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Can You Apply for Multiple Jobs at the Same Organization? Work in Sports Podcast
22nd April 2019 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:12:06

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The Big Question today, can you apply for multiple jobs at the same organization at the same time? Let's dig in.Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…For all of the professors in the audience – and I know you are out there - I’m going to be at NASSM conference in New Orleans for a few days this year. First time at NASSM, so connect with me if you’d like to connect.For those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about – NASSM is the North American Society for Sports Management – which sounds so official. The Society for Sports Management. Well, they have a yearly conference and I’m going.Why am I going – a couple of reasons:1: I speak in a lot of college classrooms about getting hired in the sports industry, and I’d like to meet some of the professors face-to-face.2: Our product is an incredible tool for students, not just to find sports jobs, although we are the absolute best at that, but also as a research tool into the industry, so again talking to professors on that.And finally #3:  We are creating an online curriculum on the strategies and tactics students and aspiring sports workers need to employ to getting hired in the sports industry. Colleges often do a great job of teaching you the theories and skills… but they don’t focus on 'the how to get hired' stuff. That is where we come in, and I’m telling you, after spending months and months on this… it’s balling.Videos, written word, assignments, podcasts, downloadable worksheets, and checklists… it is so ridiculously thorough and is your key to getting hired.We’ll be doing group sales direct with colleges, and individual sales for anyone via…  as you can tell I’m super excited about it and if I’ve piqued your interest…connect with me and we can talk more.As for today's sports career focused question… it comes in from Kavolshia Howse – I met Kavolshia at our Sports Career Accelerator event in Atlanta back in September… and she had a question about her job hunt, now she mentions some specific companies in this email, and I’m taking them out but you’ll still get the gist of her questionHi Brian,I hope you are well. I'm reaching out because I need some job-hunting advice. I have an interview coming up for an associate producer role with [a certain network]. However, another network under the same umbrella of companies recently posted an associate producer opening as well. I would like to be considered for both positions but I don't want to jeopardize a potential relationship with the larger company.Do you have any advice for me? Kavo – good question and I’m going to go two angles with this.1: Your example is with a huge organization with many separate business units/branches/bureaus --But 2: Another similar question I get all the time is can I apply to two jobs at the same company at the same time.Let’s start with #2… No, you can’t. If it is the same organization, same building, same HR department, same, same… applying to multiple jobs is a red flag.Applying to two different jobs at the same company at the same time sends the wrong message. It tells the employer, I want any job with your organization, not this particular job, just any job.That is not the message employers want to hear.For example, if the Savannah Bananas have an opening for a Director of Fan Engagement and a Director of Ticket Sales – pick the job you want and are the best fit for, and apply.If during the process it becomes clear you aren’t going to get the job you originally intended – then you can pivot - but only after the message that you aren’t getting this job is clear.Let’s say you are on an interview for the job in Fan Engagement, and after a few rounds they say – hey you’ve done a wonderful job here, but we’re going to move forward with another candidate.Don’t lose that moment!Most people in hiring, unless you’ve been kind of a jerk to them, feel a little guilty and hate the process of tel...




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