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Using Contests To Drive Qualified Leads with Travis Ketchum
Episode 2130th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
00:00:00 00:23:52

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Jake Hower:

Today's guest is Travis Ketchum from Contest Domination.

Jake Hower:

Travis and his company have built a platform which allows you to easily

Jake Hower:

create and offer viral contests for lead generation in your company.

Jake Hower:

So in this episode, we look into a little bit about how Contest Domination

Jake Hower:

can help you, how it's helped some past people like Andrew Warner at

Jake Hower:

Mixergy and how you can create.

Jake Hower:

An offer and a prize, which will ensure that you're getting

Jake Hower:

targeted leads to your company.

Jake Hower:

You're not just getting a bunch of people who are signing up just for the freebie.

Jake Hower:

So let's get stuck into this interview.

Jake Hower:

Travis, how are

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

Hey, I'm great, Jake.

Travis Ketchum:


Jake Hower:

for having me on.

Jake Hower:

Thank you for coming on.

Jake Hower:

I know this is certainly an aspect, which is a real sore point for just about.

Jake Hower:

Everybody I know, and that's obviously lead capturing.

Jake Hower:

So we do all this work as content marketers to drive traffic.

Jake Hower:

And one thing that everybody seems to have a bit of a pain point

Jake Hower:

regarding is how you convert that traffic into leads for your business.

Jake Hower:

And that's where your product is really seems to be ticking all the boxes and

Jake Hower:

working really effectively for that.

Travis Ketchum:

Yeah, that's definitely been our focus.

Travis Ketchum:

It's funny.

Travis Ketchum:

We wouldn't have even.

Travis Ketchum:

Started this company.

Travis Ketchum:

If someone else had just decided to focus on leads in the way that we do.

Travis Ketchum:

So it built it out of our own need is really why it started.

Travis Ketchum:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So Travis, for our listeners out there, rough outline of this episode is

Jake Hower:

we'll quickly have a look at a contest domination and what it is, and look at

Jake Hower:

some of the results, some of your your customers are currently getting with

Jake Hower:

it, then I'd like to almost build a case study that our listeners can almost go

Jake Hower:

out, get contest domination and implement for themselves in their own businesses.

Jake Hower:

How does that sound?

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that sounds great.

Jake Hower:

All right let's kick off then Travis, why don't you give our listeners a

Jake Hower:

little bit about your history and what led you to launching contest domination?

Jake Hower:


Travis Ketchum:

So I'll keep it kind of brief, but like most people

Travis Ketchum:

probably in your audience, I've been an entrepreneur since day one.

Travis Ketchum:

My first official business was started eBay.

Travis Ketchum:

Which, as an 18 year old made like 60 grand and just about two and a

Travis Ketchum:

half months, which really opened my eyes to how you can actually

Travis Ketchum:

scale something up like this.

Travis Ketchum:

And then I graduated from college about 3 years ago was an account manager

Travis Ketchum:

at a couple different companies.

Travis Ketchum:

And then I decided I was tired of building everyone else's list and

Travis Ketchum:

wanted to build my own because every example I'd ever been through the

Travis Ketchum:

residual value was always in the list.

Travis Ketchum:

And so I knew that 1 of the ways to get a quick response that would have

Travis Ketchum:

exponential growth in a short amount of time is to run a contest because

Travis Ketchum:

everyone loves to enter contests.

Travis Ketchum:

And so about a year and some change ago, I started looking at all

Travis Ketchum:

these different contest platforms and I was totally blown away that.

Travis Ketchum:

No one focused on just rewarding people for the action that you care about as the

Travis Ketchum:

business, which is getting more leads.

Travis Ketchum:

They all rewarded likes and follows and things of that nature, but no

Travis Ketchum:

one really gave them points just for driving you cold, hard leads.

Travis Ketchum:

And kind of developer got it together, did a small launch.

Travis Ketchum:

Took off way more than I ever expected.

Travis Ketchum:

And we've just been iterating from

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

I guess when you initially launched it was a WordPress

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

Yeah, that's correct.

Travis Ketchum:

It was a very simple WordPress plugin.

Travis Ketchum:

I only spent a couple thousand dollars to get it developed.

Travis Ketchum:

Some of that was even on a credit card kind of thing.

