Hello and welcome to the 10th episode of my trip! Today's episode is the second part of my mini Lebanon Series as I travelled there for 10 days with the 100 Rota Viagens Tour Group. Midway through the tour we checked out the southern parts of Lebanon in Saida and Tyre. Then we headed east towards the Syrian border to visit Anjar and Baalbek. Saida has souks and a fort whilst Tyre has an amazing UNESCO site which is a stunning attraction with no crowds and which is also amazingly preserved (one of the best in the world). They are also coastal towns so you get the cool vibe too. Then Anjar and Baalbek both have UNESCO sites too which you have to visit. So many jaw dropping sites that my audio podcasting skills can not get across what I saw. Get on that plane and go! Enjoy! Be inspired!
Our tour guide Joao Sousa -
https://www.instagram.com/joaosousa.photos100 Rota Viagens Tour Group Website -
https://100rota.pt/Winging It Travel Podcast
Host/Creator/Writer/Composer/Editor - James Hammond
Producer - James Hammond
Podcast Art Design - Swamp Soup Company - Harry Utton
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