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129. An Inspired (And Haunted) Road Trip with Tracy St. Croi
Episode 12929th February 2024 • FINE is a 4-Letter Word • Lori Saitz
00:00:00 00:47:04

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Do you remember a time when the phone would ring and you had to answer to find out who was calling?

How about when you saw that stack of presents with your name on them for Christmas or your birthday – did you have a sixth sense that told you which one was the present you really wanted?

Tracy St. Croi was one of those kids back in the 1980s who just knew.

Tracy revolted against all the "so-called" values and systems she was raised with growing up in the Midwest, such as bragging about your high school, going away to college, coming back to town and settling down, having a job you hate, where you then complain about your sicknesses and illnesses, and then you die.

There HAD to be more.

Tracy's mom passed away when she was 10, which led to Tracy and her siblings getting split up, as her mother had been married twice and the kids went with their respective fathers.

These events, combined with the expectations of the educational system and the anxiety she felt to not stand out, caused her intuitive gifts to go dormant.

She got a lot of pressure as a kid to say everything was “fine”.

But Fine is a 4-Letter Word.

In her young adulthood she navigated through trauma, addiction, and societal pressures, eventually finding solace in therapy, sobriety, and spiritual exploration.

Things were improving, but she couldn’t say she was “fine”.

Then, the intuition came alive again.

Tracy became an intuitive medium.

In a moment, when you meet Tracy, you’ll embark on a profound and supernatural journey discovering psychic medium abilities and what they mean for you, her experiences with spirit communication, and her endeavors in hosting an internationally-acclaimed, groundbreaking podcast (and upcoming streaming series) called "The Haunted Road Trips Show."

Through her work, Tracy aims to demystify the spirit world, educate others about mediumship, and help people develop their intuitive gifts.

Tracy’s hype songs are "Lose Yourself" by Eminem, "They Call Me The Breeze" by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and "We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About" by Jimmy Buffett.


Invitation from Lori:

If, like Tracy, you have this sense there’s a lot more out there – that there has to be more - the 5 Easy Ways to Start Living The Sabbatical Life guide is for you.

Once you read it, you’ll

✅ Discover a counter-intuitive approach to making intentional changes in mindset and lifestyle.

✅ Learn how to own your feelings and your struggles so you can address them.

✅ Find out how to face fears, step out of your comfort zone, and rewire your beliefs.

It’s only 7 pages, so it won’t take you long to get through. The five tactics are simple, but you could find yourself seeing things that have been there all along, except up until now you haven’t taken the time to observe.

When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine – then this guide is the place to start. It’s time to blaze your own trail and allow your curiosity to take you on a new quest!

Go to right now to download it for free.

Now, let’s go meet Tracy. She’s got the car gassed up and we’re going on a road trip!


Lori: Hello, and welcome to FINE is a 4-Letter Word. My guest today, Tracy St. Croi, welcome to the show.

Tracy: Fine. I’m here.

Lori: That is hilarious. Nobody has ever done that before.

Tracy: I couldn’t resist on there. Hi. Thanks for having me, Lori.

Lori: No, I liked your original intro. Yeah. Welcome. Oh boy. Tracy and I just recently met and we totally had a fantastic conversation, like a pre-show conversation. So I’m very interested in getting into what we’re going to talk about today.

Tracy: I’m excited. I don’t even know. Let’s find out.

Lori: Let’s find out, exactly. That’s how every conversation goes. I don’t know exactly where it’s going. We’ll just find out once it unravels, or unfolds I mean.

Tracy: Love it.

Lori: What were the values and beliefs you were raised with as a kid that contributed to you becoming who you are?

Tracy: Oh, that’s an interesting question, especially the last part where you said that helped me become who I am. That contributed, yeah. I kind of revolted against all of that. I had a huge revolt against most of it. I could say like 98% of the so-called values and systems and all that that I grew up with, I had to toss out the window, because that just wasn’t going to work for this girl.

Lori: What were some of them that didn’t work for you?

Tracy: You need to stay in the five-mile bubble. Everybody knows what that is, right? “No, don’t go outside the five-mile bubble. There’s a boogeyman out there. And you just need to stay here because the boogeyman is not here.”

Lori: Where were you raised?