Travis Ketchum:

And yeah, just very simple word, WordPress plugin, essentially the way it worked is

Travis Ketchum:

people would enter their name and email they would get one point into the contest.

Travis Ketchum:

And then for every person they referred to also enter the contest, gave them

Travis Ketchum:

10 additional points and that's it.

Travis Ketchum:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So what is the product now?

Jake Hower:

What does contest domination look like right

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

Yes, it's really grown into something much more mature these days.

Travis Ketchum:

Now it's a hosted platform instead of being a WordPress plugin.

Travis Ketchum:

And we went that route because then we could have greater

Travis Ketchum:

control over the environment.

Travis Ketchum:

We could have a greater degree of confidence in the kind of experience

Travis Ketchum:

that our user was going to get.

Travis Ketchum:

We knew that at scale, we could buy a very fast server, right?

Travis Ketchum:

That a lot of people were on shared hosts.

Travis Ketchum:

So there's all these delays and things that were hurting their.

Travis Ketchum:

Their conversion rates.

Travis Ketchum:

And so we just knew we could have a lot more control and offer a

Travis Ketchum:

lot a lot better features more consistently as a hosted offering.

Travis Ketchum:

And so we actually rewrote the app from the ground up.

Travis Ketchum:

It's called the same thing.

Travis Ketchum:

Some of the elements look the same, but it's a completely different animal.

Jake Hower:

It's interesting the difference between a WordPress

Jake Hower:

plugin and a hosted platform.

Jake Hower:

And so from me as a business owner and someone who uses these systems,

Jake Hower:

the real benefit for me is the fact that I have so many different

Jake Hower:

websites all with different themes.

Jake Hower:

And I always find with.

Jake Hower:

A lot of plugins, I get so many different conflicts.

Jake Hower:

And the other thing I find that with hosted platforms is that you're generally

Jake Hower:

not, you're not dealing with that.

Jake Hower:

And as a result, the focus for the products can generally be

Jake Hower:

a hundred percent on providing the best user experience.

Jake Hower:

And as you say, working on speed and conversion, that really helps also.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

And the other cool part too, is it gives us the 10, 000 foot view.

Travis Ketchum:

For what's working for what niches in real time so that we can learn

Travis Ketchum:

about the different things that are working for people and try to share in

Travis Ketchum:

generalities, what people could be doing.

Travis Ketchum:

So that a new customer coming on has a lot more insight and help because we

Travis Ketchum:

can actually provide that information because we can see it ourselves so that

Travis Ketchum:

they just have their leaps and bounds ahead of where someone just flying in.

Travis Ketchum:

Trying to install a piece of software and figuring out what to do next.

Travis Ketchum:

It's a lot of different experience.

Travis Ketchum:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

So what's a typical use case for contest domination?

Travis Ketchum:

So there's I can't define that in two different ways

Travis Ketchum:

because there's a typical knee jerk reaction to what people want to do.

Travis Ketchum:

And then there's a typical use case for what works really well.

Travis Ketchum:

So if you want me to outline those, I'd be happy to.

Travis Ketchum:

Yeah, that'd be fantastic.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

So the knee jerk reaction for a lot of people is I'm just going

Travis Ketchum:

to give away an iPad and hope that a lot of people enter it.

Travis Ketchum:

And then I'll market to those leads.

Travis Ketchum:

And while that can get you a lot of leads, a lot of times it gets

Travis Ketchum:

you the wrong kind of leads.

Travis Ketchum:

Now, the typical things that work out really well are people that are

Travis Ketchum:

giving away experiences and high end.

Travis Ketchum:

Events and, true scarcity that's related to what they actually want

Travis Ketchum:

to sell a potential customer because then they get a lot of leads in the

Travis Ketchum:

door that are interested in what they're all about as a company.

Travis Ketchum:

And so those people are usually not only getting way more leads,

Travis Ketchum:

they get a lot much larger.

Travis Ketchum:

Viral coefficient, but everyone who comes in the door is super qualified.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I think that's probably the most important thing you're talking about.

Jake Hower:

There is the fact that you're looking for contextual relevant leads.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

I don't know about you, but I would rather have a hundred super qualified leads than

Travis Ketchum:

a million unqualified leads in my system.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Oh, I know some of your customers include Andrew Warner over at Mixergy.

