an accounting firm to qualify as an accountant
  • The support packages available for would-be accountants are varied and there is much room for improvement
  • What’s different for women qualifying and being successful in an accounting career
  • What stops managers leaders in industry and accounting firms from helping and mentoring young entrants to succeed in their work and studies
  • How young accounting professionals can take the first steps in reaching out for help and mentoring
  • How you can best support students and qualifiers who are going through their accounting exams
  • The role of confidence in successfully passing difficult accounting exams and what specifically builds it
  • The importance of continued professional development (CPD) for newly qualified accountants
  • Things you can give your qualified accountants if you want them to stay and not to move on
  • Why the finance team is of vital importance in a business, and why the wider perception of the function doesn’t always help
  • How the data driven nature of accountants is sometimes at odds with the need to develop relationships
  • Getting your letters – how qualified accountants can benefit from ongoing career mentoring

Helen Pretty on the BD Academy Accounting Influencers podcast with Rob Brown

As well as a positive and enthusiastic attitude, Helen loves to focus on plans and strategy to make the most of her life, career and personal experiences. She takes every opportunity to travel the world (sometimes with her lovely but slightly crazy cavalier king Charles spaniel) and she always takes her camera with her to capture every moment. Contact Helen directly:

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