Tracy: I’m a Midwesterner originally, from St. Louis. I was raised—I think a lot of people, not just Midwesterners, can associate with this, but very Midwestern values. You go to school and you brag about your high school, and then maybe you go to college, and then you come back to your hometown, and then you meet somebody, and you get married, and you have kids, and you work this job, and you probably don’t like it but you do it anyway. And maybe you get to take that big trip to Paris one day, and then you come back, and then you get sick. And then you complain about all your sicknesses and your illnesses, and then you die.

Lori: It’s funny, but it’s true.

Tracy: It is. And sad. I was like, “There has to be more to this gig than that bullshit.” Like, “Mm-hmm.” I want to see, too. I didn’t grow up in some horrible family or anything, but just the dynamics in the system that were laid there were not going to work for this girl. No.

Lori: It’s always fascinating to me to talk to people like you who break the mold, really. Because if everybody in your family for generations was doing that, and then you come along, what inspired you to think that you could be different? I don’t mean that… How did you break out of that when you didn’t have a role model for it, I guess is what I’m saying.

Tracy: It was one of those. It was just this almost this compulsion. I don’t really know where it came from. I do and I don’t. My mother passed when I was 10. And she was very entrepreneurial. Her side of the family was a little bit more adventurous than my father’s side of the family in life. We’ll put it that way. But her dying when I was 10, it didn’t leave a whole lot. You know what I’m saying? For me to go on for the rest of my life. But I always felt this, like there’s a bigger world out there. There’s fun to be had, and there’s cool people, and there has to be more than this bullshit. There has to be. It was just like, “Go find out.”

Lori: So then what did that develop? How did that play out? So you were 10 when your mom passes away. That must have thrown your entire life into turmoil.

Tracy: Yes, the whole family goes ka-boom as it would normally. Me and my siblings got split up. So half of us—me and my older sibling went with our father, and my two younger siblings with their father. My mother had married twice. The conditions that I grew up with my mother in were not the conditions that I had with my father, and it was just a whole new shit storm of dynamics. It was I need you to say you’re fine, but I was no, I’m not fucking fine. I was so not fucking fine.

Lori: Did they put you in therapy?

Tracy: Fuck no. It was:

Lori: Okay. Still.

Tracy: I’ll tell you this. I was never present for these conversations, but I always figured that they happen later on in life. I did get confirmation that they did happen. Other family members and concerned friends of the family had approached my father and other members of the family and were like, “Yeah, these girls probably need therapy.” It was the typical mid-century man, family response, post World War II bullshit of, “We’ll just solve this in the family. We’ll keep this in the family,” which pretty much meant, “We ain’t going to do shit about it.”

Lori: Right. We’ll just not talk about it and it will go away on its own.

Tracy: Exactly. We’re not going to talk about it. We’re going to pretend it’s not happening. Everybody pretend everything is normal. I need you to act like you’re fine. And we’re not going to talk about it. It was just something that happened, and now it’s not happening.

Lori: How did this progress? Because, at some point, obviously, you got some help. But what happened before you did that?

Tracy: It doesn’t take a psychic to figure out what happened. I was also at that point… you know, ‘80s babies, we were latchkey. I consider myself half to 75% feral drinking out of a hose. The street light was my clock, playing in woods, and getting in cars with people you shouldn’t have been. We were just out there on the loose.

Lori: Right. I love it.

Tracy: After that, you hit teenage years, and all the hormones kick in, and all of that. And of course, it was turning to drugs and alcohol and anything that would numb the pain pretty much. And it was the ‘90s.

Lori: Then at some point, because you’re not still doing that, again, you did something different to make a different path for yourself. What was the incentive there or the turning point?

Tracy: There was a lot of what I like to call synchronistic events lined up in my favor, and I took advantage of the opportunity. It started off with a dare in one of my friends’ weddings here in Austin to move here, and I did it. Two months, I’d packed up my stuff and moved to Austin. I was here for about three years. And then I was like, “You know what, girl, the geographical change doesn’t work. Your problems are still here because you’re your problem.

Lori: Right. You are still here. You are still you. You are still you and you are still creating this shit. What’s that saying? Wherever you go, there you are.