Jake Hower:

How has contest domination helped Andrew?

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

So with Andrew, he's an information.

Travis Ketchum:

Business really so his main revenue driver is selling access to mixer G premium.

Travis Ketchum:

Cause anyone who is a mixer G fan probably noticed that after I

Travis Ketchum:

believe it's like 45 or 60 days or something, his old interviews lock up.

Travis Ketchum:

And unless you're a mixer G premium member, you can't view them.

Travis Ketchum:

He has some specialized courses, et cetera.

Travis Ketchum:

And so back in the early days, he had sold a lifetime access

Travis Ketchum:

to that was a 1 time fee.

Travis Ketchum:

And now everything is either, I believe quarterly or yearly.

Travis Ketchum:

And so what we did with him is we gave away three lifetime access passes to

Travis Ketchum:

Mixergy premium, which, which was great because a, those aren't even sold anymore.

Travis Ketchum:

So all dollar value aside, there's that kind of cool scarcity and B it gave his

Travis Ketchum:

biggest raving fans a great incentive to go talk about how much they love him.

Travis Ketchum:

In fact, we saw a number of people that went through the system.

Travis Ketchum:

Hey, because it's all public on social, we're saying I've never promoted anything

Travis Ketchum:

on here before, but I have to say, I've been following Andrew Warner for years.

Travis Ketchum:

Amazing content.

Travis Ketchum:

Love his stuff.

Travis Ketchum:

You really be doing yourself a disservice by not checking this out.

Travis Ketchum:

And then we saw the traffic from those users cold traffic that never been

Travis Ketchum:

on his email list before enter the contest, find out what it's all about.

Travis Ketchum:

And that matter of hours later, post on his Facebook while saying.

Travis Ketchum:

Because of this user of yours that I trust told me you're so awesome.

Travis Ketchum:

I had to check you out, but I couldn't wait to see if I won.

Travis Ketchum:

So I went ahead and signed up for an annual subscription and I love it.

Travis Ketchum:

So you saw it says, it's this kind of inferred credibility, right?

Travis Ketchum:

Because it's not, it wasn't him telling everyone in the world how cool he is.

Travis Ketchum:

It was his fans telling the world how cool he is.

Travis Ketchum:

And they were redirecting people to something that was

Travis Ketchum:

relevant to what he had to sell.

Travis Ketchum:

So it was like the perfect storm.

Travis Ketchum:

I'm getting qualified leads who are just primed and eager to buy.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

I think at this point, can you take us through the products, like how

Jake Hower:

our listeners would go about in terms of using the actual system?

Jake Hower:

So if we look at this first, and then what we might do is put in a little

Jake Hower:

bit of a case study and take our listener out there through the process

Jake Hower:

of potentially how you come up with an offer and then roll it out in your own

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

The actual use of the product is very simple and straightforward.

Travis Ketchum:

There's just a couple of blanks to fill in.

Travis Ketchum:

What do you want to call it?

Travis Ketchum:

What's the description?

Travis Ketchum:

What email provider do you want to, the lead to go to some of our

Travis Ketchum:

plans offer go to webinar as well.

Travis Ketchum:

So you wouldn't even register for a webinar.

Travis Ketchum:

So the technical side is actually very straightforward.

Travis Ketchum:

In fact, most of our users complete what surmounts to a pretty powerful contest

Travis Ketchum:

in 15 minutes or less because it's more than just a normal squeeze page, right?

Travis Ketchum:

There's other social aspects to it.

Travis Ketchum:

So they can complete all of that very quickly.

Travis Ketchum:

Now, as far as picking the prize, which is really.

Travis Ketchum:

The major hurdle, right?

Travis Ketchum:

I can use 2 examples.

Travis Ketchum:

1 of them.

Travis Ketchum:

I like to use because it's obscure.

Travis Ketchum:

And so it really exemplifies how contest can work for any niche.

Travis Ketchum:

I was talking to a customer who.

Travis Ketchum:

His company sells flaxseed oil, and you might be thinking flaxseed oil, how do

Travis Ketchum:

you get people crazy about flaxseed oil?

