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Seeking Forgiveness: The Unique Struggles of Interracial Adoption
24th October 2023 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:45:47

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Lea Rachel comes from a literary background, with published authors on both sides of her family tree. She has been writing short stories since the time she was a little girl. Her first novel The Other Shakespeare earned an honorable mention in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards.

Lea’s most recently published book, Seeking Forgiveness, tells the story of interracial adoption from the standpoint of a white woman who adopts a Black son and finds that she has no idea what in the world she is doing. A semi-autobiographical narrative memoir, Seeking Forgiveness draws deeply from Lea Rachel’s personal experiences with adoption and the raising of an interracial family.

She will be appearing on November 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival with other authors from Missouri.

This is Season 6! For more episodes, go to

#interracialadoption #adoption #stlouisjewishbookfestival #interracialfamily #learachel #seekingforgiveness #diversefamilies



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