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Safety View: What is the Role of Mental Health in Organizational Performance?
5th December 2020 • Safeopedia Podcasts • Safeopedia Podcast
00:00:00 01:08:39

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What is the role of mental health in organizational performance? Join as we discuss if this is the province of human resources, safety, or leadership lead by Rosa Carrillo. Come share your thoughts and learn from others. We will look at the latest findings on the state of well-being at work and recommendations.

The International Labor Organization defines workplace wellbeing as it: “relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, their working environment, the climate at work and work organization. The aim of measures for workplace wellbeing are to complement OSH measures to make sure workers are safe, healthy, satisfied and engaged at work.”

Mental health affects how we perceive, think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

More About “The Safety View”

Each one-hour session is hosted by an expert or stakeholder in safety performance. And each session invites all attendees to participate, listen, and learn from each other and through conversation and shared experiences. Collectively, we explore the human system’s impact on safety and performance - relationally, psychologically, and socially.

We look forward to discussing this intriguing topic with you, and hope you are able to attend. However, if unable to attend, please know that all sessions will be available for view, by registrants and non-registrants alike, through the Safeopedia website

After a brief introduction to the topic and sharing of relevant research, the floor will be open for group conversation. We invite ALL to share their thoughts, and will openly embrace - actually encourage - different perspectives. We really want to hear from all, from those who can share measurable, scientific concepts, those who have knowledge gained from experience, and those who intend to learn and understand more.

Group Rules of Conduct:

➤ Build each other up to encourage and grow our ideas. Our group goal is to learn, share and expand our views.

➤ If you disagree, first repeat what you heard and get acknowledgement that you understand what others have tried to propose.

➤ Use "I think", "feel", "have discovered" during respectful rebuttals of others opinions and ideas.

➤ Be prepared to agree, to disagree as views will be different.from our own and we want to nurture others.

Regular Hosts of the Safety View are:

Rosa Carrillo author of The Relationship Factor in Safety Leadership, safety leadership consultant, MS in Organizational development.

Gary Wong, Complexity Facilitator at Gary Wong & Associates, Bachelor of Applied Science, Masters of Business Administration, safety and organizational change from a complexity perspective.

Tamara Parris, Community Development, Bachelors of Social Work, Occupational Health and Safety, and Emergency Management.

Lisa Lande, Ph.D., Principal Consultant at Petricher Consulting, LLC, licensed psychologist, human and organizational factors; safety, culture and leadership coach and consultant.



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