Travis Ketchum:

The thing that you can think about is really what does your ideal customer

Travis Ketchum:

profile really love and what kind of experience can you offer that

Travis Ketchum:

would be laser targeted to your ideal profile and then do a follow up

Travis Ketchum:

with what you actually have to sell.

Travis Ketchum:

So in this particular case, I asked the user, who's your ideal customer?

Travis Ketchum:

And he jokingly told me it's hippie moms.

Travis Ketchum:

I was like, okay, great.

Travis Ketchum:

So what does a hippie mom really love?

Travis Ketchum:

And he goes to be honest, like 60% or more of their customer base.

Travis Ketchum:

He's really into yoga, and so the experience that he wanted to

Travis Ketchum:

use for his contest was private yoga sessions with a notable

Travis Ketchum:

instructor in his geographical area.

Travis Ketchum:

And so he had all of these moms entering to be part of this yoga experience, and

Travis Ketchum:

then it could follow it up with the health autoresponder that included flaxseed oil.

Travis Ketchum:

And he did a great, he did a great job with it.

Travis Ketchum:

So it's just understanding the wants and needs of your ideal customer profile.

Travis Ketchum:

And then incentivizing that kind of experience to get

Travis Ketchum:

them to opt into your list.

Travis Ketchum:

And then following up with your stuff, because it's laser targeted.

Jake Hower:

Some of our past guests have spoken about the planning involved in

Jake Hower:

working out who your ideal customer is.

Jake Hower:

And that just, it really, it resonates pretty much through just about everything

Jake Hower:

we do and how important it is to actually have that customer profile.

Jake Hower:

Because essentially, I guess what you're looking to do is reward an outcome, yeah.

Travis Ketchum:

What you're wanting to do is you want to capture the attention.

Travis Ketchum:

Of your ideal customer, it doesn't necessarily have to be your product

Travis Ketchum:

that captures their attention, but after you have their attention, it's

Travis Ketchum:

easier to tell them about your product.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right, let's put in a little bit of a case study and go through it here.

Jake Hower:

Now, I've got a service, which I've just.

Jake Hower:

Launched where we offer custom caricatures for people.

Jake Hower:

We've got a fantastic illustration team here, and it's a really easy process.

Jake Hower:

They just go through and select a package that they want and place an

Jake Hower:

order and within 48 hours, they'll have their own custom caricature

Jake Hower:

based off a photo that they send us.

Jake Hower:

How would I go about creating a contest and try to capture more

Jake Hower:

leads for this particular service?

Travis Ketchum:

One thing that can be mentioned, do you have any like

Travis Ketchum:

higher end package of that service?

Jake Hower:

We do one thing that's hasn't been rolled out just yet,

Jake Hower:

but certainly will be is bulk packs.

Jake Hower:

So we're talking packs of 5 and packs of

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

So what might be interesting is in your case, especially if you're, if you can

Travis Ketchum:

give me more information about the ideal user, one thing you could do is say.

Travis Ketchum:

Get a custom character for your entire team.

Travis Ketchum:

So if you wanted to baby, focus on people like in the startup world, right?

Travis Ketchum:

The tech startup world, for instance, you could say, enter to win a custom character

Travis Ketchum:

for your entire team and then everyone who enters just send them an automatic

Travis Ketchum:

follow up that says, hey, save 20%.

Travis Ketchum:

On getting one today, and if you win, we'll refund all of your

Jake Hower:

money, right?

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So in my case, the product itself is probably an expanded product itself

Jake Hower:

is probably a really good price.

Jake Hower:

I would

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

With that, you may not get a crazy explosion of leads to that, but

Travis Ketchum:

the people who do come through are obviously going to be qualified, right?

Travis Ketchum:

So you will get a bump.

Travis Ketchum:

It costs you And it gives you a good ability and a warm intro to follow up

Travis Ketchum:

with those users that, are interested in your services and give them a

Travis Ketchum:

discount incentive to take action today.

Travis Ketchum:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So then I would sign up for contest domination.

Jake Hower:

How easy is it to choose a particular landing page?

Travis Ketchum:

It's pretty simple.

Travis Ketchum:

We just have a few options in there right now, but we will be adding.

Travis Ketchum:

About 20 more options in a week or so.

Travis Ketchum:

So probably by the time this airs, there'll be quite a few

Travis Ketchum:

more options, but it's as simple as picking from a drop down.