Tracy: I was very lucky that I was able to get sober and get into a 12-step program, and got into therapy. I’ve been in therapy for many, many years now. My therapist is also a shamanic practitioner. So she recognized my abilities and she helped encourage developing them. It’s kind of how I got here. A big part. So I just said yes to opportunities, really. Because I was not going to thrive in the environment I was. I needed a bigger pot. I’ve outgrown my pot. So I needed to be taken out and replanted in healthier, bigger soil with a lot more room to grow my root.

Lori: What are you doing now that you can look back on and go, “Yeah, the roots”—we’re going to go with this plant analogy—“came from maybe reaching back to childhood”?

Tracy: The roots totally reach back to childhood, but it was also about creating a story that hadn’t been created in my family successfully. That was about facing mental illness, depression, addiction, whatever it is, your own stuff, and healing that and choosing to recognize and take responsibility, because we all have responsibility in our lives, then consciously choosing to create something new and better.

Lori: What has been the result of that? Obviously, you’ve influenced clients and other people around you. What kind of reception or influence did that have in your family? Were people respectful of that? Or were they like, “You’re crazy”? I mean, they probably thought you were crazy anyway.

Tracy: Yes. When one person heals in a family, a lot of the other family that that’s still sick in their own stuff doesn’t like it. Because now they have a mirror, they’ve got somebody reflecting back to them, like, “Yeah, you can get over your stuff, too. You can get healed.” And then, who knows, it kicks in their own insecurities, and shame, and doubt, and all that kind of stuff.

I had really, really supportive people. What I learned in early sobriety was stick with the supportive people. Look for the smiling faces in the audience. Look for those people who are cheering you. Look for those people who are being with you. The other people, they’re going to be who they’re going to be. You can’t change, fix, or heal them. So you might as well be with people who are cheering you on, and wanting to see what’s better for you, and helping you and you helping them.

I learned a lot in AA. If that’s the life that they wanted to live, well, then so be it. I love you, but I love me more, so I’m going to go choose better. That was one of the blessings of AA. I learned like, “I can love you, but I can also love me more.”

Lori: Right. My loving myself more does not diminish how much love I have for you. And I’m going to take care of me in order to be able to still love you. Well, you have some special abilities that I know we all have but not everyone has developed them. Talk to me about those.

Tracy: I am what they call a psychic medium, and a damn good one at that, if I must say so myself.

Lori: Yes. Claim it.

Tracy: I know. Well, I really am. They say the writing is written on the wall. Sometimes we just don’t see it. That was true for me in my childhood and growing up. Just being aware of information a lot. I remember knowing who was calling before the phone rang, and this is when we just had landlines, no caller ID. I would just know when things were going to happen. I might not have been able to articulate them in a logistical or cognitive way. But I knew. I knew the feeling. I didn’t know the form of it. I would always know about which present under the Christmas tree was that one thing that I wanted. From really, really small, small things to big, big, big, big things, I wouldn’t be aware of as a child. Some of my family thought it was entertaining. A lot of them didn’t want to entertain that, was like, “That’s not what we do with this family.” Yada, yada, yada.

Lori: It sounds like maybe after your mom passed and you were a rebel—I mean, you’re still a rebel—but when you were getting yourself in trouble for being a rebel, were you burying those abilities because they weren’t accepted?

Tracy: Oh, yeah. It’s really typical, especially when kids start going to school in any kind of group format, whether it’s preschool, kindergarten, whatever it is, they’re taught more to use their logic mind ABCs, 123s, colors, and all that kind of stuff, the emotion of the situation gets pushed to the side. So not only was that sort of happening, but then also the trauma of losing my mother, but he didn’t shut down my gifts completely. What I say is they went dormant, and I would still get bubbles of things. I would know things but I would just go, “Ooh, I feel really good about that,” or “I don’t feel so good about that,” or I would have a lot of precog dreams and stuff like that. And I didn’t really understand them. What I’d like to say, it was running in the background but I didn’t know how to use it.

Lori: That’s somewhat similar to one of my past guests, Brigitte Baker, which is an animal communicator. She said the same thing. When she was very young, everybody thought it was cute, Brigitte talks to animals. And then as she got into school, she got bullied and socialized to not use these talents, and buried them until recently. Now she’s in her 50s.

Tracy: They came out loud and proud. Pretty much the second I decided to get sober, it was wild. It was wild. But it was an interesting time.

