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The Status Quo Rules Unless You Have A Gap You Want To Close
Episode 11416th January 2024 • Fractionals Unplugged with Jay Kingley • Maven
00:00:00 00:09:53

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The First Step To Building A Great Business Is To Know Your Gap.

Every service provider is pitching and hard selling every Fractional Executive on how they can help you build a great business, get all the clients you want, and make a ton of money. Before you pay attention, you first need to reflect on the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Einstein famously observed that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

If your gap is small then you want the same result every day, so embrace the status quo and you have no need to make big changes in your business. You can safely tune out all the pitches and hard sells you're getting 20 times a day. But if you do have a gap that is uncomfortably large, then you need to heed Einstein's advice and make some changes in how you are doing your business.

Connect with Jay

Email me at to set up a conversation to discuss your gap and if it is large enough what you can do to close it. Also email me if you're a fractional executive, fractional community leader, or fractional community marketplace proprietor and would like to be a guest on our show.



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