Jake Hower:

Okay, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

And then I go through, put in my offer, connect my email service provider.

Jake Hower:

How do I roll this out?

Jake Hower:

Do I get a link or can I implement it in my WordPress install or?

Jake Hower:

So there's a

Travis Ketchum:

couple of different options here.

Travis Ketchum:

Of course, all pages get their own contest.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

Link, so that's the kind of the base option.

Travis Ketchum:

All of our paid options also have 1 click installation to Facebook, and we

Travis Ketchum:

give you a link that actually does a mobile detection for you there as well.

Travis Ketchum:

So if you'd rather keep sending the traffic to a Facebook tab with a

Travis Ketchum:

light gate options, et cetera, if we give you a link to do that, because

Travis Ketchum:

as you may or may not know, and your listeners may or may not know, The

Travis Ketchum:

Facebook apps don't work on mobile.

Travis Ketchum:

And so we give you a link that doesn't fancy detection.

Travis Ketchum:

So we can tell if they're on the desktop, go ahead and send

Travis Ketchum:

them through to the app page.

Travis Ketchum:

If they're on a mobile device, we can still show them the contest

Travis Ketchum:

just without the light gate.

Travis Ketchum:

And then for the pro plus packages, you can do what we call domain mapping.

Travis Ketchum:

So you can actually have, like contest dot your domain dot com be the URL

Travis Ketchum:

that people are going to and sharing and then all levels have embed code.

Travis Ketchum:

If you'd rather start the experience on your site, we give you some simple

Travis Ketchum:

embed code that you can just copy and paste into a sidebar or into a blog

Travis Ketchum:

post, et cetera, and then they end up on our share page for you because

Travis Ketchum:

that's all dialed in and tested.

Travis Ketchum:

But there's several different avenues.

Travis Ketchum:

It's just as simple as copy and paste.

Travis Ketchum:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So we've got all of that set up.

Jake Hower:

I think the most important aspect is to get it in front of as many people

Jake Hower:

as possible from your experience and your customer's experience.

Jake Hower:

What's the best process to follow to get it in front of as many people as you can?

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

If you have any kind of audience at all, and it doesn't have to be a lot.

Travis Ketchum:

When I launched my first contest, I only had a couple

Travis Ketchum:

hundred people on my email list.

Travis Ketchum:

But if you have anyone that likes you at all, some people are worried why

Travis Ketchum:

should I email my current customers?

Travis Ketchum:

We are want to get new customers.

Travis Ketchum:

What they don't realize is there's a very high viral coefficient.

Travis Ketchum:

So the easy start easy way to kick it off.

Travis Ketchum:

It's to just let your existing audience already know about the contest, right?

Travis Ketchum:

Mail it to them, let them engage with it because they're

Travis Ketchum:

going to be your biggest fans.

Travis Ketchum:

They already know about you.

Travis Ketchum:

They love you.

Travis Ketchum:

And so they're going to share it like crazy.

Travis Ketchum:

So you're going to get a very nice, easy bump just by doing that.

Travis Ketchum:

Now, another common practice to let people like to do is by Facebook ads,

Travis Ketchum:

because you can send the Facebook traffic.

Travis Ketchum:

To the Facebook tab, which a lot of times results in cheaper clicks and so cheaper

Travis Ketchum:

overall cost of user acquisition, but you can do things as far as, solo emails, you

Travis Ketchum:

can partner with people that might want to contribute to the prizes and then they

Travis Ketchum:

might want to announce it on their blog.

Travis Ketchum:

That their prize is part of your package, of course, standard blogging any paid

Travis Ketchum:

advertising, of course, is a no brainer.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

That sounds really fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Now, one thing that I'd be interested in a contest, something that

Jake Hower:

should be running all the time.

Travis Ketchum:

So there's different schools of thought on that.

Travis Ketchum:

There definitely is the potential of any marketing for

Travis Ketchum:

your audience to have burnout.

Travis Ketchum:

Now that just means you can't hit your existing audience with

Travis Ketchum:

every single contest you do.

Travis Ketchum:

If you're doing ones all the time.

Travis Ketchum:

But that being said, it's a great fun way to engage with cold

Travis Ketchum:

traffic who may not know you yet.