Lori: So what are you doing with them? You host a TV show? Do you do readings with people? How do you share these gifts with the world?

Tracy: I do. I share them a lot. I have a podcast called The Haunted Road Trips Show. I have a streaming TV show of the same name that will premiere this April on a whole lot of networks. I do one-on-one readings. I do some metaphysical fairs, I do party events, corporate events, all kinds of stuff.

Lori: How did you get into the haunted side of things?

Tracy: It was kind of like I tripped and I fell into it almost. I would always watch these shows since they started, like ghost hunters and all that kind of stuff that started, I guess, in the mid aughts or whatever. This was even before I really discovered or accepted by abilities. I would just go, “I can do that.” Like, “Okay, I can do that.” Then once I started developing my mediumship and all of that, I thought, “No, I would be really good at that.” But I didn’t know how to put my toe in the water. Then COVID hit. It just started—one of those ideas that just keeps coming up and coming up. And that’s how you know the difference between your intuition and your ego is because the idea just keeps coming back around and coming back around and coming back around.

Lori: You’re saying if it keeps coming back around, then it’s your intuition.

Tracy: Yes. It’s kind of like, “Take a look at it.” And it’ll come back around. Sometimes it’ll be burning bush and sometimes it’ll be a lot more subtler. It just kept coming around, and it was finally like, “Okay, encore, encore, encore. I’ll do this. Okay.” So it started out as a podcast, and then it slowly but surely started to roll forward. And I was like, “Oh, okay.” Oh, I really have a chance because I investigate from a different lens than a lot of these shows do—these shows that are doing a lot of tech, antagonizing, and all of that.

Don’t get me wrong, I really love the tech stuff. I really love the proof and all that kind of stuff. But I looked at these shows and I said, “You guys are missing 95% of all kinds of shit that’s going on right in front of you, because you are so obsessed with getting something to beep or bloop or blink or whatever. You’re missing the obvious.” I’m like, “Why don’t they have mediums on here, really qualified mediums in there with them the whole time?” Because a lot of these shows, you see a psychic medium on there for like two minutes. Two to three minutes tops. Why aren’t they there heading up this investigation, and then you coming in with a backup, and mixing it together with the evidence in the mediumship and the history and all of that? I just saw it being done differently in a way that educates the public and takes the fear out of communicating with spirit.

Lori: That’s a key. So many people are afraid because they’re afraid of ghosts. Like you said, the spirits, because they don’t know. People’s tendency is to be afraid of what they don’t know.

Tracy: Yes. I’m here just to help spirits have their best after lives and educate the living on how to communicate confidently and clearly with those in the spirit world.

Lori: Where have you been in your tours?

Tracy: Cool places. I had been to a haunted hotel that Bonnie and Clyde stayed at. Really cool. And I’m looking to get back to a few other places in that town as well. I went to really spooky haunted—I don’t know if you would call it an estate or what you would call it, but it’s called Victorious Black Swan. And a couple of other really just stellar places that I just was like, “Oh my God.”

Lori: There’s a place in Nevada that has a hotel. I have to find out the name of it. That is supposed to be haunted.

Tracy: Find me the name. There’s lots of haunted places in Nevada. Is it a clown motel or something I’ve been seeing online? Clowns are already like, “Get me. I’m already like…” I don’t know about clowns. I don’t like masks on people.

Lori: Okay, gotcha. No, I think it’s in Tonopah. Oh, it’s called the Mizpah Hotel, I think. No, wait. There is a world-famous clown motel in Tonopah. That might be it, but I thought it was the Mizpah. I have to figure out which one it is. There is a clown motel hotel there, too.

Tracy: Yes. I’ve heard that got some serious paranormal activity.

Lori: There was some stuff happening at the Mizpah hotel, too. I’m just looking it up right now. Anyway. It’s out in the middle of nowhere. It’s like four-hour drive from Las Vegas.

Tracy: No, we’re looking forward to filming at other places. Sponsors have been very kind and helpful in that, endeavor as well.

Lori: Cool. Do you teach people how to use their own abilities in this realm?

