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Bhagwat Session 5
6th March 2018 • Shruti Says • Barkha Khandelwal
00:00:00 01:16:36

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Shrimad Bhagavata Mahapurana

Synopsis of the Fifth Session

Bhagavata Pratham Skanda (Book One)

Chapter 7 and 8 (a bit from Chapter 2 and 4 also)


‘Saunanka’s Queries:

1. Repeat to us the same sacred story of the Lord, that the divine sage Sukh recited to Pariksit.

2. In which yuga was the discourse held, what place and what was the occasion?

3. Sukhdevji is a great yogi, viewing all alike, in whose eyes diversity has ceased to exist, who’s mind is exclusively set upon God and has awakened from the sleep of worldliness. He remains incognito and so is taken as a stupid fellow.

  1. How did the citizens of Hastinapur come to recognise him, when he went about the city like one mad, dumb and dull?

  2. How did the Royal Sage Pariksit, come to have a talk with the sage?

4. Kindly narrate to us, the story of King Pariksit and his most wonderful birth and doings.

  1. Why did he take vow of fast until death, spurning his imperial fortune?

  2. Why did he cast of his body which was a support for other beings?’


‘Saunaka asked - The sage Suka is a lover of quietism and indifferent to everything belonging to this world, he delights only in his self. What was his motive then, in mastering this work?

Suta replied - Even sages who delight in the self alone and the knot of whose ignorance has been cut asunder practice disinterested devotion to God, such are God’s and his devotees divine virtues.’


Let’s dwell a little on the four Purshartas, clear our understanding about the purpose of life and then dip into the nectar like story of ‘Shrimad Bhagavata Mahapurana’, which is not only about the Divine, it is more about the Divine’s, beloved Devotees. 

The four Purshartas and the fifth purusharat Devotion:

- ‘Dharm: Love and Bliss (Infinite Ananda)

- Artha: Riches cannot be the end of Dharm. Wealth is a means of earning religious merits. Sensuous enjoyment cannot be recognised as its consummation. 

- Kaam: Gratification of senses is not the end of sensuous enjoyment. Keeping the body and soul together is the only use of sensuous enjoyment. 

- Moksha: The enquire into the truth is the only object of keeping the body and soul together, and not the attainment of heaven through the performance of pious act.’

Let all our efforts in life be infused with the Devotion to the Lord. 



On Shaunakji’s sweet request and for the benefit of all, Suta Goswami, sitting there in the holy land of Naimisharanya, started the Katha. He told all that will narrate to the best of his ability and understanding of the Lord and the Granth infused by Shri Krishna.

At the end of the the Mahabharat war, after massive distruction, when the Kurukshetra was coloured red with blood. There was much distress and agony on both sides. Not many people were left. A few at the Pandavas side and only 4 remained at the Kauravas side - Duryodhana, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya and Kritavarma.

Ashwatthama to avenge, the sad state of Duryodhana, at night entered the Pandava camp and be-headed their 5 sons. Duryodhan died of agony, when he realised what had been done. 

Krishna told Arjun;

‘A pious man would never kill an enemy who is drunk, unguarded, insane, asleep, tender of age, stupid, terror-stricken or fallen at his feet, nor would he kill a women, now one who has lost his chariot.’

However, Aswatthama who has commited such a hideous crime deserves no consideration. He was caught, his Mani was taken and his head was shaved before letting him go. He attacked a second time, this time the unborn son of Abhimanyu, who was in Uttara’s womb. She was being taken care of by Kunti, Subadhra and Draupadi. To protect this unborn son, Krishna entered the womb of Uttara. This one being protected by Krishna himself was no other than Pariksit. 

When all were safe, Krishna announced his wish to return to Dwarka. There was gloom everywhere, who would not be sad to see the Lord leave. Kunti went up to Krishna and after singing his glories. She tell him, how in every difficult situation he has come to protect them;

- De-robing of Draupadi

- Durvasa Rishi’s hunger

- Lakshagraha’s fire

- Bhima’s poisoning

- Kurukshetra battle

She hurts to part with him, and when he insists on leaving Kunti’s asks;

‘May calamities befall us on every step through internity. Oh teacher of the world, for it is in adversity alone that we are blessed with your sight. 