Travis Ketchum:

We go typically on a monthly subscription model and, that allows

Travis Ketchum:

for unlimited contests, unlimited simultaneous contests, et cetera.

Travis Ketchum:

But we find that most of our customers typically run.

Travis Ketchum:

One contest per quarter, because that's enough time for them to collect

Travis Ketchum:

themselves, plan the campaign, start it, promote it, stop it, pick a winner and let

Travis Ketchum:

everyone enjoy the fruits of their labor of that particular contest before they

Travis Ketchum:

start regrouping for the next campaign.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So one thing you mentioned a little bit earlier you're talking about

Jake Hower:

integration with go to webinar.

Jake Hower:

Can you expand a little bit on that?

Jake Hower:

And how you actually use a contest to drive webinar registration leads?

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

I can just give it best probably through an example.

Travis Ketchum:

James Wedmore uses us for his webinar registrations.

Travis Ketchum:

And what he does is he sets it up where it.

Travis Ketchum:

Says on the page copy says register for my webinar and also be entered to

Travis Ketchum:

win something in this awesome contest.

Travis Ketchum:

And usually for him, the prize is, one on one consulting,

Travis Ketchum:

maybe it's a GoPro video camera.

Travis Ketchum:

Cause he does YouTube marketing things that are related to his niche, but you

Travis Ketchum:

have to be present on the webinar to win.

Travis Ketchum:

That's one of his stipulations.

Travis Ketchum:

And what people end up doing is they hit this page, they enter

Travis Ketchum:

their name and information, which.

Travis Ketchum:

Simultaneously adds them to your autoresponder and

Travis Ketchum:

registers them for the webinar.

Travis Ketchum:

And then as soon as they, they click submit, they're presented

Travis Ketchum:

with that page of great.

Travis Ketchum:

You have one unconfirmed entry, which will only be confirmed after you double opt in.

Travis Ketchum:

And then you can earn 10 more entries into this contest by referring your friends.

Travis Ketchum:

The thing is all those friends that are hitting that quote sales

Travis Ketchum:

page opt in page are there for.

Travis Ketchum:

The webinar information they're there to try to win a camera it's very warm

Travis Ketchum:

traffic and these people have a huge incentive to promote their friends

Travis Ketchum:

to go sign up for the webinar and then they all have an incentive to

Travis Ketchum:

actually be alive on the webinar.

Jake Hower:

Okay this is sounding fantastic previously we've had louis

Jake Hower:

sales on the show talking about webinars and using webinars to sell and to follow

Jake Hower:

up that we've had james wedmore on talking about moving people through your

Jake Hower:

funnel so this is certainly very much on topic and both of these use cases.

Jake Hower:

Things that we implement here at the show.

Jake Hower:

So for our listeners, this is absolute gold.

Jake Hower:

Tell me where is contest domination going?

Jake Hower:

Where do you see you going in the next sort of six to 12 months?

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

So in the next six to 12 months, one thing that we have in beta right now

Travis Ketchum:

is actually an agency plan, which is focused on agencies that do client work.

Travis Ketchum:

So the idea of having multiple client dashboards that, have a single sign

Travis Ketchum:

on kind of experience, excuse me, the ability to have account manager roles.

Travis Ketchum:

Every agency account has unlimited account manager roles.

Travis Ketchum:

So your entire team can get in there and make it work for you.

Travis Ketchum:

So that's 1, kind of 1 of the major feature pushes for contest

Travis Ketchum:

domination, but for us as a company in the next 6 to 12 months.

Travis Ketchum:

We see contest domination as one of four kind of tentpoles to the way

Travis Ketchum:

that we approach lead generation.

Travis Ketchum:

And they will all kind of compliment each other.

Travis Ketchum:

So they'll be called something else, but your login from contest domination

Travis Ketchum:

will also get you into the other apps.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So you're focusing on the lead generation or traffic generation

Jake Hower:

for these other services.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

We've always been very motivated to give people an easy, clear way.

Travis Ketchum:

To get performance out of their marketing, and that was the incentive for creating

Travis Ketchum:

contest domination in the first place.

Travis Ketchum:

Like I said, it wasn't apparently clear what the ROI was.

Travis Ketchum:

And it wasn't apparently clear what the conversion rates were, what the

Travis Ketchum:

actual viral effect had on a contest.