Tracy: I do. I teach mediumship and psychic development classes. You just go to my website and you’ll see on there very clearly psychic mediumship development classes. I tried to make this ultimately clear as possible. But yeah, a lot of my classes are online by Zoom, things like that, because I just had so many people around everywhere.

Lori: What’s the biggest reason that people come to you for that? Why do they want to learn how to use it? Is there something driving them? Are they just curious?

Tracy: A lot of reasons why, but mostly it’s to get a structure and an understanding of how their mechanics work as an intuitive. They’re like, “I know, I have this car, I don’t know how to drive it.” And then I give them the kind of driver’s ed. Here’s what’s going on.

Lori: Driver’s ed for intuition.

Tracy: Yes. Driver’s ed for intuition mediumship. “Okay. Here’s what’s going on.”

Lori: I like it. It’s awesome. What’s something that surprised you or something that you learned through your abilities? Did you get a message for somebody one time that you just were like, “Wow, I didn’t…”? What’s like some kind of crazy story?

Tracy: There’s a lot of them. And to be honest with you, it always amazes me with spirit. Don’t put spirit in a box, don’t put it in a corner. It will surprise and amaze you every single time. This one really sticks out. This one blew my mind. This was early in my professional career, and I just started doing mediumship readings. I went to this big local event, one of these big national events came in, and I had my table there. This husband wife came up and they were both kind of really, really nervous. The wife sat down with me, and the husband went off to do whatever. She’s like, “I really need this mediumship reading.” I said, “Okay.” I sat down and I started opening up. I’m trying to remember exactly how it happened so I can tell.

I remember her mother came through. I don’t remember the exact messages or anything like that. But her mother came through and I remember saying, “You know, I have this man with her. It feels like your dad.” I just started describing him, and this and this, and I go, “But it just feels like he just got over there or something’s happening with his transition right now, she’s talking about...”

Her eyes got real big and looked at me. She said, “Yeah, my father’s in the hospital right now and on life support. We don’t really know what’s happening inside.” “Okay,” I said, “I’m really sorry.” At that point, I remember her husband came around and tapped her on the shoulder and he said, “We have to go the hospital. I just called your dad, and he’s dying.”

Lori: Wow.

Tracy: I was like… uh.

Lori: What do you say to that?

Tracy: I was just like, “Okay.” What she did figure out was it was really peaceful to know that he was already with my mother. That was the piece that got her. So when she did know that—I just get chills everywhere—that he was in a much better place, however you want to place that. But I remember that blew my mind. I was like…

Lori: Because even though you have this ability… I think that’s something that when we start trusting our intuition, when we start allowing synchronicities, or connections, like what you’re talking about, or any kind of what we commonly call coincidences and things like that, that’s normal. That is how it is “supposed to be”—I put supposed to in quotes. But I’m—and hope I always am—still amazed when it happens. It’s such an awe. We use the word awesome all the time, but really awe inspiring when something like that happens.

Tracy: It always puts me in a place of humility and faith. There are things that we will never understand in this human logical realm. There are things that are bigger and beyond all of us as an individual spirit, as an individual ego on this planet. I’m always honored that spirit nominated me to work for them. Because like everything else, I’m like, “Oh, that seems worrying. I wouldn’t want to do that my whole life.” With me, I get to channel and I get to hear all kinds of crazy family secrets and code languages, and this happened on this Christmas, and he almost burned down the house. I get all great stories from people about their family and how they loved each other so much. It’s amazing.

Lori: Yes, I bet it is. I’m fascinated by all of that.

Tracy: It is very fascinating. I was really obsessed with The Occult as a kid. You remember them timeline books?

Lori: Yes.

Tracy: They had a Time-Life series. I can’t remember all the books that they had, because it was such a long series. But I remember that there was one on Egypt and haunting and ghost. I don’t know how many chores I need to do but I need to get these books.

Lori: Really?

Tracy: Yes.

Lori: I was never intrigued. I was a little bit afraid of the haunted stuff. But I am intrigued by the spirituality, the mediumship. But I don’t know. Like the haunted house part of things, like what you’re talking about where you go into them, that’s still a little… No thanks for me. But the mediumship and the intuitive readings and things like that, that’s fascinating to me. My family has always been one about who dreams. We remember our dreams. When my grandmother passed, I think it was my uncle, my mom, and my grandfather all had a similar dream that same night.