- You being open to the perception of only those who have nothing to call their own.

- You are the only wealth of those who have no sense of possession.’

These words, were so pious that Krishna’s eyes started watering. 

Yudhishthira himself, pleaded for Krishna to stay, as he was in immense agony. He was blaming himself for the loss of so many lives and the destruction of peace, for a mere kingdom. Only Krishna he said could uplift him from this pit of sorrow.

Yudhishthira condemning himself;

‘One cannot atone for the destruction of a single life by any number of sacrifices.’


Points to Ponder

Ashwatthama and Pandavas

When one is established in Dharma, and has the Lord driving the chariot of his life, how can he do anything that is not a-tuned with his innate quality of ‘Love and Bliss’. That is why it is said, ‘Make a strong spiritual foundation (base of Love and Bliss) and then build your material world on it’. 

Arjun and Draupadi, exercised empathy in the most dire of situations. It is after all a great quality to make sure no one goes through the same kind of suffering that is agonising ones own soul. 

‘Hate the sin and not the sinner. Forgive them as they know not what they do.’

Everyone has the spark of the same divine, forgetting this fact, clouds our judgment and infests our actions with vices. The easiest way to fight lower tendencies and vices is by Sublimation, and not Suppression. 

Yudhishthira and his Agony

Violence of any form to any creature is unacceptable. Done intentionally or unintentionally. However, if any wrong has been committed and one truly repents, the Lord will ensure you are forgiven and you are able to forgive yourself. 

It is ‘forgiving the self’ that is most important and the most difficult to achieve. This massive task is made easier when we turn to God. 

Making of Pariksit

It is a big responsibility, on ‘The Family’ to secure the future of this world. Grahistha Ashram is not only for blind procreation. The Grahistha, is endowed with a responsibility to nurture and shape the future. Human being are not born, they are made. 

The controllable elements, on which the qualities in an Off spring depends are;

- The people 

- Environment

- Intake through the 5 senses

For instance, the quality of the seed depends on the qualities of the plant from which it comes and also from how the seed is nurtured. 

Kunti, Subadhra, Draupadi and Uttara - They were the strong backbone of the Pandava kingdom. Established in Dharma and Faith, the nurtures, helped the best to blossom. 

Pariksit and Krishna 

There are three ways in which you can interpret the name Pariksit;

- Pariksit : Who inspecting or doing ‘pariksha’

- Pariksit: The awaited one, who everyone has been in Pratiksha.

- Pariksit: Who has been tested a lot in life, who has given a lot of Pariksha. 

That Lord who is never born - He appears ‘Prakat hote hai’. bound himself in the womb to protect this Pariksit. That pure soul, which holds a promise to selflessly benefit millions, is guarded by God himself. The universe directs all its energy to conserve, that one. 

‘Ja ko rakhe saiya, maar sake na koi,

baal na baka karsake, jo jag bairi hoye.’

Become the beloved of God, put all your faith in him and call from the depth of your pure heart, he will come running.

‘Aajate hai krishna koi bula ke dekhle,

Krishna naam Aati meetha hai koi gaake dekhle.’

Kunti and her Plea

It is agony, sorrow and disappointed that brings me closer to God. During the times of trial our prayer are the most powerful and focused, for at the time of being helpless and alone, we put all our trust in the Divine.

However, when we are surrounded by joys, opulence and people, the first one we forget is ‘God’. The relish and the shine of the material world, blinds our inward vision, and makes us drift in the sway of ‘Maya’

Someone rightly said, when your don’t forget God in the times of Prosperity and Joy, sorrow would never come near you. Not that, we won’t have times of trial, but those trial will not steal aways our peace and bliss. The faith nurtured, will stand strong with us.


‘Dukh mai Sumiran saab kare, 

sukh mai kare na koi. 

Jo sukh mai sumiran kare tau, 

dukh kahe ko hoi.’ 

Jai Shri Krishna🙏

Jai Shri Hanuman🙏



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