Travis Ketchum:

But with ours, it is, and I think there's other complimentary

Travis Ketchum:

ways of marketing, right?

Travis Ketchum:

Because contest, while someone can do very well with contests, it's

Travis Ketchum:

usually not the only way they want to approach getting new customers.

Travis Ketchum:

And so our.

Travis Ketchum:

Kind of hope is to flesh out that full experience.

Jake Hower:

Oh, this is great.

Jake Hower:

I absolutely love this.

Jake Hower:

So I know personally as a business and I'm pretty tied up for time.

Jake Hower:

And one thing I guess with the size of my company right now is that I

Jake Hower:

can't afford a full time developer.

Jake Hower:

And so having platforms like contest domination, like a few others out

Jake Hower:

there, it really enables me to quickly.

Jake Hower:

Get these offers to market so I can actually start driving leads and

Jake Hower:

focusing more on my own business.

Jake Hower:

So I think this is fantastic.

Jake Hower:

This is really great.

Jake Hower:

Now, Travis, you're about to launch, I guess you could say the second version

Jake Hower:

of contest domination, I believe.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

So the second version has been publicly available for four or five months, but

Travis Ketchum:

the first iteration of it, since we did have to rewrite the entire thing.

Travis Ketchum:

Was very developer driven.

Travis Ketchum:

So the last 4 or 5 months we've been obsessing about trying to improve

Travis Ketchum:

customer experience to add more autoresponder options, integration

Travis Ketchum:

options, just really trying to make the system as robust feature rich

Travis Ketchum:

and still easy to use as possible.

Travis Ketchum:

And so now we've more or less accomplished that and picked up

Travis Ketchum:

a lot of customers along the way.

Travis Ketchum:

We wanted to do something special.

Travis Ketchum:

And so on April 16th, actually for seven days we're doing this big

Travis Ketchum:

launch where instead of paying a monthly subscription as a thank

Travis Ketchum:

you to everyone who's helped us.

Travis Ketchum:

Get to where we are, we're offering all of our levels for

Travis Ketchum:

a very inexpensive one time fee.

Travis Ketchum:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

So this episode, of course, we'll be going live just before then.

Jake Hower:

So if you're listening to this on or before April 16th,

Jake Hower:

head across to the site.

Jake Hower:

There'll be some links in the show notes to this particular offer.

Jake Hower:

If you're listening after, of course, I would still recommend heading across

Jake Hower:

and checking out contest domination.

Jake Hower:

You've got a free registration or a trial period.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

So we actually have a free account.

Travis Ketchum:

That you can get in and see how it works to actually launch a contest that also

Travis Ketchum:

integrates into your autoresponder.

Travis Ketchum:

It has the integrations.

Travis Ketchum:

Those are all paid accounts starting at 30 bucks a month, but we have

Travis Ketchum:

a 60 day money back guarantee.

Travis Ketchum:

So for some reason you use it and you just really don't feel like

Travis Ketchum:

we held up our end of the bargain to try to get you as many leads as

Travis Ketchum:

possible from a software standpoint, we will happily refund your money.

Travis Ketchum:

So it's very low risk.

Travis Ketchum:

Yeah, that's fantastic,

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

It's been a nice short episode.

Jake Hower:

I guess what I really appreciate from that is the fact that we haven't

Jake Hower:

needed to go any longer because you've made the platform so easy to use

Jake Hower:

and so simple, yet it's so powerful.

Jake Hower:

And I really

Travis Ketchum:

appreciate that.

Travis Ketchum:

Thanks for having me on.

Travis Ketchum:

It's been a pleasure to talk with you and to be in front of your

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yeah, sure.

Jake Hower:

So where can our listeners go to find out a little bit more

Travis Ketchum:

about you?

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

If actually if you just do a Google search, you'll see a number of other

Travis Ketchum:

interviews that go more in depth about who I am, but they can go to.

Travis Ketchum:

The college startup.

Travis Ketchum:


Travis Ketchum:

It's my personal blog where I have information about me and some of

Travis Ketchum:

my kind of marketing case studies.

Travis Ketchum:

And then of course, contest domination.

Travis Ketchum:

com itself is another good place to find out information about what we're doing.




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