Tracy: That let you guys know she was okay.

Lori: Yes, something to that effect. So that’s always been a part of my family on my mom’s side, the dreaming and the intuition kind of thing. So it was never a weird thing for me, but my ability is not as developed as yours.

Tracy: Most people don’t go to development classes to be professionals. Most people just develop them just to understand how to work with them, and communicate them, and strengthen them in their own lives for whatever that means in their own career, in their own personal lives.

oth of my cats passed away in:

Tracy: Precog.

Lori: Precog that she and I were going to be traveling together, just the two of us, but I had no idea that that’s how we got to do it. It was because Karma had passed already.

Tracy: Yes. Isn’t that interesting? That’s why I tell people, if you have visual dreams or if you can remember your dreams, keep a dream journal. See how they start playing out in your life. Because not everything is play by play. Everything can be very symbolic.

Lori: I was just going to say that. Thank you for bringing that up. Just because somebody dies doesn’t mean they’re going to die. It’s symbolic.

Tracy: It is. I have my symbols for my dreams. I have my symbols when I’m communicating with spirit and things like that. I always love to write dreams down, and then when stuff starts happening, I love to go back and read what I wrote about that. It’s like, “Wow, that was almost verbatim what happened.”

Lori: Are you pre—what’s the term? Do you feel things? You see things, you hear things, or all of them?

Tracy: All of it. I got all the clairs. All them Clair sisters, yes. This is what I educate my students a lot about. You’ll hear people say, “I’m such and such. I’m a clairvoyant.” Well, that probably just means that that’s their dominant psychic ability. They’re also clairsentient and claircognizant. They’re all of it. We’re not just one.

Lori: Oh my gosh, this is so interesting. I could have this conversation all afternoon, but we don’t have all afternoon. Before I ask how people can get in touch with you, because I’m sure that if anybody listening is as fascinated by all of this as I am, they will want to reach out and continue a conversation with you. But before I ask you how they can do that, you know what the next question is, the hype song.

Tracy: You were going to make me choose.

Lori: I know. You said you had a hard time choosing. You’re welcome to mention more than one. So for you, what are the songs you listen to when you need an extra boost of energy?

Tracy: Okay. I’m going to give situation behind them so then we can have some context, right?

Lori: Okay, cool.

Tracy: Probably right before I go on stage for something or if I’m at a big event, then I probably have to listen to something like Eminem, Lose Yourself. Then if I got to get on a big call, and I’ve got to sell the show and get a big sponsorship or something, I’ll listen to They Call Me the Breeze. I love Lynyrd Skynyrd, and it’s like, “Yeah, I can fucking do that shit.” If I just want to pick me up, and if I just want to laugh about life, then I’ll listen to Jimmy Buffett, We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About. That could be written right on my memorial: She Was The People Our Parents Warned Us About.

Lori: Yes. I love it.

Tracy: Ring the bell if you understand.

Lori: Wait, there are sound effects on here. I don’t know how to use them. Maybe we’ll have Adam drop that in at that moment, right? I loved it because no one else has ever picked a Lynyrd Skynyrd song.

Tracy: What? My God, what type of people are you having on your show, Lori?

Lori: I don’t know. I may need to reevaluate. I feel compelled to mention that throughout this entire interview, which you’re not able to see, but Tracy has had a cat sitting on her lap.

Tracy: My precious black cat, Sassy.

Lori: Sassy. So adorable. I appreciate that. She was joining us for this interview. Okay. So now if people want to reach you, where do they find you?

Tracy: They can go to my links that are probably in the show notes.

Lori: Yes, they’ll be in the show notes.

Tracy: Join me on my one and only TikTok account or follow me on YouTube on Haunted Road Trips Show.

Lori: Haunted Road Trips Show, yes. I’m going to be tuning in for that. And I appreciate that it’s on YouTube because that’s pretty much the only place I watch.

Tracy: Yes. Join me on TikTok. I like to go live. I do a lot of free readings when I go live, talk to people bullshit, whatever.

Lori: There’s some incentive. Free readings.

Tracy: Yes. Free readings when I go live. It gets pretty interesting on there. We will see you there. Thank you.

Lori: Thank you so much for joining me today, Tracy, on FINE is a 4-Letter Word.




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